def add_hurricane_locations(): driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: def create_hurricane(tx, name, lat, lon): "CREATE (l1:Location {name: $name, latitude: $lat, longitude: $lon})", name=name, lat=lat, lon=lon) # Add locations where measurements need to be made session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Atlantic1", 18.607736, -61.288092) session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Atlantic2", 26.308562, -75.447379) session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Atlantic3", 25.957117, -78.542334) session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Atlantic4", 27.790243, -94.164242) session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Atlantic5", 11.426051, -81.619162) session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Pacific1", 33.079810, 143.703265) session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Pacific2", 22.183588, 136.097657) session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Pacific3", 14.090973, 130.073797) session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Pacific4", 6.680097, 130.780933) session.write_transaction(create_hurricane, "Pacific5", 0.427483, 138.535974)
def obtain_access_times(mission_id): # Connect to database, open session driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: # 1. Obtain a list of satellites that can participate in the mission from the Knowledge Graph satellites = retrieve_available_satellites(mission_id, session) # 2. Download the TLEs for the satellites satellites = add_tle_information(satellites) # 3. Get mission information mission = get_mission_information(mission_id, session) # 4. Save all required information on a file for Orekit: print(mission) print_orekit_info(satellites, mission) driver.close() # 5. Call Orekit and wait for the results before continuing jar_path = Path( os.environ.get("PROPAGATOR_JAR", "./jar_files/propagator.jar")) orekit_process = ["java", "-jar", str(jar_path)], cwd=os.getcwd()) # 5. Read Orekit results from file and put them into the right format for this code java_accesses_path = Path("./int_files/accesses.json") accesses_folder = Path("./int_files/accesses") accesses_path = accesses_folder / f'{mission["locations"][0]["name"]}.json' accesses_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(java_accesses_path, accesses_path) with"r") as accesses_file: accesses = json.load(accesses_file) # Return a map<Satellite, map<Instrument, map<Location, Intervals>> return accesses
def add_volcano_locations(): driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: def create_volcano(tx, name, lat, lon): "CREATE (l1:Location {name: $name, latitude: $lat, longitude: $lon})", name=name, lat=lat, lon=lon) # Add locations where measurements need to be made session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Kilauea", 19.4119543, -155.2747327) session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Etna", 37.7510042, 14.9846801) session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Piton de la Fournaise", -21.2494387, 55.7112432) session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Stromboli", 38.7918408, 15.1977824) session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Merapi", -7.5407171, 110.4282145) session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Erta Ale", 13.6069145, 40.6529394) session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Ol Doinyo Lengai", -2.7635781, 35.9056765) session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Mount Unzen", 32.7804497, 130.2497246) session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Mount Yasur", -19.527192, 169.4307231) session.write_transaction(create_volcano, "Ambrym", -16.2388854, 168.042517)
def clear_kg(): driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: summary = 'MATCH (m:Mission), (obs:Observation), (l:Location) ' 'DETACH DELETE m, obs, l').consume() print(summary.counters)
