def solver3D(degree, dim, my_f):
    cheb = lf.chebyshev_nodes(degree + 1)  #Lista nodi chebichev

    n = degree + 1  # Dim poly space

    q, w = leggauss(n)  # Gauss between -1 and 1
    q = (q + 1) / 2  # to go back to 0,1
    w = w / 2

    lag_bas = []
    lag_bas_deriv = []
    V = []
    V_prime = []

    #lagrangian base per i punti chebichev
    for i in range(len(cheb)):
        lag_bas.append(lf.lagrange_basis(cheb, i))
        lag_bas_deriv.append(lf.lagrange_basis_derivatives(cheb, i))

    Vq = zeros((n, len(q)))
    Vpq = zeros((n, len(q)))

    #Le righe di Vq sono le funzioni di base calcolate sui punti di quadratura
    for i in range(n):
        Vq[i] = lag_bas[i](q)
        Vpq[i] = lag_bas_deriv[i](q)

    #VVV    = einsum('ij,kl,nm -> inkljm', Vq, Vq, Vq, optimize=True)
    #VVVp   = einsum('ij,kl,nm -> inkljm', Vq, Vq, Vpq, optimize=True)
    #VVpV   = einsum('ij,kl,nm -> inkljm', Vq, Vpq, Vq, optimize=True)
    #VpVV   = einsum('ij,kl,nm -> inkljm', Vpq, Vq, Vq, optimize=True)

    #VVV  = reshape(VVV,  (prod(VVV.shape[:dim]),  prod(VVV.shape[dim:])))
    #VVVp = reshape(VVVp, (prod(VVVp.shape[:dim]), prod(VVVp.shape[dim:])))
    #VVpV = reshape(VVpV, (prod(VVpV.shape[:dim]), prod(VVpV.shape[dim:])))
    #VpVV = reshape(VpVV, (prod(VpVV.shape[:dim]), prod(VpVV.shape[dim:])))

    #W = einsum('i,j,k -> ijk', w, w, w, optimize=True)
    #W = reshape(W, (prod(W.shape[:dim])))

    latticeq_points = array([[[[qx, qy, qz] for qz in q] for qy in q]
                             for qx in q])
    latticeq_points = latticeq_points.reshape(len(q) * len(q) * len(q), dim)

    lpoint_x = array(
        [latticeq_points[i, 0] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])
    lpoint_y = array(
        [latticeq_points[i, 1] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])
    lpoint_z = array(
        [latticeq_points[i, 2] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])

    # -------------------------------------------------
    print "Starting einsum A and M..."
    Atmp = einsum('jq, iq, q -> ji', Vpq, Vpq, w, optimize=True)
    Mtmp = einsum('jq, iq, q -> ji', Vq, Vq, w, optimize=True)

    A = einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Atmp, Mtmp, Mtmp, optimize=True)
    A += einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Mtmp, Atmp, Mtmp, optimize=True)
    A += einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Mtmp, Mtmp, Atmp, optimize=True)

    M = einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Mtmp, Mtmp, Mtmp, optimize=True)

    # -------------------------------------------------
    print "Starting einsum rhs..."
    my_f = array(my_f(lpoint_x, lpoint_y, lpoint_z)).reshape(n, n, n)

    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', my_f, Vq, w, optimize=True)
    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', rhs, Vq, w, optimize=True)
    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', rhs, Vq, w, optimize=True)

    # -------------------------------------------------

    A = A.reshape(n**3, n**3)
    M = M.reshape(n**3, n**3)
    rhs = rhs.reshape(n**3)

    # -------------------------------------------------
    print "Solving linear system..."
    u_fe = linalg.solve(A + M, rhs)

    Vcheb = zeros((n, len(cheb)))

    for j in range(degree + 1):
        Vcheb[j] = lag_bas[j](cheb)

    C = einsum('is, jk, nm -> skmijn', Vcheb, Vcheb, Vcheb, optimize=True)

    sol = einsum('skmijn, ijn', C, u_fe.reshape((n, n, n)), optimize=True)

    return sol.reshape(n, n, n)
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Let us pick up this test function to test our solver

    u_exact = lambda x, y, z: cos(pi * x) * cos(pi * y) * cos(pi * z)
    my_f = lambda x, y, z: (3 * (pi**2) + 1) * cos(pi * y) * cos(pi * x) * cos(
        pi * z)

    #--------- Plotting a section of our FE solution  --------

    dim = 3  # space dim of the problem
    degree = 8  # degree of polynomial bases

    u_fem = solver3D(degree, dim, my_f)

    cheby = lf.chebyshev_nodes(degree + 1)
    X, Y = meshgrid(cheby, cheby)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.plot_surface(X, Y, u_fem[:, :, 0], cmap=cm.jet)

    # --------------- Error Computation ---------------------

    L2_err = []

    deg_start = 2
    deg_end = 12
    deg_step = 1
Exemple #3
    L2_err_iter_prec = []
    L2_err_iter_noprec = []

