def build(self): # open the view Clock.schedule_once(self.load_loading, 1) return Builder.load_string(""" GridLayout: cols:3 #<LoadingModal>: <LoadingModal>: background: './ButtonImages/transparent.png' size_hint: None, None width: self.height height: app.root.height* 0.5 LoadingWdgt: auto_dismiss: False text: "Loading " canvas.after: Color: rgb: 1,1,1 Line: circle:self.center_x, self.center_y, (self.width / 2) * 0.8, self.angle_1, self.angle_2 width: 2 size_hint_y: None height: self.width """)
Builder.load_string(""" <LoginScreen>: canvas: Color: rgba: .1, .5, .8, 1 Rectangle: size: self.size pos: self.pos FloatLayout: GridLayout: # 登陆系统 size_hint: (.8, .6) pos_hint: {'x': .1, 'y': .4} cols: 1 spacing: ti_user.minimum_height CHLabel: BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: ti_user.minimum_height CHLabel: size_hint: .2, 1 CHLabel: text: '用户认证' BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height CHLabel: text: '用户名' size_hint: .2, 1 CHTextInput: id: ti_user size_hint_y: None text: '' multiline: False height: self.minimum_height BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height CHLabel: text: '密码' size_hint: .2, 1 CHTextInput: size_hint_y: None text: '' password: True multiline: False height: self.minimum_height BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: ti_user.minimum_height CHLabel: size_hint: .2, 1 CHButton: text: '登入系统' on_press: l_tips.text = '登陆中'; l_login_bar.value += 5 CHLabel: GridLayout: # 登陆提示 size_hint: (.8, .2) pos_hint: {'x': .1, 'y': .1} cols: 1 CHLabel: id: l_tips text: '登陆成功' ProgressBar: id: l_login_bar max: 100 """)
def get_o_radius(self): o1x, o1y = self.anchors.get('o1', (0, 0)) o2x, o2y = self.anchors.get('o2', (0, 0)) print "anchor get_o_radius", o1x, o1y, o2x, o2y radius = abs(o2x - o1x) * 0.363 * 0.5 return radius o_center = AliasProperty(get_o_center, None, bind = 'x y anchors'.split()) o_radius = AliasProperty(get_o_radius, None, bind = 'anchors'.split()) Builder.load_string(u""" #:kivy 1.0 <NaubinoLabel>: # * space at the end is necessary because the anchor only has a position # if a character follows it # * space at the beginning is necessary to center the text # with a space at the end # * I can't use a U+200B zero width space because it prints in kivy text: " naubin[anchor=o1]o[anchor=o2] " markup: True font_name: "Comfortaa-Light.ttf" font_size: self.size[1] color: 0, 0, 0, 1 pos_hint: {'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.66} size_hint: 0, 0.2 size: 0, 0 """)
Builder.load_string(""" <rootwi>: size: root.size width: root.width heigth: root.height canvas: Color: # #263238 rgb: 0x26 / 255.0, 0x32 / 255.0, 0x38 / 255.0 Rectangle: size: self.size Widget: canvas: Color: rgba: 0, 0, 0, 1 Rectangle: pos: 30, self.y + 220 size: self.width - 60, self.height - 460 PathButton: on_press: fichier.text = self.get_path_file() text: 'Sélectionner le fichier initial' size_hint: .30, .05 pos: root.width/10, root.heigth/2 # PathButton: # on_press: dossier.text = self.get_path_folder() # text: 'Sélectionner le dossier de destination' # size_hint: .35, .05 # pos: root.width/10, root.heigth/2-50 PathButton: on_press: resultat.text = self.clean(fichier.text) text: 'Nettoyer et sauvegarder' size_hint: .30, .05 pos_hint:{'center_x':.5,'center_y':.3} Label: id: fichier size_hint: None, None pos_hint:{'x':.6,'y':.45} Label: id: resultat size_hint: None, None pos_hint:{'center_x':.5,'y':.37} """)
duration=0.5, t='in_expo') self.anim.bind(on_complete=self.completed_progress) self.anim.start(self) def completed_progress(self, animation, widget): self.content = self.pop_cont_lay def progress_position(self, interval): if self.myprogress.value >= self.myprogress.max: self.dismiss() else: self.myprogress.value += 1 def pop_dismiss(self): Clock.unschedule(self.progress_position) self.myprogress.value = 0 self.anim = Animation(size=(200, 200), duration=0.5, t='in_expo') self.anim.start(self) self.content = self.pop_cont_lay class MyProgressBar(ProgressBar): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyProgressBar, self).__init__(**kwargs) Builder.load_string(""" <MyProgressBar>: """)
