def __init__(self, name, device_no=1, cycle_time = default_cycle_time):
     self.BLACS_connection = device_no
     # round cycle time to the nearest multiple of 3.3333ns
     quantised_cycle_time = round(cycle_time/3.333333333333e-9)
     cycle_time = quantised_cycle_time*3.333333333333e-9
     self.clock_limit = 1./cycle_time
     self.clock_resolution = cycle_time
     Device.__init__(self, name, parent_device=None, connection=None)
     self.trigger_times = []
     self.wait_times = []
     self.initial_trigger_time = 0
 def __init__(self, name, parent_device, card_number):
     self.clock_limit = parent_device.clock_limit
     self.clock_resolution = parent_device.clock_resolution
     # Device must be accessed via the parent ADWin, so we must store
     # the parent's device_no as well as the card number:
     self.card_number = card_number
     self.BLACS_connection = parent_device.BLACS_connection, card_number
     # We won't call IntermediateDevice.__init__(), as we don't care
     # about the checks it does for clocking, we don't actually have
     # a clock:
     Device.__init__(self, name, parent_device, card_number)
     self.trigger_times = []
     self.wait_times = []
     self.initial_trigger_time = 0
 def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
     outputs = self.get_all_outputs()
     # We call the following to do the error checking it includes,
     # but we're not actually interested in the set of change times.
     # Each card will handle its own timebase issues.
     ignore = self.collect_change_times(outputs)
     # This causes the cards to have their generate_code() methods
     # called. They collect up the instructions of their outputs,
     # and then we will collate them together into one big instruction
     # table.
     Device.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
     # We don't actually care about these other things that pseudoclock
     # classes normally do, but they still do some error checking
     # that we want:
     change_times = self.collect_change_times(outputs)
     for output in outputs:
     all_times, clock = self.expand_change_times(change_times, outputs)
 def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
     Device.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
     # This group must exist in order for BLACS to know that this
     # device is part of the experiment:
     group = hdf5_file.create_group('/devices/%s'
     outputs = self.get_all_outputs() 
     change_times = self.collect_change_times(outputs)
     for output in outputs:
     for time in change_times:
         outputarray = [0]*self.n_digitals
         for output in outputs:
             channel = output.connection
             # We have to subtract one from the channel number to get
             # the correct index, as ADWin is one-indexed, curse it.
             outputarray[channel - 1] = array(output.timeseries)
     bits = bitfield(outputarray, dtype=self.digital_dtype)
     self.formatted_instructions = []
     for t, value in zip(change_times, bits):
         formatted_instruction = {'t': t, 'card': self.card_number,'bitfield': value} 
 def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
     Device.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
     # This group must exist in order for BLACS to know that this
     # device is part of the experiment:
     group = hdf5_file.create_group('/devices/%s'
     # OK, let's collect up all the analog instructions!
     self.formatted_instructions = []
     for output in self.get_all_outputs():
         for t, instruction in output.instructions.items():
             card_number = self.card_number
             channel_number = output.connection
             if isinstance(instruction, RampInstruction):
                 duration = instruction.duration
                 if isinstance(instruction, LinearRamp):
                     ramp_type = 0
                 elif isinstance(instruction, SinRamp):
                     ramp_type = 1
                 elif isinstance(instruction, CosRamp):
                     ramp_type = 2
                 elif isinstance(instruction, ExpRamp):
                     ramp_type = 3
                     raise ValueError(instruction)
                 A = instruction.A
                 B = instruction.B
                 C = instruction.C
                 # Let's construct a ramp out of the single value instruction:
                 duration = self.clock_resolution
                 ramp_type = 0
                 A = instruction
                 B = 0
                 C = instruction
             formatted_instruction = {'t':t,
                                      'duration': duration,
                                      'card': card_number,
                                      'channel': channel_number,
                                      'ramp_type': ramp_type,
                                      'A': A, 'B': B, 'C': C}
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, name, host="", port=23, slave=1, **kwargs):
        # slave=1 is the master controller on the host ip

