def build(self): self.root = BoxLayout() self.root.padding = 25 joystick = Joystick() joystick.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates) self.root.add_widget(joystick) self.label = Label()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): import threading super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # some trash he-he # t = threading.Thread(target=self.some_current_data) # t.daemon = True # t.start() # # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={'x': 0.0, 'y': .2}, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={'x': 0.6, 'y': .2}) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .65}, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) # add debug Labels # self.debug_label = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) # bind button self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) # self.global_reader() self.current_hand_pos = {} self.saved_hand_pos = {} self.current_run_pos = {} self.saved_run_pos = {} Clock.schedule_interval(self.timer, 0.1)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.0, 'y': .2 }, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.6, 'y': .2 }) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), pos_hint={ 'x': .8, 'y': .65 }, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) # add debug Labels # self.debug_label = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) # bind button self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) self.old_headx = 0.0 self.old_handy = 0.0 self.old_turnx = 0.0 self.old_runy = 0.0 self.last_command_sent_at = 0.0
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickhead self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={'x':0.0, 'y':.2}) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickhead = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={'x':0.6, 'y':.2}) self.add_widget(self.joystickhead) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .65}, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun # self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), # pos_hint={'x':0.0, 'y':.2}, # sticky=True) # self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={'x':0.6, 'y':.2}) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) # add some buttons # self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), # pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .65}, # text='Catch me!') # self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) # add debug Labels self.debug_label = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .8}, text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run)
class RoboPad(FloatLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.0, 'y': .2 }, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.6, 'y': .2 }) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), pos_hint={ 'x': .8, 'y': .65 }, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) # add debug Labels # self.debug_label = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) # bind button self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) self.old_headx = 0.0 self.old_handy = 0.0 self.old_turnx = 0.0 self.old_runy = 0.0 self.last_command_sent_at = 0.0 def update_coordinates_run(self, joystick, pad): # test for joystickrun binding test # # print('update_coordinates_run ...') # # print(self, joystick, pad) x = str(pad[0])[0:5] y = str(pad[1])[0:5] radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # without send_status # print just to debug label text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # self.debug_label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) def update_coordinates_hand(self, joystick, pad): hand_timeout = 0.12 # 0.18 ok 0.17 is too short # # for slow motion 0.1 ok ok # for fast motiion 0.0.25 is not enough hand_timeout_slow = 0.25 change_factor = 0.2 change_factor_slow = 0.05 # not used # test for update_coordinates_hand binding test # # print('update_coordinates_hand running...') # # print(self, joystick, pad) x = str(pad[0])[0:5] y = str(pad[1])[0:5] radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # without send_status # print just to debug label text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" # self.debug_label_hand.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # self.debug_label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # <<< # self.send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) # original in 0.8.1 # self.compare_n_send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) float_headx = float(x) float_handy = float(y) # if abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) or abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) > change_factor: # print('DBG: above change_factor {} x:{}, y:{}'.format(change_factor, # abs(float_headx - self.old_headx), # abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) # )) # for head_x if abs(float_headx - self.old_headx ) > change_factor: # not running good on fast moves # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout_slow: # # # add more time for drive move: # # hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx)/8.0 # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > (hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx)/8.0)) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout_slow: # # print('DBG: above change_factor headx') print('DBG: above change_factor:{} ' 'x:{} ' 'delta:{} ' 'current TOUT: {}'.format( change_factor, x, # float_headx, abs(float_headx - self.old_headx), hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) / 8.0)) self.old_headx = float_headx self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() self.send_command_data(headx=x) # print('last_command_sent_at: {} {}'.format(time.time(), time.clock())) # else: # x = 'zz' # for hand_y if abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) > change_factor: print('DBG: above change_factor handy') self.old_handy = float_handy print('DBG: above change_factor {} y:{}, delta:{}'.format( change_factor, y, # float_handy, abs(float_handy - self.old_handy))) self.send_command_data(handy=y) # else: # y = 'zz' # print('command x{}, y{}'.format(x, y)) # self.send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) def update_catch_release(self, instance): # # print('DBG: button pressed!') # catch = catch self.send_command_data(catch='catch') def send_command_data(self, headx='z', handy='z', turnx='z', runy='z', catch='z'): robot_host = '' # hardcoded robot ip t4m net robot_port = 80 # # print('send_command_data running') # self.debug_label.text = 'headx {}\nhandy {}\nturnx {}\nruny {}\ncatch {}'.format(headx, # handy, # turnx, # runy, # catch) tuple_commands = (headx, handy, turnx, runy, catch) print(tuple_commands) dict_commands = { 'headx': headx, 'handy': handy, 'turnx': turnx, 'runy': runy, 'catch': catch } # print(dict_commands) # for item in dict_commands: # print(item, dict_commands[item]) # # if any(i != 'z' for i in tuple_commands): # print('meaning value found') str_commands = 'http://' + str(robot_host) + '/?' for item in dict_commands: # # print(item, # dict_commands[item], # type(dict_commands[item]) # ) # if dict_commands[item] !='z': # str_commands += item +\ # '=' + \ # dict_commands[item] + \ # '&' # add normalization if dict_commands[item] != 'z': if dict_commands[item] != 'catch': str_commands += item + \ '=' + \ str('{0:.2f}'.format((float(dict_commands[item]) + 1) / 2)) + \ '&' else: str_commands += item + \ '=' + \ 'catch' + \ '&' # # print('str_commands: {}'.format(str_commands)) try: client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate client_socket.connect( (robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # message = '' + str(turnx) # take input client_socket.send( str_commands.encode()) # encode than send message # client_socket.close() # close the connection # # sleep(3) # # time.sleep(0.02) # # # time.sleep(0.2) # print('sent OK {} sent'.format(str_commands)) # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(turnx) except: print('ERR: command not sent {}'.format(turnx))
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.45, .45), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.0, 'y': .2 }, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.45, .45), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.6, 'y': .2 }) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), pos_hint={ 'x': .8, 'y': .65 }, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) # self.reset_stat_button = Button(size_hint=(.05, .05), # pos_hint={'x': .6, 'y': .65}, # text='reset stat') # self.add_widget(self.reset_stat_button) # self.reset_stat_button.bind(on_press=self.reset_stat_button) # add debug Labels self.debug_label = Label( size_hint=(.4, .0), pos_hint={ 'x': .2, 'y': .2 }, text='message ... ...', ) # multiline=True,) self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick # bind button self.slider_accept_command_timeout = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={ 'x': .1, 'y': .9 }, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.05) self.add_widget(self.slider_accept_command_timeout) self.slider_accept_command_timeout.bind( value=self.OnSliderAcccepptCommandTiteoutValueChange) self.slider_velocity_factor = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={ 'x': .1, 'y': .85 }, min=0.01, max=10.0, value=0.3) self.add_widget(self.slider_velocity_factor) self.slider_velocity_factor.bind( value=self.OnSliderVelocityFactorValueChange) # not used , just place holder self.slider_timeout_timer_start = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={ 'x': .1, 'y': .8 }, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.11) self.add_widget(self.slider_timeout_timer_start) self.slider_timeout_timer_start.bind( value=self.OnSliderTimeoutTimerStartValueChange) self.accept_command_timeout = 0.05 # 0.6 is too short, broke app! # # for slow motion 0.1 ok ok # for fast motiion 0.0.25 is not enough # self.timeout_slow = 0.14 self.timeout_timer_start = 0.14 self.velocity_factor = 0.3 self.old_headx = 0.0 self.old_handy = 0.0 self.old_turnx = 0.0 self.old_runy = 0.0 self.last_command_sent_at = 0.0 # self.current_hand_pos = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0} # self.saved_hand_pos = {} # self.last_hand_move = {} # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.saved_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.last_run_move = {} self.current_pos = { 'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0 } self.saved_pos = { 'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0 } self.last_move = { 'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0 } self.mean_time_send_command_data = 0.05 self.counter_send_command_data = 1 self.counter_commands = 1 Clock.schedule_interval(self.timer, self.timeout_timer_start)
