def do_activate(self): # Get references for the Shell and the Shell-player = self.object self.player = self.appshell = ApplicationShell( # Create dictionary which assigns sources to their corresponding modules self.dict = dict({"": KuwoParser, "": BaiduParser, "Musixmatch": MusixmatchParser, "": LyricwikiParser, "": LetrasTerraParser, "": MetrolyricsParser, "": AZLyricsParser, "": LyricsmaniaParser, "": ChartlyricsParser, "": DarklyricsParser, "": GeniusParser, "": VagalumeParser, "": ALSongLyricsParser, "External": External}) self.add_builtin_lyrics_sources() # Get the user preferences config = Config() self.settings = config.get_settings() self.get_user_preferences(self.settings, None, config) # Watch for setting changes self.skc_id = self.settings.connect('changed', self.get_user_preferences, config) self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.RIGHT_SIDEBAR if self.left_sidebar: self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.SIDEBAR # Initialize the UI self.lmui_id = None self.tbui_id = None self.init_sidebar() self.init_menu() # Create flag, used to pop out sidebar on initial start of playback self.first = True self.visible = False # Event flag indicates whether the user is currently editing lyrics self.edit_event = threading.Event() self.edit_event.set() self.current_source = None self.tags = None self.current_tag = None self.showing_on_demand = False self.was_corrected = False # Search lyrics if already playing (this will be the case if user reactivates plugin during playback) if self.player.props.playing: self.search_lyrics(self.player, self.player.get_playing_entry()) # Search lyrics everytime the song changes self.psc_id = self.player.connect('playing-song-changed', self.search_lyrics) # Connect to elapsed-changed signal to handle synchronized lyrics self.pec_id = self.player.connect('elapsed-changed', self.elapsed_changed) print("activated plugin lLyrics")
def do_activate(self): # Get references for the Shell and the Shell-player = self.object self.player = self.appshell = ApplicationShell( self.add_builtin_lyrics_sources() # Get the user preferences config = Config() self.settings = config.get_settings() self.get_user_preferences(self.settings, None, config) # Watch for setting changes self.skc_id = self.settings.connect('changed', self.get_user_preferences, config) self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.RIGHT_SIDEBAR if self.left_sidebar: self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.SIDEBAR # Initialize the UI self.lmui_id = None self.tbui_id = None self.init_sidebar() self.init_menu() # Create flag, used to pop out sidebar on initial start of playback self.first = True self.visible = False # Event flag indicates whether the user is currently editing lyrics self.edit_event = threading.Event() self.edit_event.set() self.tags = None self.current_tag = None self.showing_on_demand = False self.was_corrected = False self.location = None #for tests otherwise will be read from preferences self.overwrite = True self.cache = True # Search lyrics if already playing # (this will be the case if user reactivates plugin during playback) if self.player.props.playing: self.search_lyrics(self.player, self.player.get_playing_entry()) # Search lyrics everytime the song changes self.psc_id = self.player.connect('playing-song-changed', self.search_lyrics) # Connect to elapsed-changed signal to handle synchronized lyrics self.pec_id = self.player.connect('elapsed-changed', self.elapsed_changed) print("activated plugin lLyrics")
def do_activate(self): # Get references for the Shell and the Shell-player = self.object self.player = self.appshell = ApplicationShell( # Create dictionary which assigns sources to their corresponding modules self.dict = dict({"": LyricwikiParser, "": LetrasTerraParser, "": MetrolyricsParser, "": AZLyricsParser, "": LyricsmaniaParser, "": ChartlyricsParser, "": LyrdbParser, "": LeoslyricsParser, "": DarklyricsParser, "": RapgeniusParser, "": LyricsNMusicParser, "": VagalumeParser, "": GeCiMeParser, "": BaiduMusicParser, "External": External}) self.add_builtin_lyrics_sources() # Get the user preferences config = Config() self.settings = config.get_settings() self.get_user_preferences(self.settings, None, config) # Watch for setting changes self.skc_id = self.settings.connect('changed', self.get_user_preferences, config) self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.RIGHT_SIDEBAR if self.left_sidebar: self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.SIDEBAR # Initialize the UI self.lmui_id = None self.tbui_id = None self.init_sidebar() self.init_menu() # Create flag, used to pop out sidebar on initial start of playback self.first = True self.visible = False # Event flag indicates whether the user is currently editing lyrics self.edit_event = threading.Event() self.edit_event.set() self.current_source = None self.tags = None self.current_tag = None self.showing_on_demand = False self.was_corrected = False # Search lyrics if already playing (this will be the case if user reactivates plugin during playback) if self.player.props.playing: self.search_lyrics(self.player, self.player.get_playing_entry()) # Search lyrics everytime the song changes self.psc_id = self.player.connect('playing-song-changed', self.search_lyrics) # Connect to elapsed-changed signal to handle synchronized lyrics self.pec_id = self.player.connect('elapsed-changed', self.elapsed_changed) print("activated plugin lLyrics")
class lLyrics(GObject.Object, Peas.Activatable): __gtype_name__ = 'lLyrics' object = def __init__(self): GObject.Object.