Exemple #1
    def test_async_tasks(self):
        class task_except(Exception):

        def quick_op(cb, message):
            cb(message, True)

        def long_op(cb, params):
            time.sleep(params.get('delay', 3))
            cb(params.get('message', ''), params.get('result', False))

        def abnormal_op(cb, params):
                raise task_except
                cb("Exception raised", False)

        def continuous_ops(cb, params):
            cb("step 1 OK")
            cb("step 2 OK")
            cb("step 3 OK", params.get('result', True))

        inst = model.Model('test:///default',
        taskid = add_task('', quick_op, inst.objstore, 'Hello')
        self.assertEquals(1, taskid)
        self.assertEquals('finished', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
        self.assertEquals('Hello', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['message'])

        taskid = add_task('', long_op, inst.objstore,
                          {'delay': 3, 'result': False,
                           'message': 'It was not meant to be'})
        self.assertEquals(2, taskid)
        self.assertEquals('running', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
        self.assertEquals('OK', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['message'])
        self.assertEquals('failed', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
        self.assertEquals('It was not meant to be',
        taskid = add_task('', abnormal_op, inst.objstore, {})
        self.assertEquals('Exception raised',
        self.assertEquals('failed', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])

        taskid = add_task('', continuous_ops, inst.objstore,
                          {'result': True})
        self.assertEquals('running', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
        inst.task_wait(taskid, timeout=10)
        self.assertEquals('finished', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
Exemple #2
    def test_async_tasks(self):
        class task_except(Exception):

        def quick_op(cb, message):
            cb(message, True)

        def long_op(cb, params):
            time.sleep(params.get('delay', 3))
            cb(params.get('message', ''), params.get('result', False))

        def abnormal_op(cb, params):
                raise task_except
                cb("Exception raised", False)

        def continuous_ops(cb, params):
            cb("step 1 OK")
            cb("step 2 OK")
            cb("step 3 OK", params.get('result', True))

        inst = model.Model('test:///default', objstore_loc=self.tmp_store)
        taskid = add_task('', quick_op, inst.objstore, 'Hello')
        self.assertEquals(1, taskid)
        self.assertEquals('finished', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
        self.assertEquals('Hello', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['message'])

        taskid = add_task('', long_op, inst.objstore, {
            'delay': 3,
            'result': False,
            'message': 'It was not meant to be'
        self.assertEquals(2, taskid)
        self.assertEquals('running', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
        self.assertEquals('OK', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['message'])
        self.assertEquals('failed', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
        self.assertEquals('It was not meant to be',
        taskid = add_task('', abnormal_op, inst.objstore, {})
        self.assertEquals('Exception raised',
        self.assertEquals('failed', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])

        taskid = add_task('', continuous_ops, inst.objstore, {'result': True})
        self.assertEquals('running', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
        inst.task_wait(taskid, timeout=10)
        self.assertEquals('finished', inst.task_lookup(taskid)['status'])
Exemple #3
    def _gen_debugreport_file(self, name):
        gen_cmd = self.get_system_report_tool()

        if gen_cmd is not None:
            return add_task('', gen_cmd, self.objstore, name)

        raise OperationFailed("KCHDR0002E")
Exemple #4
    def create(self, vm_name, params={}):
        """Create a snapshot with the current domain state.

        The VM must be stopped and contain only disks with format 'qcow2';
        otherwise an exception will be raised.

        vm_name -- the name of the VM where the snapshot will be created.
        params -- a dict with the following values:
            "name": The snapshot name (optional). If omitted, a default value
            based on the current time will be used.