    #t_dir = [] # time direct method
    t_iter_prec = []  # time iteractive method with preconditioner
    t_iter_noprec = []  # time iteractive method without preconditioner

    deg_start = 2
    deg_end = 35
    deg_step = 1

    for deg in range(deg_start, deg_end, deg_step):
        print "---------------------------------", deg
        u_ext_chebp = []

        cheb = lf.chebyshev_nodes(deg + 1)

        start = time.time()

        FE3D = FiniteElem3D(deg, dim, my_f)

        end = time.time()

        tot = end - start

        u_fem_iter_prec = FE3D[0]
        u_fem_iter_prec = u_fem_iter_prec.reshape(len(cheb)**3, )

        u_fem_iter_noprec = FE3D[1]
        u_fem_iter_noprec = u_fem_iter_noprec.reshape(len(cheb)**3, )
Exemple #4
def FiniteElem3D(degree, dim, my_f):
    cheb = lf.chebyshev_nodes(degree + 1)  #Lista nodi chebichev

    n = degree + 1  # Dim poly space

    q, w = leggauss(n)  # Gauss between -1 and 1
    q = (q + 1) / 2  # to go back to 0,1
    w = w / 2

    lag_bas = []
    lag_bas_deriv = []

    #lagrangian base per i punti chebichev
    for i in range(len(cheb)):
        lag_bas.append(lf.lagrange_basis(cheb, i))
        lag_bas_deriv.append(lf.lagrange_basis_derivatives(cheb, i))

    Vq = zeros((n, len(q)))
    Vpq = zeros((n, len(q)))

    #Le righe di Vq sono le funzioni di base calcolate sui punti di quadratura
    for i in range(n):
        Vq[i] = lag_bas[i](q)
        Vpq[i] = lag_bas_deriv[i](q)

    # -------------------------------------------------

    latticeq_points = array([[[[qx, qy, qz] for qz in q] for qy in q]
                             for qx in q])
    latticeq_points = latticeq_points.reshape(len(q) * len(q) * len(q), dim)

    lpoint_x = array(
        [latticeq_points[i, 0] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])
    lpoint_y = array(
        [latticeq_points[i, 1] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])
    lpoint_z = array(
        [latticeq_points[i, 2] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])

    # -------------------------------------------------
    print "Starting Matrix Free..."
    A1mf = einsum('jq, iq, q -> ji', Vpq, Vpq, w, optimize=True)
    M1mf = einsum('jq, iq, q -> ji', Vq, Vq, w, optimize=True)

    A = einsum('ii, jj, kk -> ijk', A1mf, M1mf, M1mf, optimize=True)
    A += einsum('ii, jj, kk -> ijk', M1mf, A1mf, M1mf, optimize=True)
    A += einsum('ii, jj, kk -> ijk', M1mf, M1mf, A1mf, optimize=True)

    M = einsum('ii, jj, kk -> ijk', M1mf, M1mf, M1mf, optimize=True)

    def matrix_free_lhs(u_fe):
        u_fe = u_fe.reshape((n, n, n))

        u_tmp = einsum('iq, qjl -> ijl', M1mf, u_fe, optimize=True)
        u_tmp = einsum('jq, iql -> ijl', M1mf, u_tmp, optimize=True)
        u = einsum('kq, ijq -> ijk', M1mf, u_tmp, optimize=True)

        u_tmp = einsum('iq, qjl -> ijl', A1mf, u_fe, optimize=True)
        u_tmp = einsum('jq, iql -> ijl', M1mf, u_tmp, optimize=True)
        u += einsum('kq, ijq -> ijk', M1mf, u_tmp, optimize=True)

        u_tmp = einsum('iq, qjl -> ijl', M1mf, u_fe, optimize=True)
        u_tmp = einsum('jq, iql -> ijl', A1mf, u_tmp, optimize=True)
        u += einsum('kq, ijq -> ijk', M1mf, u_tmp, optimize=True)

        u_tmp = einsum('iq, qjl -> ijl', M1mf, u_fe, optimize=True)
        u_tmp = einsum('jq, iql -> ijl', M1mf, u_tmp, optimize=True)
        u += einsum('kq, ijq -> ijk', A1mf, u_tmp, optimize=True)
        return u.reshape((n**3, ))

    MF = scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator((n**3, n**3),

    my_f = array(my_f(lpoint_x, lpoint_y, lpoint_z)).reshape(n, n, n)

    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', my_f, Vq, w, optimize=True)
    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', rhs, Vq, w, optimize=True)
    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', rhs, Vq, w, optimize=True)

    # -------------------------------------------------

    A = A.reshape(n**3, )
    M = M.reshape(n**3, )
    rhs = rhs.reshape(n**3)

    print "Iteractive Method without Preconditioner..."

    start = time.time()
    u_fe_iter_noprec =,
    end = time.time()
    time_iter_noprec = end - start

    u_fe_iter_noprec = array(u_fe_iter_noprec[0])