class RoboPad(FloatLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.45, .45), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.0, 'y': .2 }, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.45, .45), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.6, 'y': .2 }) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), pos_hint={ 'x': .8, 'y': .65 }, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) # self.reset_stat_button = Button(size_hint=(.05, .05), # pos_hint={'x': .6, 'y': .65}, # text='reset stat') # self.add_widget(self.reset_stat_button) # self.reset_stat_button.bind(on_press=self.reset_stat_button) # add debug Labels self.debug_label = Label( size_hint=(.4, .0), pos_hint={ 'x': .2, 'y': .2 }, text='message ... ...', ) # multiline=True,) self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick # bind button self.slider_accept_command_timeout = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={ 'x': .1, 'y': .9 }, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.05) self.add_widget(self.slider_accept_command_timeout) self.slider_accept_command_timeout.bind( value=self.OnSliderAcccepptCommandTiteoutValueChange) self.slider_velocity_factor = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={ 'x': .1, 'y': .85 }, min=0.01, max=10.0, value=0.3) self.add_widget(self.slider_velocity_factor) self.slider_velocity_factor.bind( value=self.OnSliderVelocityFactorValueChange) # not used , just place holder self.slider_timeout_timer_start = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={ 'x': .1, 'y': .8 }, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.11) self.add_widget(self.slider_timeout_timer_start) self.slider_timeout_timer_start.bind( value=self.OnSliderTimeoutTimerStartValueChange) self.accept_command_timeout = 0.05 # 0.6 is too short, broke app! # # for slow motion 0.1 ok ok # for fast motiion 0.0.25 is not enough # self.timeout_slow = 0.14 self.timeout_timer_start = 0.14 self.velocity_factor = 0.3 self.old_headx = 0.0 self.old_handy = 0.0 self.old_turnx = 0.0 self.old_runy = 0.0 self.last_command_sent_at = 0.0 # self.current_hand_pos = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0} # self.saved_hand_pos = {} # self.last_hand_move = {} # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.saved_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.last_run_move = {} self.current_pos = { 'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0 } self.saved_pos = { 'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0 } self.last_move = { 'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0 } self.mean_time_send_command_data = 0.05 self.counter_send_command_data = 1 self.counter_commands = 1 Clock.schedule_interval(self.timer, self.timeout_timer_start) def OnSliderAcccepptCommandTiteoutValueChange(self, instance, value): print(type(value), value, self.accept_command_timeout) self.accept_command_timeout = value def OnSliderVelocityFactorValueChange(self, instance, value): print(type(value), value, self.velocity_factor) self.velocity_factor = value def OnSliderTimeoutTimerStartValueChange(self, instance, value): print(type(value), value, self.timeout_timer_start) self.timeout_timer_start = value def update_coordinates_run(self, joystick, pad): # # test for joystickrun binding test # # # print('update_coordinates_run ...') # # # print(self, joystick, pad) # x = str(pad[0])[0:5] # y = str(pad[1])[0:5] # radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] # magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] # angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # # # without send_status # print just to debug label # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" # # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # # self.debug_label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) RUN_Y_STEP = 2 # steps to final acceleration RUN_Y_SLEEP = 0.04 # steps to final acceleration x = self.squaredround(pad[0]) y = self.squaredround(pad[1]) self.current_pos['turnx'] = x self.current_pos['runy'] = y # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x, 'runy': y} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x, 'runy': y} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x, 'runy': y} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_run_pos): if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_pos): self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) # # smooth start not working well # self.send_command_data(turnx=x) # # for run_step in range(RUN_Y_STEP, 1, -1): # try: # # # print('DBG run_step {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( # # type(self.saved_pos['runy']), # # self.saved_pos['runy'], # # type(y), # # y, # # type(self.saved_pos['runy']), # # self.saved_pos # # )) # # self.send_command_data(runy=self.saved_pos['runy'] + (y -self.saved_pos['runy']) / run_step) # # time.sleep(RUN_Y_SLEEP) # # print('DBG run_step {} {} {}'.format(run_step, # self.saved_pos['runy'], # self.saved_pos['runy'] + # (self.saved_pos['runy'] - y) / run_step)) # RUN_Y_STEP # except Exception as e: # print('ERR run_step err: {} {}'.format(type(e), e)) # # self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) # # # self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) else: pass # # smooth run stepper ( # # for run_step in range(RUN_Y_STEP, 1, -1): # try: # # # print('DBG run_step {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( # # type(self.saved_pos['runy']), # # self.saved_pos['runy'], # # type(y), # # y, # # type(self.saved_pos['runy']), # # self.saved_pos # # )) # # self.send_command_data(runy=self.saved_pos['runy'] + (self.saved_pos['runy'] + y) / run_step) # # # print('DBG run_step {} {} {}'.format(run_step, # # self.saved_pos['runy'], # # runy=self.saved_pos['runy'] + (self.saved_pos['runy'] - y) / run_step)) # except Exception as e: # print('run_step err: {} {}'.format(type(e), e)) # # self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) # # # self.current_run_pos = {'runy': y} # self.current_run_pos = {'runy': y} def update_coordinates_hand(self, joystick, pad): # start_uch = time.time() # measure update_coordinates_hand # test for update_coordinates_hand binding test # # print('update_coordinates_hand running...') # # print(self, joystick, pad) # x = str(pad[0])[0:5] # y = str(pad[1])[0:5] # radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] # magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] # angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # without send_status # print just to debug label # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" # self.debug_label_hand.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # self.debug_label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # <<< # self.send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) # original in 0.8.1 # self.compare_n_send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) # raw_headx = pad[0] # aligned_x = raw_headx * 1.4 # if aligned_x > 0.99 : # x = str(0.99) # else: # x = str(aligned_x)[0:4] # print(x, raw_headx) # x = self.squaredround(pad[0]) y = self.squaredround(pad[1]) # self.current_hand_pos = {'headx': x, 'handy': y} self.current_pos['headx'] = x self.current_pos['handy'] = y # if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_hand_pos): if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_pos): self.send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) else: pass # if abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) or abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) > change_factor: # print('DBG: above change_factor {} x:{}, y:{}'.format(change_factor, # abs(float_headx - self.old_headx), # abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) # )) # for head_x # if abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor: # not running good on fast moves # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout_slow: # # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout_slow: # # add more time for drive move: # hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx)/12.0 # # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > (hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx)/12.0)) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout_slow: # # print('DBG: above change_factor headx') # print('DBG: above change_factor:{} ' # 'x:{} ' # 'delta:{} ' # 'current TOUT: {}'.format(change_factor, # x, # # float_headx, # abs(float_headx - self.old_headx), # hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) / 8.0 # )) # self.saved_hand_pos = {'headx': x, 'handy': y} # self.current_hand_pos = {'headx': x} # self.old_headx = str(x) # self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() # self.send_command_data(headx=str(x)) # print('last_command_sent_at: {} {}'.format(time.time(), time.clock())) # else: # x = 'zz' # for hand_y # if abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) > change_factor: # print('DBG: above change_factor handy') # self.old_handy = float_handy # print('DBG: above change_factor {} y:{}, delta:{}'.format(change_factor, # y, # # float_handy, # abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) # )) # self.send_command_data(handy=y) # # else: # # y = 'zz' # if self.accept_command(pos={'headx': x, 'handy': y}): # self.send_command_data(handy=y) # print('command x{}, y{}'.format(x, y)) # self.send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) # self.current_hand_pos = {'headx': str(float_headx), 'handy': y} # need to add for scheduled # print(time.time() - start_uch) # display update_coordinates_hand time def update_catch_release(self, instance): # # print('DBG: button pressed!') # catch = catch self.send_command_data(catch='catch') # def reset_stat_button(self, instance): # # self.mean_time_send_command_data = 0.05 # # self.counter_send_command_data = 1 # # self.counter_commands = 1 # print('reset stat') def send_command_data(self, headx='z', handy='z', turnx='z', runy='z', catch='z'): before_send_command_data = time.time() robot_host = '' # hardcoded robot ip t4m net robot_port = 80 # # print('send_command_data running') # self.debug_label.text = 'headx {}\nhandy {}\nturnx {}\nruny {}\ncatch {}'.format(headx, # handy, # turnx, # runy, # catch) # tuple_commands = (headx, handy, turnx, runy, catch) # print(tuple_commands) dict_commands = { 'headx': headx, 'handy': handy, 'turnx': turnx, 'runy': runy, 'catch': catch } print(dict_commands) # for item in dict_commands: # print(item, dict_commands[item]) # # if any(i != 'z' for i in tuple_commands): # print('meaning value found') str_commands = 'http://' + str(robot_host) + '/?' for item in dict_commands: # # print(item, # dict_commands[item], # type(dict_commands[item]) # ) # if dict_commands[item] !