Exemple #1
def finish_auth(request):
    Step 2 of the oauth authentication: use the REQUEST_TOKEN to get an ACCESS_TOKEN
    params = request.GET
        request.session["REQUEST_TOKEN"] = OAuthToken(params['oauth_token'], params['oauth_token_secret'])
    except MultiValueDictKeyError as e:
        # we just want to generate a 500 anyway;
        #   nothing we could do here except give a slightly more meaningful error
        raise e

    logging.debug("Getting access token.")
    client = TestOAuthClient(KHAN_SERVER_URL, settings.KHAN_API_CONSUMER_KEY, settings.KHAN_API_CONSUMER_SECRET)
    request.session["ACCESS_TOKEN"] = client.fetch_access_token(request.session["REQUEST_TOKEN"])
    if not request.session["ACCESS_TOKEN"]:
        raise Exception("Did not get access token.")

    return request.session["ACCESS_TOKEN"]