def resolve_url(url, name=None, iconimage=None, pattern=None): xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(busydialog)") try: url, site = url.split('|SPLIT|') except: site = 'Unknown' log_utils.log('Error getting site information from :: %s' % (url), log_utils.LOGERROR) if '|CHAT|' in url: url, site, name = url.split('|CHAT|') if '- [' in name: name = name.split('- [')[0] u = adultresolver.resolve(url, addon_id=kodi.get_id()) if u == 'offline': xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(busydialog)") kodi.notify(msg='This performer is offline.', duration=5000, sound=True) quit() if u: play(u, name, iconimage, url, site) time.sleep(5) else: xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(busydialog)") log_utils.log('Failed to get any playable link for :: %s' % (url), log_utils.LOGERROR) kodi.notify(msg='Failed to get any playable link.', duration=7500, sound=True) quit()
def do_scheduled_task(task, isPlaying): global last_check now = if kodi.get_setting('auto-%s' % task) == 'true': if last_check < now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1): # log_utils.log('Check Triggered: Last: %s Now: %s' % (last_check, now), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) next_run = get_next_run(task) last_check = now else: # hack next_run to be in the future next_run = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) # log_utils.log("Update Status on [%s]: Currently: %s Will Run: %s Last Check: %s" % (task, now, next_run, last_check), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) if now >= next_run: is_scanning = xbmc.getCondVisibility('Library.IsScanningVideo') if not is_scanning: during_playback = kodi.get_setting('%s-during-playback' % (task)) == 'true' if during_playback or not isPlaying: log_utils.log('Service: Running Scheduled Task: [%s]' % (task)) builtin = 'RunPlugin(plugin://%s/?mode=%s)' % (kodi.get_id(), task) xbmc.executebuiltin(builtin) db_connection.set_setting('%s-last_run' % task, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")) else: log_utils.log('Service: Playing... Busy... Postponing [%s]' % (task), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) else: log_utils.log('Service: Scanning... Busy... Postponing [%s]' % (task), log_utils.LOGDEBUG)
def do_startup_task(task): run_on_startup = kodi.get_setting('auto-%s' % task) == 'true' and kodi.get_setting('%s-during-startup' % task) == 'true' if run_on_startup and not xbmc.abortRequested: log_utils.log('Service: Running startup task [%s]' % (task)) now = xbmc.executebuiltin('RunPlugin(plugin://%s/?mode=%s)' % (kodi.get_id(), task)) db_connection.set_setting('%s-last_run' % (task), now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"))
def onPlayBackStopped(self): logger.log('Service: Playback Stopped', log_utils.LOGNOTICE) if self.tracked: # clear the playlist if SALTS was playing and only one item in playlist to # use playlist to determine playback method in get_sources pl = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) plugin_url = 'plugin://%s/' % (kodi.get_id()) if pl.size() == 1 and pl[0].getfilename().lower().startswith(plugin_url): logger.log('Service: Clearing Single Item SALTS Playlist', log_utils.LOGDEBUG) pl.clear() playedTime = float(self._lastPos) try: percent_played = int((playedTime / self._totalTime) * 100) except: percent_played = 0 # guard div by zero pTime = utils.format_time(playedTime) tTime = utils.format_time(self._totalTime) logger.log('Service: Played %s of %s total = %s%%' % (pTime, tTime, percent_played), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) if playedTime == 0 and self._totalTime == 999999: logger.log('Kodi silently failed to start playback', log_utils.LOGWARNING) elif playedTime >= 5: if percent_played <= 98: logger.log('Service: Setting bookmark on |%s|%s|%s| to %s seconds' % (self.trakt_id, self.season, self.episode, playedTime), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) self.db_connection.set_bookmark(self.trakt_id, playedTime, self.season, self.episode) if percent_played >= 75 and self._from_library: if kodi.has_addon('script.trakt'): run = 'RunScript(script.trakt, action=sync, silent=True)' xbmc.executebuiltin(run) self.reset()
