class ExpressionLayout(BoxLayout):
    Expression Layout class is the base class for each expression.
    One can extend this class to add new  Expression.
    def __init__(self, line, name,  var_list=[], **kwargs):
        super(ExpressionLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.line = line = name
        self.size_hint=(None, None)
        self.var_list = var_list
        self.current_touch = False
        self.txtbox_lineno = TextInput(text=str(self.line), size_hint=(.1,1))
        self.btn_delete = Button(text="Del", size_hint =(.1,1))
        self.lbl_name = Label(, size_hint=(.1,1))
    Creates and returns a new combo edit for list of variables
    def get_cmb_variables(self):
        btn_variables = []
        for var in self.var_list:
           btn_variables.append(Button(text = str.strip(str(var)),size_hint_y=None,height=40))
        return ComboEdit( size_hint= (.1, 1), height=50, options=btn_variables)

    Add the widgets to the layout
    def draw(self):

    Deletes the expression from the workspace
    def delete_btn_click_event(self, instance):
        self.btn_delete._bind(on_press, instance)

    Get the line number
    def get_line_number(self):
        return self.line

    def set_line_number(self, number):
        self.set_line_number = number

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        super(ExpressionLayout, self).on_touch_down(touch)
        if self.collide_point(*touch.pos):
            return self.get_line_number()

    Get all the values from the layout interface and convert it into list that gets sent to interpreter for computation
    All the Expression must implement this method.
    def get_expression(self):
        self.line = int(self.txtbox_lineno.text)

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        super(ExpressionLayout, self).on_touch_down(touch)
        if self.collide_point(*touch.pos):
            self.current_touch = True
            print 'touch'
            print touch