Builder.load_string(''' <Start>: BoxLayout: Button: padding:.2,.2 size_hint:.5,.2 text: "Бытие" on_press:root.manager.current = "bib" <Biblia>: BoxLayout: id:glav orientation: "vertical" ScrollView: canvas.before: Color: rgba: .46,.44,.44,1 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size bar_width:4 id: lab size:self.width, 1 do_scroll_y:True do_scroll_x:False Label: text:root.t font_size:25 size_hint_y:None size_hint_x: 1 text_size: self.width, None height:self.texture_size[1] BoxLayout: size_hint_y:.2 BoxLayout: orientation:"vertical" size_hint_x:.2 Button: text:"Назад" on_release:root.back() Button: id:loads text:"Загрузить" on_release:root.scrop() BoxLayout: ScrollView: do_scroll_y:False do_scroll_x:True size_hint_y:.3 size_hint_x:.8 GridLayout: id:box rows:1 size:self.width, .4 width: self.minimum_width size_hint_x:None ''')
Builder.load_string(""" <RippleMusic>: Image: size:self.size pos:self.pos canvas.before: Color: rgba: 1,1,1,1 BorderImage: source: 'Icons/shadow32.png' border: (50,50,50,50) size:self.size pos:self.pos <MySlider>: size_hint_y:.15 canvas: Clear Color: rgb: (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.width, self.height Color: rgb: (1, 0, 0) Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.width * (self.value_normalized if self.orientation == 'horizontal' else 1),\ self.height * (self.value_normalized if self.orientation == 'vertical' else 1) <MyScrollBoxLay>: canvas: Color: rgba:get_color_from_hex('#F00B00') Line: points:self.x, self.y, self.width, self.y <MyBubble>: id:bbl BubbleButton: id:bblbtn text: 'TEXT' """)
def build(self): window = Builder.load_string(kv_file) Window.bind(on_keyboard=self.on_keyboard) self.tryout() return window
Builder.load_string(""" <MusicPlayerLayout>: BoxLayout: orientation:'vertical' spacing:20 padding:15 Carousel: id:mus_karuseli Button: Slider: size_hint_y:.20 id:mus_slider BoxLayout: size_hint_y:.30 canvas.before: Line: rectangle:self.x,self.y, self.width, self.height Label: text:str(int(mus_slider.value)) text_size:self.size valign:'top' Label: text:'text1' text_size:self.size valign:'top' halign:'right' BoxLayout: canvas.before: Line: rectangle:self.x,self.y, self.width, self.height size_hint_y:.25 spacing:10 Button: text:'shuffle' Button: id:but text:'back' ToggleButton: text:'pause/play' Button: text:'next' Button: text:'rotation' BoxLayout: canvas.before: Line: rectangle:self.x,self.y, self.width, self.height size_hint_y:.20 Label: text:'vol_down' Slider: id:vol_slider Label: text:'max' BoxLayout: size_hint_y:.20 Button: text:'Pla' """)
Builder.load_string(""" <NodeButton@Button>: # 节点按钮 点击选择对话目标 font_name: 'msyh.ttc' on_press: app.client.ids.t_address.text = self.text = 'left' = 'client' <MessageLabel@Label>: # 信息标签 text_size: self.size halign: 'left' valign: 'middle' font_name: 'msyh.ttc' <ChatContact>: # 联系人列表 BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: sp(52) Button: text: ' ' size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 Button: text: 'Contact List' on_press: app.open_help() Button: # 进入客户端 text: 'Client' size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 on_press: app.to_client('left') BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' size_hint_y: None height: sp(104) GridLayout: cols: 2 Label: size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 text: 'Start IP:' TextInput: # 起始地址 id: start_ip text: root.start_ip Label: size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 text: 'Range:' TextInput: # 扫描范围 id: scan_range text: str(root.scan_range) Button: # 扫描局域网 text: 'Scan' size_hint_x: None width: self.height on_press: root.scan_local() BoxLayout: # 手动添加一个地址 orientation: 'horizontal' size_hint_y: None height: sp(52) Label: text: 'IP:' size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 TextInput: # 地址 id: new_host text: root.new_host Button: text: 'Add' size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 on_press: root.add_new_node() NodeButton: # 所有节点(群聊) text: 'All Nodes' size_hint_y: None height: sp(52) RecycleView: # 节点列表 viewclass: 'NodeButton' id: rv RecycleGridLayout: default_size: None, sp(52) default_size_hint: 1, None size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height cols: 1 ProgressBar: id: progress_scan size_hint_y: None height: sp(10) max: root.scan_range <ChatClient>: # 客户端 BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: sp(52) Button: # 打开联系人节点列表 size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 text: 'Contact' on_press: app.to_contact('right') Button: # 对话地址 text: 'Client' on_press: app.open_help() Button: # 打开服务端 text: 'Server' size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 on_press: app.to_server('left') BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: sp(36) Label: text: 'To ' text_size: self.size halign: 'center' size_hint_x: None width: sp(104) Label: # 对话地址 id: t_address text_size: self.size halign: 'left' text: 'All Nodes' font_name: 'msyh.ttc' RecycleView: id: rv_messages viewclass: 'MessageLabel' RecycleGridLayout: default_size: None, sp(104) default_size_hint: 1, None size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height cols: 1 Button: # 占位 size_hint_y: None height: sp(52) FloatLayout: # 信息输入 BoxLayout: id: input_layout size_hint:(1, None) pos_hint: {'x': 0, 'y': 0} orientation: 'horizontal' height: sp(52) TextInput: id: ti_message font_name: 'msyh.ttc' hint_text: 'Input message...' text_language: 'zh_CN' on_focus: root.edit_message() Button: size_hint_x: None width: self.height text: 'Send' on_press: app.send_message() <ChatServer>: # 服务端 BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: sp(52) Button: # 返回客户端 text: 'Client' size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 on_press: app.to_client('right') Button: # 本机地址信息 text: 'Server' on_press: app.open_help() ToggleButton: size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 text: 'Log On' if self.state=='normal' else 'Log Off' state: 'down' id: log_switch on_state: root.show_logs() Label: # 本机地址信息 size_hint_y: None height: sp(36) text: 'Local host: [ %s : %s ]' % (root.host_ip, root.host_port) BoxLayout: # 日志信息 orientation: 'vertical' RecycleView: id: rv viewclass: 'Label' RecycleGridLayout: default_size: None, sp(52) default_size_hint: 1, None size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height cols: 1 BoxLayout: # 手动启动服务器 size_hint_y: None height: sp(52) Button: text: 'Start' on_press: root.start_server() # Button: # text: 'Stop' # on_press: root.stop_server() <UserSetting>: # 用户设置 FloatLayout: orientation: 'vertical' Label: id: label_welcome font_name: 'msyh.ttc' size_hint: (.8, None) height: sp(54) pos_hint: {'x': .1, 'y': .6} text: 'Input a Nickname: ' if root.is_new else 'Welcome < %s >' %['name'] TextInput: id: ti_nickname font_name: 'msyh.ttc' height: sp(54) size_hint: (.8, None) pos_hint: {'x': .1, 'y': .5} multiline: False disabled: False if root.is_new else True hint_text: 'Input a Nickname' if root.is_new else 'Click <Reset> to Setting a New Nickname' Button: text: 'Reset' height: sp(54) size_hint: (.8, None) pos_hint: {'x': .1, 'y': .4} disabled: True if root.is_new else False on_press: root.is_new = True; Button: text: 'Start' size_hint_y: None height: sp(54) pos_hint: {'x': 0, 'y': 0} on_press: app.save_user_setting() """)