def show_next_up(last_label, sf_begin): token = kodi.get_setting('trakt_oauth_token') if token and xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') == kodi.get_id() and xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.Content') == 'tvshows': if xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.label') != last_label: sf_begin = time.time() last_label = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.label') if sf_begin and (time.time() - sf_begin) >= int(kodi.get_setting('next_up_delay')): liz_url = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.FileNameAndPath') queries = kodi.parse_query(liz_url[liz_url.find('?'):]) if 'trakt_id' in queries: try: list_size = int(kodi.get_setting('list_size')) except: list_size = 30 try: trakt_timeout = int(kodi.get_setting('trakt_timeout')) except: trakt_timeout = 20 trakt_api = Trakt_API(token, kodi.get_setting('use_https') == 'true', list_size, trakt_timeout, kodi.get_setting('trakt_offline') == 'true') progress = trakt_api.get_show_progress(queries['trakt_id'], full=True) if 'next_episode' in progress and progress['next_episode']: if progress['completed'] or kodi.get_setting('next_unwatched') == 'true': next_episode = progress['next_episode'] date = utils2.make_day(utils2.make_air_date(next_episode['first_aired'])) if kodi.get_setting('next_time') != '0': date_time = '%s@%s' % (date, utils2.make_time(utils.iso_2_utc(next_episode['first_aired']), 'next_time')) else: date_time = date msg = '[[COLOR deeppink]%s[/COLOR]] - %sx%s' % (date_time, next_episode['season'], next_episode['number']) if next_episode['title']: msg += ' - %s' % (next_episode['title']) duration = int(kodi.get_setting('next_up_duration')) * 1000 kodi.notify(header=i18n('next_episode'), msg=msg, duration=duration) sf_begin = 0 else: last_label = '' return last_label, sf_begin
def onPlayBackStopped(self): logger.log('Service: Playback Stopped', log_utils.LOGNOTICE) if self.tracked: # clear the playlist if transistortv was playing and only one item in playlist to # use playlist to determine playback method in get_sources pl = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) plugin_url = 'plugin://%s/' % (kodi.get_id()) if pl.size() == 1 and pl[0].getfilename().lower().startswith(plugin_url): logger.log('Service: Clearing Single Item Stream All The Sources Playlist', log_utils.LOGDEBUG) pl.clear() playedTime = float(self._lastPos) try: percent_played = int((playedTime / self._totalTime) * 100) except: percent_played = 0 # guard div by zero pTime = utils.format_time(playedTime) tTime = utils.format_time(self._totalTime) logger.log('Service: Played %s of %s total = %s%%' % (pTime, tTime, percent_played), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) if playedTime == 0 and self._totalTime == 999999: logger.log('Kodi silently failed to start playback', log_utils.LOGWARNING) elif playedTime >= 5: if percent_played <= 98: logger.log('Service: Setting bookmark on |%s|%s|%s| to %s seconds' % (self.trakt_id, self.season, self.episode, playedTime), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) self.db_connection.set_bookmark(self.trakt_id, playedTime, self.season, self.episode) if percent_played >= 75 and self._from_library: if kodi.has_addon('script.trakt'): run = 'RunScript(script.trakt, action=sync, silent=True)' xbmc.executebuiltin(run) self.reset()
def do_scheduled_task(task, isPlaying): global last_check now = if kodi.get_setting("auto-%s" % task) == "true": if last_check < now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1): # log_utils.log('Check Triggered: Last: %s Now: %s' % (last_check, now), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) next_run = get_next_run(task) last_check = now else: # hack next_run to be in the future next_run = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) # log_utils.log("Update Status on [%s]: Currently: %s Will Run: %s Last Check: %s" % (task, now, next_run, last_check), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) if now >= next_run: is_scanning = xbmc.getCondVisibility("Library.IsScanningVideo") if not is_scanning: during_playback = kodi.get_setting("%s-during-playback" % (task)) == "true" if during_playback or not isPlaying: log_utils.log("Service: Running Scheduled Task: [%s]" % (task)) builtin = "RunPlugin(plugin://%s/?mode=%s)" % (kodi.get_id(), task) xbmc.executebuiltin(builtin) db_connection.set_setting("%s-last_run" % task, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")) else: log_utils.log("Service: Playing... Busy... Postponing [%s]" % (task), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) else: log_utils.log("Service: Scanning... Busy... Postponing [%s]" % (task), log_utils.LOGDEBUG)
