Exemple #1
def insert_test(repetitions):
    """Insert REPETITIONS elements into the 0 index of both lists.
    pyList, linkedList = [], Link.empty

    print("Inserting {} items into the start of a Python list".format(
          end=": ")
    start = time()
    for _ in range(repetitions):
        pyList.insert(0, 0)
    end = time()
    pyTime = end - start
    print("took " + format(pyTime, '.6f') + 's')

    print("Inserting {} items into the head of a linked list".format(
          end=": ")
    start = time()
    for _ in range(repetitions):
        linkedList = Link(0, linkedList)
    end = time()
    linkTime = end - start
    print("took " + format(linkTime, '.6f') + 's')
    print("Ratio of Python List to Linked List: " +
          format(pyTime / linkTime, '.6f'))
Exemple #2
def range_link(start, end):
    """Returns a Link that contains the values from START upto END.
    linked = Link.empty
    current = end
    while current >= start:
        linked = Link(current, linked)
        current = current - 1
    return linked