        A Task running the operation.
        vir_dom = VMModel.get_vm(vm_name, self.conn)
        if DOM_STATE_MAP[vir_dom.info()[0]] != u'shutoff':
            raise InvalidOperation('KCHSNAP0001E', {'vm': vm_name})

        # if the VM has a non-CDROM disk with type 'raw', abort.
        for storage_name in self.vmstorages.get_list(vm_name):
            storage = self.vmstorage.lookup(vm_name, storage_name)
            type = storage['type']
            format = storage['format']

            if type != u'cdrom' and format != u'qcow2':
                raise InvalidOperation('KCHSNAP0010E', {'vm': vm_name,
                                                        'format': format})

        name = params.get('name', unicode(int(time.time())))

        task_params = {'vm_name': vm_name, 'name': name}
        taskid = add_task(u'/vms/%s/snapshots/%s' % (vm_name, name),
                          self._create_task, self.objstore, task_params)
        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #5
    def clone(self, pool, name, new_pool=None, new_name=None):
        """Clone a storage volume.

        pool -- The name of the original pool.
        name -- The name of the original volume.
        new_pool -- The name of the destination pool (optional). If omitted,
            the new volume will be created on the same pool as the
            original one.
        new_name -- The name of the new volume (optional). If omitted, a new
            value based on the original volume's name will be used.

        A Task running the clone operation.
        # the same pool will be used if no pool is specified
        if new_pool is None:
            new_pool = pool

        # a default name based on the original name will be used if no name
        # is specified
        if new_name is None:
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
            new_name = get_next_clone_name(self.storagevolumes.get_list(pool),
                                           base, ext)

        params = {'pool': pool,
                  'name': name,
                  'new_pool': new_pool,
                  'new_name': new_name}
        taskid = add_task(u'/storagepools/%s/storagevolumes/%s' %
                          (pool, new_name), self._clone_task, self.objstore,
        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #6
    def create(self, params):
        t_name = template_name_from_uri(params['template'])
        vm_list = self.get_list()
        name = get_vm_name(params.get('name'), t_name, vm_list)
        # incoming text, from js json, is unicode, do not need decode
        if name in vm_list:
            raise InvalidOperation("KCHVM0001E", {'name': name})

        vm_overrides = dict()
        pool_uri = params.get('storagepool')
        if pool_uri:
            vm_overrides['storagepool'] = pool_uri
            vm_overrides['fc_host_support'] = self.caps.fc_host_support
        t = TemplateModel.get_template(t_name, self.objstore, self.conn,

        if not self.caps.qemu_stream and t.info.get('iso_stream', False):
            raise InvalidOperation("KCHVM0005E")

        data = {'name': name, 'template': t,
                'graphics': params.get('graphics', {})}
        taskid = add_task(u'/vms/%s' % name, self._create_task,
                          self.objstore, data)

        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #7
    def create(self, pool_name, params):
        vol_source = ['url', 'capacity']

        name = params.get('name')

        index_list = list(i for i in range(len(vol_source))
                          if vol_source[i] in params)
        if len(index_list) != 1:
            raise InvalidParameter("KCHVOL0018E",
                                   {'param': ",".join(vol_source)})

        create_param = vol_source[index_list[0]]

        # Verify if the URL is valid
        if create_param == 'url':
            url = params['url']
                raise InvalidParameter('KCHVOL0022E', {'url': url})

        all_vol_names = self.get_list(pool_name)

        if name is None:
            # the methods listed in 'REQUIRE_NAME_PARAMS' cannot have
            # 'name' == None
            if create_param in REQUIRE_NAME_PARAMS:
                raise InvalidParameter('KCHVOL0016E')

            # if 'name' is omitted - except for the methods listed in
            # 'REQUIRE_NAME_PARAMS' - the default volume name will be the
            # file/URL basename.
            if create_param == 'url':
                name = os.path.basename(params['url'])
                name = 'upload-%s' % int(time.time())

            name = get_unique_file_name(all_vol_names, name)
            params['name'] = name

            create_func = getattr(self, '_create_volume_with_%s' %
        except AttributeError:
            raise InvalidParameter("KCHVOL0019E", {'param': create_param})

        pool_info = StoragePoolModel(conn=self.conn,
        if pool_info['type'] in READONLY_POOL_TYPE:
            raise InvalidParameter("KCHVOL0012E", {'type': pool_info['type']})
        if pool_info['state'] == 'inactive':
            raise InvalidParameter('KCHVOL0003E', {'pool': pool_name,
                                                   'volume': name})
        if name in all_vol_names:
            raise InvalidParameter('KCHVOL0001E', {'name': name})