='z': # str_commands += item +\ # '=' + \ # dict_commands[item] + \ # '&' # add normalization if dict_commands[item] != 'z': if dict_commands[item] != 'catch': str_commands += item + \ '=' + \ str('{0:.2f}'.format((dict_commands[item] + 1) / 2)) + \ '&' # remember last command try: # print('DBG remember last command {} {} {}'.format(self.saved_pos[item], # dict_commands[item], # self.last_move[item])) self.last_move[item] = abs(self.saved_pos[item] - dict_commands[item]) # except Exception as e: print('ERR saving self.last_move[item] {} {}'.format( type(e), e)) pass else: str_commands += item + \ '=' + \ 'catch' + \ '&' # # print('str_commands: {}'.format(str_commands)) try: self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate client_socket.connect( (robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # message = '' + str(turnx) # take input client_socket.send( str_commands.encode()) # encode than send message # client_socket.close() # close the connection # # sleep(3) # # time.sleep(0.02) # # # time.sleep(0.2) # print('sent OK {} sent'.format(str_commands)) # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(turnx) # update send command as saved position # self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() for item in dict_commands: # if dict_commands[item] != 'z' or dict_commands[item] != 'catch': # gives type error: # # DBG send_command_data after socket.close 0.0 to <class 'str'> z if dict_commands[item] != 'z' and dict_commands[ item] != 'catch': # gives type error: # print('DBG send_command_data after socket.close {} to {} {}'.format(self.saved_pos[item], # type(dict_commands[item]), # dict_commands[item])) self.saved_pos[item] = dict_commands[item] self.mean_time_send_command_data = (self.counter_send_command_data * self.mean_time_send_command_data + time.time() - before_send_command_data) / \ (self.counter_send_command_data + 1) self.counter_send_command_data += 1 except: print('ERR: command not sent {}'.format(turnx)) # send_status += 'error sending turnx' + str(turnx) # def compare_n_send_command_data(self, headx='z', handy='z', turnx='z', runy='z', catch='z'): # # # define some globals # # global old_headx # global old_handy # global old_turnx # global old_runy # # change_factor = 0.05 # # print('DBG: headx:{} {} {} {} ()'.format(headx, type(headx), float(headx), float(headx)+1.1, type(float(headx)))) # print('DBG: old_headx:{} {} {} {}'.format(old_headx, type(old_headx), float(old_headx), type(float(old_headx)))) # print('DBG: abs(float(old_headx)-float(headx) > change_factor: {}, {}').format(float(headx)+1.1, type(float(old_headx)-float(headx))) # # # # if abs(float(old_headx)-float(headx)) > change_factor or abs(old_handy-float(handy))>change_factor: # of course not True alws # # if abs(float(old_headx)-float(headx) > change_factor) > change_factor: # of course not True alws # # //head just # if True: # # try: # # if True: # # print('DBG: headx:{} {} , handy:{} {}'.format(headx, type(headx), handy, type(handy))) # # # update saved old_* joystick values # # old_headx = headx # old_handy = handy # old_turnx = turnx # old_runy = runy # # print('DBG: joystick values re-saved') # # # robot_host = '' # hardcoded robot ip t4m net # robot_port = 80 # # # print('send_command_data running') # # self.debug_label.text = 'headx {}\nhandy {}\nturnx {}\nruny {}\ncatch {}'.format(headx, # # handy, # # turnx, # # runy, # # catch) # # dict_commands = {'headx': headx, 'handy': handy, 'turnx': turnx, 'runy': runy, 'catch': catch} # # # print(dict_commands) # # str_commands = 'http://' + str(robot_host) + '/?' # # for item in dict_commands: # # # print(item, # # dict_commands[item], # # type(dict_commands[item]) # # ) # # if dict_commands[item] !='z': # # str_commands += item +\ # # '=' + \ # # dict_commands[item] + \ # # '&' # # # add normalization # if dict_commands[item] != 'z': # if dict_commands[item] != 'catch': # str_commands += item + \ # '=' + \ # str('{0:.2f}'.format((float(dict_commands[item]) + 1) / 2)) + \ # '&' # else: # str_commands += item + \ # '=' + \ # 'catch' + \ # '&' # # # print('str_commands: {}'.format(str_commands)) # # try: # client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate # client_socket.connect((robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # # message = '' + str(turnx) # take input # client_socket.send(str_commands.encode()) # encode than send message # # # client_socket.close() # close the connection # # # sleep(3) # # # time.sleep(0.02) # # # # time.sleep(0.2) # print('sent OK {} sent'.format(str_commands)) # # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(turnx) # except: # print('ERR: command not sent {}'.format(turnx)) # # send_status += 'error sending turnx' + str(turnx) # except: # pass # else: # print('DBG: joystick changes ignored') def timer(self, dt): debug_text = "commands counter: {} sent: {}\n" \ "mean timeout sending commands: {}\n" \ "self.slider_accept_command_timeout: {}\n" \ "self.slider_velocity_factor: {}\n" \ "self.slider_timeout_timer_start: {}\n" \ self.debug_label.text = debug_text.format( self.counter_commands, str((self.counter_send_command_data / self.counter_commands))[0:5], str(self.mean_time_send_command_data)[0:5], str(self.accept_command_timeout)[0:5], str(self.velocity_factor)[0:5], str(self.timeout_timer_start)[0:5]) # print('timer running \n{}\n{}\n{}'.format(time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at, # self.current_hand_pos, # self.saved_hand_pos)) if (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > self.timeout_timer_start: # # # and (self.saved_hand_pos != self.current_hand_pos): # # # print('Im timer got NEW data:{}'.format(self.current_hand_pos)) # # try: # self.send_command_data(headx=self.current_hand_pos['headx'], handy=self.current_hand_pos['handy']) # self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() # # self.saved_hand_pos = self.current_hand_pos # print('timer raised afterburner {} {}'. format(self.current_hand_pos['headx'], # self.current_hand_pos['handy'])) if self.current_pos == self.saved_pos: # print('DBG timer has no jobs for {} at pos: {}'.format(time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at, # self.saved_pos)) pass else: print('DBG timer have job at {} to move to: {}'.format( time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at, self.current_pos)) try: # self.send_command_data(headx=self.current_hand_pos['headx'], # handy=self.current_hand_pos['handy'], # # turnx=self.current_run_pos['turnx'], # runy=self.current_run_pos['runy']) self.send_command_data(headx=self.current_pos['headx'], handy=self.current_pos['handy'], turnx=self.current_pos['turnx'], runy=self.current_pos['runy']) except Exception as e: print('ERR in timer {}, {}'.format(type(e), e)) # pass def squaredround(self, x): import math max_x = 0.99 multiply_factor = 1.4 sign = lambda y: math.copysign(1, y) aligned_x = x * multiply_factor if abs(aligned_x) < 0.05: return 0.0 if abs(aligned_x) > 0.99: return max_x * sign(aligned_x) else: return float(str(aligned_x)[0:4]) def accept_command(self, pos): # ACCEPT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 0.06 # 0.6 is too short, broke app! # # for slow motion 0.1 ok ok # for fast motiion 0.0.25 is not enough # # velocity = 0.3 # 0.1 too short - joystick freezes broke app! hand_timeout_slow = 0.25 change_factor = 0.2 next_hand_pos = {} # delta_positions = [0.0] delta_last_run = [0.0] self.counter_commands += 1 # <<< # self.send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) # original in 0.8.1 # self.compare_n_send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) # raw_headx = pad[0] # aligned_x = raw_headx * 1.4 # if aligned_x > 0.99 : # x = str(0.99) # else: # x = str(aligned_x)[0:4] # print(x, raw_headx) # # if abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) or abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) > change_factor: # print('DBG: above change_factor {} x:{}, y:{}'.format(change_factor, # abs(float_headx - self.old_headx), # abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) # )) # for head_x # if abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor: # not running good on fast moves # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout_slow: # # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout_slow: # # add more time for drive move: # hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx)/12.0 # # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > (hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx)/12.0)) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at) > hand_timeout_slow: # # check against given params # print(pos) # check type of data # for item in pos: # print(item, type(pos[item]), pos[item]) # next is good ...for future movements # for item in pos: # if pos[item] != 'z' or pos[item] != 'catch': # pass # # self.saved_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] # next_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] # try: # # delta_position = abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item]) # delta_positions.append(abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item])) # # print(next_hand_pos[item], # # self.saved_hand_pos[item], # # abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item])) # # # except Exception as e: # print(type(e), e) # # pass # if len(delta_positions) > 0: # print(' {} movement'.format(max(delta_positions))) # else: # print('not a movement') # calculate last path robot runs # # I think about dependence path the servos run and the closest time the robot will be available to # accept command ... # # last command stored at self.last_move{} for item in pos: if pos[item] != 'z' and pos[item] != 'catch': # pass # self.saved_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] next_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] try: # delta_position = abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item]) delta_last_run.append(self.last_move[item]) # print(next_hand_pos[item], # self.saved_hand_pos[item], # abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item])) except Exception as e: print('ERR collecting movements'.format(type(e), e)) # pass # ACCEPT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT - > self.accept_command_timeout if time.time( ) - self.last_command_sent_at > self.accept_command_timeout + max( delta_last_run) * self.velocity_factor: print('allow last command max {} timeout {} since last {}'.format( str(max(delta_last_run))[0:5], str(self.accept_command_timeout + max(delta_last_run) * self.velocity_factor)[0:4], str(time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at)[0:4])) return True else: print('deny last command max {} timeout {} since last {}'.format( str(max(delta_last_run))[0:5], str(self.accept_command_timeout + max(delta_last_run) * self.velocity_factor)[0:4], str(time.time() - self.last_command_sent_at)[0:4])) return False