        Device.__init__(self, name, None, None, None)
        self.BLACS_connection = '%s,%d' % (host, slave)
 def __init__(self, name, parent_device, connection, freq_limits = None, freq_conv_class = None,freq_conv_params = {}):
     self.clock_type = parent_device.clock_type
     self.frequency = StaticAnalogQuantity('_freq',self,'freq',freq_limits,freq_conv_class,freq_conv_params)
     self.frequency.default_value = 0.5e9
     self.gate = StaticDigitalOut('_gate',self,'gate')
 def add_device(self, device):
     Device.add_device(self, device)
     # Minimum frequency is 20MHz:
     device.frequency.default_value = 20e6
    def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
        '''Automatically called by compiler to write acquisition instructions
        to h5 file. Configures counters, analog and digital acquisitions.'''
        Device.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
        trans = {'pulse': 'PUL', 'edge': 'EDG', 'pos': 'P', 'neg': 'N'}

        acqs = {'ANALOG': [], 'POD1': [], 'POD2': []}
        for channel in self.child_devices:
            if channel.acquisitions:
                # make sure channel is allowed
                if channel.connection in self.allowed_analog_chan:
                        (channel.connection, channel.acquisitions[0]['label']))
                elif channel.connection in self.allowed_pod1_chan:
                        (channel.connection, channel.acquisitions[0]['label']))
                elif channel.connection in self.allowed_pod2_chan:
                        (channel.connection, channel.acquisitions[0]['label']))
                    raise LabscriptError(
                        '{0:s} is not a valid channel.'.format(

        acquisition_table_dtypes = np.dtype({
            'names': ['connection', 'label'],
            'formats': ['a256', 'a256']

        grp = self.init_device_group(hdf5_file)
        # write tables if non-empty to h5_file
        for acq_group, acq_chan in acqs.items():
            if len(acq_chan):
                table = np.empty(len(acq_chan), dtype=acquisition_table_dtypes)
                for i, acq in enumerate(acq_chan):
                    table[i] = acq
                grp.create_dataset(acq_group + '_ACQUISITIONS',
                grp[acq_group +
                    '_ACQUISITIONS'].attrs['trigger_time'] = self.trigger_time

        # now do the counters
        counts = []
        for channel in self.child_devices:
            if hasattr(channel, 'counts'):
                for counter in channel.counts:
                    counts.append((channel.connection, trans[counter['type']],
        counts_table_dtypes = np.dtype({
            'names': ['connection', 'type', 'polarity'],
            'formats': ['a256', 'a256', 'a256']
        counts_table = np.empty(len(counts), dtype=counts_table_dtypes)
        for i, count in enumerate(counts):
            counts_table[i] = count
        if len(counts_table):
            grp['COUNTERS'].attrs['trigger_time'] = self.trigger_time
    def __init__(self, name, DoSomething = False, **kwargs):
        if DoSomething is not False:
            raise LabscriptError('test_device does nothing, but kwarg DoSomething was not passed False')

        Device.__init(self, name, None, None, **kwargs)
 def add_device(self, device):
     Device.add_device(self, device)
     # The Novatech doesn't support 0Hz output; set the default frequency of the DDS to 0.1 Hz:
     device.frequency.default_value = 0.1
 def __init__(self, name, parent_device, connection, freq_limits = None, freq_conv_class = None,freq_conv_params = {}):
     self.frequency = StaticAnalogQuantity('_freq',self,'freq',freq_limits,freq_conv_class,freq_conv_params)
     self.frequency.default_value = 0.5e9
     self.gate = StaticDigitalOut('_gate',self,'gate')
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, name, DoSomething = False, **kwargs):
        if DoSomething is not False:
            raise LabscriptError('test_device does nothing, but kwarg DoSomething was not passed False')

        Device.__init(self, name, None, None, **kwargs)
Exemple #14
 def __init__(self, name, com_port):
     Device.__init__(self, name, None, None)
     self.BLACS_connection = com_port
Exemple #16
 def add_device(self, device):
     Device.add_device(self, device)
     # The Novatech doesn't support 0Hz output; set the default frequency of the DDS to 0.1 Hz:
     device.frequency.default_value = 0.1
 def __init__(self, name, 
              host = "", port=23, **kwargs):
     Device.__init__(self, name, None, None, None)
     self.BLACS_connection = '%s' %(host)
 def __init__(self, name,com_port):
     Device.__init__(self, name, None, None)
     self.BLACS_connection = com_port
 def add_device(self, output):
     # TODO: check there are no duplicates, check that connection
     # string is formatted correctly.
     Device.add_device(self, output)
 def add_device(self, device):
     Device.add_device(self, device)
     # Minimum frequency is 20MHz:
     device.frequency.default_value = 20e6
 def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
     Device.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)