def __init__(self, store): GLRealtimeProgram.__init__(self, 'Motion Plan Checkpoint') = build_world(store) self.robot ='tx90l') self.robot_path = [] mp = store.get('/robot/waypoints') self.dts = [wp[0] for wp in mp] self.commands = [{ 'robot': self.robot.getConfig() }] + [wp[1] for wp in mp] self.fps = 30.0 self.dt = 1 / self.fps self.speed_scale = 1 self.end_delay = 1 self.n = 0 self.start_time = -self.end_delay self.duration = sum(self.dts) self.dofs = self.robot.numLinks() self.trace_vbos = [] for i in range(1, self.dofs): trace = self.trace_link(self.commands, i) data = numpy.array(trace, dtype=numpy.float32) color = cm.gist_rainbow(float(i - 1) / (self.dofs - 2)) self.trace_vbos.append((color, vbo.VBO(data, GL_STATIC_DRAW)))
def __init__(self, world, sim): GLRealtimeProgram.__init__(self, "GLTest") = world self.sim = sim self.sim.enableContactFeedbackAll() self.dt = 0.02 self.angular_velocity = 0.5 self.hand_state = 2 self.joint_limits = self.is_forceClosure = False self.is_equilibrium = False self.object_id = self.num_wrench_sampling = 100 self.num_failures = 0 self.num_forceClosure = 0 self.result_success = None self.result_gws_vol = None self.result_gws_radius = None self.is_lifting = False self.time_start_lift = 0. self.lift_score = 0. self.is_shaking = False self.time_start_shake = 0. self.dir = None self.iter_shaking = 0 self.dynamic_score = 0.0
def __init__(self,world,sim): GLRealtimeProgram.__init__(self,"GLTest") = world self.sim = sim self.anim = False #povray property self.povray_properties = {} #add 4 lights each with 5 meters from the robot povray.add_multiple_lights(self.povray_properties,,5.,4,spotlight=True,area=.1) #tell povray that all terrain will not be modified povray.mark_terrain_transient(self.povray_properties, #the robot will move, so we remove this line #povray.mark_robot_transient(self.povray_properties, #overwrite material of floor to marble fin=vp.Finish('ambient',0.,'diffuse',.5,'specular',.15) nor=vp.Normal('granite',0.2,'warp {turbulence 1}','scale',.25) povray.set_material(self.povray_properties,,fin,nor) #randomize robot link color import random for l in range( lk.appearance().setColor(random.uniform(0.,1.),random.uniform(0.,1.),random.uniform(0.,1.))
def __init__(self): GLRealtimeProgram.__init__(self, 'World Viewer') = WorldModel() self.fps = 10.0 self.dt = 1 / self.fps self.pre_drawables = [] self.post_drawables = []
def __init__(self, world, sim): GLRealtimeProgram.__init__(self, "GL test") = world self.sim = sim self.controller = self.sim.controller(0) print('gains ', self.controller.getPIDGains()) self.goal = None self.store_goal = None # add function to reset the world self.q_init = world.robot(0).getConfig() self.object_init = world.rigidObject(0).getTransform()
def __init__(self,world,sim): GLRealtimeProgram.__init__(self,"GLTest") = world self.sim = sim
def motionfunc(self, x, y, dx, dy): return GLRealtimeProgram.motionfunc(self, x, y, dx, dy)
def mousefunc(self, button, state, x, y): return GLRealtimeProgram.mousefunc(self, button, state, x, y)