__init__(self) GObject.threads_init() Gdk.threads_init() def do_activate(self): # Get references for the Shell and the Shell-player = self.object self.player = self.appshell = ApplicationShell( # Create dictionary which assigns sources to their corresponding modules self.dict = dict({"": LyricwikiParser, "": LetrasTerraParser, "": MetrolyricsParser, "": AZLyricsParser, "": LyricsmaniaParser, "": ChartlyricsParser, "": LyrdbParser, "": LeoslyricsParser, "": DarklyricsParser, "": RapgeniusParser, "": LyricsNMusicParser, "": VagalumeParser, "External": External}) self.add_builtin_lyrics_sources() # Get the user preferences config = Config() self.settings = config.get_settings() self.get_user_preferences(self.settings, None, config) # Watch for setting changes self.skc_id = self.settings.connect('changed', self.get_user_preferences, config) self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.RIGHT_SIDEBAR if self.left_sidebar: self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.SIDEBAR # Initialize the UI self.lmui_id = None self.tbui_id = None self.init_sidebar() self.init_menu() # Create flag, used to pop out sidebar on initial start of playback self.first = True self.visible = False # Event flag indicates whether the user is currently editing lyrics self.edit_event = threading.Event() self.edit_event.set() self.current_source = None self.tags = None self.current_tag = None self.showing_on_demand = False self.was_corrected = False # Search lyrics if already playing (this will be the case if user reactivates plugin during playback) if self.player.props.playing: self.search_lyrics(self.player, self.player.get_playing_entry()) # Search lyrics everytime the song changes self.psc_id = self.player.connect('playing-song-changed', self.search_lyrics) # Connect to elapsed-changed signal to handle synchronized lyrics self.pec_id = self.player.connect('elapsed-changed', self.elapsed_changed) print("activated plugin lLyrics") def do_deactivate(self): if self.visible: (self.vbox, self.position) self.settings.disconnect(self.skc_id) if self.psc_id is not None: self.player.disconnect(self.psc_id) self.player.disconnect(self.pec_id) self.appshell.cleanup() self.vbox = None self.textbuffer = None self.textview = None self.psc_id = None self.visible = None self.player = None self.toggle_action_group = None self.context_action_group = None self.appshell = None = None self.button_menu = None self.cache = None self.dict = None self.sources = None self.ui_id = None self.tag = None self.first = None self.current_source = None self.artist = None self.title = None self.clean_artist = None self.clean_title = None self.path = None self.lyrics_before_edit = None self.edit_event = None self.path_before_edit = None self.sources = None self.cache = None self.lyrics_folder = None self.ignore_brackets = None self.left_sidebar = None self.hide_label = None self.show_first = None self.position = None self.hbox = None self.back_button = None = None print("deactivated plugin lLyrics") def add_builtin_lyrics_sources(self): # find and append path for built-in lyrics plugin for p in sys.path: if p.endswith("/rhythmbox/plugins/rb"): path = p.replace("/rb", "/lyrics") sys.path.append(path) break else: print("Path to built-in lyrics plugin could not be detected") return def get_user_preferences(self, settings, key, config): self.sources = config.get_lyrics_sources() self.show_first = config.get_show_first() self.cache = config.get_cache_lyrics() self.lyrics_folder = config.get_lyrics_folder() self.ignore_brackets = config.get_ignore_brackets() self.left_sidebar = config.get_left_sidebar() self.hide_label = config.get_hide_label() # if this is called in do_activate or we need a reload to apply, return here if key is None or key in ["left-sidebar"]: return if key == "hide-label": if self.hide_label: self.label.hide() else: return def insert_ui(self): self.appshell.add_app_menuitems(view_menu_ui, 'lLyricsPluginToggleActions', 'view') self.appshell.add_browser_menuitems(context_ui, 'lLyricsPluginPopupActions') def init_menu(self): # add actions self.toggle_action_group = ActionGroup(, 'lLyricsPluginToggleActions') self.toggle_action_group.add_action(func=self.toggle_visibility, action_name='ToggleLyricSideBar', label=_("Lyrics"), action_state=ActionGroup.TOGGLE, action_type='app', accel="<Ctrl>l", tooltip=_("Display lyrics for the current playing song")) self.appshell.insert_action_group(self.toggle_action_group) self.context_action_group = ActionGroup(, 'lLyricsPluginPopupActions') self.context_action_group.add_action(action_name="lLyricsPopupAction", label=_("Show lyrics"), tooltip=_("Search and display lyrics for this song"), func=self.context_action_callback) self.appshell.insert_action_group(self.context_action_group) self.insert_ui() def init_sidebar(self): self.vbox = Gtk.VBox() hbox_header = Gtk.HBox(); self.label = Gtk.Label(_("Lyrics")) self.label.set_use_markup(True) self.label.set_padding(3, 10) self.label.set_alignment(0, 0) = self.get_button_menu() self.set_menu_sensitive(False) # menu without toolbar icon_factory = Gtk.IconFactory() pxbf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/menu-arrow.png") icon_factory.add("llyrics_menu", Gtk.IconSet.new_from_pixbuf(pxbf)) icon_factory.add_default() menu_button = Gtk.Image.new_from_stock("llyrics_menu", Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR); eventBox = Gtk.EventBox(); eventBox.add(menu_button); eventBox.connect("button-press-event", self.popup_menu, hbox_header.pack_start(self.label, True, True, 0) hbox_header.pack_end(eventBox, False, False, 5) # create a TextView for displaying lyrics self.textview = Gtk.TextView() self.textview.set_editable(False) self.textview.set_cursor_visible(False) self.textview.set_left_margin(10) self.textview.set_right_margin(10) self.textview.set_pixels_above_lines(5) self.textview.set_pixels_below_lines(5) self.textview.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.WORD) # create a ScrollView sw = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.add(self.textview) sw.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.IN) # initialize a TextBuffer to store lyrics in self.textbuffer = Gtk.TextBuffer() self.textview.set_buffer(self.textbuffer) # tag to style headers bold and underlined self.tag = self.textbuffer.create_tag(None, underline=Pango.Underline.SINGLE, weight=600, pixels_above_lines=10, pixels_below_lines=20) # tag to highlight synchronized lyrics self.sync_tag = self.textbuffer.create_tag(None, weight=600) # create save and cancel buttons for edited lyrics save_button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label(_("Save")) save_button.connect("clicked", self.save_button_callback) cancel_button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label(_("Cancel")) cancel_button.connect("clicked", self.cancel_button_callback) self.hbox = Gtk.HBox() self.hbox.pack_start(save_button, True, True, 3) self.hbox.pack_start(cancel_button, True, True, 3) # button for closing on demand lyrics self.back_button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label(_("Back to playing song")) self.back_button.connect("clicked", self.back_button_callback) # pack everything into side pane self.vbox.pack_start(hbox_header, False, False, 0); self.vbox.pack_start(sw, True, True, 0) self.vbox.pack_end(self.hbox, False, False, 3) self.vbox.pack_end(self.back_button, False, False, 3) self.vbox.show_all() self.hbox.hide() self.back_button.hide() if self.hide_label: self.label.hide() self.vbox.set_size_request(200, -1) self.visible = False def get_button_menu(self): menu = Gtk.Menu(); self.radio_sources = Gtk.Menu() item_unselect = Gtk.RadioMenuItem.new_with_label([], "SelectNothing") item_unselect.connect("activate", self.scan_selected_source_callback, "SelectNothing") self.radio_sources.append(item_unselect) last_item = item_unselect for entry in LYRICS_SOURCES[:-1]: last_item = self.add_radio_menu_item(self.radio_sources, entry, self.scan_selected_source_callback, last_item) self.radio_sources.