def create_graph(self, dates): if len(dates) > 0: graph = Graph(x_ticks_minor=5, y_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=5, y_ticks_major=5, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, border_color=[0, 0, 0, 0], font_size=8, xmin=0, xmax=calendar.monthrange(dates[0].year, dates[0].month)[1], ymin=int(min([x.weight for x in dates]) - 5), ymax=int(max([x.weight for x in dates]) + 5)) else: graph = Graph(x_ticks_minor=5, y_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=5, y_ticks_major=5, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, border_color=[0, 0, 0, 0], font_size=8, xmin=0, ymin=0) plot = SmoothLinePlot(color=[1, 105 / 255, 97 / 255, 1]) plot.points = [(, float(x.weight)) for x in dates] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def create_graph(self): colors = itertools.cycle([ rgb('7dac9f'), rgb('dc7062'), rgb('66a8d4'), rgb('e5b060') ]) graph_theme = { 'label_options': { 'color': (0, 0, 0, 1), 'bold': False}, 'background_color': (.9, .9, .9, 1), 'tick_color': rgb('808080'), 'border_color': rgb('808080') } graph = Graph(xlabel='', ylabel='Glicemia', font_size=14, x_ticks_minor=0, x_ticks_major=25, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=100, ymin=-1, ymax=1, **graph_theme) #plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) plot = MeshLinePlot(color=next(colors)) plot.points = [(x, sin(x/10.)) for x in range(0, 101)] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def __init__(self, ticker): self.CurrentPrice = 100 self.ticker = ticker self.cryptos = [] self.yticks = 100 self.xticks = 10 self.xmax = 50 self.chart = Graph( xlabel='Time', ylabel='Price', x_ticks_minor=0, x_ticks_major=self.xticks, y_ticks_major=self.yticks, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=0, ) self.plot = SmoothLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) self.chart.add_plot(self.plot)
def create_graph(self): print("Création du graph ...") if self.graph: self.ids.graph_id.remove_widget(self.graph) xmin = self.get_xmin() self.graph = Graph(background_color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1), border_color=(0, 0.1, 0.1, 1), xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, x_ticks_minor=self.x_ticks_minor, x_ticks_major=self.x_ticks_major, y_ticks_major=self.y_ticks_major, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=10, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=xmin, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=self.ymin, ymax=self.ymax, tick_color=(1, 0, 1, 1), label_options={'color': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)}) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_x) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_y) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_z) self.ids.graph_id.add_widget(self.graph)
def make_plot(plot_price, plot_dates, tickers_on_plot, plot_colors, xlabel='Bitcoin'): x = list(range(1, (len(plot_price) + 1))) y = plot_price y_axis_ticks = (max(y) - min(y)) / 5 plot = None graph = Graph(xlabel=xlabel, x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=y_axis_ticks, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=10, x_grid=False, y_grid=False, xmin=min(x), xmax=max(x), ymin=min(y), ymax=max(y)) for i in range(0, len(tickers_on_plot)): plot = MeshLinePlot(color=plot_colors[i]) plot.points = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(x, (y))] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyGraphs, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cols = 1 # Graphs init self.graph = graph = Graph(xlabel='čas', ylabel='C', x_ticks_minor=1, x_ticks_major=5, y_ticks_major=10, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=10, ymin=-1, ymax=1) self.backButton = Button(text="Back", size_hint=(1, .1)) self.backButton.bind(on_touch_down=self.backButtonPressed) self.mainLayout = GridLayout(rows=2) self.mainLayout.add_widget(graph) self.mainLayout.add_widget(self.backButton) self.add_widget(self.mainLayout)
def __init__(self, ticker): self.CurrentPrice = 0 self.dt = 0 self.ticker = ticker self.cryptos = [] self.yticks = 100 for dicto in json.loads( requests.get( '' ).text): self.cryptos.append(dicto['symbol']) self.xticks = 10 self.xmax = 50 self.chart = Graph( xlabel='Time', ylabel='Price', x_ticks_minor=0, x_ticks_major=self.xticks, y_ticks_major=self.yticks, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=0, ) self.plot = SmoothLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) self.chart.add_plot(self.plot)
