Exemple #1
def dto_to_game(game_dto):
    """ maps a DTO to a game
    to deserialize a persisted instance.

    :param game_dto: a dictionary representing the structure of the game,
    created by game_to_dto
    :return: a Game instance whose state is equal to the DTO
    maze, leftover_card, maze_card_by_id = _dto_to_maze_cards_and_dictionary(
    objective_maze_card = maze_card_by_id[game_dto[OBJECTIVE]]
    board = Board(maze, leftover_card, objective_maze_card=objective_maze_card)
    players = [
        _dto_to_player(player_dto, board, maze_card_by_id)
        for player_dto in game_dto[PLAYERS]
    board._pieces = [player.piece for player in players]
    turns_prepare_delay = _dto_to_timedelta(game_dto[TURN_PREPARE_DELAY])
    turns = _dto_to_turns(game_dto[NEXT_ACTION],
    identifier = game_dto[ID]
    game = Game(identifier, board=board, players=players, turns=turns)
    for player in players:
    game.previous_shift_location = _dto_to_board_location(
    return game
Exemple #2
def _dto_to_maze_card(maze_card_dto):
    """ Maps a DTO to a maze card and a board location

    :param maze_card_dto: a dictionary representing the game (sub-)structure of a maze card,
    as created by _maze_card_to_dto
    :return: a MazeCard instance and a BoardLocation instance (or None, for the leftover card)
    maze_card = MazeCard(maze_card_dto[ID], maze_card_dto[OUT_PATHS],
    location = _dto_to_board_location(maze_card_dto[LOCATION])
    return maze_card, location
Exemple #3
def dto_to_move_action(move_dto):
    """ Maps the DTO for the move api method to the parameters of the model method
    :param move_dto: a dictionary representing the body of the move api method.
    Expected to be of the form
        location: {
            row: <int>
            column: <int>
    :return: a BoardLocation instance
    return _dto_to_board_location(move_dto[LOCATION])
Exemple #4
def dto_to_shift_action(shift_dto):
    """ Maps the DTO for the shift api method to the parameters of the model method
    :param shift_dto: a dictionary representing the body of the shift api method.
    Expected to be of the form
        location: {
            row: <int>
            column: <int>
        leftoverRotation: <int>
    :return: a BoardLocation instance and an integer for the leftover maze card rotation
    return _dto_to_board_location(shift_dto[LOCATION]), shift_dto[LEFTOVER_ROTATION]