Exemple #1
    def _delete_blueprint(self, labels):
        """Delete a blueprint.

    Deletes a blueprint by deleting all CNRM resources a set of labels.

    We use labels because all objects belonging to a blueprint should have
    the same label but the names might vary.
        kinds = [
            "containercluster", "iampolicymember", "iamserviceaccount",
            "containernodepool", "computeaddress", "computedisk"

        api_client = self.management_api
        for kind in kinds:
            client = cnrm_clients.CnrmClientApi(api_client, kind)
            selector = labels_to_selector(labels)

            logging.warning(f"Using hardcoded namespace {NAMESPACE}",
            results = client.list_namespaced(NAMESPACE)

            if not results.items:
                    f"No resources of kind {kind} found to delete for "
                    f"selector {selector}",

            for i in results["items"]:
                name = i["metadata"]["name"]
                logging.info(f"Deleting kind: {kind} {NAMESPACE}.{name}",
                client.delete_namespaced(NAMESPACE, name, {})
Exemple #2
def _iter_blueprints(namespace, context=None):
    """Return an iterator over blueprints.

    namespace: The namespace to look for blueprints
    context: The kube context to use.
    # We need to load the kube config so that we can have credentials to
    # talk to the APIServer.
    util.load_kube_config(persist_config=False, context=context)

    client = k8s_client.ApiClient()
    crd_api = cnrm_clients.CnrmClientApi(client, "containercluster")

    clusters = crd_api.list_namespaced(namespace)

    for c in clusters.get("items"):
        yield c
  def _iter_blueprints(self):
    """Return an iterator over blueprints.

      namespace: The namespace to look for blueprints
      context: The kube context to use.
    # We need to load the kube config so that we can have credentials to
    # talk to the APIServer.
    crd_api = cnrm_clients.CnrmClientApi(self.management_api, "containercluster")

    # Treat all clusters with an auto-group-label as an auto deployed group.
    selector = GROUP_LABEL
    namespace = "kubeflow-ci-deployment"
    # TODO(jlewi): We should get namespaces by looking at the PipelineRuns
    # to get the project it is deployed to.
    logging.warning(f"Using hardcoded value of namespace={namespace} to look "
                    f"for deployments.")
    clusters = crd_api.list_namespaced(namespace, label_selector=selector)

    for c in clusters.get("items"):
      yield c
Exemple #4
def _delete_blueprints(namespace, to_keep_names, context=None, dryrun=True):
    """Delete all auto-deployed resources that we don't want to keep.

    namespace: The namespace that owns the CNRM objects.
    to_keep_names: Names of the blueprints to keep.
    context: The kubeconfig context to use

  This function deletes all auto-deployed resources that we don't want
  to keep. This function is intended to delete any orphaned resources.
  It works as follows.

    1. For each type of resource we issue a list to find all autodeployed
    2. We then remove any resource which belongs to a blueprint to keep
    3. We remove any resource that is less than 1 hours old
       * This is to avoid race conditions where a blueprint was created
         after to_keep was computedisks
    4. remaining resources are deleted.

    util.load_kube_config(persist_config=False, context=context)

    client = k8s_client.ApiClient()
    crd_api = k8s_client.CustomObjectsApi(client)

    BASE_GROUP = "cnrm.cloud.google.com"
    CNRM_VERSION = "v1beta1"

    # List of resources to GC
    kinds = [
        "containercluster", "iampolicymember", "iamserviceaccount",
        "containernodepool", "computeaddress", "computedisk"

    # Mappings from resource type to list of resources
    to_keep = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
    to_delete = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])

    api_client = k8s_client.ApiClient()

    # Loop over resources and identify resources to delete.
    for kind in kinds:
        client = cnrm_clients.CnrmClientApi(api_client, kind)

        selector = "{0}=true".format(AUTO_DEPLOY_LABEL)
        results = client.list_namespaced(namespace, label_selector=selector)

        for i in results.get("items"):
            name = i["metadata"]["name"]

            if name in to_keep_names:

            creation = date_parser.parse(i["metadata"]["creationTimestamp"])
            age = datetime.datetime.now(creation.tzinfo) - creation
            if age < datetime.timedelta(hours=1):
                logging.info("Not GC'ing %s %s; it was created to recently",
                             kind, name)


    for kind in kinds:
        client = cnrm_clients.CnrmClientApi(api_client, kind)
        for name in to_delete[kind]:
            if dryrun:
                logging.info("Dryrun: %s %s would be deleted", kind, name)
                logging.info("Deleting: %s %s", kind, name)
                client.delete_namespaced(namespace, name, {})

    for kind in kinds:
        logging.info("Deleted %s:\n%s", kind, "\n".join(to_delete[kind]))
        logging.info("Kept %s:\n%s", kind, "\n".join(to_keep[kind]))