Exemple #1
 def move(self, x=0, y=0, theta=0):
     move = Movement()
     move.x = x
     move.y = y
     move.theta = theta
     move.modType = 'Add'
     return move
 def spin(self):
     #Update movement to spin
     move = Movement()
     move.modType = 'Add'
     move.theta = -15
     move.x = 0
     move.y = 0
     return move
 def move(self, x=0, y=0, theta=0):
     #Returns some kind of movement (Factory method)
     move = Movement()
     move.x = x
     move.y = y
     move.theta = theta
     move.modType = 'Add'
     return move
 def moveHovercraft(self, event):
     publisher = rospy.Publisher('/visualServoOut', Movement)
     if (self.ticksSinceLandmarkSeen < 25):
         noMove = Movement()
         noMove.x = 0
         noMove.y = 0
         noMove.theta = 0
         noMove.modType = 'Add'
     self.ticksSinceLandmarkSeen += 1
 def kickBallOut(self):
     #A sleep so we can pick the ball up.  The backwards momentum wasn't fast enough to kick the ball out
     #Keep moving backwards until the ball isn't in the hook anymore
     if self.isBallCaptured:
         move = Movement()
         move.y = -1
         move.x = 0
         move.theta = 0
         move.modType = 'Add'
         return move
         self.state = 4
         return self.haltMove
 def collectBall(self):
     if not self.isBallInView:
         self.state -= 1 #Might run into trouble here if it gets decremented twice in a row
         return self.haltMove
     elif self.isBallCaptured:
         self.state += 1 #Ball is in the doohickey
         return self.haltMove
         move = Movement()
         move.y = .4
         move.x = 0
         #if self.ballLocation.x > 20:
         move.theta = -self.ballLocation.x/2
         move.modType = 'Add'
         return move
 def moveTowardsLandmark(self, landmarkNum):
     #Incorporate landmark Number we're looking for
     if not self.isBallCaptured:
         self.state -= 1
         return self.haltMove
     if not self.isLandmarkInView or (self.currentVisibleLMCode != landmarkNum and self.currentVisibleLMCode != -1):
         self.state -= 1
         return self.haltMove
     elif self.isLandmarkInView and not self.targetReached:
         move = Movement()
         move.y = 1
         move.x = 0
         move.theta = -(float(self.landmarkX)-180.)/10.
         move.modType = 'Add'
         return move
     elif self.isLandmarkInView and self.targetReached:
         self.state = 9 #Switch to ball kick out state
         return self.haltMove
    def interpretJoystick(self,preMove):
        move = deep(preMove)
        publisher = rospy.Publisher('/angleIntegratorOut',Movement)
        xAxisL = move.xL
        yAxisL = move.yL
        xAxisR = move.xR
        yAxisR = move.yR
        xButton = move.xButton
        bButton = move.bButton
        leftBumperMag = move.bumperL
        rightBumperMag= move.bumperR

        #X/B button toggle logic
        if bButton == 1 and not self.bButtonDepressed:
            self.bButtonDepressed = True
            self.buttonTargetAngle += 90
        elif xButton == 1 and not self.xButtonDepressed:
            self.xButtonDepressed = True
            self.buttonTargetAngle += -90
        if bButton == 0 and self.bButtonDepressed:
            self.bButtonDepressed = False
        if xButton == 0 and self.xButtonDepressed:
            self.xButtonDepressed = False

        #Bumper logic (rotational spin using shoulders)
        #Right overrides left
        bumperMag = 0
        if rightBumperMag != 1:
            bumperMag = (1 - rightBumperMag)
        elif leftBumperMag != 1:
            bumperMag = (1 - leftBumperMag)

        #Get the arctangent of xAxis/yAxis to get the angle in radians.
        #Convert it to degrees and make it so that it goes from 0-360 starting
        #at the positive y axis (to match with the front of the hovercraft).
        #Uses extreme deadzone to makesure accidental rotations don't happen.
        magnitudeThreshold = 1
        magnitude = math.sqrt(xAxisL**2 + yAxisL**2)
        rotationalAngle = 0
        if magnitude >= magnitudeThreshold:
            rotationalAngle = round(math.atan2(xAxisL,yAxisL)*(180.0/3.141593),4)
            if (rotationalAngle > 0):
                rotationalAngle = rotationalAngle - 360
            rotationalAngle = math.fabs(rotationalAngle)

        magnitudeThreshold = 1
        magnitude = math.sqrt(xAxisL**2 + yAxisL**2)
        rotationalAngle = xAxisL*10

        #Ships off the message to the arbitrator
        #Joystick overrides button target commands
        moveOut = Movement()
        moveOut.theta =0
        moveOut.modType = 'Bound'

        #Joystick Logic
        if magnitude >= magnitudeThreshold:
            #Reset button  upon hitting the joystick
            self.buttonTargetAngle = 0
            moveOut.theta = rotationalAngle
            moveOut.modType = 'Add'