class RoboPad(FloatLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={'x': 0.0, 'y': .2}, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={'x': 0.6, 'y': .2}) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .65}, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) # add debug Labels # self.debug_label = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) # bind button self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) def update_coordinates_run(self, joystick, pad): # test for joystickrun binding test # # print('update_coordinates_run ...') # # print(self, joystick, pad) x = str(pad[0])[0:5] y = str(pad[1])[0:5] radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # without send_status # print just to debug label text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # self.debug_label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) def update_coordinates_hand(self, joystick, pad): # test for update_coordinates_hand binding test # # print('update_coordinates_hand running...') # # print(self, joystick, pad) x = str(pad[0])[0:5] y = str(pad[1])[0:5] radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # without send_status # print just to debug label text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" # self.debug_label_hand.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # self.debug_label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # <<< self.send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) def update_catch_release(self, instance): # # print('DBG: button pressed!') # catch = catch self.send_command_data(catch='catch') def send_command_data(self, headx='z', handy='z', turnx='z', runy='z', catch='z'): robot_host = '' # hardcoded robot ip t4m net robot_port = 80 # # print('send_command_data running') # self.debug_label.text = 'headx {}\nhandy {}\nturnx {}\nruny {}\ncatch {}'.format(headx, # handy, # turnx, # runy, # catch) dict_commands = {'headx': headx, 'handy': handy, 'turnx': turnx, 'runy': runy, 'catch': catch} # # print(dict_commands) str_commands = 'http://' + str(robot_host) + '/?' for item in dict_commands: # # print(item, # dict_commands[item], # type(dict_commands[item]) # ) # if dict_commands[item] !='z': # str_commands += item +\ # '=' + \ # dict_commands[item] + \ # '&' # add normalization if dict_commands[item] != 'z': if dict_commands[item] != 'catch': str_commands += item + \ '=' + \ str('{0:.2f}'.format((float(dict_commands[item]) + 1) / 2)) + \ '&' else: str_commands += item + \ '=' + \ 'catch' + \ '&' # # print('str_commands: {}'.format(str_commands)) try: client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate client_socket.connect((robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # message = '' + str(turnx) # take input client_socket.send(str_commands.encode()) # encode than send message # client_socket.close() # close the connection # # sleep(3) # # time.sleep(0.02) # # time.sleep(0.2) print('sent OK {} sent'.format(str_commands)) # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(turnx) except: print('ERR: command not sent {}'.format(turnx))
class RoboPad(FloatLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.45, .45), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.0, 'y': .2 }, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.45, .45), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.6, 'y': .2 }) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), pos_hint={ 'x': .8, 'y': .65 }, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) # self.reset_stat_button = Button(size_hint=(.05, .05), # pos_hint={'x': .6, 'y': .65}, # text='reset stat') # self.add_widget(self.reset_stat_button) # self.reset_stat_button.bind(on_press=self.reset_stat_button) # add debug Labels self.debug_label = Label( size_hint=(.4, .0), pos_hint={ 'x': .2, 'y': .2 }, text='message ... ...', ) # multiline=True,) self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick # bind button self.slider_accept_command_timeout = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={ 'x': .1, 'y': .9 }, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.05) self.add_widget(self.slider_accept_command_timeout) self.slider_accept_command_timeout.bind( value=self.OnSliderAcccepptCommandTiteoutValueChange) self.slider_velocity_factor = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={ 'x': .1, 'y': .85 }, min=0.01, max=10.0, value=0.3) self.add_widget(self.slider_velocity_factor) self.slider_velocity_factor.bind( value=self.OnSliderVelocityFactorValueChange) # not used , just place holder self.slider_timeout_timer_start = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={ 'x': .1, 'y': .8 }, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.11) self.add_widget(self.slider_timeout_timer_start) self.slider_timeout_timer_start.bind( value=self.OnSliderTimeoutTimerStartValueChange) self.accept_command_timeout = 0.05 # 0.6 is too short, broke app! # # for slow motion 0.1 ok ok # for fast motiion 0.0.25 is not enough # self.timeout_slow = 0.14 self.timeout_timer_start = 0.14 self.velocity_factor = 0.3 self.old_headx = 0.0 self.old_handy = 0.0 self.old_turnx = 0.0 self.old_runy = 0.0 self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() # self.current_hand_pos = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0} # self.saved_hand_pos = {} # self.last_hand_move = {} # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.saved_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.last_run_move = {} self.current_pos = { 'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0 } self.saved_pos = { 'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0 } self.last_move = { 'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0 } self.mean_time_send_command_data = 0.05 self.counter_send_command_data = 1 self.counter_commands = 1 Clock.schedule_interval(self.timer, self.timeout_timer_start) def OnSliderAcccepptCommandTiteoutValueChange(self, instance, value): print(type(value), value, self.accept_command_timeout) self.accept_command_timeout = value def OnSliderVelocityFactorValueChange(self, instance, value): print(type(value), value, self.velocity_factor) self.velocity_factor = value def OnSliderTimeoutTimerStartValueChange(self, instance, value): print(type(value), value, self.timeout_timer_start) self.timeout_timer_start = value def update_coordinates_run(self, joystick, pad): RUN_Y_STEP = 2 # steps to final acceleration RUN_Y_SLEEP = 0.04 # steps to final acceleration x = self.squaredround(pad[0]) y = self.squaredround(pad[1]) self.current_pos['turnx'] = x self.current_pos['runy'] = y # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x, 'runy': y} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x, 'runy': y} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x, 'runy': y} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_run_pos): if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_pos): self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) else: pass def update_coordinates_hand(self, joystick, pad): x = self.squaredround(pad[0]) y = self.squaredround(pad[1]) # self.current_hand_pos = {'headx': x, 'handy': y} self.current_pos['headx'] = x self.current_pos['handy'] = y # if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_hand_pos): if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_pos): self.send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) else: pass def update_catch_release(self, instance): # # print('DBG: button pressed!') # catch = catch self.send_command_data(catch='catch') # def reset_stat_button(self, instance): # # self.mean_time_send_command_data = 0.05 # # self.counter_send_command_data = 1 # # self.counter_commands = 1 # print('reset stat') def send_command_data(self, headx='z', handy='z', turnx='z', runy='z', catch='z'): before_send_command_data = time.time() robot_host = '' # hardcoded robot ip t4m net robot_port = 80 # # print('send_command_data running') # self.debug_label.text = 'headx {}\nhandy {}\nturnx {}\nruny {}\ncatch {}'.format(headx, # handy, # turnx, # runy, # catch) # tuple_commands = (headx, handy, turnx, runy, catch) # print(tuple_commands) dict_commands = { 'headx': headx, 'handy': handy, 'turnx': turnx, 'runy': runy, 'catch': catch } print(dict_commands) # for item in dict_commands: # print(item, dict_commands[item]) # # if any(i != 'z' for i in tuple_commands): # print('meaning value found') str_commands = 'http://' + str(robot_host) + '/?' for item in dict_commands: # # print(item, # dict_commands[item], # type(dict_commands[item]) # ) # if dict_commands[item] !