def create_logic(): driver = get_neo4j_driver() evidence = [] predicates = [] name_matching = {} predicate_types = set() with driver.session() as session: # Generate evidence and predicates for sensors and platforms results ='MATCH (s:Sensor)-[r:HOSTS]-(p:Platform) ' 'WHERE p.status = "Currently being flown" ' 'RETURN r') save_evidence(session, results, evidence, predicates, predicate_types) # Generate evidence and predicates for sensors and observable properties results = 'MATCH (p:Platform)-[:HOSTS]-(s:Sensor)-[r:OBSERVES]-(op:ObservableProperty) ' 'WHERE p.status = "Currently being flown" ' 'RETURN DISTINCT r') save_evidence(session, results, evidence, predicates, predicate_types) # Generate evidence and predicates for mission and observations results = 'MATCH (m:Mission)-[r:REQUIRES]-(ob:Observation) ' 'WHERE m.mid = 1 ' 'RETURN r') save_evidence(session, results, evidence, predicates, predicate_types) # Generate evidence and predicates for observations and its observable properties results = 'MATCH (m:Mission)-[:REQUIRES]-(ob:Observation)-[r:OBSERVEDPROPERTY]-(op:ObservableProperty) ' 'WHERE m.mid = 1 ' 'RETURN DISTINCT r') save_evidence(session, results, evidence, predicates, predicate_types) # Generate evidence and predicates for platforms being in visibility of the target visibility_threshold = 0.8 predicate_types.add('inVisibilityOfTarget') predicates.append({ 'type': 'inVisibilityOfTarget', 'node_types': ['Platform'] }) results ='MATCH (p:Platform) ' 'WHERE p.status = "Currently being flown" ' 'RETURN p') for record in results: platform_node = record.value() randnum = random() if randnum < visibility_threshold: evidence.append({ 'type': 'inVisibilityOfTarget', 'elements': [platform_node] }) return evidence, predicates
def add_flood_mission(location): driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: # Count number of missions to get ID result ='MATCH (m:Mission) RETURN count(m) as count') mission_count = result.single()[0] # Create a sample mission mission_id = mission_count + 1 summary = 'CREATE (m:Mission {mid: $mission_id, name: $name, description: $description})', mission_id=mission_id, name=f"Mission {mission_id} - Active Flood Monitoring", description='').consume() print(summary.counters) # Add the observations that need to be measured now_time = month_time = now_time + timedelta(days=14) summary = 'MATCH (op1:ObservableProperty), (op2:ObservableProperty), (op3:ObservableProperty), ' '(op4:ObservableProperty), (m:Mission) ' 'WHERE = "Soil moisture at the surface" AND = "Precipitation Profile (liquid or solid)" ' 'AND = "Land surface imagery" ' 'AND m.mid = $mission_id ' 'CREATE (o1:Observation {name: $name1, startDate: $start_date, endDate: $end_date, accuracy: $acc1}), ' '(o2:Observation {name: $name2, startDate: $start_date, endDate: $end_date, accuracy: $acc2}), ' '(o3:Observation {name: $name3, startDate: $start_date, endDate: $end_date, accuracy: $acc3}), ' '(m)-[:REQUIRES]->(o1), (m)-[:REQUIRES]->(o2), (m)-[:REQUIRES]->(o3), ' '(o1)-[:OBSERVEDPROPERTY]->(op1), (o2)-[:OBSERVEDPROPERTY]->(op2), ' '(o3)-[:OBSERVEDPROPERTY]->(op3), ', mission_id=mission_id, start_date=now_time, end_date=month_time, name1='M1 - Soil moisture', acc1='1 K', name2='M1 - Precipitation intensity', acc2='1 K', name3='M1 - Land cover', acc3='10 % confidence', #name5='M1 - Volcano Gases', #acc5='0.1' ).consume() print(summary.counters) summary = 'MATCH (m:Mission), (l:Location) ' 'WHERE m.mid = $mission_id AND = $location ' 'CREATE (m)-[:HASLOCATION]->(l)', mission_id=mission_id, location=location).consume() print(summary.counters) return mission_id
def compute_probabilities(): paths = Path('./int_files/simulations/') simulation_probabilities = {"Full Pipeline": [], "Benchmark Team": []} for simulation_path in [p for p in paths.iterdir() if p.is_dir()]: simulation_info_path = simulation_path / 'simulation_information.json' with as simulation_info_file: simulation_info = json.load(simulation_info_file) # Method 1 # Full process (UniKER - Sensing - Verification) location = simulation_info["location"] mission_id = simulation_info["mission_id"] access_intervals = read_access_times(location) print_kg_reasoning_files(mission_id, access_intervals, simulation_path) final_path = train_uniker(simulation_path) satellite_list = merge_results(final_path) shutil.rmtree(simulation_path / "record", ignore_errors=True) driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: team = get_sensors_from_satellite_list(session, satellite_list) team = run_sensor_planner(team, simulation_info) team_probs_info_path = simulation_path / 'team_probs.json' with'w') as team_probs_info_file: json.dump(team, team_probs_info_file) optimal_teams = run_verification(team, simulation_path, simulation_info, access_intervals) simulation_probabilities["Full Pipeline"].append(optimal_teams) simulation_results = paths / 'results.json' with'w') as simulation_res_file: simulation_res_file.write(str(simulation_probabilities)) # Method 2 # ... print(simulation_probabilities) simulation_results = paths / 'results.json' with'w') as simulation_res_file: simulation_res_file.write(str(simulation_probabilities)) #json.dump(simulation_probabilities, simulation_res_file) return simulation_probabilities
def add_flood_locations(): driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: def create_flood(tx, name, lat, lon): "CREATE (l1:Location {name: $name, latitude: $lat, longitude: $lon})", name=name, lat=lat, lon=lon) # Add locations where measurements need to be made session.write_transaction(create_flood, "India", 28.236019, 77.729279) session.write_transaction(create_flood, "Bangladesh", 23.078129, 90.624984) session.write_transaction(create_flood, "Texas", 29.695276, -95.351883) session.write_transaction(create_flood, "Italy", 45.421771, 12.141446) session.write_transaction(create_flood, "Brazil", -3.248639, -60.007637)
def add_forest_fire_locations(): driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: def create_forest_fire(tx, name, lat, lon): "CREATE (l1:Location {name: $name, latitude: $lat, longitude: $lon})", name=name, lat=lat, lon=lon) # Add locations where measurements need to be made session.write_transaction(create_forest_fire, "Spain", 41.673299, 1.640078) session.write_transaction(create_forest_fire, "Greece", 39.774301, 22.058433) session.write_transaction(create_forest_fire, "California", 37.735543, -120.793321) session.write_transaction(create_forest_fire, "Washington", 46.094343, -121.660813) session.write_transaction(create_forest_fire, "Kenya", -0.547029, 40.058512)
def generate_volcano_simulation(mission_id, access_intervals, eruption_length, eruption_start, location, speed, size, max_tir_temperature, max_swir_temperature, max_ash_cloud, max_terrain_displacement, max_so2_levels, simulation_information_path, data_streams_path): # For all data, we assume second-by-second collection for a week (24*7*3600 = 604800 data points) # We only save the data points for the times when the target is visible for each instrument # Furthermore, the volcano eruption starts happening at 3AM on the third day (datapoint 180000) # The peak of the eruption is at 8AM (dp 198000) # Eruption stops fifth day 12PM (dp 3852000) # Data back to nominal after 12 hours (dp 428400) fake_data_generators = {location: {}} eruption_start_dp = eruption_start*3600 eruption_max_dp = eruption_start_dp + speed*eruption_length*3600 eruption_slope_dp = eruption_start_dp + 0.9*eruption_length*3600 eruption_end_dp = eruption_start_dp + eruption_length*3600 # Generate TIR data (radiance @ 11 um) state_changes = [eruption_start_dp, eruption_max_dp, eruption_slope_dp, eruption_end_dp] states = [{"type": "stable", "mean": 10.}, {"type": "slope", "start": 10., "end": max_tir_temperature}, {"type": "stable", "mean": max_tir_temperature}, {"type": "slope", "start": max_tir_temperature, "end": 10.}, {"type": "stable", "mean": 10.}] fake_data_generators[location]["Land surface temperature"] = { "changes": state_changes, "states": states } # Generate SWIR data (radiance @ 4 um) state_changes = [eruption_start_dp, eruption_max_dp, eruption_slope_dp, eruption_end_dp] states = [{"type": "stable", "mean": 0.}, {"type": "slope", "start": 0., "end": max_swir_temperature}, {"type": "stable", "mean": max_swir_temperature}, {"type": "slope", "start": max_swir_temperature, "end": 0.}, {"type": "stable", "mean": 0.}] fake_data_generators[location]["Fire temperature"] = { "changes": state_changes, "states": states } # Generate Plume data (prob of ash plume) state_changes = [eruption_start_dp, eruption_max_dp, eruption_slope_dp, eruption_end_dp] states = [{"type": "stable", "mean": 0.