Exemple #1
def LQLEP_wBarrier( LQLEP    = Th.dscalar(), ldet = Th.dscalar(), v1 = Th.dvector(), 
                    N_spike  = Th.dscalar(), ImM  = Th.dmatrix(),  U = Th.dmatrix(),
                    V2       = Th.dvector(),    u = Th.dvector(),  C = Th.dmatrix(),
    The actual Linear-Quadratic-Exponential-Poisson log-likelihood, 
    as a function of theta and M, 
    with a barrier on the log-det term and a prior.
    sq_nonlinearity = V2**2.*Th.sum( Th.dot(U,C)*U, axis=[1])  #Th.sum(U**2,axis=[1])
    nonlinearity = V2 * Th.sqrt( Th.sum( Th.dot(U,C)*U, axis=[1])) #Th.sum(U**2,axis=[1]) )
    if other.has_key('uc'):
        LQLEP_wPrior = LQLEP + 0.5 * N_spike * ( 1./(ldet+250.)**2. \
                     - 0.000001 * Th.sum(Th.log(1.-4*sq_nonlinearity))) \
                     + 10. * Th.sum( (u[2:]+u[:-2]-2*u[1:-1])**2. ) \
                     + 10. * Th.sum( (other['uc'][2:]+other['uc'][:-2]-2*other['uc'][1:-1])**2. ) \
                     + 0.000000001 * Th.sum( v1**2. )
#                     + 100. * Th.sum( v1 )
    #                 + 0.0001*Th.sum( V2**2 )
        LQLEP_wPrior = LQLEP + 0.5 * N_spike * ( 1./(ldet+250.)**2. \
                     - 0.000001 * Th.sum(Th.log(1.-4*sq_nonlinearity))) \
                     + 10. * Th.sum( (u[2:]+u[:-2]-2*u[1:-1])**2. ) \
                     + 0.000000001 * Th.sum( v1**2. )
#                     + 100. * Th.sum( v1 )
    #                 + 0.0001*Th.sum( V2**2 )
    eigsImM,barrier = eig( ImM )
    barrier   = 1-(Th.sum(Th.log(eigsImM))>-250) * \
                  (Th.min(eigsImM)>0) * (Th.max(4*sq_nonlinearity)<1)
    return named( **other )
Exemple #2
def ldet( theta = Th.dvector('theta'), M    = Th.dmatrix('M') ,
          STA   = Th.dvector('STA'), STC  = Th.dmatrix('STC'), **other):
    Return log-det of I-sym(M), for display/debugging purposes.
    ImM = Th.identity_like(M)-(M+M.T)/2
    w, v = eig(ImM)
    return Th.sum(Th.log(w))
Exemple #3
def eigs( theta = Th.dvector('theta'), M    = Th.dmatrix('M') ,
          STA   = Th.dvector('STA')  , STC   = Th.dmatrix('STC'), **other):
    Return eigenvalues of I-sym(M), for display/debugging purposes.
    ImM = Th.identity_like(M)-(M+M.T)/2
    w,v = eig( ImM )
    return w
Exemple #4
def eig_pos_barrier( theta = Th.dvector('theta'), M    = Th.dmatrix('M') ,
                 STA   = Th.dvector('STA'), STC  = Th.dmatrix('STC'), 
                 U = Th.dmatrix('U') , V1 = Th.dvector('V1'), **other):
     A barrier enforcing that the log-det of M should be > exp(-6), 
     and all the eigenvalues of M > 0.  Returns true if barrier is violated.
     ImM = Th.identity_like(M)-(M+M.T)/2
     w,v = eig( ImM )
     return 1-(Th.sum(Th.log(w))>-250)*(Th.min(w)>0)*(Th.min(V1.flatten())>0) \
Exemple #5
def eigsM( M     = Th.dmatrix('M') , **result): 
    w,v = eig( Th.identity_like(M)-(M+M.T)/2 )
    return w