='z': # str_commands += item +\ # '=' + \ # dict_commands[item] + \ # '&' # add normalization if dict_commands[item] != 'z': if dict_commands[item] != 'catch': str_commands += item + \ '=' + \ str('{0:.2f}'.format((dict_commands[item] + 1) / 2)) + \ '&' # remember last command try: # print('DBG remember last command {} {} {}'.format(self.saved_pos[item], # dict_commands[item], # self.last_move[item])) self.last_move[item] = abs(self.saved_pos[item] - dict_commands[item]) # except Exception as e: print('ERR saving self.last_move[item] {} {}'.format( type(e), e)) pass else: str_commands += item + \ '=' + \ 'catch' + \ '&' # # print('str_commands: {}'.format(str_commands)) try: self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate client_socket.connect( (robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # message = '' + str(turnx) # take input client_socket.send( str_commands.encode()) # encode than send message # print(str_commands.encode()) # command like : # b'' client_socket.close() # close the connection # # sleep(3) # # time.sleep(0.02) # # # time.sleep(0.2) # print('sent OK {} sent'.format(str_commands)) # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(turnx) # update send command as saved position # self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() for item in dict_commands: # if dict_commands[item] != 'z' or dict_commands[item] != 'catch': # gives type error: # # DBG send_command_data after socket.close 0.0 to <class 'str'> z if dict_commands[item] != 'z' and dict_commands[ item] != 'catch': # gives type error: # print('DBG send_command_data after socket.close {} to {} {}'.format(self.saved_pos[item], # type(dict_commands[item]), # dict_commands[item])) self.saved_pos[item] = dict_commands[item] self.mean_time_send_command_data = (self.counter_send_command_data * self.mean_time_send_command_data + time.time() - before_send_command_data) / \ (self.counter_send_command_data + 1) self.counter_send_command_data += 1 self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() except: print('ERR: command not sent {}'.format(turnx)) # send_status += 'error sending turnx' + str(turnx) def timer(self, dt): debug_text = "commands counter: {} sent: {}\n" \ "mean timeout sending commands: {}\n" \ "self.slider_accept_command_timeout: {}\n" \ "self.slider_velocity_factor: {}\n" \ "self.slider_timeout_timer_start: {}\n" \ self.debug_label.text = debug_text.format( self.counter_commands, str((self.counter_send_command_data / self.counter_commands))[0:5], str(self.mean_time_send_command_data)[0:5], str(self.accept_command_timeout)[0:5], str(self.velocity_factor)[0:5], str(self.timeout_timer_start)[0:5]) # print('timer running \n{}\n{}\n{}'.format(time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send, # self.current_hand_pos, # self.saved_hand_pos)) if (time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send ) > self.timeout_timer_start: # # # and (self.saved_hand_pos != self.current_hand_pos): # # # print('Im timer got NEW data:{}'.format(self.current_hand_pos)) # # try: # self.send_command_data(headx=self.current_hand_pos['headx'], handy=self.current_hand_pos['handy']) # self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() # # self.saved_hand_pos = self.current_hand_pos # print('timer raised afterburner {} {}'. format(self.current_hand_pos['headx'], # self.current_hand_pos['handy'])) if self.current_pos == self.saved_pos: # print('DBG timer has no jobs for {} at pos: {}'.format(time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send, # self.saved_pos)) pass else: print('DBG timer have job at {} to move to: {}'.format( time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send, self.current_pos)) try: # self.send_command_data(headx=self.current_hand_pos['headx'], # handy=self.current_hand_pos['handy'], # # turnx=self.current_run_pos['turnx'], # runy=self.current_run_pos['runy']) self.send_command_data(headx=self.current_pos['headx'], handy=self.current_pos['handy'], turnx=self.current_pos['turnx'], runy=self.current_pos['runy']) except Exception as e: print('ERR in timer {}, {}'.format(type(e), e)) # pass def squaredround(self, x): import math max_x = 0.99 multiply_factor = 1.4 sign = lambda y: math.copysign(1, y) aligned_x = x * multiply_factor if abs(aligned_x) < 0.05: return 0.0 if abs(aligned_x) > 0.99: return max_x * sign(aligned_x) else: return float(str(aligned_x)[0:4]) def accept_command(self, pos): # ACCEPT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 0.06 # 0.6 is too short, broke app! # # for slow motion 0.1 ok ok # for fast motiion 0.0.25 is not enough # # velocity = 0.3 # 0.1 too short - joystick freezes broke app! hand_timeout_slow = 0.25 change_factor = 0.2 next_hand_pos = {} # delta_positions = [0.0] delta_last_run = [0.0] self.counter_commands += 1 for item in pos: if pos[item] != 'z' and pos[item] != 'catch': # pass # self.saved_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] next_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] try: # delta_position = abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item]) delta_last_run.append(self.last_move[item]) # print(next_hand_pos[item], # self.saved_hand_pos[item], # abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item])) except Exception as e: print('ERR collecting movements'.format(type(e), e)) # pass if time.time() > self.last_command_sent_at: return False else: return True
class RoboPad(FloatLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={'x':0.0, 'y':.2}, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.4, .4), pos_hint={'x':0.6, 'y':.2}) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.15, .15), pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .65}, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) # add debug Labels self.debug_label = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), pos_hint={'x': .8, 'y': .8}, text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) self.add_widget(self.debug_label) self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, text='message ... ...',) self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) # bind button self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) # def update_coordinates(self, joystick, pad): def update_coordinates(self, joystick, pad): # ok copy of original update_coordinates pass # # # from time import sleep # # # robot_host = '' # hardcodedrobot ip t4m net # robot_host = '' # hardcodedrobot ip t4m net # robot_port = 80 # # send_status = 'try...' # x = str(pad[0])[0:5] # y = str(pad[1])[0:5] # radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] # magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] # angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # # self.label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # # # time.sleep(0.4) # # posx = (float(x)+1)/2 # print('posx: {}'.format(posx)) # # # # # # # # # # url = '' # # payload = {'headx',posx} # # r =, data=payload) # # print(r.text) # # # socket implementation in this def # # try: # # # # sock = socket.socket() # # send_status = 'sock-OK ' # # sock.connect((robot_host, 80)) # # send_status = 'connect-OK ' # # soc_string = '' + str(posx) # # send_status = 'string-OK ' # # sock.send(soc_string) # # send_status = 'send-OK ' # # sock.close() # # send_status = 'close-OK ' # # send_status = 'sent ok' # # except: # # send_status += 'error' # # try: # client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate # client_socket.connect((robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # message = '' + str(posx) # take input # client_socket.send(message.encode()) # encode than send message # # client_socket.close() # close the connection # # sleep(3) # time.sleep(0.02) # # # print('posx {} sent'.format(message)) # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(posx) # except: # print('posx not sent {}'.format(posx)) # send_status += 'error sending posx' + str(posx) # # # display info # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # self.label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # test for joystickrun binding ok # print('joystickrun binded') # x = str(pad[0])[0:5] # y = str(pad[1])[0:5] # radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] # magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] # angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # # self.debuglabel.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # # # without send_status print just to debug label # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" # self.debuglabel.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # update coordinates for joystickrun # for now just print coordinates to debug label def update_coordinates_run(self, joystick, pad): # test for joystickrun binding test # print('update_coordinates_run ...') print(self, joystick, pad) x = str(pad[0])[0:5] y = str(pad[1])[0:5] radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # without send_status print just to debug label text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # self.debug_label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # for query # robot_host = '' # hardcodedrobot ip t4m net # robot_port = 80 # turnx = (float(x) + 1) / 2 # try: # client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate # client_socket.connect((robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # message = '' + str(turnx) # take input # client_socket.send(message.encode()) # encode than send message # # client_socket.close() # close the connection # # sleep(3) # # time.sleep(0.02) # # # print('turnx {} sent'.format(message)) # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(turnx) # except: # print('turnx not sent {}'.format(turnx)) # send_status += 'error sending turnx' + str(turnx) # <<< self.update_fake_data(turnx=x, runy=y) def update_coordinates_hand(self, joystick, pad): # test for update_coordinates_hand binding test # print('update_coordinates_hand running...') print(self, joystick, pad) x = str(pad[0])[0:5] y = str(pad[1])[0:5] radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # without send_status print just to debug label text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" self.debug_label_hand.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # self.debug_label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # <<< self.update_fake_data(headx=x, handy=y) def update_catch_release(self, instance): print('DBG: button pressed!') # catch = catch self.update_fake_data(catch='catch') def update_fake_data(self, headx='z', handy='z', turnx='z', runy='z', catch='z'): robot_host = '' # hardcodedrobot ip t4m net robot_port = 80 print('update_fake_data running') self.debug_label.text = 'headx {}\nhandy {}\nturnx {}\nruny {}\ncatch {}'.format(headx, handy, turnx, runy, catch) dict_commands = {'headx': headx, 'handy': handy, 'turnx': turnx, 'runy': runy, 'catch': catch} print(dict_commands) str_commands = 'http://'+str(robot_host)+'/?' for item in dict_commands: print(item, dict_commands[item], type(dict_commands[item]) ) # if dict_commands[item] !='z': # str_commands += item +\ # '=' + \ # dict_commands[item] + \ # '&' # add normalization if dict_commands[item] != 'z': if dict_commands[item] != 'catch': str_commands += item +\ '=' + \ str('{0:.2f}'.format((float(dict_commands[item]) + 1) / 2)) +\ '&' # str((float(dict_commands[item]) + 1) / 2) +\ else: str_commands += item +\ '=' + \ 'catch' +\ '&' print('str_commands: {}'.format(str_commands)) # for query # turnx = (float(x) + 1) / 2 try: client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate client_socket.connect((robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # message = '' + str(turnx) # take input client_socket.send(str_commands.encode()) # encode than send message # client_socket.close() # close the connection # # sleep(3) # # time.sleep(0.02) # # time.sleep(0.05) print('sent OK {} sent'.format(str_commands)) # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(turnx) except: print('turnx not sent {}'.format(turnx))