        params['pool'] = pool_name
        targeturi = '/storagepools/%s/storagevolumes/%s' % (pool_name, name)
        taskid = add_task(targeturi, create_func, self.objstore, params)
        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #8
    def _gen_debugreport_file(self, name):
        gen_cmd = self.get_system_report_tool()

        if gen_cmd is not None:
            return add_task('', gen_cmd, self.objstore, name)

        raise OperationFailed("KCHDR0002E")
    def clone(self, pool, name, new_pool=None, new_name=None):
        """Clone a storage volume.

        pool -- The name of the original pool.
        name -- The name of the original volume.
        new_pool -- The name of the destination pool (optional). If omitted,
            the new volume will be created on the same pool as the
            original one.
        new_name -- The name of the new volume (optional). If omitted, a new
            value based on the original volume's name will be used.

        A Task running the clone operation.
        # the same pool will be used if no pool is specified
        if new_pool is None:
            new_pool = pool

        # a default name based on the original name will be used if no name
        # is specified
        if new_name is None:
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
            new_name = get_next_clone_name(self.storagevolumes.get_list(pool),
                                           base, ext)

        params = {'pool': pool,
                  'name': name,
                  'new_pool': new_pool,
                  'new_name': new_name}
        taskid = add_task(u'/storagepools/%s/storagevolumes/%s' %
                          (pool, new_name), self._clone_task, self.objstore,
        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #10
    def clone(self, name):
        """Clone a virtual machine based on an existing one.

        The new virtual machine will have the exact same configuration as the
        original VM, except for the name, UUID, MAC addresses and disks. The
        name will have the form "<name>-clone-<number>", with <number> starting
        at 1; the UUID will be generated randomly; the MAC addresses will be
        generated randomly with no conflicts within the original and the new
        VM; and the disks will be new volumes [mostly] on the same storage
        pool, with the same content as the original disks. The storage pool
        'default' will always be used when cloning SCSI and iSCSI disks and
        when the original storage pool cannot hold the new volume.

        An exception will be raised if the virtual machine <name> is not
        shutoff, if there is no available space to copy a new volume to the
        storage pool 'default' (when there was also no space to copy it to the
        original storage pool) and if one of the virtual machine's disks belong
        to a storage pool not supported by Kimchi.

        name -- The name of the existing virtual machine to be cloned.

        A Task running the clone operation.
        name = name.decode('utf-8')

        # VM must be shutoff in order to clone it
        info = self.lookup(name)
        if info['state'] != u'shutoff':
            raise InvalidParameter('KCHVM0033E', {'name': name})

        # the new VM's name will be used as the Task's 'target_uri' so it needs
        # to be defined now.

        vms_being_created = []

        # lookup names of VMs being created right now
        with self.objstore as session:
            task_names = session.get_list('task')
            for tn in task_names:
                t = session.get('task', tn)
                if t['target_uri'].startswith('/vms/'):
                    uri_name = t['target_uri'][5:]  # 5 = len('/vms/')

        current_vm_names = self.vms.get_list() + vms_being_created
        new_name = get_next_clone_name(current_vm_names, name)

        # create a task with the actual clone function
        taskid = add_task(u'/vms/%s' % new_name, self._clone_task,
                          self.objstore, {
                              'name': name,
                              'new_name': new_name

        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #11
    def clone(self, name):
        """Clone a virtual machine based on an existing one.

        The new virtual machine will have the exact same configuration as the
        original VM, except for the name, UUID, MAC addresses and disks. The
        name will have the form "<name>-clone-<number>", with <number> starting
        at 1; the UUID will be generated randomly; the MAC addresses will be
        generated randomly with no conflicts within the original and the new
        VM; and the disks will be new volumes [mostly] on the same storage
        pool, with the same content as the original disks. The storage pool
        'default' will always be used when cloning SCSI and iSCSI disks and
        when the original storage pool cannot hold the new volume.

