def ZKPU_verify(self, ch, G, r, c_bar, P_bar, m, pk, g):
     verifies a ZKP for the correct format of a vote
     :param ch: the challenge
     :param G: the client side signing randomness 
     :param r: the response
     :param c_bar: the blinded EV
     :param P_bar: the blinded pad
     :param m: the message (public attributes)
     :param pk: the public encryption key
     :param g: the public parameter from G1
     :return: the result of the verification
     return ZKP.verifyZKP_FormatU(ch, G, r, c_bar, P_bar, m, pk, g,
 def testZKPU_oneParameter(self):
     groupObj = PairingGroup('BN254')
     params = 1
     msg = []
     msg_zkp = []
     for i in range(0, params - 1):
     el = ElGamal(params)
     agho = AGHOBlind(el)
     (pk_EV, sk_EV) = el.keygen()
     (c, o) = el.encrypt(pk_EV, msg)
     (c_bar, P_bar, G, e, f1, f2) = agho.blind(c, pk_EV['g'])
     (ch, r) = ZKP.ZKP_correctFormatU(pk_EV['g'], P_bar, pk_EV, o, e, G, f1,
                                      f2, params)
     isCorrect = ZKP.verifyZKP_FormatU(ch, G, r, c_bar, P_bar, msg_zkp,
                                       pk_EV, pk_EV['g'], params)
     assert (isCorrect)
     print("ZKPU Test Result with one parameter:", isCorrect)