Exemple #1
    def save(self, parent_doc, **kwargs):
        """Persist the Document form, and return the saved Document."""
        doc = super(DocumentForm, self).save(commit=False, **kwargs)
        doc.parent = parent_doc

        # If document doesn't need change, clear out the comment.
        if not doc.needs_change:
            doc.needs_change_comment = ""

        # Create the share link if it doesn't exist and is in
        # a category it should show for.
        if doc.category in settings.IA_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES and not doc.share_link:
            # This operates under the constraints of passing in a list.


        if parent_doc:
            # Products are not set on translations.
            doc.products.remove(*[p for p in doc.products.all()])

        return doc
Exemple #2
    def save(self, parent_doc, **kwargs):
        """Persist the Document form, and return the saved Document."""
        doc = super(DocumentForm, self).save(commit=False, **kwargs)
        doc.parent = parent_doc

        # If document doesn't need change, clear out the comment.
        if not doc.needs_change:
            doc.needs_change_comment = ''

        # Create the share link if it doesn't exist and is in
        # a category it should show for.
        if (doc.category in settings.IA_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES and
                not doc.share_link):
            # This operates under the constraints of passing in a list.


        if parent_doc:
            # Products are not set on translations.
            doc.products.remove(*[p for p in doc.products.all()])

        return doc