Exemple #1
def genCollectionRpt(optiondict, debug=False):

    # message what we are running
    if optiondict['verbose']:

    winecollection = loadWineCollection(optiondict, debug=debug)

    # messaging
    if optiondict['verbose']:
        print('genCollectionRpt:winecollection:', len(winecollection))

    collection_xref = loadCollectionXrefDict(
        optiondict['collection_xref_file'], skipIgnore=True, debug=debug)

    # messaging
    if optiondict['verbose']:
        print('genCollectionRpt:collection_xref:', len(collection_xref))

    ### WINE_XREF ###
    # wine_xref = kvcsv.readcsv2dict( optiondict['wine_xref_file'], ['winedescr'] )

    ### WINE_INV ###
    wine_inv = calcWineSummary(winecollection,

    # set filename if not set
    if not optiondict['collection_out_file']:
        optiondict['collection_out_file'] = optiondict['collection_file']
    # save this data out
    fldlist = [
        'name', 'cnt', 'price_min', 'price_avg', 'value', 'consumed', 'in_inv',
        'wine_xref', 'total_spend', 'wine_type'
    kvcsv.writedict2csv(optiondict['collection_out_file'], wine_inv, fldlist)
    if optiondict['verbose']:
        print('genCollectionRpt:File created:',
Exemple #2
def migrate_stays_to_history( occupy_filename, occupy_history_filename, fldDate, debug=False ):
    # log that we are doing this work
    # load stay history
    if os.path.isfile( occupy_history_filename ):
        logger.info('migrate_stays_to_history:load file:%s', occupy_history_filename)
        stays_history = villaecobee.load_villa_calendar( occupy_history_filename, fldDate, debug=False )
        logger.info('migrate_stays_to_history:file does not exist:%s', occupy_history_filename)
        stays_history = dict()

    # load current stay information
    stays = villaecobee.load_villa_calendar( occupy_filename, fldDate, debug=False )
    logger.info('migrate_stays_to_history:load file:%s', occupy_filename)

    # capture today
    today = datetime.datetime.today()

    # and capture the number of records add to the stay history
    # step through the stays file and look for past due dates
    for staydate in stays:
        if datetime.datetime.strptime(staydate, datefmt) < today:
            # this date is in the past - see if this date is in the history already
            if staydate not in stays_history:
                # add this date to stays history
                stays_history[staydate] = stays[staydate]
                # increment the counter
                records_added += 1
                # debugging message
                logger.debug('migrate_stays_to_history:date added:%s', staydate)
                # debugging message
                logger.debug('migrate_stays_to_history:date skipped:%s', staydate)

    # loop through - now if we added records we need to save stay history data
    if records_added:
        logger.info('migrate_stays_to_history:records added to history:%d', records_added)
        kvcsv.writedict2csv( occupy_history_filename, stays_history )
        logger.info('migrate_stays_to_history:no records added to history')
Exemple #3
def updateCollectionXrefDict(optiondict, debug=False):

    # message what we are running
    if optiondict['verbose']:

    collection_xref = loadCollectionXrefDict(
        optiondict['collection_xref_file'], debug=debug)

    # messaging
    if optiondict['verbose']:

    ### COLLECTION ####
    collection = kvcsv.readcsv2dict(optiondict['collection_file'], ['name'])
    for wine, value in collection.items():
        if value['wine_xref'][:1] == '*':
            if debug: print('collection - destarred:', wine)
            collection[wine]['wine_xref'] = value['wine_xref'][1:]

    # messaging
    if optiondict['verbose']:
        print('updateCollectionXrefDict:collection:', len(collection))

    ### UPDATE  ###
    updates = updateCollectionXref(collection_xref, collection, debug=debug)

    ### OUTPUT ###
    fldlist = ['name', 'wine_xref']
    kvcsv.writedict2csv(optiondict['collection_xref_file'], collection_xref,
    if optiondict['verbose']:
        print('updateCollectionXrefDict:Records updated:', updates)
        print('updateCollectionXrefDict:File created:',
Exemple #4
def load_and_process_files( file_input, file_del, del_flag, delreckey, delencoding, inputreckey, inputencoding, dellastseenfld, inputdatefld, inputheader=None, headerlc=False, debug=False ):

    if debug:
        print('file_del:', file_del)
        print('delreckey:', delreckey)