}, {"type": "slope", "start": 0., "end": max_ash_cloud}, {"type": "stable", "mean": max_ash_cloud}, {"type": "slope", "start": max_ash_cloud, "end": 0.}, {"type": "stable", "mean": 0}] fake_data_generators[location]["Cloud type"] = { "changes": state_changes, "states": states } # Generate SAR data (mean displacement of terrain in mm) state_changes = [eruption_start_dp, eruption_max_dp, eruption_slope_dp, eruption_end_dp] states = [{"type": "slope", "start": 0., "end": 20.}, {"type": "slope", "start": 20., "end": max_terrain_displacement}, {"type": "slope", "start": max_terrain_displacement, "end": 30.}, {"type": "slope", "start": 30., "end": 0.}, {"type": "stable", "mean": 0.}] fake_data_generators[location]["Land surface topography"] = { "changes": state_changes, "states": states } # Generate SO2 data (Dobson units) state_changes = [eruption_start_dp, eruption_max_dp, eruption_slope_dp, eruption_end_dp] states = [{"type": "stable", "mean": 0.5}, {"type": "slope", "start": 0.5, "end": max_so2_levels}, {"type": "stable", "mean": max_so2_levels}, {"type": "slope", "start": max_so2_levels, "end": 0.5}, {"type": "stable", "mean": 0.5}] fake_data_generators[location]["Atmospheric Chemistry - SO2 (column/profile)"] = { "changes": state_changes, "states": states } # Connect to database, open session driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: satellites = retrieve_available_satellites(mission_id, session) data_locations_json = {} for satellite in satellites: if satellite["name"] in access_intervals["output"]: data_locations_json[satellite["name"]] = {} for instrument in satellite["sensors"]: data_locations_json[satellite["name"]][instrument["name"]] = {} for observation in instrument["characteristics"]: data_locations_json[satellite["name"]][instrument["name"]][observation] = {} for location in access_intervals["output"][satellite["name"]][instrument["name"]]: if access_intervals["output"][satellite["name"]][instrument["name"]][location]["timeArray"]: observation_name = slugify(satellite["name"] + "__" + instrument["name"] + "__" + location + "__" + observation) data_locations_json[satellite["name"]][instrument["name"]][observation][location] = observation_name + ".npy" array_path = data_streams_path / f"{observation_name}.npy" #time_array, data_array = generate_fake_timeline(instrument["characteristics"][observation]["Q"], # access_intervals["output"][satellite["name"]][instrument["name"]][location], # fake_data_generators[location][observation]) # with open(array_path, 'wb') as f: #, time_array) #, data_array) print(observation_name) observable_properties = ["Land surface temperature", "Fire temperature", "Cloud type" , "Land surface topography"] with'w', encoding='utf8') as simulation_information_file: simulation_information_json = { "mission_id": mission_id, "length": eruption_length, "start": eruption_start, "location": location, "speed": speed, "size": size, "max_tir_temperature": max_tir_temperature, "max_swir_temperature": max_swir_temperature, "max_ash_cloud": max_ash_cloud, "max_terrain_displacement": max_terrain_displacement, "max_so2_levels": max_so2_levels, "data_locations": data_locations_json, "observable_properties": observable_properties } json.dump(simulation_information_json, simulation_information_file)
def run_verification(original_team, simulation_path: Path, simulation_info, access_intervals): # data from knowledge graph driver = get_neo4j_driver() # Save kg with names first, at the end substitute for indices with driver.session() as session: mission_info = get_mission_information(simulation_info["mission_id"], session) path_to_dict = Path('./int_files/output.dict') prism_path = Path(os.environ.get("PRISM_PATH", 'D:/Dropbox/darpa_grant/prism/prism/bin')) print(prism_path) prism_wsl = (os.environ.get("PRISM_WSL", "yes") == "yes") # name of files for PRISM (saved to current directory) mission_file = simulation_path / "prop1.txt" # specification mdp_filename = "KG_MDP1.txt" # MDP output_filename = "output1.txt" # output log # Make paths absolute mission_file = mission_file.resolve() simulation_path = simulation_path.resolve() # Iterate teams until we have a manageable number of states (~1000) entity_dict, inv_entity_dict = retrieve_entity_dict(driver) num_states = inf base_team = copy.deepcopy(original_team) num_agents = 15 while num_states > 1000: mission_length = find_mission_length(mission_info) base_team = random_team_choice(base_team, num_agents) team = construct_team_from_list(base_team) target = simulation_info["location"] team_time = find_time_bounds(team, target, access_intervals) prefix_list = ['a', 's', 'm'] a_prefix, s_prefix, m_prefix = prefix_list team_time_id = generate_team_time_id(entity_dict, team_time, a_prefix, s_prefix) a_list, s_list = generate_as_lists(team, entity_dict, a_prefix, s_prefix) m_list = generate_m_list(team, simulation_path / "simulation_information.json", entity_dict, prefix_list[2]) num_asm = [len(a_list), len(s_list), len(m_list)] num_a, num_s, num_m = num_asm print('# of agents, sensors, meas: ', num_asm) if num_s > 16: num_agents -= 1 continue check_time(team, team_time_id, m_list, entity_dict, s_prefix, m_prefix) # relationship matrices relation_as = construct_as_matrix(team, entity_dict, num_a, num_s, a_prefix, s_prefix, a_list, s_list) # modules for PRISM MDP all_states = all_states_as(num_a, num_s, relation_as, a_list, s_list, team_time_id) num_states = len(all_states) # total number of states print(f"Num agents: {num_agents}; Num states: {num_states}") num_agents -= 1 #print(amy_team(team, "probabilities")) #print(amy_team(team, "times")) prefix_list = ['a', 's', 'm'] m_list = generate_m_list(team, simulation_path / "simulation_information.json", entity_dict, prefix_list[2]) qout = mp.Queue() processes = [mp.Process(target=parallelize, args=(team, team_time, entity_dict, inv_entity_dict, mission_file, mdp_filename, output_filename, simulation_path, prism_path, m_list, prefix_list, i, qout, prism_wsl)) for i in range(mission_length)] for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() result = [] teaming = [] times = [] for p in processes: result_p, teaming_p, time_dict = qout.get() result.append(result_p) teaming.append(teaming_p) times.append(time_dict) # merge all teaming dictionaries into one teams = {k: v for d in teaming for k, v in d.items()} timestep_dict = {k: v for d in times for k, v in d.items()} optimal_teaming = pareto_plot_all(result, teams, timestep_dict) print('\n ===================== OPTIMAL TEAM ===================== ') #print(result, teams) print(optimal_teaming) return optimal_teaming
def print_kg_reasoning_files(mission_id, access_intervals, simulation_path: Path): # Generate the Knowledge Base relationship by relationship, saving the entities in a set to later generate the # dictionary # Connect to database, open session driver = get_neo4j_driver() entities = set() relations = set() kg = [] # Save kg with names first, at the end substitute for indices with driver.session() as session: # HOSTS # isInstanceOf satellites_info = get_all_active_satellites_with_instruments(session) relations.add("HOSTS") relations.add("isInstanceOf") for satellite in satellites_info: sat_name = satellite["name"] entities.add(sat_name) for sensor in satellite["sensors"]: sensor_name = sensor["name"] sensor_instance_name = f"{sat_name}|{sensor_name}" entities.add(sensor_instance_name) kg.append({ "head": sat_name, "relationship": "HOSTS", "tail": sensor_instance_name }) entities.add(sensor_name) kg.append({ "head": sensor_instance_name, "relationship": "isInstanceOf", "tail": sensor_name }) # MEASURES relations.add("OBSERVES") measures_relations = get_observes_relationships(session) for relation in measures_relations: entities.add(relation["head"]) entities.add(relation["tail"]) kg.extend(measures_relations) # OBSERVEDPROPERTY relations.add("OBSERVEDPROPERTY") observedproperty_relations = get_observedproperty_relations(session) for relation in observedproperty_relations: entities.add(relation["head"]) entities.add(relation["tail"]) kg.extend(observedproperty_relations) # REQUIRES relations.add("REQUIRES") requires_relations = get_requires_relations(mission_id, session) for relation in requires_relations: