def main(): """ This function executes all services on host :return: """ process = True while process: menu.add_choices(["url or ip", "configfile", "iprange or cidr"]) option ="Choose one of the below options:") if option == 'url or ip': input_host = input("Enter the target K8s Endpoint : ") host, port = ValidateInput().input_to_host(input_host) if not host: cowsay("Target is neither reachable nor valid") return file_name = str(host) + ".txt" file_obj = open(file_name, 'w') kube_services_process(option, file_obj, host, port) elif option == 'iprange or cidr': print(fore.MAGENTA_1 + "Example ip range input :" + style.RESET) print(fore.MAGENTA_1 + "Example of cidr range : " + style.RESET) input_range = input("Enter the ip or cidr range : ") host_list = ValidateInput().iprange_to_iplist(input_range) if host_list: for host in host_list: file_name = str(host) + ".txt" file_obj = open(file_name, 'w') kube_services_process(option, file_obj, host) else: cowsay("Please enter a valid IP range") elif option == 'configfile': menu.add_choices(["default", "Kube config custom path"]) print("") result ="Choose one the below options:") if result == 'Kube config custom path': input_file = input( "Enter the full path of custom config file: ") else: input_file = 'default' host_url_list = ValidateInput().config_file_to_host_list( input_file) menu.add_choices(host_url_list) print("") result ="Choose one of the below url:") host, port = ValidateInput().input_to_host(result) if not host: cowsay("Input is not valid") return file_name = str(host) + ".txt" file_obj = open(file_name, 'w') kube_services_process(option, file_obj, host) else: cowsay("No option is selected") menu.add_choices(["continue", "exit"]) process_status ="Choose process continue or exit :") if process_status == 'exit': process = False
def kube_services_process(option, file_obj, host, port=None): """ This function executes api server secure and insecure, kubelet RW and RO :param option: :param file_obj: :param host: :param port: :return: """ token = '' end_point = '' service_discovery = ServiceDiscovery(file_obj) service_discovery.service_result(host, port) service_discovery_result = service_discovery.result apiserver_insecure = service_discovery_result.get( 'apiserver_insecure').get('active') kubelet_rw = service_discovery_result.get('kubelet_rw').get('active') kubelet_ro = service_discovery_result.get('kubelet_ro').get('active') ser_hunt = ServiceHunt(file_obj) if apiserver_insecure: end_point = service_discovery_result.get('apiserver_insecure').get( 'end_point') get_git_version(end_point) ser_hunt.apiserver_insecure(service_discovery_result) else: apiserver_secure = service_discovery_result.get( 'apiserver_secure').get('active') if apiserver_secure: end_point = service_discovery_result.get('apiserver_secure').get( 'end_point') get_git_version(end_point) menu.add_choices(['authenticated scan', 'unauthenticated scan']) print("") option ="Choose one of the below option:") if option == 'authenticated scan': print(fore.CYAN_1 + "Grab the Token:" + style.RESET) print( fore.MAGENTA_1 + " aws eks get-token --cluster-name cluster-name --region ap-southeast-2" + style.RESET) print( fore.MAGENTA_1 + " az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster" + style.RESET) print( fore.MAGENTA_1 + " gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --zone=COMPUTE_ZONE" + style.RESET) print("") count = 0 while count <= 3: token = getpass.getpass("Provide token : ") token = token.strip() end_point_url = "https://" + end_point + '/api' response_status = check_service(end_point_url, token) if response_status == False: cowsay("Could not autheticate with the provided token") count = count + 1 if count == 3: cowsay('Maximum retries reached!!') return else: cowsay('Authentication Successful!!') break check_choice = None user_name = None menu.add_choices( ["Perform All Checks", "Perform individual Checks"]) print("") checks_status ="Choose checks option") if checks_status == 'Perform individual Checks': menu.add_choices([ "Scan IAM misconfigurations", "Scan misconfigured containers", "Scan misconfigured podsecuritypolicies", "Scan misconfigured network policies" ]) check_choice ="select choice to scan") if check_choice == 'Scan IAM misconfigurations': menu.add_choices(["total check", "user check"]) check_user_choice = "select choice to scan") if check_user_choice == 'user check': user_name = input("Give username: "******"This host {end_point} has pods data, if you want to execute commands scan this host alone" + style.RESET) return menu.add_choices(["excute command on containers", "exit"]) result_cmd_exec ="Chose one the below options:") if result_cmd_exec == 'excute command on containers': command_execute(pods_data, end_point, token) cowsay("Scan completed and Results generated with the target file name")
