Exemple #1
def bus_reservations(bus_id=None, cancel_key=None):

    # Restore cookies
    s = stateless_auth.get_requests_session_with_cookies()

    # Debugging
    user_agent = request.user_agent.string
    user_id = g.username

    if request.method == "GET":
        return jsonify(reservation=cache.bus_reserve_query(s))
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        result = cache.bus_booking(s, bus_id, "")
            print("PUT,%s,%s,%s" % (user_agent, user_id, result))
            print("PUT ERROR, %s, %s" % (user_agent, user_id))

        return jsonify(result)
    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        result = cache.bus_booking(s, cancel_key, "un")

        print("DELETE,%s,%s,%s" % (user_agent, user_id, result))

        return jsonify(result)

    return request.method
Exemple #2
def get_coursetables(year, semester):
    # See Gist for more infomation.
    # https://gist.github.com/hearsilent/a2570371cc6aa7db97bb

    weekdays = {"M": "Monday", "T": "Tuesday", "W": "Wednesday",
                "R": "Thursday", "F": "Friday", "S": "Saturday",
                "H": "Sunday"

    # Restore cookies
    s = stateless_auth.get_requests_session_with_cookies()

    classes = cache.ap_query(
        s, "ag222", {"arg01": year, "arg02": semester, "uid": "1101133117"}, g.username)

    # No Content
    if not classes:
        return jsonify(status=const.no_content, messages="學生目前無選課資料", coursetables=classes)

    coursetables = {}
    for c in classes:
        weekday = weekdays[c["date"]["weekday"]]
        if not weekday in coursetables:
            coursetables[weekday] = []


    return jsonify(status=const.ok, messages="", coursetables=coursetables)
Exemple #3
def get_leave(year, semester):
    """Get user's leaves record.

    :reqheader Authorization: Using Basic Auth
    :query int year: Specific year to query class schedule. format: yyy (see below)
    :query int semester: Given a semester
    :statuscode 200: Query successful
    :statuscode 401: Login failed or auth_token has been expired


    .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /latest/leaves/105/2 HTTP/1.1
        Host: kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769
        Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxx=

    .. sourcecode:: shell

        curl -X GET -u username:password https://kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769/latest/leaves/105/2


    .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Content-Type: application/json

    timecode = [
    # Restore cookies
    s = stateless_auth.get_requests_session_with_cookies()

    leaves = cache.leave_query(s, year, semester)

    if not leaves:
        return jsonify(status=const.no_content, messages="本學期無缺曠課記錄", leaves=[])
        return jsonify(status=const.ok, messages="", leaves=leaves,timecode=timecode)
Exemple #4
def get_leave(year, semester):
    # Restore cookies
    s = stateless_auth.get_requests_session_with_cookies()

    leaves = cache.leave_query(s, year, semester)

    if not leaves:
        return jsonify(status=const.no_content, messages="本學期無缺曠課記錄", leaves=[])
        return jsonify(status=const.ok, messages="", leaves=leaves)
Exemple #5
def get_score(year, semester):
    # Restore cookies
    s = stateless_auth.get_requests_session_with_cookies()

    scores = cache.ap_query(
        s, "ag008", {"arg01": year, "arg02": semester, "arg03": g.username}, g.username)

    if not scores:
        return jsonify(status=const.no_content, messages="目前無學生個人成績資料", scores={})

    return jsonify(status=const.ok, messages="", scores=scores)
Exemple #6
def get_leave(year, semester):
    """Get user's leaves record.

    :reqheader Authorization: Using Basic Auth
    :query int year: Specific year to query class schedule. format: yyy (see below)
    :query int semester: Given a semester
    :statuscode 200: Query successful
    :statuscode 401: Login failed or auth_token has been expired


    .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /latest/leaves/105/2 HTTP/1.1
        Host: kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769
        Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxx=

    .. sourcecode:: shell

        curl -X GET -u username:password https://kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769/latest/leaves/105/2


    .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Content-Type: application/json

    timecode = [
        "A", "1", "2", "3", "4", "B", "5", "6", "7", "8", "C", "11", "12",
        "13", "14"
    # Restore cookies
    s = stateless_auth.get_requests_session_with_cookies()

    leaves = cache.leave_query(s, year, semester)

    if not leaves:
        return jsonify(status=const.no_content,
        return jsonify(status=const.ok,
Exemple #7
def version_2():
    """Return API version
    return jsonify(name="kuas-api version 2.",
Exemple #8
def version_2():
    """Return API version
    return jsonify(
        name="kuas-api version 2.",
Exemple #9
def notification(page):
    """Get KUAS notification