entities.add(relation["head"]) entities.add(relation["tail"]) kg.extend(requires_relations) # HASLOCATION relations.add("HASLOCATION") haslocation_relations = get_haslocation_relations(mission_id, session) for relation in haslocation_relations: entities.add(relation["head"]) entities.add(relation["tail"]) kg.extend(haslocation_relations) # inVisibilityOfTarget relations.add("inVisibilityOfTarget") for sat_name, sat_info in access_intervals["output"].items(): for instr_name, instr_info in sat_info.items(): for target_name, accesses in instr_info.items(): if len(accesses["timeArray"]) > 0: sensor_instance_name = sat_name + "|" + instr_name entities.add(sensor_instance_name) entities.add(target_name) kg.append({ "head": sensor_instance_name, "relationship": "inVisibilityOfTarget", "tail": target_name }) # SENSORTYPE relations.add("SENSORTYPE") sensortype_relations = get_sensortype_relations(session) for relation in sensortype_relations: entities.add(relation["head"]) entities.add(relation["tail"]) kg.extend(sensortype_relations) # SENSORBAND relations.add("SENSORBAND") sensorband_relations = get_sensorband_relations(session) for relation in sensorband_relations: entities.add(relation["head"]) entities.add(relation["tail"]) kg.extend(sensorband_relations) # SENSORRULE relations.add("SENSORRULE") sensorrule_relations = get_sensorrule_relations(session) for relation in sensorrule_relations: entities.add(relation["head"]) entities.add(relation["tail"]) kg.extend(sensorrule_relations) # TYPEOBSERVES relations.add("TYPEOBSERVES") typeobserves_relations = get_typeobserves_relations(session) for relation in typeobserves_relations: entities.add(relation["head"]) entities.add(relation["tail"]) kg.extend(typeobserves_relations) relations.add("canParticipate") ground_truth = retrieve_available_satellites(mission_id, session) mission_info = get_mission_information(mission_id, session) # Print a file with a relation between entities and indices entities_dict_path = simulation_path / "entities.dict" inv_entity_dict = {} with'w', encoding='utf8') as entities_dict_file: for idx, entity in enumerate(entities): entities_dict_file.write(f"{idx}\t{entity}\n") inv_entity_dict[entity] = idx # Print a file with a relation between predicates and indices relations_dict_path = simulation_path / "relations.dict" inv_relation_dict = {} with'w', encoding='utf8') as relations_dict_file: for idx, relation in enumerate(relations): relations_dict_file.write(f"{idx}\t{relation}\n") inv_relation_dict[relation] = idx # Print the knowledge base into a file kg_path = simulation_path / "train.txt" kg_val_path = simulation_path / "valid.txt" train_val_split = 0.1 with'w', encoding='utf8') as kg_file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as kg_val_file: for fact in kg: if random.random() < train_val_split: kg_file.write( f'{fact["head"]}\t{fact["relationship"]}\t{fact["tail"]}\n' ) kg_val_file.write( f'{fact["head"]}\t{fact["relationship"]}\t{fact["tail"]}\n' ) else: kg_file.write( f'{fact["head"]}\t{fact["relationship"]}\t{fact["tail"]}\n' ) # Print a file with the logic rules src_rules_path = Path("./knowledge_reasoning/MLN_rule.txt") dst_rules_path = simulation_path / "MLN_rule.txt" shutil.copy(src_rules_path, dst_rules_path) (simulation_path / "final_rules").mkdir(exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(Path("./knowledge_reasoning/fc_observation.txt"), simulation_path / "final_rules" / "fc_observation.txt") shutil.copy(Path("./knowledge_reasoning/fc_visibility.txt"), simulation_path / "final_rules" / "fc_visibility.txt") # Print a ground truth with the set of satellites we know have a chance of participating at all ground_truth_path = simulation_path / "test.txt" with'w', encoding='utf8') as ground_truth_file: for satellite in ground_truth: ground_truth_file.write( f'{satellite["name"]}\tcanParticipate\t{mission_info["name"]}\n' )