def run(REPO, STATE): ISSUES_FOR_REPO_URL = '' % (REPO, STATE) def write_issues(response): "output a list of issues to csv" if not r.status_code == 200: raise Exception(r.status_code) for issue in r.json(): username = issue.get("user", {}).get('login', {}) if issue['labels']: labels = issue['labels'] for label in labels: #if label['name'] == "Client Requested": csvout.writerow(['\n<item>\n<id>'+str(issue['number'])+'</id>\n<username>'+username+'</username>\n<label>'+label['name']+'</label>\n<title>'+issue['title'].encode('utf-8')+'</title>\n<body>'+issue['body'].encode('utf-8')+'</body>\n<created>'+issue['created_at']+'</created>\n</item>\n']) else: csvout.writerow(['\n<item>\n<id>'+str(issue['number'])+'</id>\n<username>'+username+'</username>\n<label>No Label</label>\n<title>'+issue['title'].encode('utf-8')+'</title>\n<body>'+issue['body'].encode('utf-8')+'</body>\n<created>'+issue['created_at']+'</created>\n</item>\n']) r = requests.get(ISSUES_FOR_REPO_URL, verify=False) csvfile = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(kodi.datafolder, '%s-issues-%s.csv' % (kodi.get_id(),STATE))) csvout = csv.writer(open(csvfile, 'wb')) write_issues(r) #more pages? examine the 'link' header returned if 'link' in r.headers: pages = dict( [(rel[6:-1], url[url.index('<')+1:-1]) for url, rel in [link.split(';') for link in r.headers['link'].split(',')]]) while 'last' in pages and 'next' in pages: r = requests.get(pages['next']) write_issues(r) if pages['next'] == pages['last']: break
def githubSelect(name): import githubissues'xibalba10/', '%s' % name) file = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(kodi.datafolder, '%s-issues-%s.csv' % (kodi.get_id(),name))) global msg_text with open(file,mode='r')as f: txt = items = re.findall('<item>(.+?)</item>', txt, re.DOTALL) if len(items) < 1: msg_text = kodi.giveColor('No %s issues with XXX-O-DUS at this time.' % name.title(),'deeppink',True) else: msg_text = kodi.giveColor('%s Issues with XXX-O-DUS\n' % name.title(),'deeppink',True) + kodi.giveColor('Report Issues @','white',True) + '\n---------------------------------\n\n' for item in items: id = re.findall('<id>([^<]+)', item)[0] user = re.findall('<username>([^<]+)', item)[0] label = re.findall('<label>([^<]+)', item)[0] title = re.findall('<title>([^<]+)', item)[0] body = re.findall('<body>([^<]+)', item)[0] created = re.findall('<created>([^<]+)', item)[0] date,time = created.split('T') msg_text += '[B]ID: %s | Label: %s \nBy: %s on %s at %s[/B] \n\nTitle: %s \nMessage %s \n\n---------------------------------\n\n' \ % (id, \ kodi.githubLabel(label), \ user, \ date, \ time.replace('Z',''), \ title, \ body)
def do_startup_task(task): run_on_startup = ( kodi.get_setting("auto-%s" % task) == "true" and kodi.get_setting("%s-during-startup" % task) == "true" ) if run_on_startup and not xbmc.abortRequested: log_utils.log("Service: Running startup task [%s]" % (task)) now = xbmc.executebuiltin("RunPlugin(plugin://%s/?mode=%s)" % (kodi.get_id(), task)) db_connection.set_setting("%s-last_run" % (task), now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"))
def from_playlist(): pl = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) if pl.size() > 0: li = pl[pl.getposition()] plugin_url = 'plugin://%s/' % (kodi.get_id()) if li.getfilename().lower().startswith(plugin_url): log_utils.log('Playing SALTS item from playlist |%s|%s|%s|' % (pl.getposition(), li.getfilename(), plugin_url), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) return True return False
