def launch_storage_mon(): if kube_env.check_kubernetes_status() != util.EXIT_SUCCESS: log.error("Kubernetes is not set up." " Did you run the deployment script?") sys.exit(util.EXIT_FAILURE) cmd = "kubectl get pods -lapp=storage-upstream " cmd += " -o jsonpath={.items[0]} -n=storage" storage_pod_name = util.get_output_from_proc(cmd).decode("utf-8") cmd = f"kubectl -n=storage port-forward {storage_pod_name} 8090:8080" storage_proc = util.start_process(cmd, preexec_fn=os.setsid) # Let settle things in a bit time.sleep(2) return storage_proc
def launch_prometheus(): if kube_env.check_kubernetes_status() != util.EXIT_SUCCESS: log.error("Kubernetes is not set up." " Did you run the deployment script?") sys.exit(util.EXIT_FAILURE) cmd = "kubectl get pods -n istio-system -lapp=prometheus " cmd += " -o jsonpath={.items[0]}" prom_pod_name = util.get_output_from_proc(cmd).decode("utf-8") cmd = f"kubectl port-forward -n istio-system {prom_pod_name} 9090" prom_proc = util.start_process(cmd, preexec_fn=os.setsid) time.sleep(2) prom_api = PrometheusConnect(url="http://localhost:9090", disable_ssl=True) return prom_proc, prom_api
def start_fortio(gateway_url): cmd = f"{FILE_DIR}/bin/fortio " cmd += "load -c 50 -qps 300 -jitter -t 0 -loglevel Warning " cmd += f"http://{gateway_url}/productpage" fortio_proc = util.start_process(cmd, preexec_fn=os.setsid) return fortio_proc