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.5, .5), pos_hint={'x': .0, 'y': .0}, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.5, .5), pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .0}) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.3, .1), pos_hint={'x': .7, 'y': .9}, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) self.dance_button = Button(size_hint=(.2, .1), pos_hint={'x': .4, 'y': .9}, text='Dance!') self.add_widget(self.dance_button) self.dance_button.bind(on_press=self.update_dance) self.hiphop_dance = Button(size_hint=(.2, .1), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .9}, text='hip-hop!') self.add_widget(self.hiphop_dance) self.hiphop_dance.bind(on_press=self.update_hiphop) # self.reset_stat_button = Button(size_hint=(.05, .05), # pos_hint={'x': .6, 'y': .65}, # text='reset stat') # self.add_widget(self.reset_stat_button) # self.reset_stat_button.bind(on_press=self.reset_stat_button) # add debug Labels self.debug_label = Label(size_hint=(.4, .0), pos_hint={'x': .2, 'y': .2}, text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick # bind button self.slider_accept_command_timeout = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .9}, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.05) # self.add_widget(self.slider_accept_command_timeout) self.slider_accept_command_timeout.bind(value=self.OnSliderAcccepptCommandTiteoutValueChange) self.slider_velocity_factor = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .85}, min=0.01, max=10.0, value=0.3) # self.add_widget(self.slider_velocity_factor) self.slider_velocity_factor.bind(value=self.OnSliderVelocityFactorValueChange) # not used , just place holder self.slider_timeout_timer_start = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.11) # self.add_widget(self.slider_timeout_timer_start) self.slider_timeout_timer_start.bind(value=self.OnSliderTimeoutTimerStartValueChange) self.slider_gear_factor = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, min=1, max=5, value=3) self.add_widget(self.slider_gear_factor) self.slider_gear_factor.bind(value=self.OnSliderGearFactorValueChange) self.accept_command_timeout = 0.05 # 0.6 is too short, broke app! # # for slow motion 0.1 ok ok # for fast motiion 0.0.25 is not enough # self.timeout_slow = 0.14 self.timeout_timer_start = 0.14 self.velocity_factor = 0.3 self.old_headx = 0.0 self.old_handy = 0.0 self.old_turnx = 0.0 self.old_runy = 0.0 self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() # self.current_hand_pos = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0} # self.saved_hand_pos = {} # self.last_hand_move = {} # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.saved_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.last_run_move = {} self.mean_time_send_command_data = 0.0 self.counter_send_command_data = 1 self.counter_commands = 1 = False = 1 self.gear = 3 self.robot_host = '' # hardcoded robot ip t4m net self.robot_port = 80 self.current_pos = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0, 'gear': self.gear} self.saved_pos = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0, 'gear': self.gear} self.last_move = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0, 'gear': self.gear} self.saved_command = {'gear': self.gear} self.command_sent = True # self.SERVO_MIN = 35 # real servo min-max # self.SERVO_MAX = 125 self.SERVO_MIN = 40 # compatible with self.SERVO_MAX = 117 self.servo_center = self.SERVO_MAX - self.SERVO_MIN self.SERVO_NEAR_ZERO = 0.03 self.SERVO_FACTOR = 1.3 Clock.schedule_interval(self.timer_with_saved_params, self.timeout_timer_start) # start afterburner
class RoboPad(FloatLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RoboPad, self).__init__(**kwargs) # # print('running super(Gamepad, self).__init__()') # joystickhand and joystickrun self.joystickhand = Joystick(size_hint=(.5, .5), pos_hint={'x': .0, 'y': .0}, sticky=True) self.add_widget(self.joystickhand) self.joystickrun = Joystick(size_hint=(.5, .5), pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .0}) self.joystickhand.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_hand) self.add_widget(self.joystickrun) self.joystickrun.bind(pad=self.update_coordinates_run) # add some buttons self.catchbutton = Button(size_hint=(.3, .1), pos_hint={'x': .7, 'y': .9}, text='Catch me!') self.add_widget(self.catchbutton) self.catchbutton.bind(on_press=self.update_catch_release) self.dance_button = Button(size_hint=(.2, .1), pos_hint={'x': .4, 'y': .9}, text='Dance!') self.add_widget(self.dance_button) self.dance_button.bind(on_press=self.update_dance) self.hiphop_dance = Button(size_hint=(.2, .1), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .9}, text='hip-hop!') self.add_widget(self.hiphop_dance) self.hiphop_dance.bind(on_press=self.update_hiphop) # self.reset_stat_button = Button(size_hint=(.05, .05), # pos_hint={'x': .6, 'y': .65}, # text='reset stat') # self.add_widget(self.reset_stat_button) # self.reset_stat_button.bind(on_press=self.reset_stat_button) # add debug Labels self.debug_label = Label(size_hint=(.4, .0), pos_hint={'x': .2, 'y': .2}, text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) self.add_widget(self.debug_label) # self.debug_label_hand = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_hand) # self.debug_label_run = Label(size_hint=(.2, .2), # pos_hint={'x': .5, 'y': .8}, # text='message ... ...',) # multiline=True,) # self.add_widget(self.debug_label_run) # bind joystick # bind button self.slider_accept_command_timeout = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .9}, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.05) # self.add_widget(self.slider_accept_command_timeout) self.slider_accept_command_timeout.bind(value=self.OnSliderAcccepptCommandTiteoutValueChange) self.slider_velocity_factor = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .85}, min=0.01, max=10.0, value=0.3) # self.add_widget(self.slider_velocity_factor) self.slider_velocity_factor.bind(value=self.OnSliderVelocityFactorValueChange) # not used , just place holder self.slider_timeout_timer_start = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, min=0.02, max=0.2, value=0.11) # self.add_widget(self.slider_timeout_timer_start) self.slider_timeout_timer_start.bind(value=self.OnSliderTimeoutTimerStartValueChange) self.slider_gear_factor = Slider(size_hint=(.4, .03), pos_hint={'x': .1, 'y': .8}, min=1, max=5, value=3) self.add_widget(self.slider_gear_factor) self.slider_gear_factor.bind(value=self.OnSliderGearFactorValueChange) self.accept_command_timeout = 0.05 # 0.6 is too short, broke app! # # for slow motion 0.1 ok ok # for fast motiion 0.0.25 is not enough # self.timeout_slow = 0.14 self.timeout_timer_start = 0.14 self.velocity_factor = 0.3 self.old_headx = 0.0 self.old_handy = 0.0 self.old_turnx = 0.0 self.old_runy = 0.0 self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() # self.current_hand_pos = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0} # self.saved_hand_pos = {} # self.last_hand_move = {} # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.saved_run_pos = {'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0} # self.last_run_move = {} self.mean_time_send_command_data = 0.0 self.counter_send_command_data = 1 self.counter_commands = 1 = False = 1 self.gear = 3 self.robot_host = '' # hardcoded robot ip t4m net self.robot_port = 80 self.current_pos = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0, 'gear': self.gear} self.saved_pos = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0, 'gear': self.gear} self.last_move = {'headx': 0.0, 'handy': 0.0, 'turnx': 0.0, 'runy': 0.0, 'gear': self.gear} self.saved_command = {'gear': self.gear} self.command_sent = True # self.SERVO_MIN = 35 # real servo min-max # self.SERVO_MAX = 125 self.SERVO_MIN = 40 # compatible with self.SERVO_MAX = 117 self.servo_center = self.SERVO_MAX - self.SERVO_MIN self.SERVO_NEAR_ZERO = 0.03 self.SERVO_FACTOR = 1.3 Clock.schedule_interval(self.timer_with_saved_params, self.timeout_timer_start) # start afterburner def OnSliderAcccepptCommandTiteoutValueChange(self, instance, value): # self.command_sent = False # print(type(value), value, self.accept_command_timeout) self.accept_command_timeout = value def OnSliderVelocityFactorValueChange(self, instance, value): # self.command_sent = False # print(type(value), value, self.velocity_factor) self.velocity_factor = value def OnSliderGearFactorValueChange(self, instance, value): # self.command_sent = False # print(type(value), value, self.gear) self.gear = round(value) # self.send_command_data(gear=self.gear) self.saved_command['gear'] = self.gear def OnSliderTimeoutTimerStartValueChange(self, instance, value): # self.command_sent = False # print(type(value), value, self.timeout_timer_start) self.timeout_timer_start = value def update_coordinates_run(self, joystick, pad): # self.command_sent = False # # test for joystickrun binding test # # # print('update_coordinates_run ...') # # # print(self, joystick, pad) # x = str(pad[0])[0:5] # y = str(pad[1])[0:5] # radians = str(joystick.radians)[0:5] # magnitude = str(joystick.magnitude)[0:5] # angle = str(joystick.angle)[0:5] # # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}\nsend data status: {}" # # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle, send_status) # # # without send_status # print just to debug label # text = "x: {}\ny: {}\nradians: {}\nmagnitude: {}\nangle: {}" # # self.debug_label_run.