        An exception will be raised if the virtual machine <name> is not
        shutoff, if there is no available space to copy a new volume to the
        storage pool 'default' (when there was also no space to copy it to the
        original storage pool) and if one of the virtual machine's disks belong
        to a storage pool not supported by Kimchi.

        name -- The name of the existing virtual machine to be cloned.

        A Task running the clone operation.
        name = name.decode('utf-8')

        # VM must be shutoff in order to clone it
        info = self.lookup(name)
        if info['state'] != u'shutoff':
            raise InvalidParameter('KCHVM0033E', {'name': name})

        # the new VM's name will be used as the Task's 'target_uri' so it needs
        # to be defined now.

        vms_being_created = []

        # lookup names of VMs being created right now
        with self.objstore as session:
            task_names = session.get_list('task')
            for tn in task_names:
                t = session.get('task', tn)
                if t['target_uri'].startswith('/vms/'):
                    uri_name = t['target_uri'][5:]  # 5 = len('/vms/')

        current_vm_names = self.vms.get_list() + vms_being_created
        new_name = get_next_clone_name(current_vm_names, name)

        # create a task with the actual clone function
        taskid = add_task(u'/vms/%s' % new_name, self._clone_task,
                          {'name': name, 'new_name': new_name})

        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #12
    def swupdate(self, *name):
            swupdate = SoftwareUpdate()
            raise OperationFailed('KCHPKGUPD0004E')

        pkgs = swupdate.getNumOfUpdates()
        if pkgs == 0:
            raise OperationFailed('KCHPKGUPD0001E')

        kimchi_log.debug('Host is going to be updated.')
        taskid = add_task('', swupdate.doUpdate, self.objstore, None)
        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #13
    def swupdate(self, *name):
            swupdate = SoftwareUpdate()
            raise OperationFailed('KCHPKGUPD0004E')

        pkgs = swupdate.getNumOfUpdates()
        if pkgs == 0:
            raise OperationFailed('KCHPKGUPD0001E')

        kimchi_log.debug('Host is going to be updated.')
        taskid = add_task('', swupdate.doUpdate, self.objstore, None)
        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #14
    def test_tasks(self):
        id1 = add_task('/tasks/1', self._async_op, model.objstore)
        id2 = add_task('/tasks/2', self._except_op, model.objstore)
        id3 = add_task('/tasks/3', self._intermid_op, model.objstore)

        target_uri = urllib2.quote('^/tasks/*', safe="")
        filter_data = 'status=running&target_uri=%s' % target_uri
        tasks = json.loads(self.request('/tasks?%s' % filter_data).read())
        self.assertEquals(3, len(tasks))

        tasks = json.loads(self.request('/tasks').read())
        tasks_ids = [int(t['id']) for t in tasks]
        self.assertEquals(set([id1, id2, id3]) - set(tasks_ids), set([]))
        wait_task(self._task_lookup, id2)
        foo2 = json.loads(self.request('/tasks/%s' % id2).read())
        keys = ['id', 'status', 'message', 'target_uri']
        self.assertEquals(sorted(keys), sorted(foo2.keys()))
        self.assertEquals('failed', foo2['status'])
        wait_task(self._task_lookup, id3)
        foo3 = json.loads(self.request('/tasks/%s' % id3).read())
        self.assertEquals('in progress', foo3['message'])
        self.assertEquals('running', foo3['status'])
Exemple #15
    def create(self, vm_name, params={}):
        """Create a snapshot with the current domain state.

        The VM must be stopped and contain only disks with format 'qcow2';
        otherwise an exception will be raised.

        vm_name -- the name of the VM where the snapshot will be created.
        params -- a dict with the following values:
            "name": The snapshot name (optional). If omitted, a default value
            based on the current time will be used.