def __init__(self, information=None): super(Logic, self).__init__() if information is None: information = dict() self.information = information self.mi = dict() self.nmi = dict() self.tmi = dict() self.twomi = dict() self.graph = Graph(xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', x_ticks_minor=.25, x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-1, xmax=24, ymin=-1, ymax=1) self.red_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) self.gre_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 1, 0, 1]) self.blu_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 0, 1, 1]) self.yel_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 0, 1]) self.add_widget(widget=self.graph)
def make_plot(ratings_list, plot_dates, plot_tickers, plot_colors): # Prepare the data x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # make the graph graph = Graph(ylabel='Ratings', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=False, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=10, ymin=0, ymax=10) if (len(plot_tickers) > 0): i = 0 while (i < len(plot_tickers)): plot = MeshLinePlot(color=plot_colors[i]) plot.points = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(x, ratings_list[i])] graph.add_plot(plot) i += 1 return graph
def update(self): self.remove_widget(self.graph) self.graph = Graph(xlabel="x", ylabel="y", x_ticks_major=self.x_range / 2, y_ticks_major=self.y_range / 2, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-self.x_range, xmax=self.x_range, ymin=-self.y_range, ymax=self.y_range, draw_border=False) self.plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) x = -self.x_range self.plot.points = [] while x < self.x_range: try: self.plot.points.append((x, sin(x))) except ZeroDivisionError: pass x += self.x_range / 100 self.add_widget(self.graph) self.graph.add_plot(self.plot)
def yap(self, za): box = self.ids.deneme graph_theme = { 'label_options': { 'color': rgb('444444'), # color of tick labels and titles 'bold': True }, 'background_color': rgb('2b2b2b'), # canvas background color 'tick_color': rgb('7ba21d'), # ticks and grid 'border_color': rgb('000000') } # border drawn around each graph self.graph = Graph( xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Temparature (°F)', x_ticks_major=10, y_ticks_major=10, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, #xmin=0, #ymin=0, **graph_theme) box.add_widget(self.graph) self.plot = LinePlot(line_width=2, color=[0.48, 0.63, 0.11, 1]) self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) self.salise = 0 self.saniye = 0 self.dakika = 0 self.values = []
def tabProbabilityTesting(self): ''' tab containing plot of probability distributions from various user-specificed pools of dice ''' self.plotColorMap = [ [1,0,0,1], [0,1,0,1], [0,0,1,1], [1,1,0,1], [1,0,1,1], [0,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1], [0.75,0.75,0.75,1]] tabProb = TabbedPanelItem(text = 'Prob. Plots') self.statsMainLayout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical') self.entryLayout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical',size_hint = (1,0.45)) buttonLayout = BoxLayout(size_hint = (1,0.05)) self.graphLayout = BoxLayout(size_hint = (1,0.5)) self.graph = Graph(xlabel='Value', ylabel='Counts', x_ticks_minor=1,x_ticks_major=2, y_ticks_minor = 100, y_ticks_major=500, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=15, ymin=0,ymax = 5000) self.graphLayout.add_widget(self.graph) self.plotList = [] self.statsMainLayout.add_widget(self.entryLayout) self.statsMainLayout.add_widget(buttonLayout) self.statsMainLayout.add_widget(self.graphLayout) self.testList = [] self.appendNewTest(self.entryLayout,readOnly = True) self.testList.append(self.appendNewTest(self.entryLayout)) buttonList = [['Add New Test','Plot Results','Reset']] buttonFunctionList = [[self.fireNewTestButton,self.firePlotButton,self.fireResetTestsButton]] self.addButtons(buttonList,buttonFunctionList,buttonLayout) tabProb.add_widget(self.statsMainLayout) return tabProb
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GraphPlot, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.y_range = 10 self.x_range = 10 self.range_multiplier = [2, 2.5, 2] self.graph = Graph(xlabel="x", ylabel="y", x_ticks_major=self.x_range / 2, y_ticks_major=self.y_range / 2, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-self.x_range, xmax=self.x_range, ymin=-self.y_range, ymax=self.y_range, draw_border=False) # graph.size = (1200, 400) # self.graph.pos = self.plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) x = -self.x_range self.plot.points = [] while x < self.x_range: try: self.plot.points.append((x, sin(x))) except ZeroDivisionError: pass x += self.x_range / 100 self.add_widget(self.graph) self.graph.add_plot(self.plot)