    :param int page: specific page for notifications


        .. sourcecode:: http

            GET /v2/notifications/1 HTTP/1.1
            Host: https://kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769/v2/notifications/1

        .. sourcecode:: shell

            curl -X GET https://kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769/v2/notifications/1


        .. sourcecode:: http

            HTTP/1.0 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json

                    "date":"2015-09-04 ",
                    "date":"2015-09-04 ",

    return jsonify(
Exemple #10
def get_sample_coursetables():
    sample_data = {
        "normal": {'Wednesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['張道行'], 'title': '演算法'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['張道行'], 'title': '演算法'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['張道行'], 'title': '演算法'}], 'Thursday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['楊孟翰'], 'title': '資料庫'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['楊孟翰'], 'title': '資料庫'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['楊孟翰'], 'title': '資料庫'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['詹喆君'], 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '17:20', 'start_time': '16:30', 'section': '第 8 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['詹喆君'], 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析'}], 'Tuesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['陳忠信'], 'title': '體育-羽球'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['陳忠信'], 'title': '體育-羽球'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['林威成'], 'title': '離散數學'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['林威成'], 'title': '離散數學'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['林威成'], 'title': '離散數學'}], 'Monday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['林良志'], 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['林良志'], 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺'], 'title': '資料壓縮'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺'], 'title': '資料壓縮'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺'], 'title': '資料壓縮'}], 'Friday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['王志強'], 'title': '作業系統'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['王志強'], 'title': '作業系統'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['王志強'], 'title': '作業系統'}]},
        "weekends": {'Monday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}], 'Sunday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '實務專題(一)', 'instructors': ['羅孟彥']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '實務專題(一)', 'instructors': ['羅孟彥']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '實務專題(一)', 'instructors': ['羅孟彥']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '英語能力訓練', 'instructors': ['秦月貞']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '英語能力訓練', 'instructors': ['秦月貞']}], 'Thursday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '17:20', 'start_time': '16:30', 'section': '第 8 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}], 'Tuesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}], 'Wednesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}], 'Friday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}]},
        "aftereight": {'Monday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}], 'Thursday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '17:20', 'start_time': '16:30', 'section': '第 8 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}], 'Tuesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}], 'Wednesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '20:15', 'start_time': '19:25', 'section': '第 12 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '21:00', 'start_time': '20:20', 'section': '第 13 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}], 'Friday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '', 'start_time': '', 'section': 'B'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '19:20', 'start_time': '18:30', 'section': '第 11 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '20:15', 'start_time': '19:25', 'section': '第 12 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}]},
        "all": {'Monday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}], 'Sunday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['RegisterAutumn'], 'title': '5倍紅寶石'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['RegisterAutumn'], 'title': '5倍紅寶石'}], 'Thursday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '17:20', 'start_time': '16:30', 'section': '第 8 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}], 'Tuesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}], 'Wednesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '20:15', 'start_time': '19:25', 'section': '第 12 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '21:00', 'start_time': '20:20', 'section': '第 13 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}], 'Friday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '', 'start_time': '', 'section': 'B'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '19:20', 'start_time': '18:30', 'section': '第 11 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '20:15', 'start_time': '19:25', 'section': '第 12 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}]},
        "multiinstructors": {'Monday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}], 'Sunday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['RegisterAutumn'], 'title': '5倍紅寶石'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['RegisterAutumn'], 'title': '5倍紅寶石'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['RegisterAutumn', '紅寶石', '藍寶石'], 'title': '5倍紅寶石'}], 'Thursday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '17:20', 'start_time': '16:30', 'section': '第 8 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}], 'Tuesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}], 'Wednesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '20:15', 'start_time': '19:25', 'section': '第 12 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '21:00', 'start_time': '20:20', 'section': '第 13 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}], 'Friday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '', 'start_time': '', 'section': 'B'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '19:20', 'start_time': '18:30', 'section': '第 11 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '20:15', 'start_time': '19:25', 'section': '第 12 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}]},
        "wtf": {'Monday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '核心通識(五)-民主與法治', 'instructors': ['林良志']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'M', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '育302', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料壓縮', 'instructors': ['鐘文鈺']}], 'Sunday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '09:00', 'start_time': '08:10', 'section': '第 1 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '', 'building': ''}, 'title': '體育-羽球', 'instructors': ['陳忠信']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'weekday': 'F', 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'T', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南108', 'building': ''}, 'title': '離散數學', 'instructors': ['林威成']}], 'Thursday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '資料庫', 'instructors': ['楊孟翰']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'R', 'end_time': '17:20', 'start_time': '16:30', 'section': '第 8 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS210', 'building': ''}, 'title': '延伸通識(人文)-音樂賞析', 'instructors': ['詹喆君']}], 'Tuesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['RegisterAutumn'], 'title': '5倍紅寶石'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['RegisterAutumn'], 'title': '5倍紅寶石'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'H', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': 'HS202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['RegisterAutumn', '紅寶石', '藍寶石'], 'title': '5倍紅寶石'}], 'Wednesday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '14:20', 'start_time': '13:30', 'section': '第 5 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '15:20', 'start_time': '14:30', 'section': '第 6 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '16:20', 'start_time': '15:30', 'section': '第 7 節'}, 'location': {'room': '南101', 'building': ''}, 'title': '演算法', 'instructors': ['張道行']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '20:15', 'start_time': '19:25', 'section': '第 12 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '21:00', 'start_time': '20:20', 'section': '第 13 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'W', 'end_time': '21:15', 'start_time': '22:05', 'section': '第 14 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資202', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['Awei'], 'title': '實用網路安全技術'}], 'Friday': [{'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '10:00', 'start_time': '09:10', 'section': '第 2 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '11:00', 'start_time': '10:10', 'section': '第 3 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'title': '作業系統', 'instructors': ['王志強']}, {'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'campus': 'Yanchao', 'building': '資', 'room': '201', 'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '12:00', 'start_time': '11:10', 'section': '第 4 節'}, 'instructors': ['王志強'], 'title': '作業系統'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '', 'start_time': '', 'section': 'B'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '19:20', 'start_time': '18:30', 'section': '第 11 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}, {'date': {'weekday': 'F', 'end_time': '20:15', 'start_time': '19:25', 'section': '第 12 節'}, 'location': {'room': '資201', 'building': ''}, 'instructors': ['John Thunder'], 'title': '黑客技巧'}]},