        A Task running the operation.
        vir_dom = VMModel.get_vm(vm_name, self.conn)
        if DOM_STATE_MAP[vir_dom.info()[0]] != u'shutoff':
            raise InvalidOperation('KCHSNAP0001E', {'vm': vm_name})

        # if the VM has a non-CDROM disk with type 'raw', abort.
        for storage_name in self.vmstorages.get_list(vm_name):
            storage = self.vmstorage.lookup(vm_name, storage_name)
            type = storage['type']
            format = storage['format']

            if type != u'cdrom' and format != u'qcow2':
                raise InvalidOperation('KCHSNAP0010E', {
                    'vm': vm_name,
                    'format': format

        name = params.get('name', unicode(int(time.time())))

        task_params = {'vm_name': vm_name, 'name': name}
        taskid = add_task(u'/vms/%s/snapshots/%s' % (vm_name, name),
                          self._create_task, self.objstore, task_params)
        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #16
        scan_params['scan_path'] = params['path']
        params['type'] = 'dir'

        for pool in self.get_list():
                res = StoragePoolModel(conn=self.conn,
                if res['state'] == 'active':
            except Exception, e:
                err = "Exception %s occured when get ignore path"
                kimchi_log.debug(err % e.message)

        params['path'] = self.scanner.scan_dir_prepare(params['name'])
        scan_params['pool_path'] = params['path']
        task_id = add_task('/storagepools/%s' % ISO_POOL_NAME,
                           self.scanner.start_scan, self.objstore, scan_params)
        # Record scanning-task/storagepool mapping for future querying
            with self.objstore as session:
                session.store('scanning', params['name'], task_id)
            return task_id
        except Exception as e:
            raise OperationFailed('KCHPOOL0037E', {'err': e.message})

class StoragePoolModel(object):
    def __init__(self, **kargs):
        self.conn = kargs['conn']
        self.objstore = kargs['objstore']

Exemple #17
        scan_params['scan_path'] = params['path']
        params['type'] = 'dir'

        for pool in self.get_list():
                res = StoragePoolModel(conn=self.conn,
                if res['state'] == 'active':
            except Exception, e:
                err = "Exception %s occured when get ignore path"
                kimchi_log.debug(err % e.message)

        params['path'] = self.scanner.scan_dir_prepare(params['name'])
        scan_params['pool_path'] = params['path']
        task_id = add_task('', self.scanner.start_scan, self.objstore,
        # Record scanning-task/storagepool mapping for future querying
            with self.objstore as session:
                session.store('scanning', params['name'], task_id)
            return task_id
        except Exception as e:
            raise OperationFailed('KCHPOOL0037E', {'err': e.message})

class StoragePoolModel(object):
    def __init__(self, **kargs):
        self.conn = kargs['conn']
        self.objstore = kargs['objstore']

Exemple #18
 def _mock_vmsnapshots_create(self, vm_name, params):
     name = params.get('name', unicode(int(time.time())))
     params = {'vm_name': vm_name, 'name': name}
     taskid = add_task(u'/vms/%s/snapshots/%s' % (vm_name, name),
                       self._vmsnapshots_create_task, self.objstore, params)
     return self.task_lookup(taskid)
Exemple #19
 def _mock_vmsnapshots_create(self, vm_name, params):
     name = params.get('name', unicode(int(time.time())))
     params = {'vm_name': vm_name, 'name': name}
     taskid = add_task(u'/vms/%s/snapshots/%s' % (vm_name, name),
                       self._vmsnapshots_create_task, self.objstore, params)
     return self.task_lookup(taskid)
Exemple #20
 def _gen_debugreport_file(self, name):
     return add_task('/debugreports/%s' % name, self._create_log,
                     self.objstore, name)
Exemple #21
        scan_params['scan_path'] = params['path']
        params['type'] = 'dir'

        for pool in self.get_list():
                res = StoragePoolModel(conn=self.conn,
                if res['state'] == 'active':
            except Exception, e:
                err = "Exception %s occured when get ignore path"
                kimchi_log.debug(err % e.message)

        params['path'] = self.scanner.scan_dir_prepare(params['name'])
        scan_params['pool_path'] = params['path']
        task_id = add_task('/storagepools/%s' % ISO_POOL_NAME,
                           self.scanner.start_scan, self.objstore, scan_params)
        # Record scanning-task/storagepool mapping for future querying
            with self.objstore as session:
                session.store('scanning', params['name'], task_id)
            return task_id
        except Exception as e:
            raise OperationFailed('KCHPOOL0037E', {'err': e.message})

class StoragePoolModel(object):
    def __init__(self, **kargs):
        self.conn = kargs['conn']
        self.objstore = kargs['objstore']