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) last_item = self.add_radio_menu_item(self.radio_sources, _("External"), self.scan_selected_source_callback, last_item) self.radio_sources.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_radio_menu_item(self.radio_sources, _("From cache file"), self.scan_selected_source_callback, last_item) self.radio_sources.show_all(); item_sources = Gtk.MenuItem(_("Sources")); item_sources.set_submenu(self.radio_sources); menu.append(item_sources) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Scan next source"), self.scan_next_action_callback) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Scan all sources"), self.scan_all_action_callback) menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Search online"), self.search_online_action_callback) menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Mark as instrumental"), self.instrumental_action_callback) menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Clear lyrics"), self.clear_action_callback) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Edit lyrics"), self.edit_action_callback) # add preferences item menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Preferences"), self.preferences_dialog_action_callback) menu.show_all() # hide the SelectNothing choice item_unselect.hide() return menu def add_menu_item(self, menu, label, callback): item = Gtk.MenuItem(label) item.connect("activate", callback) menu.append(item) def add_radio_menu_item(self, menu, label, callback, last): group = last.get_group() item = Gtk.RadioMenuItem.new_with_label(group, label) if label == _("External"): label = "External" if label == _("From cache file"): label = "From cache file" item.connect("toggled", callback, label) menu.append(item) return item def set_menu_sensitive(self, sensitive): index = 0 for item in # 'Preferences' option should always be sensitive if index == len( continue item.set_sensitive(sensitive) index += 1 def set_radio_menu_item_active(self, itemlabel): for item in self.radio_sources: if item.get_label() == itemlabel: item.set_active(True) break def popup_menu(self, widget, event, menu): menu.popup(None, None, lambda x,y: (event.x_root+event.x, event.y_root+event.y, True), None, event.button, event.time) def toggle_visibility(self, action, param=None, data=None): action = self.toggle_action_group.get_action('ToggleLyricSideBar') if action.get_active():, self.position, True, True) self.visible = True if not self.first and not self.showing_on_demand: self.search_lyrics(self.player, self.player.get_playing_entry()) else:, self.position) self.visible = False def search_lyrics(self, player, entry): # clear sync stuff if self.tags is not None: self.tags = None self.current_tag = None start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() self.textbuffer.remove_tag(self.sync_tag, start, end) if entry is None: return # don't show lyrics for podcasts and radio if entry.get_entry_type().get_name() in ('iradio', 'podcast-post'): print("entry type: " + entry.get_entry_type().get_name()) if not self.first: self.first = True print('removing the sidebar') self.toggle_action_group.get_action("ToggleLyricSideBar").set_active(False) return # pop out sidebar at first playback if self.first and not self.showing_on_demand: self.first = False if not self.visible and self.show_first: self.toggle_action_group.get_action("ToggleLyricSideBar").set_active(True) # toggling the sidebar will start lyrics search again, so we can return here return # only do something if visible if not self.visible: return # get the song data self.artist = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.ARTIST) self.title = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.TITLE) print("search lyrics for " + self.artist + " - " + self.title) self.was_corrected = False (self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) = self.clean_song_data(self.artist, self.title) self.path = self.build_cache_path(self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) self.scan_all_sources(self.clean_artist, self.clean_title, True) def clean_song_data(self, artist, title): # convert to lowercase artist = artist.lower() title = title.lower() # remove accents artist = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', artist) artist = "".join([c for c in artist if not unicodedata.combining(c)]) title = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title) title = "".join([c for c in title if not unicodedata.combining(c)]) if self.ignore_brackets: LYRICS_TITLE_STRIP.append("\(.*\)") # replace ampersands and the like for exp in LYRICS_ARTIST_REPLACE: artist = re.sub(exp[0], exp[1], artist) for exp in LYRICS_TITLE_REPLACE: title = re.sub(exp[0], exp[1], title) # strip things like "(live at Somewhere)", "(acoustic)", etc for exp in LYRICS_TITLE_STRIP: title = re.sub (exp, '', title) # compress spaces title = title.strip() artist = artist.strip() return (artist, title) def build_cache_path(self, artist, title): artist_folder = os.path.join(self.lyrics_folder, artist[:128]) if not os.path.exists (artist_folder): os.mkdir (artist_folder) return os.path.join(artist_folder, title[:128] + '.lyric') def scan_selected_source_callback(self, action, activated_action): if not action.get_active(): return source = activated_action if source == "SelectNothing" or source == self.current_source: return self.scan_source(source, self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) def scan_next_action_callback(self, action): if self.current_source is None or self.current_source == "From cache file": index = 0 else: index = self.sources.index(self.current_source) + 1 index = index % (len(self.sources)+1) if index >= len(self.sources): source = "From cache file" else: source = self.sources[index] self.scan_source(source, self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) def scan_all_action_callback(self, action): self.scan_all_sources(self.clean_artist, self.clean_title, False) def