def add_forest_fire_mission(location): driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: # Count number of missions to get ID result ='MATCH (m:Mission) RETURN count(m) as count') mission_count = result.single()[0] # Create a sample mission mission_id = mission_count + 1 summary = 'CREATE (m:Mission {mid: $mission_id, name: $name, description: $description})', mission_id=mission_id, name=f"Mission {mission_id} - Active Forest Fire Monitoring", description='').consume() print(summary.counters) # Add the observations that need to be measured now_time = month_time = now_time + timedelta(days=14) summary = 'MATCH (op1:ObservableProperty), (op2:ObservableProperty), (op3:ObservableProperty), ' '(op4:ObservableProperty), (m:Mission) ' 'WHERE = "Land surface temperature" AND = "Fire temperature" ' 'AND = "Cloud type" AND = "Trace gases (excluding ozone)" ' #'AND = "Atmospheric Chemistry - SO2 (column/profile)" ' 'AND m.mid = $mission_id ' 'CREATE (o1:Observation {name: $name1, startDate: $start_date, endDate: $end_date, accuracy: $acc1}), ' '(o2:Observation {name: $name2, startDate: $start_date, endDate: $end_date, accuracy: $acc2}), ' '(o3:Observation {name: $name3, startDate: $start_date, endDate: $end_date, accuracy: $acc3}), ' '(o4:Observation {name: $name4, startDate: $start_date, endDate: $end_date, accuracy: $acc4}), ' #'(o5:Observation {name: $name5, startDate: $start_date, endDate: $end_date, accuracy: $acc5}), ' '(m)-[:REQUIRES]->(o1), (m)-[:REQUIRES]->(o2), (m)-[:REQUIRES]->(o3), ' '(m)-[:REQUIRES]->(o4), ' #'(m)-[:REQUIRES]->(o5), ' '(o1)-[:OBSERVEDPROPERTY]->(op1), (o2)-[:OBSERVEDPROPERTY]->(op2), ' '(o3)-[:OBSERVEDPROPERTY]->(op3), (o4)-[:OBSERVEDPROPERTY]->(op4) ', #'(o5)-[:OBSERVEDPROPERTY]->(op5)', mission_id=mission_id, start_date=now_time, end_date=month_time, name1='M1 - Temperature (TIR)', acc1='1 K', name2='M1 - Temperature (SWIR)', acc2='1 K', name3='M1 - Smoke', acc3='10 % confidence', name4='M1 - CO Trace', acc4='10 cm', #name5='M1 - Volcano Gases', #acc5='0.1' ).consume() print(summary.counters) summary = 'MATCH (m:Mission), (l:Location) ' 'WHERE m.mid = $mission_id AND = $location ' 'CREATE (m)-[:HASLOCATION]->(l)', mission_id=mission_id, location=location).consume() print(summary.counters) return mission_id
def display_simulation_results(simulation_probabilities): cdf_line = None cdf2_line = None plt.ion() figure = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(15, 8)) widths = [1, 4, 1] heights = [2, 1] gs = figure.add_gridspec(ncols=3, nrows=2, width_ratios=widths, height_ratios=heights) earth_axes = figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) earth_axes.set_title('Eruption locations and sizes') earth_axes.set_xlabel('Longitude (deg)') earth_axes.set_ylabel('Latitude (deg)') sim_info = figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 2]) sim_info.axis('off') sim_text = sim_info.text(0.05, 0.95, "", transform=sim_info.transAxes, fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top') cdf_axes = figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) cdf_axes.set_title('Montecarlo Results') cdf_axes.set_xlabel('Simulation number') cdf_axes.set_ylabel('Probability of mission success') cdf_info = figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 2]) cdf_info.axis('off') cdf_text = cdf_info.text(0.05, 0.95, "", transform=cdf_info.transAxes, fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top') mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() #mng.window.state('zoomed') # works fine on Windows! path = geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres') earth_info = geopandas.read_file(path) earth_info.plot(ax=earth_axes, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black') simulations_path = Path("./int_files/simulations/") # Connect to database, open session driver = get_neo4j_driver() # Updates success_probs = [] success_probs_bench = [] x_axis = [] for simulation_idx, folder in enumerate( [x for x in simulations_path.