def get_texture(self, filename):
     if filename in self.textures:
         return self.textures[filename]
         path = 'textures/{}'.format(filename)
         if os.path.exists(path):
             tex = Image(source=path).texture
             tex.wrap = 'repeat'
             self.textures[filename] = tex
             return tex
             print '{} does not exist'.format(path)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, size, *args):
        super(Menu, self).__init__(size=size, *args)
        font_size = size[1] / 10
        background = Image(source='images/background.png').texture
        background.wrap = 'repeat'

        aspectRatio = size[1] / float(background.size[1])
        x = (Window.width / background.size[0] // aspectRatio) + 2
        background.uvsize = x, -1
        with self.canvas:
            rect = Rectangle(texture=background,
                             size=[(background.size[0] * aspectRatio * x),

        boxlayout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical', size=size)
        boxlayout.add_widget(Label(text='tap to start', font_size=font_size))
        boxlayout.add_widget(Label(text='debug mode', font_size=font_size))
Exemple #3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Mar  8 12:35:57 2016

@author: gray

from kivy.uix.image import Image
from element import Element
from utils import DotDict

from lights import LightPatch
from tiles import WallTile, ExitTile, EntranceTile
from sprites import ChestSprite, MonsterSprite, PlayerSprite

Lights = DotDict({'lightpatch': LightPatch})
Tiles = DotDict({'wall': WallTile, 'exit': ExitTile, 'entrance': EntranceTile})
Sprites = DotDict({
    'chest': ChestSprite,
    'monster': MonsterSprite,
    'player': PlayerSprite

#BACKGROUND_TEXTURE = CoreImage('graphics/floor.png').texture
BACKGROUND_TEXTURE = Image(source='graphics/floor.png').texture
BACKGROUND_TEXTURE.wrap = 'repeat'
Exemple #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Mar  8 12:35:57 2016

@author: gray

from kivy.uix.image import Image
from element import Element
from utils import DotDict

from lights import LightPatch
from tiles import WallTile, ExitTile, EntranceTile
from sprites import ChestSprite, MonsterSprite, PlayerSprite

Lights = DotDict({'lightpatch': LightPatch})
Tiles = DotDict({'wall': WallTile,
                 'exit': ExitTile,
                 'entrance': EntranceTile})
Sprites = DotDict({'chest': ChestSprite,
                   'monster': MonsterSprite,
                   'player': PlayerSprite})

#BACKGROUND_TEXTURE = CoreImage('graphics/floor.png').texture
BACKGROUND_TEXTURE = Image(source = 'graphics/floor.png').texture
BACKGROUND_TEXTURE.wrap = 'repeat'