search_online_action_callback(self, action):"" % (self.clean_artist, self.clean_title)) def instrumental_action_callback(self, action): lyrics = "-- Instrumental --" self.write_lyrics_to_cache(self.path, lyrics) self.current_source = None Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.show_lyrics, lyrics) def save_to_cache_action_callback(self, action): start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() start.forward_lines(1) lyrics = self.textbuffer.get_text(start, end, False) self.write_lyrics_to_cache(self.path, lyrics) def clear_action_callback(self, action): self.textbuffer.set_text("") try: os.remove(self.path) except: print("No cache file found to clear") print("cleared lyrics") def edit_action_callback(self, action): # Unset event flag to indicate editing and so block all other threads which # want to display new lyrics until editing is finished. self.edit_event.clear() # Conserve lyrics in order to restore original lyrics when editing is canceled start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() self.lyrics_before_edit = self.textbuffer.get_text(start, end, False) # remove sync tag self.textbuffer.remove_tag(self.sync_tag, start, end) # Conserve cache path in order to be able to correctly save edited lyrics although # the playing song might have changed during editing. self.path_before_edit = self.path self.set_menu_sensitive(False) # Enable editing and set cursor self.textview.set_cursor_visible(True) self.textview.set_editable(True) cursor = self.textbuffer.get_iter_at_line(1) self.textbuffer.place_cursor(cursor) self.textview.grab_focus() def preferences_dialog_action_callback(self, action): content = ConfigDialog().do_create_configure_widget() dialog = Gtk.Dialog(_('lLyrics Preferences'),'window'), Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) content_area = dialog.get_content_area() content_area.pack_start(content, True, True, 0) dialog.show_all() dialog.hide() def context_action_callback(self, action, param=None, data=None): page = if not hasattr(page, "get_entry_view"): return selected = page.get_entry_view().get_selected_entries() if not selected: print("nothing selected") return # if multiple selections, take first entry = selected[0] self.showing_on_demand = True # Disconnect from song-changed and elapsed-change signals if self.psc_id: self.player.disconnect(self.psc_id) self.player.disconnect(self.pec_id) self.psc_id = None self.pec_id = None if not self.visible: self.toggle_action_group.get_action("ToggleLyricSideBar").set_active(True) self.search_lyrics(self.player, entry) def save_button_callback(self, button): self.textview.set_cursor_visible(False) self.textview.set_editable(False) self.hbox.hide() # get lyrics without artist-title header start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() start.forward_lines(1) lyrics = self.textbuffer.get_text(start, end, False) # save edited lyrics to cache file and audio tag self.write_lyrics_to_cache(self.path_before_edit, lyrics) # If playing song changed, set "searching lyrics..." (might be overwritten # immediately, if thread for the new song already found lyrics) if self.path != self.path_before_edit: self.textbuffer.set_text(_("searching lyrics...")) self.set_menu_sensitive(True) # Set event flag to indicate end of editing and wake all threads # waiting to display new lyrics. self.edit_event.set() def cancel_button_callback(self, button): self.textview.set_cursor_visible(False) self.textview.set_editable(False) self.hbox.hide() # Restore original lyrics if playing song didn't change, # otherwise set "searching lyrics..." (might be overwritten # immediately, if thread for the new song already found lyrics) if self.path == self.path_before_edit: self.textbuffer.set_text(self.lyrics_before_edit) start = self.textbuffer.get_start_iter() end = start.copy() end.forward_to_line_end() self.textbuffer.apply_tag(self.tag, start, end) else: self.textbuffer.set_text(_("searching lyrics...")) self.set_menu_sensitive(True) # Set event flag to indicate end of editing and wake all threads # waiting to display new lyrics. self.edit_event.set() def back_button_callback(self, button): # reconnect to signals self.psc_id = self.player.connect('playing-song-changed', self.search_lyrics) self.pec_id = self.player.connect('elapsed-changed', self.elapsed_changed) self.back_button.hide() self.showing_on_demand = False playing_entry = self.player.get_playing_entry() # if nothing is playing, clear lyrics and return if not playing_entry: self.textbuffer.set_text("") return # otherwise search lyrics self.search_lyrics(self.player, playing_entry) def set_displayed_text(self, text): self.textbuffer.set_text(text) def scan_source(self, source, artist, title): Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_displayed_text, _("searching lyrics...")) newthread = Thread(target=self._scan_source_thread, args=(source, artist, title)) newthread.start() def _scan_source_thread(self, source, artist, title): Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_menu_sensitive, False) if source == "From cache file": lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_cache(self.path) else: lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_source(source, artist, title) # check if playing song changed if artist != self.clean_artist or title != self.clean_title: print("song changed") return Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_menu_sensitive, True) Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.show_lyrics, lyrics) def scan_all_sources(self, artist, title, cache): if self.edit_event.is_set(): Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_displayed_text, _("searching lyrics...")) newthread = Thread(target=self._scan_all_sources_thread, args=(artist, title, cache)) newthread.start() def _scan_all_sources_thread(self, artist, title, cache): Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_menu_sensitive, False) lyrics = "" if cache: lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_cache(self.path) if lyrics == "": i = 0 while lyrics == "" and i in range(len(self.sources)): lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_source(self.sources[i], artist, title) # check if playing song changed if artist != self.clean_artist or title != self.clean_title: print("song changed") return i += 1 # We can't display new lyrics while user is editing! self.edit_event.wait() # check if playing song changed if artist != self.clean_artist or title != self.clean_title: print("song changed") return