    # first read in the file_del - into a dictionary that is wine_store+wine_name keyed
    delRecs, delDictKeys, delDupCount = kvcsv.readcsv2dict_with_header( file_del, delreckey, headerlc=headerlc, encoding=delencoding, debug=debug)

    if debug:
        #print('delRecs:', delRecs)
        print('delDictKeys:', delDictKeys)
        print('delDupCount:', delDupCount)
    if debug:
        print('file_input:', file_input)
        print('inputreckey:', inputreckey)
        print('inputheader:', inputheader)
    # load the input file keyed by the process_date, wine_store, wine_name
    if inputheader:
        inputRecs, inputDictKeys, inputDupCount  = kvcsv.readcsv2dict_with_noheader( file_input, inputreckey, header=inputheader, encoding=inputencoding, debug=debug)
        inputRecs, inputDictKeys, inputDupCount  = kvcsv.readcsv2dict_with_header( file_input, inputreckey, headerlc=headerlc, encoding=inputencoding, debug=debug)

    # calc the number of input records we processed
    inputRecCount = len(inputRecs) + inputDupCount
    if debug:
        # print('inputRecs:', inputRecs)
        print('inputDictKeys:', inputDictKeys)
        print('inputDupCount:', inputDupCount)

    # set the variables
    delRecCount = 0
    # step through input records and see if the match a delete entry
    for inputkey in list(inputRecs.keys()):
        # built up the store + name key from the process_date + store + name key
        storename = '|'.join(inputkey.split('|')[1:])
        # debugging
        if 0 and debug:
            print('storename:', storename, ':inputkey:', inputkey)
        # if this is a match
        if storename in delRecs:
            if 0 and debug:
                print('match to be deleted:', storename, ':', inputkey)
            # update the last seen field in delRecs
            delRecs[storename][dellastseenfld] = inputRecs[inputkey][inputdatefld]
            # count this delete
            delRecCount += 1
            # remove the record
            del inputRecs[inputkey]

    # if we deleted records - then we updated file_del and we need to save it
    if delRecCount:
        if 0 and debug:
            print('saving updates into:', file_del)
        kvcsv.writedict2csv( file_del, delRecs, delDictKeys, encoding=delencoding, debug=debug )

    ### TODO - replace dict returned with a list of values - not sure why i had to return it this way
    # return what we just extracted
    return {'inputRecs' : inputRecs, 'inputDictKeys' : inputDictKeys, 'inputDupCount' : inputDupCount, 'delRecCount' : delRecCount, 'inputRecCount' : inputRecCount }
Exemple #5
    if test:
        print ('---------------TEST FLAG ENABLED---------------------------')

    # check to see if we passed in srchlist instead of srchstring
    if optiondict['file_append']:
        print('file_append was passed in INSTEAD of append_flag - substituting')
        optiondict['append_flag'] = optiondict['file_append']

    # load and process the files
    results = load_and_process_files( optiondict['file_input'], optiondict['file_del'], optiondict['del_flag'], optiondict['delreckey'], optiondict['delencoding'], optiondict['inputreckey'], optiondict['inputencoding'], optiondict['dellastseenfld'], optiondict['inputdatefld'], inputheader=optiondict['inputheader'], headerlc=optiondict['headerlc'], debug=False )

    # output what we just got in
    if optiondict['append_flag']:
        kvcsv.writedict2csv( optiondict['file_output'], results['inputRecs'], results['inputDictKeys'], mode='a', header=False, encoding=optiondict['inputencoding'], debug=False )
        kvcsv.writedict2csv( optiondict['file_output'], results['inputRecs'], results['inputDictKeys'], encoding=optiondict['inputencoding'], debug=False )

    if optiondict['rename_flag']:
        rename_file(optiondict['file_input'], optiondict['rename_ext'], optiondict['rename_file'])

    # final summary
    print('wine_dedupe.py: Results--------------------------')
    print('Input file....:', optiondict['file_input'])
    print('Del file......:', optiondict['file_del'])
    print('Output file...:', optiondict['file_output'])
    print('Append flag...:', optiondict['append_flag'])
    print('Input records.:', results['inputRecCount'])
    print('Dup records...:', results['inputDupCount'])
    print('Del records...:', results['delRecCount'])