def show_ads(args): """ Print list of all ads """ api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) [print("{} '{}'".format(adId, adName)) for adName, adId in api.get_all_ads()]
def delete_ad(args, api=None): """ Delete ad """ [data, _] = get_post_details(args.ad_file) get_username_if_needed(args, data) if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) if args.ad_file: del_ad_name = "" del_ad_category = -1 for item in data: if item == "postAdForm.title": del_ad_name = data[item] if item == "categoryId": del_ad_category = data[item] try: api.delete_ad_using_title(del_ad_name, del_ad_category) print("Deletion successful or unaffected") except kijiji_api.KijijiApiException: print( "Did not find an existing ad with matching title, skipping ad deletion" )
def delete_ad(args): """ Delete ad """ api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) api.delete_ad(
def check_ad(args, api=None): """ Check if ad is live """ [data, _] = get_post_details(args.ad_file) if not api: get_username_if_needed(args, data) api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) ad_title = "" ad_category = -1 for key, val in data.items(): if key == "postAdForm.title": ad_title = val if key == "categoryId": ad_category = val all_ads = api.get_all_ads() return [ ad['title'] for ad in all_ads if ad['title'] == ad_title and ad['categoryId'] == ad_category ]
def repost_ad(args, api=None): """ Repost ad Try to delete ad with same title if possible before reposting new ad """ [data, _] = get_post_details(args.ad_file) get_username_if_needed(args, data) if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) del_ad_name = "" for item in data: if item == "postAdForm.title": del_ad_name = data[item] try: api.delete_ad_using_title(del_ad_name) print("Existing ad deleted before reposting") except kijiji_api.KijijiApiException: print("Did not find an existing ad with matching title, skipping ad deletion") pass # Must wait a bit before posting the same ad even after deleting it, otherwise Kijiji will automatically remove it print("Waiting 3 minutes before posting again. Please do not exit this script.") sleep(180) post_ad(args)
def delete_ad(args, api=None): """ Delete ad """ if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) api.delete_ad(
def nuke(args): """ Delete all active ads """ api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) all_ads = api.get_all_ads() [api.delete_ad(ad['id']) for ad in all_ads]
def nuke(args): """ Delete all ads """ api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) allAds = api.get_all_ads() [api.delete_ad(adId) for adName, adId in allAds]
def post_ad(args): """ Post new ad """ [data, imageFiles] = get_inf_details(args.inf_file) api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) api.post_ad_using_data(data, imageFiles)
def repost_all(args, api=None): if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) all_ads_old = api.get_all_ads() [api.delete_ad(ad['@id']) for ad in all_ads_old] sleep(60) [api.post_ad_using_data(api.scrape_ad(ad), []) for ad in all_ads_old]
def nuke(args, api=None): """ Delete all active ads """ if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.ssid) all_ads = api.get_all_ads() [api.delete_ad(ad['id']) for ad in all_ads]
def post_ad(args, api=None): """ Post new ad """ [data, image_files] = get_post_details(args.ad_file) if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.ssid) attempts = 1 while not check_ad(args, api) and attempts < 5: if attempts > 1: print("Failed ad post attempt #{}, trying again.".format(attempts)) attempts += 1 if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.ssid) api.post_ad_using_data(data, image_files) if not check_ad(args, api): print("Failed ad post attempt #{}, giving up.".format(attempts))
def check_ad(args): """ Check if ad is live """ api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) AdName = "" for line in open(args.inf_file, 'rt'): [key, val] = line.strip().rstrip("\n").split("=") if key == "postAdForm.title": AdName = val allAds = api.get_all_ads() return [t for t, i in allAds if t == AdName]
def show_ads(args): """ Print list of all ads """ api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) all_ads = api.get_all_ads() print(" id ", "page", "views", " title") [ print("{ad_id:10} {rank:4} {views:5} '{title}'".format( ad_id=ad['id'], rank=ad['rank'], views=ad['views'], title=ad['title'])) for ad in all_ads ]
def post_ad(args): """ Post new ad """ [data, imageFiles] = get_inf_details(args.inf_file) attempts = 1 while not check_ad(args) and attempts < 5: if attempts > 1: print("Failed Attempt #" + str(attempts) + ", trying again.") attempts += 1 api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) api.post_ad_using_data(data, imageFiles) sleep(180) if not check_ad(args): print("Failed Attempt #" + str(attempts) + ", giving up.")
def show_ads(args, api=None): """ Print list of all ads """ if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) all_ads = sorted(api.get_all_ads(), key=lambda k: k[args.sort_key], reverse=args.sort_reverse) print(" id ", "page", "views", " title") [print("{ad_id:10} {rank:4} {views:5} '{title}'".format( ad_id=ad['id'], rank=ad['rank'], views=ad['views'], title=ad['title'] )) for ad in all_ads]
def check_ad(args): """ Check if ad is live """ [data, _] = get_post_details(args.ad_file) get_username_if_needed(args, data) api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) ad_title = "" for key, val in data.items(): if key == "postAdForm.title": ad_title = val break all_ads = api.get_all_ads() return [ad['title'] for ad in all_ads if ad['title'] == ad_title]
def check_ad(args, api=None): """ Check if ad is live """ [data, _] = get_post_details(args.ad_file) if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.ssid) ad_title = "" for key, val in data.items(): if key == "postAdForm.title": ad_title = val all_ads = api.get_all_ads() return [ad['title'] for ad in all_ads if ad['title'] == ad_title]
def post_ad(args): """ Post new ad """ [data, image_files] = get_post_details(args.ad_file) get_username_if_needed(args, data) attempts = 1 while not check_ad(args) and attempts < 5: if attempts > 1: print("Failed ad post attempt #{}, trying again.".format(attempts)) attempts += 1 api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) api.post_ad_using_data(data, image_files) if not check_ad(args): print("Failed ad post attempt #{}, giving up.".format(attempts))
def delete_ad(args, api=None): """ Delete ad """ [data, _] = get_post_details(args.ad_file) if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.ssid) if args.ad_file: del_ad_name = "" for item in data: if item == "postAdForm.title": del_ad_name = data[item] try: api.delete_ad_using_title(del_ad_name) print("Deletion successful or unaffected") except kijiji_api.KijijiApiException: print("Did not find an existing ad with matching title, skipping ad deletion")
def post_ad(args, api=None): generator.run_program(args.ad_file) [data, image_files] = get_post_details(args.ad_file) get_username_if_needed(args, data) attempts = 1 while not check_ad(args) and attempts < 5: if attempts > 1: print("Failed ad post attempt #{}, trying again.".format(attempts)) attempts += 1 if not api: api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() print('Authenticating user..') api.login(args.username, args.password) api.post_ad_using_data(data, image_files) if not check_ad(args): print('Ad has been taken down :(') print("Failed ad post attempt #{}, giving up.".format(attempts)) else: print('Ad is alive. Program will now exit.')
def repost_ad(args): """ Repost ad Try to delete ad with same title if possible before reposting new ad """ api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.login(args.username, args.password) delAdName = "" for line in open(args.inf_file, 'rt'): [key, val] = line.strip().rstrip("\n").split("=") if key == "postAdForm.title": delAdName = val try: api.delete_ad_using_title(delAdName) print("Existing ad deleted before reposting") except kijiji_api.DeleteAdException: print("Did not find an existing ad with matching title, skipping ad deletion") pass # Must wait a bit before posting the same ad even after deleting it, otherwise Kijiji will automatically remove it sleep(180) post_ad(args)
def delete_ad_using_title(name): """ Delete ad based on ad title """ api = kijiji_api.KijijiApi() api.delete_ad_using_title(name)