def setupGui(self): self.sogG = Graph( ymax=1.0, ymin=-1.0, ) self.sogP = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 0, 1]) self.sogG.add_plot(self.sogP) self.gui.rl.ids.flRace.add_widget(self.sogG)
def build(self): graph = Graph(xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=25, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=100, ymin=-1, ymax=1) plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) plot.points = [(x, sin(x / 10.)) for x in range(0, 101)] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def __init__(self, game, screen, **kwargs): super(StateInfoBar, self).__init__(game, screen, **kwargs) # Right graph self.graph1 = graph1 = Graph(xlabel='Game', ylabel='Reward', x_ticks_major=self.DEFAULT_X_TICKS_MAJOR, y_ticks_major=self.DEFAULT_Y_TICKS_MAJOR, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=self.DEFAULT_XMIN, xmax=self.DEFAULT_XMAX, ymin=self.DEFAULT_YMIN, ymax=self.DEFAULT_YMAX) self.plot1 = plot1 = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) plot1.points = [] graph1.add_plot(plot1) self.ids["graph1"].add_widget(graph1) # Left graph self.graph2 = graph2 = Graph(xlabel='Generation', ylabel='MaxFitness', x_ticks_major=self.DEFAULT_X_TICKS_MAJOR, y_ticks_major=self.DEFAULT_Y_TICKS_MAJOR, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=self.DEFAULT_XMIN, xmax=self.DEFAULT_XMAX, ymin=self.DEFAULT_YMIN, ymax=self.DEFAULT_YMAX) self.plot2 = plot2 = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 1, 0, 1]) plot2.points = [] graph2.add_plot(plot2) self.ids["graph2"].add_widget(graph2)
def __init__(self, aircraft_config, **kwargs): super(AircraftLoadLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cols = 1 self.cfg = load_aircraft_config(aircraft_config) self.loads = create_loads_list(self.cfg) acft = self.cfg.aircraft self.lbl_info = Label(text="%s (%s)" % (acft.designation, acft.immat)) self.add_widget(self.lbl_info) self.sliders = SlidersLayout(self.cfg, self.loads) self.add_widget(self.sliders) self.lbl_center_gravity = Label(text="") self.add_widget(self.lbl_center_gravity) self.graph = Graph( xlabel="X", ylabel="mass", # x_ticks_minor=0.05, x_ticks_major=0.5, # y_ticks_major=100, # y_ticks_minor=20, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0.7, xmax=1.1, ymin=0, ymax=1000, ) self.mesh_line_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 0, 1, 1]) self.graph.add_plot(self.mesh_line_plot) self.add_widget(self.graph) self.btn_toggle = ToggleButton( text="lever arm / moment", group="xaxis", ) self.btn_toggle.bind(on_press=self.on_touch_move) self.add_widget(self.btn_toggle) # point = Point(0.8, 400) # plot = ScatterPlot(color=(1,0,0,1), pointsize=5) self.scatter_plot = ScatterPlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], point_size=5) # plot.points.append((0.8, 400)) self.graph.add_plot(self.scatter_plot) self.update_label_plot()
def rainGraph(self): rainY = [] for i in range(len(self.fileData) - 19, len(self.fileData)): rainY.append(str(math.floor((float(self.fileData[i][8]))))) plot = None graph = Graph(size_hint = (0.5,0.8), pos_hint = {'x': .24, 'y': 0}, ylabel='Rain Events', xlabel='Time', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=20, ymin=0, ymax=50, background_color = [1,1,1,.2]) plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[.5, 0, .5, 1]) plot.points = [(int(i), int(rainY[i])) for i in range(0, 19)] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def humidGraph(self): humidY = [] for i in range(len(self.fileData) - 19, len(self.fileData)): humidY.append(str(math.floor((float(self.fileData[i][4]))))) humidityPlot = None humidityGraph = Graph(size_hint = (0.5,0.8), pos_hint = {'x': .24, 'y': 0}, ylabel='% Humidity', xlabel='Time', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=20, ymin=0, ymax=100, background_color = [1,1,1,.2]) humidityPlot = MeshLinePlot(color=[.5,0 ,.5, 1]) humidityPlot.points = [(int(i), int(humidY[i])) for i in range(0, 19)] humidityGraph.add_plot(humidityPlot) return humidityGraph
