Exemple #1
    def get(self, table_name, *keys, **kwargs):
        num_uuids = self._table_names[table_name]
        ## A mapping between shards and columns to retrieve from each shard
        shards = defaultdict(list)

        ## Track the keys that we find
        found_keys = set()

        ## Determine all the shards that we need to contact
        for key in keys:
            assert len(key) == num_uuids
            joined_key = join_uuids(*key)
            row_names = [self._make_shard_name(table_name, joined_key)]
            for row_name in row_names:

        ## For each shard we contact, get all the keys it may hold
        for row_name, columns in shards.iteritems():
                for key, val in self.tables[table_name].get(row_name, columns=columns,).iteritems():
                    key = split_uuids(key)
                    logger.critical('cassandra get(%r) yielding %r %d' % (table_name, key, len(val)))
                    ## key is a list [(uuid, uuid)]
                    assert not any(k in found_keys for k in key)
                    yield tuple(key), val
            except NotFoundException:

        ## Raise an exception if we don't retrieve all the keys that were requested
        missing_keys = set(keys) - found_keys
        for k in missing_keys:
            yield k, None
Exemple #2
    def _get_from_one_row(self, table_name, row_name, columns, start, finish, num_uuids):

        logger.debug('c* get: table_name=%r row_name=%r columns=%r start=%r finish=%r' % (
            table_name, row_name, columns, start, finish))

        if not columns:
            assert start is not None and finish is not None
            assert start <= finish

        num_yielded = 0
        while True:
            ## if we have
            prev_start = start
            logger.debug('cassandra get(%r...)' % row_name)
            ## if table_name == 'inbound':
            ##     import ipdb
            ##     ipdb.set_trace()
            for key, val in self.tables[table_name].get(

                key = split_uuids(key)
                logger.critical('cassandra get(%r) yielding %r %d' % (table_name, key, len(val)))
                yield key, val
                num_yielded += 1
                logger.debug('c* get: table_name=%r row_name=%r columns=%r start=%r finish=%r' % (
                    table_name, row_name, columns, start, finish))

            ## prepare to page ahead to next batch
            if columns:
            start = list(key)
            start[-1] = uuid.UUID(int=key[-1].int+1)
            assert len(start) == num_uuids
            start = join_uuids(*start)

            if start == prev_start or start > finish:
            logger.debug('paging forward from %r to %r' % (prev_start, start))

        ## We need to raise a not found exception if the caller asked for
        ## a specific column and we didn't yield any results
        if not columns and num_yielded == 0:
            raise pycassa.NotFoundException