if lyrics == "": # check for lastfm corrections if not self.was_corrected: self.was_corrected = True (artist, title, corrected) = Util.get_lastfm_correction(artist, title) if corrected: (self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) = self.clean_song_data(artist, title) self._scan_all_sources_thread(self.clean_artist, self.clean_title, False) return self.current_source = None Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_menu_sensitive, True) Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.show_lyrics, lyrics) def get_lyrics_from_cache(self, path): self.current_source = "From cache file" # try to load lyrics from cache if os.path.exists (path): try: cachefile = open(path, "r") lyrics = cachefile.close() except: print("error reading cache file") return "" print("got lyrics from cache") return lyrics return "" def write_lyrics_to_cache(self, path, lyrics): try: cachefile = open(path, "w+") cachefile.write(lyrics) cachefile.close() print("wrote lyrics to cache file") except: print("error writing lyrics to cache file") def get_lyrics_from_source(self, source, artist, title): # Playing song might change during search, so we want to # conserve the correct cache path. path = self.path print("source: " + source) self.current_source = source parser = self.dict[source].Parser(artist, title) try: lyrics = parser.parse() except Exception as e: print("Error in parser " + source) print(str(e)) return "" if lyrics != "": print("got lyrics from source") if source != "External": lyrics = "%s\n\n(lyrics from %s)" % (lyrics, source) if self.cache: self.write_lyrics_to_cache(path, lyrics) return lyrics def show_lyrics(self, lyrics): if self.current_source is None: self.set_radio_menu_item_active("SelectNothing") elif self.current_source == "From cache file": self.set_radio_menu_item_active(_("From cache file")) else: self.set_radio_menu_item_active(self.current_source) if lyrics == "": print("no lyrics found") lyrics = _("No lyrics found") else: lyrics, self.tags = Util.parse_lrc(lyrics) self.textbuffer.set_text("%s - %s\n%s" % (self.artist, self.title, lyrics)) # make 'artist - title' header bold and underlined start = self.textbuffer.get_start_iter() end = start.copy() end.forward_to_line_end() self.textbuffer.apply_tag(self.tag, start, end) def elapsed_changed(self, player, seconds): if not self.tags or not self.edit_event.is_set(): return matching_tag = None for tag in self.tags: time, _ = tag if time > seconds: break matching_tag = tag if matching_tag is None or self.current_tag == matching_tag: return self.current_tag = matching_tag # remove old tag start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() self.textbuffer.remove_tag(self.sync_tag, start, end) # highlight next line line = self.tags.index(self.current_tag) + 1 start = self.textbuffer.get_iter_at_line(line) end = start.copy() end.forward_to_line_end() self.textbuffer.apply_tag(self.sync_tag, start, end) self.textview.scroll_to_iter(start, 0.1, False, 0, 0)
class lLyrics(GObject.Object, Peas.Activatable): __gtype_name__ = 'lLyrics' object = def __init__(self): GObject.Object.__init__(self) GObject.threads_init() Gdk.threads_init() def do_activate(self): # Get references for the Shell and the Shell-player = self.object self.player = self.appshell = ApplicationShell( # Create dictionary which assigns sources to their corresponding modules self.dict = dict({"": LyricwikiParser, "": LetrasTerraParser, "": MetrolyricsParser, "": AZLyricsParser, "": LyricsmaniaParser, "": ChartlyricsParser, "": DarklyricsParser, "": GeniusParser, "": VagalumeParser}) self.add_builtin_lyrics_sources() # Get the user preferences config = Config() self.settings = config.get_settings() self.get_user_preferences(self.settings, None, config) # Watch for setting changes self.skc_id = self.settings.connect('changed', self.get_user_preferences, config) self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.RIGHT_SIDEBAR if self.left_sidebar: self.position = RB.ShellUILocation.SIDEBAR # Initialize the UI self.lmui_id = None self.tbui_id = None self.init_sidebar() self.init_menu() # Create flag, used to pop out sidebar on initial start of playback self.first = True self.visible = False # Event flag indicates whether the user is currently editing lyrics self.edit_event = threading.Event() self.edit_event.set() self.current_source = None self.tags = None self.current_tag = None self.showing_on_demand = False self.was_corrected = False # Search lyrics if already playing (this will be the case if user reactivates plugin during playback) if self.player.props.playing: self.search_lyrics(self.player, self.player.get_playing_entry()) # Search lyrics everytime the song changes self.psc_id = self.player.connect('playing-song-changed', self.search_lyrics) # Connect to elapsed-changed signal to handle synchronized lyrics self.pec_id = self.player.connect('elapsed-changed', self.elapsed_changed) print("activated plugin lLyrics") def do_deactivate(self): if self.visible:, self.position) self.settings.disconnect(self.skc_id) if self.psc_id is not None: self.player.disconnect(self.psc_id) self.player.disconnect(self.pec_id) self.appshell.cleanup() self.vbox = None self.textbuffer = None self.textview = None self.psc_id = None self.visible = None self.player = None self.toggle_action_group = None self.context_action_group = None self.appshell = None = None self.button_menu = None self.cache = None self.dict = None self.sources = None self.ui_id = None self.tag = None self.first = None self.current_source = None self.artist = None self.title = None self.clean_artist = None self.clean_title = None self.path = None self.lyrics_before_edit = None self.edit_event = None self.path_before_edit = None self.sources = None self.cache = None self.lyrics_folder = None self.ignore_brackets = None self.left_sidebar = None self.hide_label = None self.show_first = None self.position = None self.hbox = None self.back_button = None = None print("deactivated plugin lLyrics") def add_builtin_lyrics_sources(self): # find and append path for built-in lyrics plugin for p in sys.path: if p.endswith("/rhythmbox/plugins/rb"): path = p.replace("/rb", "/lyrics") sys.path.append(path) break else: print("Path to built-in lyrics plugin could not be detected") return def get_user_preferences(self, settings, key, config): self.sources = config.get_lyrics_sources() self.show_first = config.get_show_first() self.cache = config.get_cache_lyrics() self.lyrics_folder = config.get_lyrics_folder() self.ignore_brackets = config.get_ignore_brackets() self.left_sidebar = config.get_left_sidebar() self.hide_label = config.get_hide_label() # if this is called in do_activate or we need a reload to apply, return here if key is None or key in ["left-sidebar"]: return if key == "hide-label": if self.hide_label: self.label.hide() else: return def insert_ui(self): self.appshell.add_app_menuitems(view_menu_ui, 'lLyricsPluginToggleActions', 'view') self.appshell.add_browser_menuitems(context_ui, 'lLyricsPluginPopupActions') def init_menu(self): # add actions self.toggle_action_group = ActionGroup(, 'lLyricsPluginToggleActions') self.toggle_action_group.add_action(func=self.toggle_visibility, action_name='ToggleLyricSideBar', label=_("Lyrics"), action_state=ActionGroup.TOGGLE, action_type='app', accel="<Ctrl>l", tooltip=_("Display lyrics for the current playing song")) self.appshell.insert_action_group(self.toggle_action_group) self.context_action_group = ActionGroup(, 'lLyricsPluginPopupActions') self.context_action_group.add_action(action_name="lLyricsPopupAction", label=_("Show lyrics"), tooltip=_("Search and display lyrics for this song"), func=self.context_action_callback) self.appshell.insert_action_group(self.context_action_group) self.insert_ui() def init_sidebar(self): self.vbox = Gtk.VBox() hbox_header = Gtk.HBox() self.label = Gtk.Label(_("Lyrics")) self.label.set_use_markup(True) self.label.set_padding(3, 10) self.label.set_alignment(0, 0) = self.get_button_menu() self.set_menu_sensitive(False) # menu without toolbar icon_factory = Gtk.IconFactory() pxbf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/menu-icon.png") icon_factory.add("llyrics_menu", Gtk.IconSet.new_from_pixbuf(pxbf)) icon_factory.add_default() menu_button = Gtk.Image.new_from_stock("llyrics_menu", Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR) event_box = Gtk.EventBox() event_box.add(menu_button) event_box.connect("button-press-event", self.popup_menu, hbox_header.pack_start(self.label, True, True, 0) hbox_header.pack_end(event_box, False, False, 5) # create a TextView for displaying lyrics self.textview = Gtk.TextView() self.textview.set_editable(False) self.textview.set_cursor_visible(False) self.textview.set_left_margin(10) self.textview.set_right_margin(10) self.textview.set_pixels_above_lines(5) self.textview.set_pixels_below_lines(5) self.textview.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.WORD) # create a ScrollView sw = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.add(self.textview) sw.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.IN) # initialize a TextBuffer to store lyrics in self.textbuffer = Gtk.TextBuffer() self.textview.set_buffer(self.textbuffer) # tag to style headers bold and underlined self.tag = self.textbuffer.create_tag(None, underline=Pango.Underline.SINGLE, weight=600, pixels_above_lines=10, pixels_below_lines=20) # tag to highlight synchronized lyrics self.sync_tag = self.textbuffer.create_tag(None, weight=600) # create save and cancel buttons for edited lyrics save_button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label(_("Save")) save_button.connect("clicked", self.save_button_callback) cancel_button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label(_("Cancel")) cancel_button.connect("clicked", self.cancel_button_callback) self.hbox = Gtk.HBox() self.hbox.pack_start(save_button, True, True, 3) self.hbox.pack_start(cancel_button, True, True, 3) # button for closing on demand lyrics self.back_button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label(_("Back to playing song")) self.back_button.connect("clicked", self.back_button_callback) # pack everything into side pane self.vbox.pack_start(hbox_header, False, False, 0) self.vbox.pack_start(sw, True, True, 0) self.vbox.pack_end(self.hbox, False, False, 3) self.vbox.pack_end(self.back_button, False, False, 3) self.vbox.show_all() self.hbox.hide() self.back_button.hide() if self.hide_label: self.label.hide() self.visible = False def get_button_menu(self): menu = Gtk.Menu() self.radio_sources = Gtk.Menu() item_unselect = Gtk.RadioMenuItem.new_with_label([], "SelectNothing") item_unselect.connect("activate", self.scan_selected_source_callback, "SelectNothing") self.radio_sources.append(item_unselect) last_item = item_unselect for entry in LYRICS_SOURCES[:-1]: last_item = self.add_radio_menu_item(self.radio_sources, entry, self.scan_selected_source_callback, last_item) self.radio_sources.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_radio_menu_item(self.radio_sources, _("From cache file"), self.scan_selected_source_callback, last_item) self.radio_sources.show_all() item_sources = Gtk.MenuItem(_("Sources")) item_sources.set_submenu(self.radio_sources) menu.append(item_sources) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Scan next source"), self.scan_next_action_callback) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Scan all sources"), self.scan_all_action_callback) menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Search online"), self.search_online_action_callback) menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Mark as instrumental"), self.instrumental_action_callback) menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Clear lyrics"), self.clear_action_callback) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Edit lyrics"), self.edit_action_callback) # add preferences item menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self.add_menu_item(menu, _("Preferences"), self.preferences_dialog_action_callback) menu.show_all() # hide the SelectNothing choice item_unselect.hide() return menu def add_menu_item(self, menu, label, callback): item = Gtk.MenuItem(label) item.connect("activate", callback) menu.append(item) def add_radio_menu_item(self, menu, label, callback, last): group = last.get_group() item = Gtk.RadioMenuItem.new_with_label(group, label) if label == _("From cache file"): label = "From cache file" item.connect("toggled", callback, label) menu.append(item) return item def set_menu_sensitive(self, sensitive): index = 0 for item in # 'Preferences' option should always be sensitive if index == len( - 1: continue item.set_sensitive(sensitive) index += 1 def set_radio_menu_item_active(self, itemlabel): for item in self.radio_sources: if item.get_label() == itemlabel: item.set_active(True) break def popup_menu(self, widget, event, menu): menu.popup(None, widget, None, None, event.button, event.time) def toggle_visibility(self, action, param=None, data=None): action = self.toggle_action_group.get_action('ToggleLyricSideBar') if action.get_active():, self.position, True, True) self.visible = True if not self.first and not self.showing_on_demand: self.search_lyrics(self.player, self.player.get_playing_entry()) else:, self.position) self.visible = False def search_lyrics(self, player, entry): # clear sync stuff if self.tags is not None: self.tags = None self.current_tag = None start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() self.textbuffer.remove_tag(self.sync_tag, start, end) if entry is None: return # don't show lyrics for podcasts and radio if entry.get_entry_type().get_name() in ('iradio', 'podcast-post'): print("entry type: " + entry.get_entry_type().get_name()) if not self.first: self.first = True print('removing the sidebar') self.toggle_action_group.get_action("ToggleLyricSideBar").set_active(False) return # pop out sidebar at first playback if self.first and not self.showing_on_demand: self.first = False if not self.visible and self.show_first: self.toggle_action_group.get_action("ToggleLyricSideBar").set_active(True) # toggling the sidebar will start lyrics search again, so we can return here return # only do something if visible if not self.visible: return # get the song data self.artist = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.ARTIST) self.title = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.TITLE) print("search lyrics for " + self.artist + " - " + self.title) self.was_corrected = False (self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) = self.clean_song_data(self.artist, self.title) self.path = self.build_cache_path(self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) self.scan_all_sources(self.clean_artist, self.clean_title, True) def clean_song_data(self, artist, title): # convert to lowercase artist = artist.lower() title = title.lower() # remove accents artist = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', artist) artist = "".join([c for c in artist if not unicodedata.combining(c)]) title = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title) title = "".join([c for c in title if not unicodedata.combining(c)]) if self.ignore_brackets: LYRICS_TITLE_STRIP.append("\(.*\)") # replace ampersands and the like for exp in LYRICS_ARTIST_REPLACE: artist = re.sub(exp[0], exp[1], artist) for exp in LYRICS_TITLE_REPLACE: title = re.sub(exp[0], exp[1], title) # strip things like "(live at Somewhere)", "(acoustic)", etc for exp in LYRICS_TITLE_STRIP: title = re.sub(exp, '', title) # compress spaces title = title.strip() artist = artist.strip() return (artist, title) def build_cache_path(self, artist, title): artist_folder = os.path.join(self.lyrics_folder, artist[:128]) if not os.path.exists(artist_folder): os.mkdir(artist_folder) return os.path.join(artist_folder, title[:128] + '.lyric') def scan_selected_source_callback(self, action, activated_action): if not action.get_active(): return source = activated_action if source == "SelectNothing" or source == self.current_source: return self.scan_source(source, self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) def scan_next_action_callback(self, action): if self.current_source is None or self.current_source == "From cache file": index = 0 else: index = self.sources.index(self.current_source) + 1 index = index % (len(self.sources) + 1) if index >= len(self.sources): source = "From cache file" else: source = self.sources[index] self.scan_source(source, self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) def scan_all_action_callback(self, action): self.scan_all_sources(self.clean_artist, self.clean_title, False) def search_online_action_callback(self, action):"" % (self.clean_artist, self.clean_title)) def instrumental_action_callback(self, action): lyrics = "-- Instrumental --" self.write_lyrics_to_cache(self.path, lyrics) self.current_source = None Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.show_lyrics, lyrics) def save_to_cache_action_callback(self, action): start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() start.forward_lines(1) lyrics = self.textbuffer.get_text(start, end, False) self.write_lyrics_to_cache(self.path, lyrics) def clear_action_callback(self, action): self.textbuffer.set_text("") try: os.remove(self.path) except: print("No cache file found to clear") print("cleared lyrics") def edit_action_callback(self, action): # Unset event flag to indicate editing and so block all other threads which # want to display new lyrics until editing is finished. self.edit_event.clear() # Conserve lyrics in order to restore original lyrics when editing is canceled start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() self.lyrics_before_edit = self.textbuffer.get_text(start, end, False) # remove sync tag self.textbuffer.remove_tag(self.sync_tag, start, end) # Conserve cache path in order to be able to correctly save edited lyrics although # the playing song might have changed during editing. self.path_before_edit = self.path self.set_menu_sensitive(False) # Enable editing and set cursor self.textview.set_cursor_visible(True) self.textview.set_editable(True) cursor = self.textbuffer.get_iter_at_line(1) self.textbuffer.place_cursor(cursor) self.textview.grab_focus() def preferences_dialog_action_callback(self, action): content = ConfigDialog().do_create_configure_widget() dialog = Gtk.Dialog(_('lLyrics Preferences'),'window'), Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) content_area = dialog.get_content_area() content_area.pack_start(content, True, True, 0) dialog.show_all() dialog.hide() def context_action_callback(self, action, param=None, data=None): page = if not hasattr(page, "get_entry_view"): return selected = page.get_entry_view().get_selected_entries() if not selected: print("nothing selected") return # if multiple selections, take first entry = selected[0] self.showing_on_demand = True # Disconnect from song-changed and elapsed-change signals if self.psc_id: self.player.disconnect(self.psc_id) self.player.disconnect(self.pec_id) self.psc_id = None self.pec_id = None if not self.visible: self.toggle_action_group.get_action("ToggleLyricSideBar").set_active(True) self.search_lyrics(self.player, entry) def save_button_callback(self, button): self.textview.set_cursor_visible(False) self.textview.set_editable(False) self.hbox.hide() # get lyrics without artist-title header start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() start.forward_lines(1) lyrics = self.textbuffer.get_text(start, end, False) # save