Exemple #1
    def get_address(self, index=0):
        Return the address of a NIC of the guest, in host space.

        If port redirection is used, return 'localhost' (the NIC has no IP
        address of its own).  Otherwise return the NIC's IP address.

        @param index: Index of the NIC whose address is requested.
        nics = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(self.params, "nics")
        nic_name = nics[index]
        nic_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(self.params, nic_name)
        if nic_params.get("nic_mode") == "tap":
            mac, ip = kvm_utils.get_mac_ip_pair_from_dict(nic_params)
            if not mac:
                logging.debug("MAC address unavailable")
                return None
            if not ip or nic_params.get("always_use_tcpdump") == "yes":
                # Get the IP address from the cache
                ip = self.address_cache.get(mac)
                if not ip:
                    logging.debug("Could not find IP address for MAC address: " "%s" % mac)
                    return None
                # Make sure the IP address is assigned to this guest
                nic_dicts = [kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(self.params, nic) for nic in nics]
                macs = [kvm_utils.get_mac_ip_pair_from_dict(dict)[0] for dict in nic_dicts]
                if not kvm_utils.verify_ip_address_ownership(ip, macs):
                    logging.debug("Could not verify MAC-IP address mapping: " "%s ---> %s" % (mac, ip))
                    return None
            return ip
            return "localhost"
Exemple #2
    def make_qemu_command(self, name=None, params=None, root_dir=None):
        Generate a qemu command line. All parameters are optional. If a
        parameter is not supplied, the corresponding value stored in the
        class attributes is used.

        @param name: The name of the object
        @param params: A dict containing VM params
        @param root_dir: Base directory for relative filenames

        @note: The params dict should contain:
               mem -- memory size in MBs
               cdrom -- ISO filename to use with the qemu -cdrom parameter
               extra_params -- a string to append to the qemu command
               shell_port -- port of the remote shell daemon on the guest
               (SSH, Telnet or the home-made Remote Shell Server)
               shell_client -- client program to use for connecting to the
               remote shell daemon on the guest (ssh, telnet or nc)
               x11_display -- if specified, the DISPLAY environment variable
               will be be set to this value for the qemu process (useful for
               SDL rendering)
               images -- a list of image object names, separated by spaces
               nics -- a list of NIC object names, separated by spaces

               For each image in images:
               drive_format -- string to pass as 'if' parameter for this
               image (e.g. ide, scsi)
               image_snapshot -- if yes, pass 'snapshot=on' to qemu for
               this image
               image_boot -- if yes, pass 'boot=on' to qemu for this image
               In addition, all parameters required by get_image_filename.

               For each NIC in nics:
               nic_model -- string to pass as 'model' parameter for this
               NIC (e.g. e1000)
        if name == None:
            name = self.name
        if params == None:
            params = self.params
        if root_dir == None:
            root_dir = self.root_dir

        # Start constructing the qemu command
        qemu_cmd = ""
        # Set the X11 display parameter if requested
        if params.get("x11_display"):
            qemu_cmd += "DISPLAY=%s " % params.get("x11_display")
        # Add the qemu binary
        qemu_cmd += kvm_utils.get_path(root_dir, params.get("qemu_binary", "qemu"))
        # Add the VM's name
        qemu_cmd += " -name '%s'" % name
        # Add the monitor socket parameter
        qemu_cmd += " -monitor unix:%s,server,nowait" % self.monitor_file_name

        for image_name in kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "images"):
            image_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, image_name)
            if image_params.get("boot_drive") == "no":
            qemu_cmd += " -drive file=%s" % get_image_filename(image_params, root_dir)
            if image_params.get("drive_format"):
                qemu_cmd += ",if=%s" % image_params.get("drive_format")
            if image_params.get("drive_cache"):
                qemu_cmd += ",cache=%s" % image_params.get("drive_cache")
            if image_params.get("drive_serial"):
                qemu_cmd += ",serial=%s" % image_params.get("drive_serial")
            if image_params.get("image_snapshot") == "yes":
                qemu_cmd += ",snapshot=on"
            if image_params.get("image_boot") == "yes":
                qemu_cmd += ",boot=on"

        vlan = 0
        for nic_name in kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "nics"):
            nic_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, nic_name)
            # Handle the '-net nic' part
            qemu_cmd += " -net nic,vlan=%d" % vlan
            if nic_params.get("nic_model"):
                qemu_cmd += ",model=%s" % nic_params.get("nic_model")
            if nic_params.has_key("address_index"):
                mac, ip = kvm_utils.get_mac_ip_pair_from_dict(nic_params)
                if mac:
                    qemu_cmd += ",macaddr=%s" % mac
            # Handle the '-net tap' or '-net user' part
            mode = nic_params.get("nic_mode", "user")
            qemu_cmd += " -net %s,vlan=%d" % (mode, vlan)
            if mode == "tap":
                if nic_params.get("nic_ifname"):
                    qemu_cmd += ",ifname=%s" % nic_params.get("nic_ifname")
                script_path = nic_params.get("nic_script")
                if script_path:
                    script_path = kvm_utils.get_path(root_dir, script_path)
                    qemu_cmd += ",script=%s" % script_path
                script_path = nic_params.get("nic_downscript")
                if script_path:
                    script_path = kvm_utils.get_path(root_dir, script_path)
                    qemu_cmd += ",downscript=%s" % script_path
            # Proceed to next NIC
            vlan += 1

        mem = params.get("mem")
        if mem:
            qemu_cmd += " -m %s" % mem

        iso = params.get("cdrom")
        if iso:
            iso = kvm_utils.get_path(root_dir, iso)
            qemu_cmd += " -cdrom %s" % iso

        extra_params = params.get("extra_params")
        if extra_params:
            qemu_cmd += " %s" % extra_params

        for redir_name in kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "redirs"):
            redir_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, redir_name)
            guest_port = int(redir_params.get("guest_port"))
            host_port = self.redirs.get(guest_port)
            qemu_cmd += " -redir tcp:%s::%s" % (host_port, guest_port)

        if params.get("display") == "vnc":
            qemu_cmd += " -vnc :%d" % (self.vnc_port - 5900)
        elif params.get("display") == "sdl":
            qemu_cmd += " -sdl"
        elif params.get("display") == "nographic":
            qemu_cmd += " -nographic"

        if params.get("uuid") == "random":
            qemu_cmd += " -uuid %s" % self.uuid
        elif params.get("uuid"):
            qemu_cmd += " -uuid %s" % params.get("uuid")

        return qemu_cmd