def create_from(cls, checkpoint: Dict, new_config: Config = None, dataset: Dataset = None, parent_job=None, parameter_client=None) -> Job: """ Creates a Job based on a checkpoint Args: checkpoint: loaded checkpoint new_config: optional config object - overwrites options of config stored in checkpoint dataset: dataset object parent_job: parent job (e.g. search job) Returns: Job based on checkpoint """ from kge.model import KgeModel model: KgeModel = None # search jobs don't have a model if "model" in checkpoint and checkpoint["model"] is not None: model = KgeModel.create_from(checkpoint, new_config=new_config, dataset=dataset, parameter_client=parameter_client) config = model.config dataset = model.dataset else: config = Config.create_from(checkpoint) if new_config: config.load_config(new_config) dataset = Dataset.create_from(checkpoint, config, dataset) job = Job.create(config, dataset, parent_job, model, parameter_client=parameter_client, init_for_load_only=True) job._load(checkpoint) job.config.log("Loaded checkpoint from {}...".format( checkpoint["file"])) return job
import torch from kge.model import KgeModel from import load_checkpoint import numpy as np # Link prediction performances of RESCAL, ComplEx, ConvE, DistMult and TransE on WN18RR* (out-of-vocabulary entities are removed) models = ['rescal', 'complex', 'conve', 'distmult', 'transe'] for m in models: if m == 'conex': """ """ raise NotImplementedError() else: # 1. Load pretrained model via LibKGE checkpoint = load_checkpoint( f'pretrained_models/FB15K-237/fb15k-237-{m}.pt') model = KgeModel.create_from(checkpoint) # 3. Create mappings. # 3.1 Entity index mapping. entity_idxs = { e: e_idx for e, e_idx in zip(model.dataset.entity_ids(), range(len(model.dataset.entity_ids()))) } # 3.2 Relation index mapping. relation_idxs = { r: r_idx for r, r_idx in zip(model.dataset.relation_ids(), range(len(model.dataset.relation_ids()))) } # 2. Load Dataset
def train(data_path, neg_batch_size, batch_size, shuffle, num_workers, nb_epochs, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, relation_dim, gpu, use_cuda, patience, freeze, validate_every, hops, lr, entdrop, reldrop, scoredrop, l3_reg, model_name, decay, ls, load_from, outfile, do_batch_norm, valid_data_path=None): print('Loading entities and relations') kg_type = 'full' if 'half' in hops: kg_type = 'half' checkpoint_file = '../../pretrained_models/embeddings/ComplEx_fbwq_' + kg_type + '/' print('Loading kg embeddings from', checkpoint_file) kge_checkpoint = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_file) kge_model = KgeModel.create_from(kge_checkpoint) kge_model.eval() e = getEntityEmbeddings(kge_model, hops) print('Loaded entities and relations') entity2idx, idx2entity, embedding_matrix = prepare_embeddings(e) data = process_text_file(data_path, split=False) print('Train file processed, making dataloader') # word2ix,idx2word, max_len = get_vocab(data) # hops = str(num_hops) device = torch.device(gpu if use_cuda else "cpu") dataset = DatasetMetaQA(data, e, entity2idx) data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers) print('Creating model...') model = RelationExtractor(embedding_dim=embedding_dim, num_entities=len(idx2entity), relation_dim=relation_dim, pretrained_embeddings=embedding_matrix, freeze=freeze, device=device, entdrop=entdrop, reldrop=reldrop, scoredrop=scoredrop, l3_reg=l3_reg, model=model_name, ls=ls, do_batch_norm=do_batch_norm) print('Model created!') if load_from != '': # model.load_state_dict(torch.load("checkpoints/roberta_finetune/" + load_from + ".pt")) fname = "checkpoints/roberta_finetune/" + load_from + ".pt" model.load_state_dict( torch.load(fname, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) scheduler = ExponentialLR(optimizer, decay) optimizer.zero_grad() best_score = -float("inf") best_model = model.state_dict() no_update = 0 # time.sleep(10) for epoch in range(nb_epochs): phases = [] for i in range(validate_every): phases.append('train') phases.append('valid') for phase in phases: if phase == 'train': model.train() # model.apply(set_bn_eval) loader = tqdm(data_loader, total=len(data_loader), unit="batches") running_loss = 0 for i_batch, a in enumerate(loader): model.zero_grad() question_tokenized = a[0].to(device) attention_mask = a[1].to(device) positive_head = a[2].to(device) positive_tail = a[3].to(device) loss = model(question_tokenized=question_tokenized, attention_mask=attention_mask, p_head=positive_head, p_tail=positive_tail) loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() loader.set_postfix(Loss=running_loss / ((i_batch + 1) * batch_size), Epoch=epoch) loader.set_description('{}/{}'.format(epoch, nb_epochs)) loader.update() scheduler.step() elif phase == 'valid': model.eval() eps = 0.0001 answers, score = validate_v2(model=model, data_path=valid_data_path, entity2idx=entity2idx, train_dataloader=dataset, device=device, model_name=model_name) if score > best_score + eps: best_score = score no_update = 0 best_model = model.state_dict() print( hops + " hop Validation accuracy (no relation scoring) increased from previous epoch", score) # writeToFile(answers, 'results_' + model_name + '_' + hops + '.txt') #, "checkpoints/roberta_finetune/") #, "checkpoints/roberta_finetune/" + outfile + ".pt") elif (score < best_score + eps) and (no_update < patience): no_update += 1 print( "Validation accuracy decreases to %f from %f, %d more epoch to check" % (score, best_score, patience - no_update)) elif no_update == patience: print( "Model has exceed patience. Saving best model and exiting" ) #, "checkpoints/roberta_finetune/") #, "checkpoints/roberta_finetune/" + outfile + ".pt") exit() if epoch == nb_epochs - 1: print("Final Epoch has reached. Stoping and saving model.") #, "checkpoints/roberta_finetune/") #, "checkpoints/roberta_finetune/" + outfile + ".pt") exit()