edited lyrics to cache file and audio tag self.write_lyrics_to_cache(self.path_before_edit, lyrics) # If playing song changed, set "searching lyrics..." (might be overwritten # immediately, if thread for the new song already found lyrics) if self.path != self.path_before_edit: self.textbuffer.set_text(_("searching lyrics...")) self.set_menu_sensitive(True) # Set event flag to indicate end of editing and wake all threads # waiting to display new lyrics. self.edit_event.set() def cancel_button_callback(self, button): self.textview.set_cursor_visible(False) self.textview.set_editable(False) self.hbox.hide() # Restore original lyrics if playing song didn't change, # otherwise set "searching lyrics..." (might be overwritten # immediately, if thread for the new song already found lyrics) if self.path == self.path_before_edit: self.textbuffer.set_text(self.lyrics_before_edit) start = self.textbuffer.get_start_iter() end = start.copy() end.forward_to_line_end() self.textbuffer.apply_tag(self.tag, start, end) else: self.textbuffer.set_text(_("searching lyrics...")) self.set_menu_sensitive(True) # Set event flag to indicate end of editing and wake all threads # waiting to display new lyrics. self.edit_event.set() def back_button_callback(self, button): # reconnect to signals self.psc_id = self.player.connect('playing-song-changed', self.search_lyrics) self.pec_id = self.player.connect('elapsed-changed', self.elapsed_changed) self.back_button.hide() self.showing_on_demand = False playing_entry = self.player.get_playing_entry() # if nothing is playing, clear lyrics and return if not playing_entry: self.textbuffer.set_text("") return # otherwise search lyrics self.search_lyrics(self.player, playing_entry) def set_displayed_text(self, text): self.textbuffer.set_text(text) def scan_source(self, source, artist, title): Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_displayed_text, _("searching lyrics...")) newthread = Thread(target=self._scan_source_thread, args=(source, artist, title)) newthread.start() def _scan_source_thread(self, source, artist, title): Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_menu_sensitive, False) if source == "From cache file": lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_cache(self.path) else: lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_source(source, artist, title) # check if playing song changed if artist != self.clean_artist or title != self.clean_title: print("song changed") return Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_menu_sensitive, True) Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.show_lyrics, lyrics) def scan_all_sources(self, artist, title, cache): if self.edit_event.is_set(): Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_displayed_text, _("searching lyrics...")) newthread = Thread(target=self._scan_all_sources_thread, args=(artist, title, cache)) newthread.start() def _scan_all_sources_thread(self, artist, title, cache): Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_menu_sensitive, False) lyrics = "" if cache: lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_cache(self.path) if lyrics == "": i = 0 while lyrics == "" and i in range(len(self.sources)): lyrics = self.get_lyrics_from_source(self.sources[i], artist, title) # check if playing song changed if artist != self.clean_artist or title != self.clean_title: print("song changed") return i += 1 # We can't display new lyrics while user is editing! self.edit_event.wait() # check if playing song changed if artist != self.clean_artist or title != self.clean_title: print("song changed") return if lyrics == "": # check for lastfm corrections if not self.was_corrected: self.was_corrected = True (artist, title, corrected) = Util.get_lastfm_correction(artist, title) if corrected: (self.clean_artist, self.clean_title) = self.clean_song_data(artist, title) self._scan_all_sources_thread(self.clean_artist, self.clean_title, False) return self.current_source = None Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.set_menu_sensitive, True) Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self.show_lyrics, lyrics) def get_lyrics_from_cache(self, path): self.current_source = "From cache file" # try to load lyrics from cache if os.path.exists(path): try: cachefile = open(path, "r") lyrics = cachefile.close() except: print("error reading cache file") return "" print("got lyrics from cache") return lyrics return "" def write_lyrics_to_cache(self, path, lyrics): try: cachefile = open(path, "w+") cachefile.write(lyrics) cachefile.close() print("wrote lyrics to cache file") except: print("error writing lyrics to cache file") def get_lyrics_from_source(self, source, artist, title): # Playing song might change during search, so we want to # conserve the correct cache path. path = self.path print("source: " + source) self.current_source = source parser = self.dict[source].Parser(artist, title) try: lyrics = parser.parse() except Exception as e: print("Error in parser " + source) print(str(e)) return "" if lyrics != "": print("got lyrics from source") lyrics = "%s\n\n(lyrics from %s)" % (lyrics, source) if self.cache: self.write_lyrics_to_cache(path, lyrics) return lyrics def show_lyrics(self, lyrics): if self.current_source is None: self.set_radio_menu_item_active("SelectNothing") elif self.current_source == "From cache file": self.set_radio_menu_item_active(_("From cache file")) else: self.set_radio_menu_item_active(self.current_source) if lyrics == "": print("no lyrics found") lyrics = _("No lyrics found") else: lyrics, self.tags = Util.parse_lrc(lyrics) self.textbuffer.set_text("%s - %s\n%s" % (self.artist, self.title, lyrics)) # make 'artist - title' header bold and underlined start = self.textbuffer.get_start_iter() end = start.copy() end.forward_to_line_end() self.textbuffer.apply_tag(self.tag, start, end) def elapsed_changed(self, player, seconds): if not self.tags or not self.edit_event.is_set(): return matching_tag = None for tag in self.tags: time, _ = tag if time > seconds: break matching_tag = tag if matching_tag is None or self.current_tag == matching_tag: return self.current_tag = matching_tag # remove old tag start, end = self.textbuffer.get_bounds() self.textbuffer.remove_tag(self.sync_tag, start, end) # highlight next line line = self.tags.index(self.current_tag) + 1 start = self.textbuffer.get_iter_at_line(line) end = start.copy() end.forward_to_line_end() self.textbuffer.apply_tag(self.sync_tag, start, end) self.textview.scroll_to_iter(start, 0.1, False, 0, 0)