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]): simulation_path = folder / "simulation_information.json" with"r") as simulation_file: simulation_info = json.load(simulation_file) with driver.session() as session: result = 'MATCH (l:Location) ' 'WHERE$name RETURN DISTINCT l;', name=simulation_info["location"]) record = result.single() location_info = { "name": record["l"]["name"], "latitude": record["l"]["latitude"], "longitude": record["l"]["longitude"] } earth_axes.add_artist( plt.Circle((location_info["longitude"], location_info["latitude"]), simulation_info["size"] * 0.1 / 10000 * 300, ec="red", fill=True, fc="orange")) sim_text.set_text(generate_simulation_text_info(simulation_info)) # Compute probs for demo video success_probs_bench.append(0.2) success_probs_bench.sort() success_probs.append( simulation_probabilities["Full Pipeline"][simulation_idx]) success_probs.sort() x_axis.append(simulation_idx) if cdf_line is None: cdf_line = cdf_axes.plot(x_axis, success_probs, marker='.', linestyle='', label="Full Pipeline")[0] cdf_line.set_data(x_axis, success_probs) if cdf2_line is None: cdf2_line = cdf_axes.plot(x_axis, success_probs_bench, color="red", label="Benchmark Team")[0] cdf2_line.set_data(x_axis, success_probs_bench) cdf_actualtext = '\n'.join([ f"Full Pipeline: {np.mean(success_probs):.5f}", f"Benchmark Team: {np.mean(success_probs_bench):.5f}" ]) cdf_text.set_text(cdf_actualtext) cdf_axes.legend() cdf_axes.relim() cdf_axes.autoscale_view() # Animation figure.canvas.draw_idle() figure.canvas.start_event_loop(0.0001) figure.canvas.start_event_loop(0)
def main(): simulation_path = Path('./int_files/simulations/simulation_0').resolve() simulation_info_path = simulation_path / 'simulation_information.json' with as simulation_info_file: simulation_info = json.load(simulation_info_file) # Method 1 # Full process (UniKER - Sensing - Verification) location = simulation_info["location"] mission_id = simulation_info["mission_id"] access_intervals = read_access_times(location) # ["Sentinel-1 A", "Sentinel-1 B", "GOES-13", "GOES-14", "GOES-15", "GOES-16", "GOES-17", "Aqua", "Terra"] satellite_list = [ "Sentinel-1 A", "Sentinel-1 B", "GOES-15", "GOES-17", "Aqua", "Terra" ] driver = get_neo4j_driver() with driver.session() as session: team = get_sensors_from_satellite_list(session, satellite_list) team = run_sensor_planner(team, simulation_info) team = construct_team_from_list(team) team_time = find_time_bounds(team, location, access_intervals) print(amy_team(team_time, "probabilities")) print(amy_team(team_time, "times")) entity_dict, inv_entity_dict = retrieve_entity_dict(driver) prefix_list = ['a', 's', 'm'] a_prefix, s_prefix, m_prefix = prefix_list team_time_id = generate_team_time_id(entity_dict, team_time, a_prefix, s_prefix) a_list, s_list = generate_as_lists(team, entity_dict, a_prefix, s_prefix) m_list = generate_m_list(team, simulation_path / "simulation_information.json", entity_dict, prefix_list[2]) num_asm = [len(a_list), len(s_list), len(m_list)] num_a, num_s, num_m = num_asm print('# of agents, sensors, meas: ', num_asm) check_time(team, team_time_id, m_list, entity_dict, s_prefix, m_prefix) # relationship matrices relation_as = construct_as_matrix(team, entity_dict, num_a, num_s, a_prefix, s_prefix, a_list, s_list) # modules for PRISM MDP all_states = all_states_as(num_a, num_s, relation_as, a_list, s_list, team_time_id) num_states = len(all_states) # total number of states prism_wsl = (os.environ.get("PRISM_WSL", "yes") == "yes") # name of files for PRISM (saved to current directory) mission_file = simulation_path / "prop1.txt" # specification mdp_filename = "KG_MDP1.txt" # MDP output_filename = "output1.txt" # output log prism_path = Path( os.environ.get("PRISM_PATH", 'D:/Dropbox/darpa_grant/prism/prism/bin')) print(prism_path) mission_length = 14 qout = mp.Queue() processes = [ mp.Process(target=parallelize, args=(team, team_time, entity_dict, inv_entity_dict, mission_file, mdp_filename, output_filename, simulation_path, prism_path, m_list, prefix_list, i, qout, prism_wsl)) for i in range(mission_length) ] for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() result = [] teaming = [] times = [] for p in processes: result_p, teaming_p, time_dict = qout.get() result.append(result_p) teaming.append(teaming_p) times.append(time_dict) # merge all teaming dictionaries into one teams = {k: v for d in teaming for k, v in d.items()} timestep_dict = {k: v for d in times for k, v in d.items()} optimal_teaming = pareto_plot_all(result, teams, timestep_dict) print('\n ===================== OPTIMAL TEAM ===================== ') print(optimal_teaming) print(result)