Exemple #1
   def grok_graphite_data(self, data):
      STATS.incr('ts.graphite.grok.data', 1)
      forwards = {}
      for line in data.splitlines():
         elts = line.split(' ')
         elts = [s.strip() for s in elts if s.strip()]

         if len(elts) != 3:
         mname, value, timestamp = elts[0], elts[1], elts[2]
         hkey = hashlib.sha1(mname).hexdigest()
         ts_node_manager = self.clust.find_ts_node(hkey)
         # if it's me that manage this key, I add it in my backend
         if ts_node_manager == self.clust.uuid:
             logger.debug("I am the TS node manager")
                 timestamp = int(timestamp)
             except ValueError:
             value = to_best_int_float(value)
             if value is None:
             self.tsb.add_value(timestamp, mname, value)
         # not me? stack a forwarder
             logger.debug("The node manager for this Ts is ", ts_node_manager)
             l = forwards.get(ts_node_manager, [])
             forwards[ts_node_manager] = l

      for (uuid, lst) in forwards.iteritems():
          node = self.clust.nodes.get(uuid, None)
          # maybe the node disapear? bail out, we are not lucky
          if node is None:
          packets = []
          # first compute the packets
          buf = ''
          for line in lst:
              buf += line+'\n'
              if len(buf) > 1024:
                  buf = ''
          if buf != '':

          # UDP
          sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
          for packet in packets:
             # do NOT use the node['port'], it's the internal communication, not the graphite one!
             sock.sendto(packet, (node['addr'], self.graphite_port))

Exemple #2
   def launch_statsd_udp_listener(self):
        self.udp_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
        self.udp_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 1048576)
        self.udp_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        self.log(self.udp_sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF))
        self.udp_sock.bind((self.addr, self.statsd_port))
        self.log("TS UDP port open", self.statsd_port)
        self.log("UDP RCVBUF", self.udp_sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF))
        while True:#not self.interrupted:
               data, addr = self.udp_sock.recvfrom(65535) # buffer size is 1024 bytes
            except socket.timeout: # loop until we got something
            self.log("UDP: received message:", data, addr)
            # No data? bail out :)
            if len(data) == 0:
            self.log("GETDATA", data)
            for line in data.splitlines():
               # avoid invalid lines
               if not '|' in line:
               elts = line.split('|', 1)
               # invalid, no type in the right part
               if len(elts) == 1:

               _name_value = elts[0].strip()
               # maybe it's an invalid name...
               if not ':' in _name_value:
               _nvs = _name_value.split(':')
               if len(_nvs) != 2:
               mname = _nvs[0].strip()
               # Two cases: it's for me or not
               hkey = hashlib.sha1(mname).hexdigest()
               ts_node_manager = self.clust.find_ts_node(hkey)
               # if it's me that manage this key, I add it in my backend
               if ts_node_manager != self.clust.uuid:
                  node = self.clust.nodes.get(ts_node_manager, None)
                  # threads are dangerous things...
                  if node is None:
                  # TODO: do bulk send of this, like for graphite
                  sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)              
                  # do NOT use the node['port'], it's the internal communication, not the graphite one!
                  sock.sendto(line, (node['addr'], self.statsd_port))

               # Here we are sure it's really for us, so manage it :)
               value = to_best_int_float(_nvs[1].strip())
               if not mname or value is None:

               # Look at the type of the data
               _type = elts[1].strip()
               if len(_type) == 0:
               ## Gauge: <metric name>:<value>|g
               elif _type == 'g':
                  self.nb_data += 1
                  self.log('GAUGE', mname, value)
                  with self.stats_lock:
                     gentry = self.gauges.get(mname, None)
                     if gentry is None:
                        # sum, nb, min, max
                        gentry = (0.0, 0, None, None)
                     _sum, nb, _min, _max = gentry
                     _sum += value
                     nb += 1
                     if _min is None or value < _min:
                        _min = value
                     if _max is None or value > _max:
                        _max = value
                     self.gauges[mname] = (_sum, nb, _min, _max)
                     self.log('NEW GAUGE', mname, self.gauges[mname])
               ## Timers: <metric name>:<value>|ms
               ## But also 
               ## Histograms: <metric name>:<value>|h
               elif _type == 'ms' or _type == 'h':
                  self.log('timers', mname, value)
                  # TODO: avoit the SET each time
                  timer = self.timers.get(mname, [])
                  self.timers[mname] = timer
               ## Counters: <metric name>:<value>|c[|@<sample rate>]
               elif _type == 'c':
                  self.nb_data += 1
                  self.log('COUNTER', mname, value, "rate", 1)
                  with self.stats_lock:
                     cvalue, ccount  = self.counters.get(mname, (0,0))
                     self.counters[mname] = (cvalue + value, ccount + 1)
                     self.log('NEW COUNTER', mname, self.counters[mname])                  
               ## Meters: <metric name>:<value>|m
               elif _type == 'm':
                  self.log('METERs', mname, value)
               else: # unknow type, maybe a c[|@<sample rate>]
                  if _type[0] == 'c':
                     self.nb_data += 1
                     if not '|' in _type:
                     srate = _type.split('|')[1].strip()
                     if len(srate) == 0 or srate[0] != '@':
                        rate = float(srate[1:])
                     except ValueError:
                     # Invalid rate, 0.0 is invalid too ;)
                     if rate <= 0.0 or rate > 1.0:
                     self.log('COUNTER', mname, value, "rate", rate)
                     with self.stats_lock:
                        cvalue, ccount = self.counters.get(mname, (0,0))
                        self.log('INCR counter', (value/rate))
                        self.counters[mname] = (cvalue + (value/rate), ccount + 1/rate)
                        self.log('NEW COUNTER', mname, self.counters[mname])
            if True: # or ('MongoDBDBStats' in self.config and self.config['MongoDBDBStats'] == 'yes':
                logger.debug('getMongoDBStatus: db.stats() too')
                status['dbStats'] = {}
                for database in conn.database_names():
                    if database != 'config' and database != 'local' and database != 'admin' and database != 'test':
                        logger.debug('getMongoDBStatus: executing db.stats() for %s', database)
                        status['dbStats'][database] = conn[database].command('dbstats')
                        status['dbStats'][database]['namespaces'] = conn[database]['system']['namespaces'].count()

                        # Ensure all strings to prevent JSON parse errors. We typecast on the server
                        for key in status['dbStats'][database].keys():
                            status['dbStats'][database][key] = str(status['dbStats'][database][key])
                            # try a float/int cast
                            v = to_best_int_float(status['dbStats'][database][key])
                            if v is not None:
                                status['dbStats'][database][key] = v

        except Exception, ex:
            logger.error('Unable to get MongoDB status - Exception = %s', traceback.format_exc())
            return False

        logger.debug('getMongoDBStatus: completed, returning')

        return status

    def setMongoDBStore(self, statusOutput):