def main(argv=None): if sys.argv: argv = sys.argv queries = kodi.parse_query(sys.argv[2]) log_utils.log('Version: |%s| Queries: |%s|' % (kodi.get_version(), queries)) log_utils.log('Args: |%s|' % (argv)) # don't process params that don't match our url exactly. (e.g. plugin:// plugin_url = 'plugin://%s/' % (kodi.get_id()) if argv[0] != plugin_url: return mode = queries.get('mode', None) url_dispatcher.dispatch(mode, queries)
def is_salts(): plugin_name = xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') logger.log('Is_Salts Test (1): |%s|' % (plugin_name)) if plugin_name == kodi.get_id(): return True elif not plugin_name: path = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.FileNameAndPath') if not path: path = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.Path') logger.log('Is_Salts Test (2): |%s|' % (path)) if path: try: lines = xbmcvfs.File(path).read() logger.log('Is_Salts Test (3): |%s|%s|' % (lines, kodi.get_id())) if lines: return lines.startswith('plugin://%s' % (kodi.get_id())) except: return True return True else: return False
def main(argv=None): if sys.argv: argv = sys.argv queries = kodi.parse_query(sys.argv[2]) logger.log('Version: |%s| Queries: |%s|' % (kodi.get_version(), queries)) logger.log('Args: |%s|' % (argv)) # don't process params that don't match our url exactly. (e.g. plugin:// plugin_url = 'plugin://%s/' % (kodi.get_id()) if argv[0] != plugin_url: return mode = queries.get('mode', None) url_dispatcher.dispatch(mode, queries)
def run(REPO, STATE): ISSUES_FOR_REPO_URL = '' % ( REPO, STATE) def write_issues(response): "output a list of issues to csv" if not r.status_code == 200: raise Exception(r.status_code) for issue in r.json(): username = issue.get("user", {}).get('login', {}) if issue['labels']: labels = issue['labels'] for label in labels: #if label['name'] == "Client Requested": csvout.writerow([ '\n<item>\n<id>' + str(issue['number']) + '</id>\n<username>' + username + '</username>\n<label>' + label['name'] + '</label>\n<title>' + issue['title'].encode('utf-8') + '</title>\n<body>' + issue['body'].encode('utf-8') + '</body>\n<created>' + issue['created_at'] + '</created>\n</item>\n' ]) else: csvout.writerow([ '\n<item>\n<id>' + str(issue['number']) + '</id>\n<username>' + username + '</username>\n<label>No Label</label>\n<title>' + issue['title'].encode('utf-8') + '</title>\n<body>' + issue['body'].encode('utf-8') + '</body>\n<created>' + issue['created_at'] + '</created>\n</item>\n' ]) r = requests.get(ISSUES_FOR_REPO_URL, verify=False) csvfile = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(kodi.datafolder, '%s-issues-%s.csv' % (kodi.get_id(), STATE))) csvout = csv.writer(open(csvfile, 'wb')) write_issues(r) #more pages? examine the 'link' header returned if 'link' in r.headers: pages = dict([ (rel[6:-1], url[url.index('<') + 1:-1]) for url, rel in [link.split(';') for link in r.headers['link'].split(',')] ]) while 'last' in pages and 'next' in pages: r = requests.get(pages['next']) write_issues(r) if pages['next'] == pages['last']: break
def disable_global_cx(was_on): if kodi.has_addon('plugin.program.super.favourites'): active_plugin = xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') sf = xbmcaddon.Addon('plugin.program.super.favourites') if active_plugin == kodi.get_id(): if sf.getSetting('CONTEXT') == 'true': logger.log('Disabling Global CX while Stream All The Sources is active', log_utils.LOGDEBUG) was_on = True sf.setSetting('CONTEXT', 'false') elif was_on: logger.log('Re-enabling Global CX while Stream All The Sources is not active', log_utils.LOGDEBUG) sf.setSetting('CONTEXT', 'true') was_on = False return was_on
def disable_global_cx(was_on): if kodi.has_addon('plugin.program.super.favourites'): active_plugin = xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') sf = xbmcaddon.Addon('plugin.program.super.favourites') if active_plugin == kodi.get_id(): if sf.getSetting('CONTEXT') == 'true': logger.log('Disabling Global CX while SALTS is active', log_utils.LOGDEBUG) was_on = True sf.setSetting('CONTEXT', 'false') elif was_on: logger.log('Re-enabling Global CX while SALTS is not active', log_utils.LOGDEBUG) sf.setSetting('CONTEXT', 'true') was_on = False return was_on
