def _pubkey_verified(ignore):
     install_infrastructure_server(address, admin_privkey_path, website_pubkey,
                                   leastauth_repo, la_commit_hash, secretconf_repo,
                                   sc_commit_hash, stdout, stderr)
ec2_secret      = FilePath(ec2_secret_path).getContent().strip()

def printer(x):
    """This handy function let's us see what's going on between calls in the callback chain."""
    print "callBack return value 'x' is %s" % (x,)
    return x

def eb(x):
    """This handy function let's us see what's going on between errors in the callback chain."""
    print >> sys.stderr, "Error returned ?"
    print >> sys.stderr, x

if existing_host:
    d = defer.succeed(install_infrastructure_server(
                                  existing_host, admin_privkey_path, website_pubkey,
                                  leastauthority_repo_path, leastauthority_commit_ref,
                                  secret_config_repo_path, secret_config_commit_ref,
                                  stdout, stderr))
elif new_host:
    d = deploy_infrastructure_EC2(ec2_accesskeyid, ec2_secret, endpoint_uri,
                                  ami_image_id, instance_size, bucket_name,
                                  admin_keypair_name, new_host,
                                  admin_privkey_path, website_pubkey,
                                  leastauthority_repo_path, leastauthority_commit_ref,
                                  secret_config_repo_path, secret_config_commit_ref,
                                  stdout, stderr, clock=None)

d.addCallbacks(printer, eb)
d.addCallbacks(lambda ign: os._exit(0), lambda ign: os._exit(1))
from twisted.internet import reactor
Exemple #3
 def _pubkey_verified(ignore):
     install_infrastructure_server(address, admin_privkey_path, website_pubkey, 
                                   leastauth_repo, la_commit_hash, secretconf_repo, 
                                   sc_commit_hash, stdout, stderr)
Exemple #4
ec2secretkey = FilePath(ec2secretpath).getContent().strip()

def printer(x):
    """This handy function let's us see what's going on between calls in the callback chain."""
    print "callBack return value 'x' is %s" % (x,)
    return x

def eb(x):
    """This handy function let's us see what's going on between errors in the callback chain."""
    print >>sys.stderr, "Error returned"
    print >>sys.stderr, x

if existing_host:
    d = defer.succeed(install_infrastructure_server(
                        existing_host, admin_privkey_path, website_pubkey,
                        leastauthority_repo_path, leastauth_commit_ref,
                        secret_conf_repo_path, secrets_commit_ref, stdout,
                        stderr ) )
elif new_host:
    d = deploy_infrastructure_EC2(ec2accesskeyid, ec2secretkey, endpoint_uri,
                                  ami_image_id, instance_size, bucket_name,
                                  admin_keypair_name, new_host,
                                  admin_privkey_path, website_pubkey,
                                  secret_conf_repo_path, secrets_commit_ref,
                                  stdout, stderr, clock=None)

d.addCallbacks(printer, eb)
#d.addCallbacks(lambda ign: os._exit(0), lambda ign: os._exit(1))