def tempGraph(self): tempY =[] for i in range(len(self.fileData) - 19, len(self.fileData)): tempY.append(str(math.floor((float(self.fileData[i][6]))))) plot = None graph = Graph(size_hint = (.5,.8), ylabel='Outside Temperature (C)', xlabel = 'Time', x_ticks_major = 1, y_ticks_minor = 1, y_ticks_major = 1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=20, ymin=-10, ymax=50, pos_hint = {'x': .24, 'y': .2}, background_color = [1,1,1,.2]) plot = MeshLinePlot(color = [1,1,1,1]) plot.points = [(int(i), int(tempY[i])) for i in range(0, 19)] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def default_graph_waveform(self): self.graph = Graph(xlabel='t (s) or steps', ylabel='BP (mmHg)', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=1.0, y_ticks_major=50, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=10.0, ymin=0, ymax=240) self.plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) self.plot.points = [(x * 0.02, 5) for x in range(0, 501)] self.graph.add_plot(self.plot)
def create_graph(self): """Création du graph seul et pas d'ajout au widget""" print("Appel de la création du graph ..") self.unit_x = "minutes" # Paramètres du graph en x self.xmin = 0 self.xmax = 1000 self.x_ticks_major = 3600 self.x_ticks_minor = 600 # Paramètres du graph en y self.ymin = 0 self.ymax = self.y_major self.ylabel = self.unit_y self.y_ticks_major = self.y_major / 10 self.y_ticks_minor = 0 #5 # Je crée ou recrée self.graph = Graph(background_color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1), border_color=(0, 0.1, 0.1, 1), xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, x_ticks_minor=self.x_ticks_minor, x_ticks_major=self.x_ticks_major, y_ticks_major=self.y_ticks_major, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=10, view_pos=(10, -10), x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=self.xmin, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=self.ymin, ymax=self.ymax, tick_color=(1, 0, 1, 1), label_options={'color': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)}) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_plot) self.ids.graph_id.add_widget(self.graph)
def all_graph(Shear_list, length, position, label): datapoints = np.arange(0, length, 0.01) point_data_list = [] multiplier = 1 if label == "Bending moment (kNm)" or label == "Deflection (1/EI)" or 'Axial Stress (kN)': multiplier = -1 ymax = 0 ymin = 0 min_y = 0 max_y = 0 for i in range(len(datapoints)): point_data = 0 for all in Shear_list: point_data += all.calculate(datapoints[i])*multiplier if point_data + abs(point_data / 5) > ymax: ymax = point_data + abs(point_data / 5) elif ymin > point_data - abs(point_data / 5): ymin = point_data - abs(point_data / 5) point_data_list.append((datapoints[i], point_data)) if i == 0: max_y = point_data min_y = point_data else: max_y = max(point_data, max_y) min_y = min(point_data, min_y) ymax = int(round(ymax, 0)) ymin = int(round(ymin, 0)) max_y = round(max_y, 3) min_y = round(min_y, 3) if ymax == 0: ymax = 1 if ymin == 0: ymin = -1 graph = Graph(pos_hint=position, size_hint=(0.7, 0.9), xlabel='Position', ylabel=label, x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=length / 10, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, y_ticks_major=(ymax-ymin)/5, y_ticks_minor=5, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmax=length, xmin=0, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) plot = MeshLinePlot() plot.points = point_data_list graph.add_plot(plot) return graph, [min_y, max_y]
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.graph = Graph(x_ticks_minor=4, x_ticks_major=16, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=SAMPLES, ymin=0, **kwargs) self.plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 0, 1]) self.plot.points = [(x, 0) for x in range(0, SAMPLES + 1)] self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) self.total_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 1, 1, 1]) self.total_plot.points = [(x, 0) for x in range(0, SAMPLES + 1)] self.graph.add_plot(self.total_plot) self.values = collections.defaultdict( lambda: [0 for x in range(0, SAMPLES + 1)])
