Exemple #1
def dependent_events(gen=method_2_(), n=1000, pa=0.8, pb=0.5, pb_a=0.3):
    x1 = [next(gen) for _ in xrange(n)]
    x2 = [next(gen) for _ in xrange(n)]
    a, b, a_and_b, a_and_not_b, not_a_and_b, not_a_and_not_b = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(n):
        if x1[i] <= pa:
            if x2[i] <= pb_a:
                a_and_b += 1
                b += 1
                a_and_not_b += 1
            a += 1
            if x2[i] <= (pb - pb_a * pa) / (1 - pa):
                not_a_and_b += 1
                b += 1
                not_a_and_not_b += 1

    print "3. dependent_events"
    print " A: {}, {}".format(pa, a)
    print " B: {}, {}".format(pb, b)
    print " B_A: {}".format(pb_a)
    print " A and B: {}, {}%".format(a_and_b, float(a_and_b) / n)
    print " !A and !B: {}, {}%".format(not_a_and_not_b,
                                       float(not_a_and_not_b) / n)
    print " !A and B: {}, {}%".format(not_a_and_b, float(not_a_and_b) / n)
    print " A and !B: {}, {}%\n".format(a_and_not_b, float(a_and_not_b) / n)
Exemple #2
def independent_events(gen=method_2_(), n=1000, pa=0.8, pb=0.5):
    xa = [next(gen) for _ in xrange(n)]
    xb = [next(gen) for _ in xrange(n)]

    a, b, a_b, a_not_b, not_a_b, not_a_not_b = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

    for i in xrange(n):
        if xa[i] <= pa:
            if xb[i] <= pb:
                a_b += 1
                b += 1
                a_not_b += 1
            a += 1
            if xb[i] <= pb:
                not_a_b += 1
                b += 1
                not_a_not_b += 1

    print "2. independent_events"
    print " A: {}, {}%".format(a, float(a) / n)
    print " B: {}, {}%".format(b, float(b) / n)
    print " A and B: {}, {}%".format(a_b, float(a_b) / n)
    print " !A and !B: {}, {}%".format(not_a_not_b, float(not_a_not_b) / n)
    print " !A and B: {}, {}%".format(not_a_b, float(not_a_b) / n)
    print " A and !B: {}, {}%\n".format(a_not_b, float(a_not_b) / n)
Exemple #3
 def exponential_distribution(self, lmbd):
         y = 1 - exp(-lambda * x)
         x = -(1 / lmbd) * ln(1 - y)
     gen = method_2_()
     while True:
         x = gen.next()
         yield -(1.0 / lmbd) * numpy.log(1 - x)
Exemple #4
 def uniform_distribution(self):
         x = y * (b - a) + a
         y = (x - a) / (b - a)
     gen = method_2_()
     while True:
         x = gen.next()
         yield x * (self.b - self.a) + self.a
Exemple #5
 def generate_contineous_law(self, i, n):
     pyplot.subplot(1, 2, i)
     gen = method_2_()
     xn = [next(gen) for _ in xrange(n)]
     yn = [-1.0 * (1.0 / self.l) * math.log(1 - xn[i]) for i in xrange(n)]
     pyplot.hist(yn, normed=1)
     M = self.calculate_M(yn)
     D = self.calculete_D(yn, M)
     pyplot.title('n = {},  M = {}. D = {}'.format(n, M, D))
     pyplot.plot(self.x, self.y)
     return yn
Exemple #6
def simple_event(gen=method_2_(), n=1000, p=0.3):
    x = [next(gen) for _ in xrange(n)]
    result = [1 if x[i] <= p else 0 for i in xrange(len(x))]
    M = 1.0 / len(result) * sum(result)
    D = 1.0 / len(result) * sum([v**2 for v in result]) - M**2
    count = sum(result)

    print "1. simple_event."
    print " A: {}, {}% ".format(count, float(count) / n)
    print " !A : {}, {}%".format(n - count, float(n - count) / n)
    print " M : {}, D : {}\n".format(M, D)
Exemple #7
def full_group_events(
        gen=method_2_(), p=(0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.25), n=1000):
    y = [next(gen) for _ in xrange(n)]

    pn = list(accumulate(p))

    result = [num(i, pn) for i in y]

    counts = Counter(result)
    print "4. full_group_events"
    print "p: {}, n: {}".format(p, n)
    for k in counts:
        print " {}: {}, {}%".format(k, counts[k], counts[k] / float(len(y)))
Exemple #8
    def generate_empirical_matrix(self, f_x, f_y):
        empirical_matrix_distribution = np.zeros((self.m, self.n))
        N, k, l = 10000, 0, 0
        gen = method_2_()
        z = [next(gen) for _ in xrange(N * 2)]
        for i in xrange(0, len(z), 2):
            for j in xrange(self.n + 1):
                if z[i] <= f_x[j]:
                    k = j - 1
            for j in xrange(self.m + 1):
                if z[i + 1] <= f_y[j, k]:
                    l = j - 1
            empirical_matrix_distribution[l, k] += 1

        for i in xrange(self.m):
            for j in xrange(self.n):
                empirical_matrix_distribution[i, j] /= N
        return empirical_matrix_distribution