def __init__( self, namespace: str = None, name: str = None, labels: Dict[str, str] = None, annotations: Dict[str, str] = None, user_names: List[str] = None, group_names: List[str] = None, subjects: List["k8sv1.ObjectReference"] = None, role_ref: "k8sv1.ObjectReference" = None, ): super().__init__( api_version="", kind="RoleBinding", **({ "namespace": namespace } if namespace is not None else {}), **({ "name": name } if name is not None else {}), **({ "labels": labels } if labels is not None else {}), **({ "annotations": annotations } if annotations is not None else {}), ) self.__user_names = user_names if user_names is not None else [] self.__group_names = group_names if group_names is not None else [] self.__subjects = subjects if subjects is not None else [] self.__role_ref = role_ref if role_ref is not None else k8sv1.ObjectReference( )
def __init__( self, name: str = None, labels: Dict[str, str] = None, annotations: Dict[str, str] = None, identity: "k8sv1.ObjectReference" = None, user: "******" = None, ): super().__init__( api_version="", kind="UserIdentityMapping", **({"name": name} if name is not None else {}), **({"labels": labels} if labels is not None else {}), **({"annotations": annotations} if annotations is not None else {}), ) self.__identity = identity if identity is not None else k8sv1.ObjectReference() self.__user = user if user is not None else k8sv1.ObjectReference()
def __init__( self, automatic: bool = None, container_names: List[str] = None, from_: "k8sv1.ObjectReference" = None, last_triggered_image: str = None, ): super().__init__() self.__automatic = automatic self.__container_names = container_names if container_names is not None else [] self.__from_ = from_ if from_ is not None else k8sv1.ObjectReference() self.__last_triggered_image = last_triggered_image
def __init__( self, from_: "k8sv1.ObjectReference" = None, revision: int = None, include_triggers: bool = False, include_template: bool = False, include_replication_meta: bool = False, include_strategy: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.__from_ = from_ if from_ is not None else k8sv1.ObjectReference() self.__revision = revision self.__include_triggers = include_triggers self.__include_template = include_template self.__include_replication_meta = include_replication_meta self.__include_strategy = include_strategy
def __init__( self, described_object: "k8sv1.ObjectReference" = None, metric: "MetricIdentifier" = None, timestamp: "base.Time" = None, window_seconds: int = None, value: "resource.Quantity" = None, ): super().__init__(api_version="", kind="MetricValue") self.__described_object = (described_object if described_object is not None else k8sv1.ObjectReference()) self.__metric = metric if metric is not None else MetricIdentifier() self.__timestamp = timestamp self.__window_seconds = window_seconds self.__value = value
def __init__( self, name: str = None, labels: Dict[str, str] = None, annotations: Dict[str, str] = None, provider_name: str = "", provider_user_name: str = "", user: "******" = None, extra: Dict[str, str] = None, ): super().__init__( api_version="", kind="Identity", **({"name": name} if name is not None else {}), **({"labels": labels} if labels is not None else {}), **({"annotations": annotations} if annotations is not None else {}), ) self.__provider_name = provider_name self.__provider_user_name = provider_user_name self.__user = user if user is not None else k8sv1.ObjectReference() self.__extra = extra if extra is not None else {}
def __init__( self, described_object: "k8sv1.ObjectReference" = None, metric_name: str = "", timestamp: "base.Time" = None, window: int = None, value: "resource.Quantity" = None, selector: "metav1.LabelSelector" = None, ): super().__init__( api_version="", kind="MetricValue" ) self.__described_object = ( described_object if described_object is not None else k8sv1.ObjectReference() ) self.__metric_name = metric_name self.__timestamp = timestamp self.__window = window self.__value = value self.__selector = selector
def __init__(self, container_name: str = "", to: "k8sv1.ObjectReference" = None): super().__init__() self.__container_name = container_name self.__to = to if to is not None else k8sv1.ObjectReference()