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # # self.debug_label.text = text.format(x, y, radians, magnitude, angle) # self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) RUN_Y_STEP = 2 # steps to final acceleration RUN_Y_SLEEP = 0.04 # steps to final acceleration x = self.squaredround(pad[0]) y = self.squaredround(pad[1]) self.current_pos['turnx'] = x self.current_pos['runy'] = y # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x, 'runy': y} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x, 'runy': y} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # self.current_run_pos = {'turnx': x, 'runy': y} # not working good in mix servo and DC drive # if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_run_pos): # if self.accept_command(pos=self.current_pos): # self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) # # # # # smooth start not working well # # self.send_command_data(turnx=x) # # # # for run_step in range(RUN_Y_STEP, 1, -1): # # try: # # # # # print('DBG run_step {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( # # # type(self.saved_pos['runy']), # # # self.saved_pos['runy'], # # # type(y), # # # y, # # # type(self.saved_pos['runy']), # # # self.saved_pos # # # )) # # # # self.send_command_data(runy=self.saved_pos['runy'] + (y -self.saved_pos['runy']) / run_step) # # # # time.sleep(RUN_Y_SLEEP) # # # # print('DBG run_step {} {} {}'.format(run_step, # # self.saved_pos['runy'], # # self.saved_pos['runy'] + # # (self.saved_pos['runy'] - y) / run_step)) # RUN_Y_STEP # # except Exception as e: # # print('ERR run_step err: {} {}'.format(type(e), e)) # # # self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) # # # # # self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) # # else: # pass # if self.accept_command_with_saved_params(): if self.command_sent: self.saved_command['turnx'] = self.recalculate_servo_position(x) self.saved_command['runy'] = self.recalculate_dc_position(y) self.command_sent = False self.send_command_data_with_saved_params() else: pass # # smooth run stepper ( # # for run_step in range(RUN_Y_STEP, 1, -1): # try: # # # print('DBG run_step {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( # # type(self.saved_pos['runy']), # # self.saved_pos['runy'], # # type(y), # # y, # # type(self.saved_pos['runy']), # # self.saved_pos # # )) # # self.send_command_data(runy=self.saved_pos['runy'] + (self.saved_pos['runy'] + y) / run_step) # # # print('DBG run_step {} {} {}'.format(run_step, # # self.saved_pos['runy'], # # runy=self.saved_pos['runy'] + (self.saved_pos['runy'] - y) / run_step)) # except Exception as e: # print('run_step err: {} {}'.format(type(e), e)) # # self.send_command_data(turnx=x, runy=y) # # # self.current_run_pos = {'runy': y} # self.current_run_pos = {'runy': y} def update_coordinates_hand(self, joystick, pad): # self.command_sent = False RUN_Y_STEP = 2 # steps to final acceleration RUN_Y_SLEEP = 0.04 # steps to final acceleration x = self.squaredround(pad[0]) y = self.squaredround(pad[1]) self.current_pos['headx'] = x self.current_pos['handy'] = y if self.command_sent: self.saved_command['headx'] = self.recalculate_servo_position(x) self.saved_command['handy'] = self.recalculate_servo_position(y) self.command_sent = False self.send_command_data_with_saved_params() else: pass def update_catch_release(self, instance): # self.command_sent = False # # print('DBG: button pressed!') # catch = catch if self.command_sent: self.saved_command['catch'] = 'catch' self.command_sent = False self.send_command_data_with_saved_params() def update_hiphop(self, instance): = 50 # def update_dance(self, instance): # self.command_sent = False import random print('DBG: {}'.format( if def generate_commands(timeout=0, cycle=0): self.saved_command['headx']=random.choice(['z', random.random()]) self.saved_command['handy']=random.choice(['z', random.random()]) self.saved_command['turnx']=random.choice(['z', random.random()]) # runy=random.choice(['z', random.random()]), self.saved_command['runy']=random.choice(['z', 'z']) self.saved_command['catch']=random.choice(['z', 'catch']) self.send_command_data_with_saved_params() def cycle_timeouted(): # initial timeout 0.5 s: 0.2 0.2 0.2 # ini_timeout = 50 20 50 100 # step_timeout = 100 100 250 500 ini_timeout = 100 step_timeout = 500 count = 1 for timeout in range(ini_timeout, 1, -1): print('DBG: current timeout: {}, count: {}'.format(timeout / step_timeout, count)) for cycle in range(0, 10000): # print('DBG: current timeout: {}, cycle: {}'.format(timeout / step_timeout, cycle)) if time.time() > self.last_command_sent_at: generate_commands(timeout, cycle) generate_commands(timeout, cycle) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 10) / count += 1 cycle_timeouted() = not # self.send_command_data(catch='catch') # def reset_stat_button(self, instance): # # self.mean_time_send_command_data = 0.05 # # self.counter_send_command_data = 1 # # self.counter_commands = 1 # print('reset stat') def send_command_data(self, headx='z', handy='z', turnx='z', runy='z', catch='z', gear='z'): print('Started send_command_data') before_send_command_data = time.time() robot_host = '' # hardcoded robot ip t4m net robot_port = 80 # # print('send_command_data running') # self.debug_label.text = 'headx {}\nhandy {}\nturnx {}\nruny {}\ncatch {}'.format(headx, # handy, # turnx, # runy, # catch) # tuple_commands = (headx, handy, turnx, runy, catch) # print(tuple_commands) dict_commands = {'headx': headx, 'handy': handy, 'turnx': turnx, 'runy': runy, 'catch': catch, 'gear': gear} print('DBG dict_commands: {}'.format(dict_commands)) # for item in dict_commands: # print(item, dict_commands[item]) # # if any(i != 'z' for i in tuple_commands): # print('meaning value found') str_commands = 'http://' + str(robot_host) + '/?' for item in dict_commands: # # print(item, # dict_commands[item], # type(dict_commands[item]) # ) # if dict_commands[item] !='z': # str_commands += item +\ # '=' + \ # dict_commands[item] + \ # '&' if dict_commands[item] != 'z': if dict_commands[item] == 'catch': str_commands += item + \ '=' + \ 'catch' + \ '&' # if dict_commands[item] != 'catch': else: # pre- # str_commands += item + \ # '=' + \ # str('{0:.2f}'.format((dict_commands[item] + 1) / 2)) + \ # '&' if item == 'gear': # new in for gear str_commands += item + '=' + str('{}'.format(dict_commands[item])) + '&' # print('DBG dict_commands[item] == \'gear\' {}'.format(str_commands)) else: # new in , # calculates integer values for ESP str_commands += item + '=' + str('{}'.format(int((dict_commands[item]+1)/2 * 75 + 40))) + '&' # print('DBG else -- dict_commands[item] == \'gear\' {}'.format(str_commands)) # print('DBG: formatting values {} -> {}'.format(dict_commands[item], (int(dict_commands[item]*100)))) # remember last command try: # print('DBG remember last command {} {} {}'.format(self.saved_pos[item], # dict_commands[item], # self.last_move[item])) self.last_move[item] = abs(self.saved_pos[item] - dict_commands[item]) # except Exception as e: print('ERR saving self.last_move[item] {} {}'.format(type(e), e)) # pass # # print('str_commands: {}'.format(str_commands)) try: self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate client_socket.connect((robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # message = '' + str(turnx) # take input client_socket.send(str_commands.encode()) # encode than send message # print(str_commands.encode()) # command like : # b'' client_socket.close() # close the connection # # sleep(3) # # time.sleep(0.02) # # # time.sleep(0.2) # print('sent OK {} sent'.format(str_commands)) # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(turnx) # update send command as saved position # self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() for item in dict_commands: # if dict_commands[item] != 'z' or dict_commands[item] != 'catch': # gives type error: # # DBG send_command_data after socket.close 0.0 to <class 'str'> z if dict_commands[item] != 'z' and dict_commands[item] != 'catch': # gives type error: # print('DBG send_command_data after socket.close {} to {} {}'.format(self.saved_pos[item], # type(dict_commands[item]), # dict_commands[item])) self.saved_pos[item] = dict_commands[item] self.mean_time_send_command_data = (self.counter_send_command_data * self.mean_time_send_command_data + time.time() - before_send_command_data) / \ (self.counter_send_command_data + 1) self.counter_send_command_data += 1 self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() except: print('ERR: command not sent {}'.format(turnx)) # send_status += 'error sending turnx' + str(turnx) # def compare_n_send_command_data(self, headx='z', handy='z', turnx='z', runy='z', catch='z'): # # # define some globals # # global old_headx # global old_handy # global old_turnx # global old_runy # # change_factor = 0.05 # # print('DBG: headx:{} {} {} {} ()'.format(headx, type(headx), float(headx), float(headx)+1.1, type(float(headx)))) # print('DBG: old_headx:{} {} {} {}'.format(old_headx, type(old_headx), float(old_headx), type(float(old_headx)))) # print('DBG: abs(float(old_headx)-float(headx) > change_factor: {}, {}').format(float(headx)+1.1, type(float(old_headx)-float(headx))) # # # # if abs(float(old_headx)-float(headx)) > change_factor or abs(old_handy-float(handy))>change_factor: # of course not True alws # # if abs(float(old_headx)-float(headx) > change_factor) > change_factor: # of course not True alws # # //head just # if True: # # try: # # if True: # # print('DBG: headx:{} {} , handy:{} {}'.format(headx, type(headx), handy, type(handy))) # # # update saved old_* joystick values # # old_headx = headx # old_handy = handy # old_turnx = turnx # old_runy = runy # # print('DBG: joystick values re-saved') # # # robot_host = '' # hardcoded robot ip t4m net # robot_port = 80 # # # print('send_command_data running') # # self.debug_label.text = 'headx {}\nhandy {}\nturnx {}\nruny {}\ncatch {}'.format(headx, # # handy, # # turnx, # # runy, # # catch) # # dict_commands = {'headx': headx, 'handy': handy, 'turnx': turnx, 'runy': runy, 'catch': catch} # # # print(dict_commands) # # str_commands = 'http://' + str(robot_host) + '/?' # # for item in dict_commands: # # # print(item, # # dict_commands[item], # # type(dict_commands[item]) # # ) # # if dict_commands[item] !