def main(argv=None): if sys.argv: argv = sys.argv queries = kodi.parse_query(sys.argv[2]) log_utils.log('Version: |%s| Queries: |%s|' % (kodi.get_version(), queries), log_utils.LOGNOTICE) log_utils.log('Args: |%s|' % (argv), log_utils.LOGNOTICE) # don't process params that don't match our url exactly. (e.g. plugin:// plugin_url = 'plugin://%s/' % (kodi.get_id()) if argv[0] != plugin_url: return try: mode = queries.get('mode', None) url_dispatcher.dispatch(mode, queries) except (TransientTraktError, TraktError, TraktAuthError) as e: log_utils.log(str(e), log_utils.LOGERROR) kodi.notify(msg=str(e), duration=5000)
def main(argv=None): if sys.argv: argv = sys.argv queries = kodi.parse_query(sys.argv[2]) logger.log('Version: |%s| Queries: |%s|' % (kodi.get_version(), queries), log_utils.LOGNOTICE) logger.log('Args: |%s|' % (argv), log_utils.LOGNOTICE) # don't process params that don't match our url exactly. (e.g. plugin:// plugin_url = 'plugin://%s/' % (kodi.get_id()) if argv[0] != plugin_url: return try: mode = queries.get('mode', None) url_dispatcher.dispatch(mode, queries) except (TransientTraktError, TraktError, TraktAuthError) as e: logger.log(str(e), log_utils.LOGERROR) kodi.notify(msg=str(e), duration=5000)
def find_link(url, name, iconimage, downloadableLink=False): xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(busydialog)") if '|SPLIT|' in url: url = url.split('|SPLIT|')[0] if 'site=' in url: url = url.split('site=')[0] if '|User-Agent' in url: url = url.split('|User-Agent')[0] c = client.request(url, output='headers') checks = ['video','mpegurl'] try: if any(f for f in checks if f in c['Content-Type']): downloadableLink = True except: xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(busydialog)") kodi.notify(msg='Error downloading video.') quit() name = kodi.stripColor(name) if '] -' in name: name = name.split('] -')[1] if downloadableLink: dest = getDest() dest = os.path.join(dest, '%s.mp4' % urllib.quote_plus(name)) download(url,name,iconimage,dest) else: u = adultresolver.resolve(url, addon_id=kodi.get_id()) if (not isinstance(u, str)): u = player.multilinkselector(u) if u == 'quit': xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(busydialog)") quit() if u: dest = getDest() dest = os.path.join(dest, '%s.tmp_mp4' % urllib.quote_plus(name)) download(u,name,iconimage,dest) else: xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(busydialog)") kodi.notify('No Downloadable Link Found.') quit()
GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import functools import log_utils import time import cPickle as pickle import hashlib import os import shutil import kodi cache_path = kodi.translate_path( os.path.join('special://temp/%s/cache' % kodi.get_id())) try: if not os.path.exists(cache_path): os.makedirs(cache_path) except Exception as e: log_utils.log('Failed to create cache: %s: %s' % (cache_path, e), log_utils.LOGWARNING) cache_enabled = kodi.get_setting('use_cache') == 'true' def reset_cache(): try: shutil.rmtree(cache_path) return True except Exception as e:
import db_utils from url_dispatcher import URL_Dispatcher def __enum(**enums): return type('Enum', (), enums) DATABASE_VERSION = 1 DATABASE_FILE = kodi.translate_path('special://database/{0!s}{1!s}.db'.format( kodi.get_name(), str(DATABASE_VERSION))) DATABASE = db_utils.SQLite(DATABASE_FILE) DISPATCHER = URL_Dispatcher() ADDON_DATA_DIR = kodi.translate_path('special://profile/addon_data/%s/' % kodi.get_id()) THUMBNAILS_DIR = kodi.translate_path('special://thumbnails/') RESOLVER_DIRS = [ kodi.translate_path( 'special://home/addons/{0!s}/resources/lib/addon_lib/resolvers/'. format(kodi.get_id())), kodi.translate_path( 'special://home/addons/' ) ] COOKIE_FILE = kodi.translate_path('special://temp/%s/cookies.lwp' % kodi.get_id()) MODES = __enum(MAIN='main', PLAY='play',