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(StockDetailScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.layout = CustomLayout() back_img = lm.createImage(source='images/back.png', rel_size=lm.rel_square(rel_width=.1)) self.layout.add_item(CustomButton(back_img, on_release_func=lambda: back(self.manager), alignment='left')) self.stock_name = lm.createLabel(bold= False, rel_size= (1, .1), text_rel_size = (.95, .1), halign='center', valign='middle') self.layout.add_item(self.stock_name) self.layout.add_widget(Button(text="TRADE", bold=True, font_size=40, background_color=DARK_GREEN,, rel_size=(.8, .1)) self.current_price = lm.createLabel(font_size= 50, rel_size= (1, .1)) self.layout.add_item(self.current_price) self.center_image = lm.createImage(source='images/up_arrow.png', rel_size=lm.rel_square(rel_width=.5)) self.layout.add_item(self.center_image) self.stock_symbol = lm.createLabel(font_size= 50, rel_size= (1, .1)) self.layout.add_item(self.stock_symbol) self.num_shares = lm.createLabel(font_size= 28, rel_size= (1, .1)) self.layout.add_item(self.num_shares) self.layout.add_item(lm.createLabel(text = 'Past Week Performace', font_size= 28, rel_size= (1, .1))) # graph self.graph = Graph(x_ticks_major=1, tick_color = (0,0,0,.5), xlabel='Days', y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, precision='%.2f', padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-5, xmax=-1, ymin=0, ymax=100, border_color = (0,0,0,0), label_options = {'color': (0,0,0,1)}) self.plot = [(i-7, .3*i*100) for i in range(7)] self.layout.add_widget(self.graph, rel_size=(.90, .3)) self.add_widget(self.layout.create())
class MainWindow(Screen): graph_P = ObjectProperty(Graph()) graph_F = ObjectProperty(Graph()) graph_V = ObjectProperty(Graph()) pip_string = StringProperty("--") peep_string = StringProperty("--") ti_string = StringProperty("--") fio2_string = StringProperty("--") ie_string = StringProperty("--") bpm_string = StringProperty("--") pif_string = StringProperty("--") vti_string = StringProperty("--") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.plot_p = LinePlot(line_width=1.1, color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) self.plot_f = LinePlot(line_width=1.1, color=[0.5, 1, 0.5, 1]) self.plot_v = LinePlot(line_width=1.1, color=[0, 0.55, 0.8, 1]) self.parameters = VentilatorParams() Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1 / 100.0) def update(self, *args): global count, record_time, EnableRecord # if offset < 80 and count == 9.5: # offset += 5 # self.graph_F.ymax = offset+3 # self.graph_F.ymin = -offset+2 if EnableRecord or EnableShow or EnableGraph: try: self.parameters.pressure = 105.0 / 4.0 * ( ADC.ADS1256_GetChannalValue(1) * 5.0 / 0x7fffff - 0.5) - 5.0 self.parameters.flow = (-1) * (ADC.ADS1256_GetChannalValue(2) * 5.0 / 0x7fffff - 2.5) * 125.0 self.parameters.oxygen = ( 39) * (ADC.ADS1256_GetChannalValue(0) * 5.0 / 0x7fffff - 3.0) + 100.0 except: pass if EnableRecord: self.ids['grabar'].background_color = (0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0) self.ids['grabar'].text = str(record_time -[2:7] if (record_time - < datetime.timedelta(0): EnableRecord = False recordCSV(CSV_file_name, self.parameters.pressure, self.parameters.flow, self.parameters.oxygen) else: self.ids['grabar'].text = "Grabación" self.ids['grabar'].background_color = (0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1.0) if EnableShow: self.parameters.calculateALL() try: self.pip_string = str(round(self.parameters.pip['current'], 1)) self.peep_string = str( round(self.parameters.peep['current'], 1)) self.ti_string = str(round(self.parameters.ti['current'], 2)) self.fio2_string = str(round(self.parameters.oxygen, 1)) self.ie_string = str(round(['current'], 1)) self.bpm_string = str(round(self.parameters.bpm['current'], 1)) self.pif_string = str(round(self.parameters.pif['current'], 1)) self.vti_string = str(int(self.parameters.vti['current'])) except: pass else: self.pip_string = "--" self.peep_string = "--" self.ti_string = "--" self.fio2_string = "--" self.ie_string = "--" self.bpm_string = "--" self.pif_string = "--" self.vti_string = "--" if EnableGraph: if count >= 10: self.plot_p.points.clear() self.plot_f.points.clear() self.plot_v.points.clear() count = 0 self.plot_p.points.append((count, self.parameters.pressure)) self.graph_P.add_plot(self.plot_p) self.plot_f.points.append((count, self.parameters.flow)) self.graph_F.add_plot(self.plot_f) self.plot_v.points.append((count, self.parameters.volume)) self.graph_V.add_plot(self.plot_v) count += 0.025 def graphButton(self): global EnableGraph, count if self.ids['graficar'].background_color == [0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0]: self.ids['graficar'].background_color = (0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1.0) EnableGraph = False count = 0 self.plot_p.points.clear() self.plot_f.points.clear() self.plot_v.points.clear() self.graph_P.add_plot(self.plot_p) self.graph_F.add_plot(self.plot_f) self.graph_V.add_plot(self.plot_v) return