def command_execute(pods_data, end_point, token): """ This function is used to form the command excution url and call the another function to execute :param pods_data: :param end_point: :param token: :return: """ pod_name_list = [] pod_containers_data = {} pod_namespace_data = {} for pods_key, pods_value in pods_data.items(): for pod_data in pods_value['items']: pod_name = pod_data.get('metadata').get('name') namespace = pod_data.get('metadata').get('namespace') pod_namespace_data.update({pod_name: namespace}) spec_data = pod_data.get('spec') if not spec_data: print("spec data is not available in input json") return containers_data = spec_data.get('containers', []) initcontainers_data = spec_data.get('initContainers', []) con_list = [] for cn in containers_data: name = cn.get('name') if name not in con_list: con_list.append(name) for cn in initcontainers_data: name = cn.get('name') if name not in con_list: con_list.append(name) con_str = ",".join(con_list) pod_name_list.append(pod_name) pod_containers_data.update({pod_name: con_str}) if not pod_name_list: cowsay("No access to get pods data") return print(fore.MAGENTA_1 + "\nBelow listed are the pods available in the cluster\n" + style.RESET) print(pod_name_list) process_continue = True inp_pod_name = None while process_continue: if inp_pod_name: print(fore.CYAN_1 + "This is the previous pod" + style.RESET, inp_pod_name) menu.add_choices( ["Continue with the existing pod", "Select a new pod"]) result_pod ="Choose option:") if result_pod == 'Select a new pod': inp_pod_name = input("Enter the any one of pod name : ") else: inp_pod_name = input("\n Choose a pod for the above list : ") print(fore.MAGENTA_1 + "\nBelow listed are the containers in this pod - " + style.RESET + str(inp_pod_name) + '\n') print(pod_containers_data.get(inp_pod_name) + '\n') pod_namespace = pod_namespace_data.get(inp_pod_name) inp_container = input("Enter the container name to execute commands: ") print(inp_container) inp_command = input("\nEnter the command to be executed: ") cmd_url = "" for command in inp_command.split(): cmd_url = cmd_url + "command=" + str(command) + "&" end_point_url = "wss://" + end_point pod_url = '/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{pod_name}/exec?'.format( namespace=pod_namespace, pod_name=inp_pod_name) container_context = 'container={container}&stdin=true&stdout=true&tty=true'.format( container=inp_container) url_context = pod_url + cmd_url + container_context url = end_point_url + url_context try: result = cmd_exec(url, token) print(f'\n{result}') except Exception as e: cowsay("Command execution failed - " + str(e)) menu.add_choices(["continue", "exit"]) result_process ="Chose one the below options:") if result_process == 'exit': process_continue = False
print("\nThe version of Kuberentes is: {git_version}".format( git_version=git_version)) except Exception as e: pass if __name__ == '__main__': x = (stylize((Figlet(font='slant', justify='center').renderText('>>>-kube-strike->')), fg("orange_1"))) print( stylize( '\n ###########################################################################', fg("light_sky_blue_1"))) print(x) t = (stylize( ' ###########################################################################', fg("light_sky_blue_1"))) print(t + fore.LIGHT_RED + ' v1.0.0\n' + style.RESET) print( stylize( '[+] Gearing up Kube-Strike......................................................\n', fg("green_1"))) try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: cowsay("KeyboardInterrupted process") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: cowsay("Process failed due to - " + str(e))