='z': # # str_commands += item +\ # # '=' + \ # # dict_commands[item] + \ # # '&' # # # add normalization # if dict_commands[item] != 'z': # if dict_commands[item] != 'catch': # str_commands += item + \ # '=' + \ # str('{0:.2f}'.format((float(dict_commands[item]) + 1) / 2)) + \ # '&' # else: # str_commands += item + \ # '=' + \ # 'catch' + \ # '&' # # # print('str_commands: {}'.format(str_commands)) # # try: # client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate # client_socket.connect((robot_host, robot_port)) # connect to the server # # message = '' + str(turnx) # take input # client_socket.send(str_commands.encode()) # encode than send message # # # client_socket.close() # close the connection # # # sleep(3) # # # time.sleep(0.02) # # # # time.sleep(0.2) # print('sent OK {} sent'.format(str_commands)) # # send_status = 'sent ok' + str(turnx) # except: # print('ERR: command not sent {}'.format(turnx)) # # send_status += 'error sending turnx' + str(turnx) # except: # pass # else: # print('DBG: joystick changes ignored') def timer(self, dt): debug_text = "commands counter: {} sent: {}\n" \ "mean timeout sending commands: {}\n" \ "self.slider_accept_command_timeout: {}\n" \ "self.slider_velocity_factor: {}\n" \ "self.slider_timeout_timer_start: {}\n" \ "self.gear: {}\n" \ self.debug_label.text = debug_text.format(self.counter_commands, str((self.counter_send_command_data / self.counter_commands))[0:5], str(self.mean_time_send_command_data)[0:5], str(self.accept_command_timeout)[0:5], str(self.velocity_factor)[0:5], str(self.timeout_timer_start)[0:5], str(self.gear)) # print('timer running \n{}\n{}\n{}'.format(time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send, # self.current_hand_pos, # self.saved_hand_pos)) if (time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send) > self.timeout_timer_start: # # # and (self.saved_hand_pos != self.current_hand_pos): # # # print('Im timer got NEW data:{}'.format(self.current_hand_pos)) # # try: # self.send_command_data(headx=self.current_hand_pos['headx'], handy=self.current_hand_pos['handy']) # self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() # # self.saved_hand_pos = self.current_hand_pos # print('timer raised afterburner {} {}'. format(self.current_hand_pos['headx'], # self.current_hand_pos['handy'])) if self.current_pos == self.saved_pos: # print('DBG timer has no jobs for {} at pos: {}'.format(time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send, # self.saved_pos)) pass else: print('DBG timer have job at {} to move to: {}'.format(time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send, self.current_pos)) try: # self.send_command_data(headx=self.current_hand_pos['headx'], # handy=self.current_hand_pos['handy'], # # turnx=self.current_run_pos['turnx'], # runy=self.current_run_pos['runy']) self.send_command_data(headx=self.current_pos['headx'], handy=self.current_pos['handy'], turnx=self.current_pos['turnx'], runy=self.current_pos['runy']) except Exception as e: print('ERR in timer {}, {}'.format(type(e), e)) # pass def timer_with_saved_params(self, dt): debug_text = "commands counter: {} sent: {}\n" \ "mean timeout sending commands: {}\n" \ "self.slider_accept_command_timeout: {}\n" \ "self.slider_velocity_factor: {}\n" \ "self.slider_timeout_timer_start: {}\n" \ "self.gear: {}\n" \ self.debug_label.text = debug_text.format(self.counter_commands, str((self.counter_send_command_data / self.counter_commands))[0:5], str(self.mean_time_send_command_data)[0:5], str(self.accept_command_timeout)[0:5], str(self.velocity_factor)[0:5], str(self.timeout_timer_start)[0:5], str(self.gear)) # if self.command_sent: # print('DBG timer_with_saved_params saved_command "len":{},' # ' "if?" {} ,' # ' {}'.format(len(self.saved_command), # True if self.saved_command else False, # self.saved_command)) # print('DBG timer_with_saved_params have no jobs') # # return False # else: # print('DBG timer_with_saved_params saved_command "len":{},' # ' "if?" {} ,' # ' {}'.format(len(self.saved_command), # True if self.saved_command else False, # self.saved_command)) # print('DBG timer_with_saved_params have some jobs') # self.send_command_data_with_saved_params() # # return True # # if self.saved_command: print('DBG timer_with_saved_params saved_command "len":{},' ' "if?" {} ,' ' {}'.format(len(self.saved_command), True if self.saved_command else False, self.saved_command)) print('DBG timer_with_saved_params have some jobs') # return False # self.send_command_data_with_saved_params() # temporally disable sending command self.saved_command = {} else: print('DBG timer_with_saved_params saved_command "len":{},' ' "if?" {} ,' ' {}'.format(len(self.saved_command), True if self.saved_command else False, self.saved_command)) print('DBG timer_with_saved_params have no jobs') # return True def squaredround(self, x): import math # print('DBG squaredround x: {}'.format(x)) max_x = 0.99 multiply_factor = 1.3 sign = lambda y: math.copysign(1, y) aligned_x = x * multiply_factor if abs(aligned_x) < 0.05: return 0.0 if abs(aligned_x) > 0.99: return max_x * sign(aligned_x) else: return float(str(aligned_x)[0:4]) def recalculate_servo_position(self, x): import math # self.SERVO_MIN = 40 # self.SERVO_MAX = 115 # self.servo_center = 75 # self.SERVO_NEAR_ZERO = 0.03 # self.SERVO_FACTOR = 1.3 max_x = 0.99 multiply_factor = 1.4 sign = lambda y: math.copysign(1, y) aligned_x = x * multiply_factor if abs(aligned_x) < self.SERVO_NEAR_ZERO: return self.servo_center elif abs(aligned_x) > 0.99: normalized_x = max_x * sign(aligned_x) else: normalized_x = float(str(aligned_x)[0:4]) return int((normalized_x + 1) / 2 * self.servo_center + self.SERVO_MIN) def recalculate_dc_position(self, x): import math max_x = 0.99 multiply_factor = 1.1 near_zero = 0.03 dc_min = self.SERVO_MIN dc_max = self.SERVO_MAX dc_center = self.servo_center sign = lambda y: math.copysign(1, y) aligned_x = x * multiply_factor if abs(aligned_x) < near_zero: # normalized_x = 0.0 return dc_center elif abs(aligned_x) > 0.99: normalized_x = max_x * sign(aligned_x) return int((normalized_x + 1) / 2 * dc_center + dc_min) else: # normalized_x = float(str(aligned_x)[0:4]) normalized_x = aligned_x return int((normalized_x + 1) / 2 * dc_center + dc_min) def accept_command(self, pos): # ACCEPT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 0.06 # 0.6 is too short, broke app! # # for slow motion 0.1 ok ok # for fast motiion 0.0.25 is not enough # # velocity = 0.3 # 0.1 too short - joystick freezes broke app! hand_timeout_slow = 0.25 change_factor = 0.2 next_hand_pos = {} # delta_positions = [0.0] delta_last_run = [0.0] self.counter_commands += 1 # <<< # self.send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) # original in 0.8.1 # self.compare_n_send_command_data(headx=x, handy=y) # raw_headx = pad[0] # aligned_x = raw_headx * 1.4 # if aligned_x > 0.99 : # x = str(0.99) # else: # x = str(aligned_x)[0:4] # print(x, raw_headx) # # if abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) or abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) > change_factor: # print('DBG: above change_factor {} x:{}, y:{}'.format(change_factor, # abs(float_headx - self.old_headx), # abs(float_handy - self.old_handy) # )) # for head_x # if abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor: # not running good on fast moves # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send) > hand_timeout) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send) > hand_timeout_slow: # # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send) > hand_timeout) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send) > hand_timeout_slow: # # add more time for drive move: # hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx)/12.0 # # if (abs(float_headx - self.old_headx) > change_factor # and (time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send) > (hand_timeout + abs(float_headx - self.old_headx)/12.0)) \ # or (time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send) > hand_timeout_slow: # # check against given params # print(pos) # check type of data # for item in pos: # print(item, type(pos[item]), pos[item]) # next is good ...for future movements # for item in pos: # if pos[item] != 'z' or pos[item] != 'catch': # pass # # self.saved_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] # next_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] # try: # # delta_position = abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item]) # delta_positions.append(abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item])) # # print(next_hand_pos[item], # # self.saved_hand_pos[item], # # abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item])) # # # except Exception as e: # print(type(e), e) # # pass # if len(delta_positions) > 0: # print(' {} movement'.format(max(delta_positions))) # else: # print('not a movement') # calculate last path robot runs # # I think about dependence path the servos run and the closest time the robot will be available to # accept command ... # # last command stored at self.last_move{} for item in pos: if pos[item] != 'z' and pos[item] != 'catch': # pass # self.saved_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] next_hand_pos[item] = pos[item] try: # delta_position = abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item]) delta_last_run.append(self.last_move[item]) # print(next_hand_pos[item], # self.saved_hand_pos[item], # abs(next_hand_pos[item] - self.saved_hand_pos[item])) except Exception as e: print('ERR collecting movements'.format(type(e), e)) # pass # # ACCEPT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT - > self.accept_command_timeout # if time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send > self.accept_command_timeout + max(delta_last_run) * self.velocity_factor: # print('allow last command max {} timeout {} since last {}'.format( # str(max(delta_last_run))[0:5], # str(self.accept_command_timeout + max(delta_last_run) * self.velocity_factor)[0:4], # str(time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send)[0:4]) # ) # # return True # else: # print('deny last command max {} timeout {} since last {}'.format( # str(max(delta_last_run))[0:5], # str(self.accept_command_timeout + max(delta_last_run) * self.velocity_factor)[0:4], # str(time.time() - self.last_command_compiled_before_send)[0:4]) # ) # return False # added straight comparation if time.time() > self.last_command_sent_at: return False else: return True def accept_command_with_saved_params(self): self.counter_commands += 1 if self.command_sent: return False else: return True def send_command_data_with_saved_params(self): # self.command_sent = False before_send_command_data = time.time() # dict_commands = {'headx': headx, 'handy': handy, 'turnx': turnx, 'runy': runy, 'catch': catch, 'gear': gear} str_commands = 'http://' + str(self.robot_host) + '/?' for item in self.saved_command: print('DBG send_command_data_with_saved_params got command: {}={}'.format(item, self.saved_command[item])) # str_commands += item + '=' + str(self.saved_command[item]) + '&' str_commands += item + '=' + str('{}'.format(self.saved_command[item])) + '&' # send command try: self.last_command_compiled_before_send = time.time() client_socket = socket.socket() # instantiate client_socket.connect((self.robot_host, self.robot_port)) # connect to the server client_socket.send(str_commands.encode()) # encode than send message # print(str_commands.encode()) # command like : # b'' client_socket.close() # close the connection except Exception as e: print('ERR: command not sent {} {}'.format(type(e), e)) self.mean_time_send_command_data = (self.counter_send_command_data * self.mean_time_send_command_data + time.time() - before_send_command_data) / \ (self.counter_send_command_data + 1) self.counter_send_command_data += 1 self.last_command_sent_at = time.time() # erase self.saved_command for future runs and set command sent flag # re-write needed for async native flags # self.saved_command = {} self.command_sent = True