def get_list(self, mode, type, url, title_pattern, url_pattern, icon_pattern=None, site=None, d_p1=None, d_p2=None, d_p3=None, parse=None, cache_time=None, searched=False, stopend=False, isVideo=False, isDownloadable=False): if cache_time: r = cache.get(client.request, cache_time, url) else: r = client.request(url) if 're|' in d_p3: d_p3 = d_p3.replace('re|', '') r = dom_parser2.parse_dom(r, d_p1, {d_p2: re.compile('%s' % d_p3)}) else: r = dom_parser2.parse_dom(r, d_p1, {d_p2: d_p3}) if r: dirlst = [] for i in r: name = re.findall(r'%s' % title_pattern, i.content)[0] name = kodi.sortX(i[1].encode('utf-8')) url = re.findall(r'%s' % url_pattern, i.content)[0] if icon_pattern: iconimage = re.findall(r'%s' % icon_pattern, i.content)[0] elif site: iconimage = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( 'special://home/addons/script.xxxodus.artwork', 'resources/art/%s/icon.png' % site)) else: iconimage = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + kodi.get_id(), 'icon.png')) fanarts = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( 'special://home/addons/script.xxxodus.artwork', 'resources/art/%s/fanart.jpg' % site)) if parse: link, tag = parse.split('|SPLIT|') if tag == 'url': url = urlparse.urljoin(link, url) elif tag == 'icon': iconimage = urlparse.urljoin(link, iconimage) else: url = urlparse.urljoin(link, url) iconimage = urlparse.urljoin(link, iconimage) if site: url += '|SPLIT|' + site if type == 'dir': dirlst.append({ 'name': kodi.giveColor(name, 'white'), 'url': url, 'mode': mode, 'icon': iconimage, 'fanart': fanarts, 'description': name, 'folder': True }) else: dirlst.append({ 'name': kodi.giveColor(name, 'white'), 'url': url, 'mode': mode, 'icon': iconimage, 'fanart': fanarts, 'description': name, 'folder': False }) if dirlst: if stopend: buildDirectory(dirlst, stopend=True, isVideo=isVideo, isDownloadable=isDownloadable) else: buildDirectory(dirlst, isVideo=isVideo, isDownloadable=isDownloadable)
def githubIssues(): choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( "[COLOR red]Please select an option[/COLOR]", "Would you like to view open issues or closed issues?", yeslabel='Closed', nolabel='Open') import githubissues if choice == 0: name = 'open' elif choice == 1: name = 'closed' else: quit()'Colossal1/', '%s' % name) file = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(kodi.datafolder, '%s-issues-%s.csv' % (kodi.get_id(), name))) with open(file, mode='r') as f: txt = items = re.findall('<item>(.+?)</item>', txt, re.DOTALL) if (not items) or (len(items) < 1): msg_text = kodi.giveColor( 'No %s issues with Our Match at this time.' % name.title(), 'blue', True) else: msg_text = kodi.giveColor( '%s Issues with Our Match\n' % name.title(), 'blue', True ) + kodi.giveColor( 'Report Issues @', 'white', True) + '\n---------------------------------\n\n' for item in items: try: id = re.findall('<id>([^<]+)', item)[0] except: id = 'Unknown' try: user = re.findall('<username>([^<]+)', item)[0] except: user = '******' try: label = re.findall('<label>([^<]+)', item)[0] except: label = 'Unknown' try: title = re.findall('<title>([^<]+)', item)[0] except: title = 'Unknown' try: body = re.findall('<body>([^<]+)', item)[0] except: body = 'Unknown' try: created = re.findall('<created>([^<]+)', item)[0] date, time = created.split('T') except: date = 'Unknown' time = 'Unknwon' msg_text += '[B]ID: %s | Label: %s \nBy: %s on %s at %s[/B] \n\nTitle: %s \nMessage %s \n\n---------------------------------\n\n' \ % (id, \ kodi.githubLabel(label), \ user, \ date, \ time.replace('Z',''), \ title, \ body) textboxGit('OurMatch Issues', msg_text)
elif view_mode == SEASONS: _log("set_view content is seasons") xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), "seasons") elif view_mode == EPISODES: _log("set_view content is episodes") xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), "episodes") skin_name = xbmc.getSkinDir() # Reads skin name _log("set_view skin_name='" + skin_name + "'") try: if view_code == 0: _log("set_view view mode is " + view_mode) view_codes = ALL_VIEW_CODES.get(view_mode) view_code = view_codes.get(skin_name) _log("set_view view code for " + view_mode + " in " + skin_name + " is " + str(view_code)) xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(" + str(view_code) + ")") else: _log("set_view view code forced to " + str(view_code)) xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(" + str(view_code) + ")") except: _log("Unable to find view code for view mode " + str(view_mode) + " and skin " + skin_name) import kodi addon_id = kodi.get_id() __settings__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=addon_id) __language__ = __settings__.getLocalizedString