        #Trigger absolute rotation if trigger/bumper is held down
        #print moveOut.theta
        if rightBumperMag != 1:
            #print "Right Trigger"
            self.rightBumperAngle = rightBumperMag
            self.buttonTargetAngle = 0
            moveOut.theta = -.1 if self.rightBumperAngle < 0 else 0
            moveOut.modType = 'Add'
            magnitude = 1
            self.rightBumperAngle = 0

        if leftBumperMag != 1:
            self.buttonTargetAngle = 0
            self.leftBumperAngle = leftBumperMag
            moveOut.theta = .1 if self.leftBumperAngle < 0 else 0
            moveOut.modType = 'Add'
            magnitude = 1
            self.leftBumperAngle = 0

        #For 90 degree button rotations

        if math.fabs(self.buttonTargetAngle) > 0:
            magnitude = 1
            moveOut.theta = self.buttonTargetAngle
            moveOut.modType = 'Add'
        move = deep(preMove)
        publisher = rospy.Publisher('/angleIntegratorOut',Movement)
        xAxisL = move.xL
        yAxisL = move.yL
        xAxisR = move.xR
        yAxisR = move.yR
        xButton = move.xButton
        bButton = move.bButton
        leftBumperMag = move.bumperL
        rightBumperMag= move.bumperR

        moveOut = Movement()
        moveOut.x = xAxisR
        moveOut.y = yAxisR
        moveOut.mag = math.fabs(xAxisL)

        if moveOut.mag > .5:
            if xAxisL < -.2:
                theta = -30
            elif xAxisL > .2:
                theta = 30
                theta = 0

            moveOut.theta = theta
            moveOut.modType = 'Add'
            moveOut.theta = 0
            moveOut.modType = 'Add'
    def interpretJoystick(self,preMove):
        move = deep(preMove)
        publisher = rospy.Publisher('/angleIntegratorOut',Movement)
        xAxisL = move.xL
        yAxisL = move.yL
        xAxisR = move.xR
        yAxisR = move.yR
        xButton = move.xButton
        bButton = move.bButton
        leftBumperMag = move.bumperL
        rightBumperMag= move.bumperR

        #X/B button toggle logic
        if bButton == 1 and not self.bButtonDepressed:
            self.bButtonDepressed = True
            self.buttonTargetAngle += 90
        elif xButton == 1 and not self.xButtonDepressed:
            self.xButtonDepressed = True
            self.buttonTargetAngle += -90
        if bButton == 0 and self.bButtonDepressed:
            self.bButtonDepressed = False
        if xButton == 0 and self.xButtonDepressed:
            self.xButtonDepressed = False

        #Bumper logic (rotational spin using shoulders)
        #Right overrides left
        bumperMag = 0
        if rightBumperMag != 1:
            bumperMag = (1 - rightBumperMag)
        elif leftBumperMag != 1:
            bumperMag = (1 - leftBumperMag)

        #Get the arctangent of xAxis/yAxis to get the angle in radians.
        #Convert it to degrees and make it so that it goes from 0-360 starting
        #at the positive y axis (to match with the front of the hovercraft).
        #Uses extreme deadzone to makesure accidental rotations don't happen.
        magnitudeThreshold = 1
        magnitude = math.sqrt(xAxisL**2 + yAxisL**2)
        rotationalAngle = 0
        if magnitude >= magnitudeThreshold:
            rotationalAngle = round(math.atan2(xAxisL,yAxisL)*(180.0/3.141593),4)
            if (rotationalAngle > 0):
                rotationalAngle = rotationalAngle - 360
            rotationalAngle = math.fabs(rotationalAngle)

        #Ships off the message to the arbitrator
        #Joystick overrides button target commands
        moveOut = Movement()
        moveOut.modType = 'Bound'

        #Joystick Logic
        if magnitude >= magnitudeThreshold:
            #Reset button  upon hitting the joystick
            self.buttonTargetAngle = 0
            moveOut.theta = rotationalAngle
            moveOut.modType = 'Bound'

        #Trigger absolute rotation if trigger/bumper is held down
        if rightBumperMag != 1:
            self.rightBumperAngle = self.rightBumperAngle + (rightBumperMag * 100)
            self.buttonTargetAngle = 0
            moveOut.theta = self.rightBumperAngle
            moveOut.modType = 'Add'
            magnitude = 1
            self.rightBumperAngle = 0

        if leftBumperMag != 1:
            self.buttonTargetAngle = 0
            self.leftBumperAngle = self.leftBumperAngle + (leftBumperMag * 100)
            moveOut.theta = -1 * self.leftBumperAngle
            moveOut.modType = 'Add'
            magnitude = 1
            self.leftBumperAngle = 0

        #For 90 degree button rotations
        if math.fabs(self.buttonTargetAngle) > 0:
            magnitude = 1
            moveOut.theta = self.buttonTargetAngle
            moveOut.modType = 'Add'

        moveOut.x = xAxisR
        moveOut.y = yAxisR
        moveOut.mag = magnitude


        #Prints all information related to the integrator if need be
        if (self.debug == 1):
            print("xL: %6.2f  yL: %6.2f  Angle: %6.2f  Magnitude:%6.2f  "
                  "xR: %6.2f  yR: %6.2f Theta: %6.2f Button Target: %6.2f"
                  "rB: %6.2f  lB: %6.2f rM: %6.2f  lM: %6.2f " % (xAxisL,yAxisL,rotationalAngle,magnitude,xAxisR,yAxisR,moveOut.theta, self.buttonTargetAngle, self.rightBumperAngle, self.leftBumperAngle, rightBumperMag, leftBumperMag))