from import App from kivy.base import Builder from import StringProperty, ObjectProperty from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout Builder.load_string(""" <rootwi>: BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' textinputtext: txt.text obj_widget: w1 BoxLayout: Button: on_press: root.print_txt() TextInput: id: txt text: root.textinputtext <MyRootWidget@BoxLayout>: obj_widget: w1 MyWidget: id: w1 text: "purple turtle" ''' """) class rootwi(BoxLayout): textinputtext = StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(rootwi, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Builder.load_string(""" #:import Window kivy.core.window.Window <VideoPlayerLayout>: BoxLayout: orientation:'vertical' Button: size_hint_y:.15 text:'Browse' TabbedPanel: do_default_tab: False tab_pos:'top_mid' tab_width:self.width/2 TabbedPanelItem: text:'Library' Carousel: id:vid_karuseli TabbedPanelItem: text:'VideoList' <MyBox>: size_hint_y:None orientation:'vertical' spacing:15 BoxLayout: Slider: size_hint_y:None height:self.parent.height on_touch_down: if self.collide_point(*Window.mouse_pos):self.height = 300 on_touch_up: if self.collide_point(*Window.mouse_pos):self.height = self.parent.height canvas: Clear Color: rgb: (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.width, self.height Color: rgb: (1, 0, 0) Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.width * (self.value_normalized if self.orientation == 'horizontal' else 1),\ self.height * (self.value_normalized if self.orientation == 'vertical' else 1) Image: source:'Icons/muted.png' if vl_sld.value==0 else 'Icons/medium.png' if vl_sld.value<50 else 'Icons/high.png' size_hint_x:.15 Slider: id:vl_sld min:0 max:100 size_hint_y:None height:self.parent.height size_hint_x:.30 on_touch_down: if self.collide_point(*Window.mouse_pos):self.height = 300 on_touch_up: if self.collide_point(*Window.mouse_pos):self.height = self.parent.height canvas: Clear Color: rgb: (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.width, self.height Color: rgb: (1, 0, 0) Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.width * (self.value_normalized if self.orientation == 'horizontal' else 1),\ self.height * (self.value_normalized if self.orientation == 'vertical' else 1) BoxLayout: size_hint_x:.40 pos_hint:{'x':.30,'y':0} canvas: Color: rgba: 0.88,0.88,0.88,1 RoundedRectangle: size: self.size pos: self.pos AnimBut: source:'Icons/back.png' on_touch_down: if self.collide_point(*Window.mouse_pos): print('BACK') AnimBut: source:'Icons/stop.png' on_touch_down: if self.collide_point(*Window.mouse_pos): root.parent.ids.vid_karuseli.current_slide.state='stop';\ root.parent.ids.vid_karuseli.current_slide.source='IMG_0827.png';\ strtbtn.state='normal' AnimTogBut: id:strtbtn source:'Icons/pause.png' if self.state=='down' else 'Icons/next.png' on_state: root.parent.ids.vid_karuseli.current_slide.source =;\ root.parent.ids.vid_karuseli.current_slide.state='play' if self.state=='down' else 'pause' AnimBut: source:'Icons/next.png' on_touch_down: if self.collide_point(*Window.mouse_pos): print('NEXT') """)
Builder.load_string(""" <ChatScreen>: # 客户端 BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: sp(52) CHButton: # 打开联系人节点列表 size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 text: 'Contact' CHButton: # 对话地址 text: 'Client' CHButton: # 打开服务端 text: 'Server' size_hint_x: None width: self.height * 2 BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: sp(36) CHLabel: text: 'To ' text_size: self.size halign: 'center' size_hint_x: None width: sp(104) CHLabel: # 对话地址 id: t_address text_size: self.size halign: 'left' text: 'All Nodes' RecycleView: id: rv_messages Button: # 占位 size_hint_y: None height: sp(52) FloatLayout: # 信息输入 BoxLayout: id: input_layout size_hint:(1, None) pos_hint: {'x': 0, 'y': 0} orientation: 'horizontal' height: sp(52) CHTextInput: id: ti_message font_name: 'msyh.ttc' hint_text: '输入信息...' text_language: 'zh_CN' on_focus: input_layout.pos_hint = ({'x': 0, 'y': .5} if self.focus else {'x': 0, 'y': 0}) CHButton: size_hint_x: None width: self.height text: '发送' """)