def perform_experiment(data_path, mode, neg_batch_size, batch_size, shuffle, num_workers, nb_epochs, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, relation_dim, gpu, use_cuda, patience, freeze, validate_every, hops, lr, entdrop, reldrop, scoredrop, l3_reg, model_name, decay, ls, load_from, outfile, do_batch_norm, que_embedding_model, valid_data_path=None, test_data_path=None): webqsp_checkpoint_folder = f"../../checkpoints/WebQSP/{model_name}_{que_embedding_model}_{outfile}/" if not os.path.exists(webqsp_checkpoint_folder): os.makedirs(webqsp_checkpoint_folder) print('Loading entities and relations') kg_type = 'full' if 'half' in hops: kg_type = 'half' checkpoint_file = f"../../pretrained_models/embeddings/{model_name}_fbwq_{kg_type}/" print('Loading kg embeddings from', checkpoint_file) kge_checkpoint = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_file) kge_model = KgeModel.create_from(kge_checkpoint) kge_model.eval() e = getEntityEmbeddings(model_name, kge_model, hops) print('Loaded entities and relations') entity2idx, idx2entity, embedding_matrix = prepare_embeddings(e) # word2ix,idx2word, max_len = get_vocab(data) # hops = str(num_hops) device = torch.device(gpu if use_cuda else "cpu") model = RelationExtractor(embedding_dim=embedding_dim, num_entities=len(idx2entity), relation_dim=relation_dim, pretrained_embeddings=embedding_matrix, freeze=freeze, device=device, entdrop=entdrop, reldrop=reldrop, scoredrop=scoredrop, l3_reg=l3_reg, model=model_name, que_embedding_model=que_embedding_model, ls=ls, do_batch_norm=do_batch_norm) # time.sleep(10) if mode == 'train': data = process_text_file(data_path) dataset = DatasetWebQSP(data, e, entity2idx, que_embedding_model, model_name) # if model_name=="ComplEx": # data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers) # else: # data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=custom_collate_fn) data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers) if load_from != '': # model.load_state_dict(torch.load("checkpoints/roberta_finetune/" + load_from + ".pt")) fname = f"checkpoints/{que_embedding_model}_finetune/{load_from}.pt" model.load_state_dict( torch.load(fname, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) scheduler = ExponentialLR(optimizer, decay) optimizer.zero_grad() best_score = -float("inf") best_model = model.state_dict() no_update = 0 for epoch in range(nb_epochs): phases = [] for i in range(validate_every): phases.append('train') phases.append('valid') for phase in phases: if phase == 'train': model.train() # model.apply(set_bn_eval) loader = tqdm(data_loader, total=len(data_loader), unit="batches") running_loss = 0 for i_batch, a in enumerate(loader): model.zero_grad() question_tokenized = a[0].to(device) attention_mask = a[1].to(device) positive_head = a[2].to(device) positive_tail = a[3].to(device) loss = model(question_tokenized=question_tokenized, attention_mask=attention_mask, p_head=positive_head, p_tail=positive_tail) loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() loader.set_postfix(Loss=running_loss / ((i_batch + 1) * batch_size), Epoch=epoch) loader.set_description('{}/{}'.format( epoch, nb_epochs)) loader.update() scheduler.step() elif phase == 'valid': model.eval() eps = 0.0001 answers, score = test(model=model, data_path=valid_data_path, entity2idx=entity2idx, dataloader=dataset, device=device, model_name=model_name, return_hits_at_k=False) if score > best_score + eps: best_score = score no_update = 0 best_model = model.state_dict() print( hops + " hop Validation accuracy (no relation scoring) increased from previous epoch", score) writeToFile( answers, f'results/{model_name}_{que_embedding_model}_{outfile}.txt' ) best_model, get_chkpt_path(model_name, que_embedding_model, outfile)) elif (score < best_score + eps) and (no_update < patience): no_update += 1 print( "Validation accuracy decreases to %f from %f, %d more epoch to check" % (score, best_score, patience - no_update)) elif no_update == patience: print( "Model has exceed patience. Saving best model and exiting" ) best_model, get_chkpt_path(model_name, que_embedding_model, outfile)) exit(0) if epoch == nb_epochs - 1: print( "Final Epoch has reached. Stoping and saving model." ) best_model, get_chkpt_path(model_name, que_embedding_model, outfile)) exit() #, "checkpoints/roberta_finetune/"+str(epoch)+".pt") #, "checkpoints/roberta_finetune/") elif mode == 'test': data = process_text_file(test_data_path) dataset = DatasetWebQSP(data, e, entity2idx, que_embedding_model, model_name) model_chkpt_file_path = get_chkpt_path(model_name, que_embedding_model, outfile) model.load_state_dict( torch.load(model_chkpt_file_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) for parameter in model.parameters(): parameter.requires_grad = False model.eval() answers, accuracy, hits_at_1, hits_at_5, hits_at_10 = test( model=model, data_path=test_data_path, entity2idx=entity2idx, dataloader=dataset, device=device, model_name=model_name, return_hits_at_k=True) d = { 'KG-Model': model_name, 'KG-Type': kg_type, 'Que-Embedding-Model': que_embedding_model, 'Accuracy': [accuracy], 'Hits@1': [hits_at_1], 'Hits@5': [hits_at_5], 'Hits@10': [hits_at_10] } df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) df.to_csv(f"final_results.csv", mode='a', index=False, header=False)