    return jsonify(sample_data[request.path[request.path.rfind("/") + 1:]])
Exemple #11
def notification(page):
    """Get KUAS notification

    :param int page: specific page for notifications


        .. sourcecode:: http

            GET /v2/notifications/1 HTTP/1.1
            Host: https://kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769/v2/notifications/1

        .. sourcecode:: shell

            curl -X GET https://kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769/v2/notifications/1


        .. sourcecode:: http

            HTTP/1.0 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json

                    "date":"2015-09-04 ",
                    "date":"2015-09-04 ",

    return jsonify(page=page, notification=cache.notification_query(page))
Exemple #12
def ap_semester():
    semester_list = ap.get_semester_list()
    default_yms = list(
        filter(lambda x: x['selected'] == 1, semester_list))[0]

    # Check default args
    if request.args.get("default") == "1":
        return jsonify(default=default_yms)

    # Check limit args
    limit = request.args.get("limit")
    if limit:
            semester_list = semester_list[: int(limit)]
        except ValueError:
            return error.error_handle(
                developer_message="Error value for limit.",
                user_message="You type a wrong value for limit.")

    return jsonify(
Exemple #13
def timetables():
    """Get KUAS school bus time table.

    :reqheader Authorization: Using Basic Auth
    :query string date: Specific date to query timetable. format: yyyy-mm-dd
    :query string from: The start station you want to query. (not impl yet)
    :statuscode 200: no error


    without date (default the date on server)

    .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /latest/bus/timetables HTTP/1.1
        Host: kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769
        Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxx=

    .. sourcecode:: shell

        curl -u username:password -X GET https://kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769/v2/bus/timetables

    with date

    .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /latest/bus/timetables?date=2015-9-1 HTTP/1.1
        Host: kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769
        Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxx=

    .. sourcecode:: shell

        curl -u username:password -X GET https://kuas.grd.idv.tw:14769/v2/bus/timetables?date=2017-08-09


    .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.0 200 OK
        Content-Type: application/json

              "EndEnrollDateTime":"2015-08-31 17:20",
              "runDateTime":"2015-09-01 08:20"
              "EndEnrollDateTime":"2015-09-01 08:00",
              "runDateTime":"2015-09-01 13:00"
              "EndEnrollDateTime":"2015-09-01 07:15",
              "runDateTime":"2015-09-01 12:15"
              "EndEnrollDateTime":"2015-09-01 11:45",
              "runDateTime":"2015-09-01 16:45"


    date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.gmtime())
    if request.args.get("date"):
        date = request.args.get("date")

    # Restore cookies
    s = stateless_auth.get_requests_session_with_cookies()

    return jsonify(date=date, timetable=cache.bus_query(s, date))