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import functools import log_utils import time import cPickle as pickle import hashlib import os import shutil import kodi cache_path = kodi.translate_path('special://temp/%s/cache/' % kodi.get_id()) try: if not os.path.exists(cache_path): os.makedirs(cache_path) except Exception as e: log_utils.log('Failed to create cache: %s: %s' % (cache_path, e), log_utils.LOGWARNING) cache_enabled = kodi.get_setting('use_cache') == 'true' def make_cache_path(): try: if not os.path.exists(cache_path): os.makedirs(cache_path) except Exception as e: log_utils.log('Failed to create cache: %s: %s' % (cache_path, e), log_utils.LOGWARNING)
import os import re import sys import urllib import urllib2 import urlparse from resources.lib.modules import utils import xxxtext import kodi import pyxbmct.addonwindow as pyxbmct ############################################################# #################### SET ADDON ID ########################### _self_ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=kodi.get_id()) ############################################################# #################### SET ADDON THEME IMAGES ################# ART = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/script.xxxodus.artwork', 'resources/pyxbmct/issues')) Background_Image = os.path.join(ART, 'bg.png') Button = os.path.join(ART, 'close.png') ButtonF = os.path.join(ART, 'closef.png') Open = os.path.join(ART, 'numbers/not-selected/open/%s.png') Open_Selected = os.path.join(ART, 'numbers/selected/open/%s.png') Closed = os.path.join(ART, 'numbers/not-selected/closed/%s.png') Closed_Seleted = os.path.join(ART, 'numbers/selected/closed/%s.png') def githubSelect(name): import githubissues
def selector(option_list,title="Select one"): _log("selector title='"+title+"', options="+repr(option_list)) dia=xbmcgui.Dialog();,option_list) return selection def set_view(view_mode, view_code=0): _log("set_view view_mode='"+view_mode+"', view_code="+str(view_code)) # Set the content for extended library views if needed if view_mode==MOVIES: _log("set_view content is movies"); xbmcplugin.setContent( int(sys.argv[1]) ,"movies" ) elif view_mode==TV_SHOWS: _log("set_view content is tvshows"); xbmcplugin.setContent( int(sys.argv[1]) ,"tvshows" ) elif view_mode==SEASONS: _log("set_view content is seasons"); xbmcplugin.setContent( int(sys.argv[1]) ,"seasons" ) elif view_mode==EPISODES: _log("set_view content is episodes"); xbmcplugin.setContent( int(sys.argv[1]) ,"episodes" ) skin_name=xbmc.getSkinDir() # Reads skin name _log("set_view skin_name='"+skin_name+"'") try: if view_code==0: _log("set_view view mode is "+view_mode) view_codes=ALL_VIEW_CODES.get(view_mode) view_code=view_codes.get(skin_name) _log("set_view view code for "+view_mode+" in "+skin_name+" is "+str(view_code)) xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode("+str(view_code)+")") else: _log("set_view view code forced to "+str(view_code)) xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode("+str(view_code)+")") except: _log("Unable to find view code for view mode "+str(view_mode)+" and skin "+skin_name) import kodi addon_id = kodi.get_id() __settings__=xbmcaddon.Addon(id=addon_id); __language__=__settings__.getLocalizedString
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import functools import log_utils import time import cPickle as pickle import hashlib import os import shutil import kodi cache_path = kodi.translate_path('special://temp/%s/cache/' % kodi.get_id()) try: if not os.path.exists(cache_path): os.makedirs(cache_path) except Exception as e: log_utils.log('Failed to create cache: %s: %s' % (cache_path, e), log_utils.LOGWARNING) cache_enabled = kodi.get_setting('use_cache') == 'true' def make_cache_path(): try: if not os.path.exists(cache_path): os.makedirs(cache_path) except Exception as e:
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import kodi from url_dispatcher import URL_Dispatcher def __enum(**enums): return type('Enum', (), enums) DISPATCHER = URL_Dispatcher() MODES = __enum(MAIN='main', PLAY='play', OPEN='open') DIRECTORIES = __enum( DATA=kodi.translate_path('special://profile/addon_data/%s/' % kodi.get_id())) ICONS = __enum(ADDON=kodi.translate_path( 'special://home/addons/{0!s}/icon.png'.format(kodi.get_id())))