Exemple #22
 def _gen_debugreport_file(self, name):
     return add_task('/debugreports/%s' % name, self._create_log,
                     self.objstore, name)
Exemple #23
        scan_params = dict(ignore_list=[])
        scan_params['scan_path'] = params['path']
        params['type'] = 'dir'

        for pool in self.get_list():
                res = self.storagepool_lookup(pool)
                if res['state'] == 'active':
            except Exception, e:
                err = "Exception %s occured when get ignore path"
                kimchi_log.debug(err % e.message)

        params['path'] = self.scanner.scan_dir_prepare(params['name'])
        scan_params['pool_path'] = params['path']
        task_id = add_task('', self.scanner.start_scan, self.objstore,
        # Record scanning-task/storagepool mapping for future querying
        with self.objstore as session:
            session.store('scanning', params['name'], task_id)
        return task_id

class StoragePoolModel(object):
    def __init__(self, **kargs):
        self.conn = kargs['conn']
        self.objstore = kargs['objstore']

    def get_storagepool(name, conn):
        conn = conn.get()
Exemple #24
    def create(self, pool_name, params):
        vol_source = ['file', 'url', 'capacity']

        name = params.get('name')

        index_list = list(i for i in range(len(vol_source))
                          if vol_source[i] in params)
        if len(index_list) != 1:
            raise InvalidParameter("KCHVOL0018E",
                                   {'param': ",".join(vol_source)})

        create_param = vol_source[index_list[0]]

        # Verify if the URL is valid
        if create_param == 'url':
            url = params['url']
                raise InvalidParameter('KCHVOL0022E', {'url': url})

        all_vol_names = self.get_list(pool_name)

        if name is None:
            # the methods listed in 'REQUIRE_NAME_PARAMS' cannot have
            # 'name' == None
            if create_param in REQUIRE_NAME_PARAMS:
                raise InvalidParameter('KCHVOL0016E')

            # if 'name' is omitted - except for the methods listed in
            # 'REQUIRE_NAME_PARAMS' - the default volume name will be the
            # file/URL basename.
            if create_param == 'file':
                name = os.path.basename(params['file'].filename)
            elif create_param == 'url':
                name = os.path.basename(params['url'])
                name = 'upload-%s' % int(time.time())

            name = get_unique_file_name(all_vol_names, name)
            params['name'] = name

            create_func = getattr(self,
                                  '_create_volume_with_%s' % create_param)
        except AttributeError:
            raise InvalidParameter("KCHVOL0019E", {'param': create_param})

        pool_info = StoragePoolModel(conn=self.conn,
        if pool_info['type'] in READONLY_POOL_TYPE:
            raise InvalidParameter("KCHVOL0012E", {'type': pool_info['type']})
        if pool_info['state'] == 'inactive':
            raise InvalidParameter('KCHVOL0003E', {
                'pool': pool_name,
                'volume': name
        if name in all_vol_names:
            raise InvalidParameter('KCHVOL0001E', {'name': name})

        params['pool'] = pool_name
        targeturi = '/storagepools/%s/storagevolumes/%s' % (pool_name, name)
        taskid = add_task(targeturi, create_func, self.objstore, params)
        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #25
 def _mock_host_swupdate(self, args=None):
     task_id = add_task('/host/swupdate', self._mock_swupdate.doUpdate,
     return self.task_lookup(task_id)
    def progress(self, *name):
        progress = DummyProgress()

        taskid = add_task('/progresssample/progress', progress.doProgress,
                          self.objstore, None)
        return self.task.lookup(taskid)
Exemple #27
 def _mock_host_swupdate(self, args=None):
     task_id = add_task('/host/swupdate', self._mock_swupdate.doUpdate,
     return self.task_lookup(task_id)