Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, swap_settings=None):
        Class constructor
        @param swap_settings: path to the main SWAP configuration file
        @param verbose: Print out SWAP frames or not
        @param monitor: Print out network events or not

        # Main configuration file
        self.swap_settings = swap_settings
        # Print SWAP activity
        self._print_swap = False

            self.main_settings = XmlSettings(self.swap_settings)
            # Set log file to trace lagarto exceptions
            LagartoException.error_file = XmlSettings.error_file
            # Superclass call
            SwapInterface.__init__(self, swap_settings)

        # Lagarto process constructor
        LagartoProcess.__init__(self, working_dir)

        if XmlSettings.debug == 2:
            self._print_swap = True

        self.lagarto_config = XmlLagarto(
            os.path.join(config_dir, "lagarto.xml"))
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, working_dir):
        @param working_dir: Working directory
        cfg_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "config", "lagarto.xml")
        # Read configuration file
        self.config = XmlLagarto(cfg_path)

        ## Local IP address
        address = self._get_local_ip_address()
        # Save IP address in config file
        if self.config.address != address:
            self.config.address = address

        # HTTP server
        self.http_server = LagartoHttpServer(self, self.config, working_dir)
    def __init__(self, working_dir):
        @param working_dir: Working directory
        cfg_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "config", "lagarto.xml")
        # Read configuration file       
        self.config = XmlLagarto(cfg_path)
        ## Local IP address
        address = self._get_local_ip_address()
        # Save IP address in config file
        if self.config.address != address:
            self.config.address = address

        # HTTP server
        self.http_server = LagartoHttpServer(self, self.config, working_dir)
class LagartoProcess(object):
    Geenric Lagarto process class
    def get_status(self, endpoints):
        Return network status as a list of endpoints in JSON format
        Method to be overriden by subclass
        @param endpoints: list of endpoints being queried
        @return list of endpoints in JSON format
        print "get_status needs to be overriden"
        return None

    def set_status(self, endpoints):
        Set endpoint status
        Method to be overriden by subclass
        @param endpoints: list of endpoints in JSON format
        @return list of endpoints being controlled, with new values
        print "set_status needs to be overriden"
        return None

    def http_command_received(self, command, params):
        Process command sent from HTTP server. Method to be overrided by data server.
        Method to be overriden by subclass
        @param command: command string
        @param params: dictionary of parameters
        @return True if command successfukky processed by server.
        Return False otherwise
        print "http_command_received needs to be overriden"
        return False

    def _get_local_ip_address(self):
        Get local IP address
        @return local IP address
        ipaddr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
        if ipaddr.startswith("127.0"):
                s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
                s.connect(("", 8000))
                ipaddr = s.getsockname()[0]
        return ipaddr

    def publish_status(self, status_data=None, endp=None):
        Publish network status (collection of endpoint data)
        @param status_data network status to be transmitted
        @param endp Endpoint data
        self.mqtt_client.publish_status(status_data, endp)

    def stop(self):
        Stop HTTP server

    def __init__(self, working_dir):
        @param working_dir: Working directory
        cfg_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "config", "lagarto.xml")
        # Read configuration file       
        self.config = XmlLagarto(cfg_path)
        ## Local IP address
        address = self._get_local_ip_address()
        # Save IP address in config file
        if self.config.address != address:
            self.config.address = address

        # MQTT Client
        self.mqtt_client = LagartoMqttClient(self, self.config)
        # HTTP server
        self.http_server = LagartoHttpServer(self, self.config, working_dir)
Exemple #5
class LagartoProcess(object):
    Geenric Lagarto process class
    def get_status(self, endpoints):
        Return network status as a list of endpoints in JSON format
        Method to be overriden by subclass
        @param endpoints: list of endpoints being queried
        @return list of endpoints in JSON format
        print "get_status needs to be overriden"
        return None

    def set_status(self, endpoints):
        Set endpoint status
        Method to be overriden by subclass
        @param endpoints: list of endpoints in JSON format
        @return list of endpoints being controlled, with new values
        print "set_status needs to be overriden"
        return None

    def http_command_received(self, command, params):
        Process command sent from HTTP server. Method to be overrided by data server.
        Method to be overriden by subclass
        @param command: command string
        @param params: dictionary of parameters
        @return True if command successfukky processed by server.
        Return False otherwise
        print "http_command_received needs to be overriden"
        return False

    def _get_local_ip_address(self):
        Get local IP address
        @return local IP address
        ipaddr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
        if ipaddr.startswith("127.0"):
                s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
                s.connect(("", 8000))
                ipaddr = s.getsockname()[0]

        return ipaddr

    def stop(self):
        Stop HTTP server

    def __init__(self, working_dir):
        @param working_dir: Working directory
        cfg_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "config", "lagarto.xml")
        # Read configuration file
        self.config = XmlLagarto(cfg_path)

        ## Local IP address
        address = self._get_local_ip_address()
        # Save IP address in config file
        if self.config.address != address:
            self.config.address = address

        # HTTP server
        self.http_server = LagartoHttpServer(self, self.config, working_dir)