elif self.ids['graficar'].background_color == [0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1]: self.ids['graficar'].background_color = (0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0) EnableGraph = True return def showButton(self): global EnableShow if self.ids['mostrar'].background_color == [0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0]: self.ids['mostrar'].background_color = (0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1.0) EnableShow = False return elif self.ids['mostrar'].background_color == [0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1]: self.ids['mostrar'].background_color = (0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0) EnableShow = True return def recordButton(self): global EnableRecord if self.ids['grabar'].background_color == [0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0]: self.ids['grabar'].background_color = (0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1.0) EnableRecord = False print("hola") return elif self.ids['grabar'].background_color == [0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1]: App.get_running_app().root.current = "record" self.manager.transition.direction = "down" return def infoButton(self): if self.ids['info'].background_color == [0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0]: self.ids['info'].background_color = (0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1.0) return elif self.ids['info'].background_color == [0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1]: self.ids['info'].background_color = (0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0) return def exitButton(self): exit()
from math import sin from kivy_garden.graph import Graph, MeshLinePlot graph = Graph(xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=25, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=100, ymin=-1, ymax=1) plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) plot.points = [(x, sin(x / 10.)) for x in range(0, 101)] graph.add_plot(plot)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(graphicsScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) global dataFile self.dataFile = dataFile global refreshRate self.refreshRate = refreshRate Window.size = (800, 600) self.cols = 2 self.rows = 2 ############################ SCORE ################################################## self.graphScore = Graph(xlabel='Generation', ylabel='Score', font_size='20sp', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, xlog=False, ylog=False, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, ymin=0, xmin=0) self.scorePlot = LinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], line_width=2) self.scorePlotMedian = LinePlot(color=[0.3, 0.3, 1, 1], line_width=2) self.scorePlot.points = [(0, 0)] self.scorePlotMedian.points = [(0, 0)] self.graphScore.add_plot(self.scorePlot) self.graphScore.add_plot(self.scorePlotMedian) ############################ FITNESS ################################################## self.graphFitness = Graph(xlabel='Generation', ylabel='Fitness', font_size='20sp', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, xlog=False, ylog=False, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, ymin=0, xmin=0) self.fitnessPlot = LinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], line_width=2) self.fitnessPlotMedian = LinePlot(color=[0.3, 0.3, 1, 1], line_width=2) self.fitnessPlot.points = [(0, 0)] self.fitnessPlotMedian.points = [(0, 0)] self.graphFitness.add_plot(self.fitnessPlot) self.graphFitness.add_plot(self.fitnessPlotMedian) ############################ SCORE TIME ################################################## self.graphScoreTime = Graph(xlabel='Time [min]', ylabel='Score', font_size='20sp', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, xlog=False, ylog=False, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, ymin=0, xmin=0) self.scoreTimePlot = LinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], line_width=2) self.scoreTimePlotMedian = LinePlot(color=[0.3, 0.3, 1, 1], line_width=2) self.scoreTimePlot.points = [(0, 0)] self.scoreTimePlotMedian.points = [(0, 0)] self.graphScoreTime.add_plot(self.scoreTimePlot) self.graphScoreTime.add_plot(self.scoreTimePlotMedian) ############################ GENERATION TIME ################################################## self.graphGenTime = Graph(xlabel='Generation', ylabel='Time [min]', font_size='20sp', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, xlog=False, ylog=False, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, ymin=0, xmin=0) self.genTimePlot = LinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], line_width=2) self.genTimePlot.points = [(0, 0)] self.graphGenTime.add_plot(self.genTimePlot) self.add_widget(self.graphScore) self.add_widget(self.graphFitness) self.add_widget(self.graphScoreTime) self.add_widget(self.graphGenTime) if self.refreshRate > 0: self.readHandle = Clock.schedule_interval(self.readPipeData, self.refreshRate) else: self.readCsvData()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MainScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) #Set the number of columns self.cols = 3 #Heading self.add_widget(Label(size_hint=(1, 0.5))) self.heading = Label(size_hint=(1, 0.5)) self.heading.font_size = 30 self.heading.text = "Automatic Blinds & Live Weather" self.heading.bold = True self.add_widget(self.heading) self.add_widget(Label(size_hint=(1, 0.5))) #Current temperature label self.tempLabel = Label(size_hint=(1, 0.05)) self.add_widget(self.tempLabel) self.add_widget(Label(size_hint=(1, 0.05))) #Current Humidity Label self.humLabel = Label(size_hint=(1, 0.05)) self.add_widget(self.humLabel) #Graph theme graph_theme = { 'background_color': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'tick_color': (128 / 255, 128 / 255, 128 / 255, 1) } #Temperature Graph self.tempGraph = Graph(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Temperature', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=10, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=5, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=60, ymin=-0, ymax=50, size_hint=(3, 1), **graph_theme) #Temperature plot (where to send the data points) self.tempPlot = LinePlot(color=(64 / 255, 224 / 255, 208 / 255, 1), line_width=1.5) self.tempGraph.add_plot(self.tempPlot) self.add_widget(self.tempGraph) self.add_widget(Label()) #Humidity Graph self.humGraph = Graph(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Humidity', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=10, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=10, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=60, ymin=-0, ymax=100, size_hint=(3, 1), **graph_theme) #Humidity plot (where to send the data points) self.humPlot = LinePlot(color=(64 / 255, 224 / 255, 208 / 255, 1), line_width=1.5) self.humGraph.add_plot(self.humPlot) self.add_widget(self.humGraph) self.add_widget(Label()) #Config button, sends you to the config screen self.button = Button(text="Configure", font_size=30, bold=True, size_hint=(3, 1)) self.add_widget(self.button) #Starts a thread which collects the data from the sensor, then graphs it using 'PlotTempHum' _thread.start_new_thread(sensors.graphDHT11, (self.PlotTempHum, ))
def create_graph(self): """Création du graph seul et pas d'application au widget""" print("Appel de la création du graph ..") if self.xlabel == "Unité en Minutes: 0 = valeur actuelle": self.duration = "jour" self.unit_x = "minutes" else: self.duration = "semaine" self.unit_x = "heures" # Paramètres du graph en x # Jour self.xmin = 0 if self.duration == "jour": # un jour = 24*60 = 1440 mn # 1440/6 = 240 valeurs dans l'histo # self.xmax = 1440 mn self.xmax = len(self.histo) * 6 # 1440/4 = 360 self.x_ticks_major = 360 self.x_ticks_minor = 6 # divise en 6 les 360 # Semaine else: self.xmax = len(self.histo) self.x_ticks_major = 24 self.x_ticks_minor = 6 # divise en 6 les 24 if "PM 10" in self.titre or "PM 2.5" in self.titre: self.xlabel += "\nEn rouge: valeur réglementaire maxi" # Paramètres du graph en y self.ymin = 0 self.ymax = self.y_major self.ylabel = self.unit_y self.y_ticks_major = self.y_major/10 self.y_ticks_minor = 0 #5 # Je crée ou recrée self.graph = Graph( background_color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1), border_color=(0, 0.1, 0.1, 1), xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, x_ticks_minor=self.x_ticks_minor, x_ticks_major=self.x_ticks_major, #y_ticks_minor=self.y_ticks_minor, y_ticks_major=self.y_ticks_major, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=self.xmin, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=self.ymin, ymax=self.ymax, tick_color=(1, 0, 1, 1), label_options={'color': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)}) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_plot) self.graph.add_plot(self.line_plot) self.ids.graph_id.add_widget(self.graph)