    # ---------- Iterative Conjugate Gradient with Prec ----------
    print "Iteractive Method with Preconditioner..."

    start = time.time()
    #invP = diag(1./diag(M))
    invP = diag(1. / (A + M))
    u_fe_iter_prec =,
    end = time.time()

    time_iter_prec = end - start

    u_fe_iter_prec = array(u_fe_iter_prec[0])

    # -------------------------------------------------

    Vcheb = zeros((n, len(cheb)))

    for j in range(degree + 1):
        Vcheb[j] = lag_bas[j](cheb)

    C = einsum('is, jk, nm -> skmijn', Vcheb, Vcheb, Vcheb, optimize=True)

    #sol_dir = einsum('skmijn, ijn', C, u_fe_dir.reshape((n, n, n)), optimize=True)
    sol_iter_prec = einsum('skmijn, ijn',
                           u_fe_iter_prec.reshape((n, n, n)),
    sol_iter_noprec = einsum('skmijn, ijn',
                             u_fe_iter_noprec.reshape((n, n, n)),

    return sol_iter_prec.reshape(n, n, n), sol_iter_noprec.reshape(n, n, n)
Exemple #5
def FiniteElem3D(degree, dim, my_f):
    cheb = lf.chebyshev_nodes(degree+1) #Lista nodi chebichev

    n = degree + 1 # Dim poly space

    q,w = leggauss(n) # Gauss between -1 and 1
    q = (q+1)/2 # to go back to 0,1
    w = w/2


    #lagrangian base per i punti chebichev
    for i in range(len(cheb)):

    Vq = zeros((n, len(q)))
    Vpq = zeros((n, len(q)))

    #Le righe di Vq sono le funzioni di base calcolate sui punti di quadratura
    for i in range(n):
        Vq[i] = lag_bas[i](q)
        Vpq[i] = lag_bas_deriv[i](q)

    # -------------------------------------------------

    latticeq_points = array([[[[qx,qy,qz] for qz in q] for qy in q ] for qx in q])
    latticeq_points = latticeq_points.reshape(len(q)*len(q)*len(q),dim)

    lpoint_x = array([latticeq_points[i,0] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])
    lpoint_y = array([latticeq_points[i,1] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])
    lpoint_z = array([latticeq_points[i,2] for i in range(len(latticeq_points))])

    # -------------------------------------------------
    print "Starting einsum A and M..."
    Atmp = einsum('jq, iq, q -> ji', Vpq, Vpq, w, optimize=True)
    Mtmp = einsum('jq, iq, q -> ji', Vq, Vq, w, optimize=True)

    A = einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Atmp, Mtmp, Mtmp, optimize=True)
    A += einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Mtmp, Atmp, Mtmp, optimize=True)
    A += einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Mtmp, Mtmp, Atmp, optimize=True)

    M = einsum('il, jm, kn -> ijklmn', Mtmp, Mtmp, Mtmp, optimize=True)

    # -------------------------------------------------
    print "Starting einsum rhs..."
    my_f = array(my_f(lpoint_x,lpoint_y,lpoint_z)).reshape(n,n,n)

    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', my_f, Vq, w, optimize=True)
    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', rhs, Vq, w, optimize=True)
    rhs = einsum('ijk, li, i -> jkl', rhs, Vq, w, optimize=True)

    # -------------------------------------------------

    A = A.reshape(n**3,n**3)
    M = M.reshape(n**3,n**3)
    rhs = rhs.reshape(n**3)
    #---------- Direct Method -------------------------
    print "Direct Method ..."

    start = time.time()
    u_fe_dir = linalg.solve( A + M, rhs)
    end = time.time()
    time_dir = end - start

    # ---------- Iterative Conjugate Gradient without Prec----------
    print "Iteractive Method without Preconditioner..."

    start = time.time()
    u_fe_iter_noprec = A + M, rhs, M = identity(len(A)), tol = 1e-10)
    end = time.time()
    time_iter_noprec = end - start

    u_fe_iter_noprec = array(u_fe_iter_noprec[0])

    # ---------- Iterative Conjugate Gradient with Prec ----------
    print "Iteractive Method with Preconditioner..."

    start = time.time()
    invP = diag(1./diag(A + M))
    u_fe_iter_prec = A + M, rhs, M = invP, tol = 1e-10)
    end = time.time()

    time_iter_prec = end - start

    u_fe_iter_prec = array(u_fe_iter_prec[0])

    # -------------------------------------------------

    Vcheb = zeros((n, len(cheb)))

    for j in range(degree + 1):
        Vcheb[j] = lag_bas[j](cheb)

    C = einsum('is, jk, nm -> skmijn', Vcheb, Vcheb, Vcheb, optimize=True)

    sol_dir = einsum('skmijn, ijn', C, u_fe_dir.reshape((n, n, n)), optimize=True)
    sol_iter_prec = einsum('skmijn, ijn', C, u_fe_iter_prec.reshape((n, n, n)), optimize=True)
    sol_iter_noprec = einsum('skmijn, ijn', C, u_fe_iter_noprec.reshape((n, n, n)), optimize=True)

    return sol_dir.reshape(n,n,n), sol_iter_prec.reshape(n,n,n), sol_iter_noprec.reshape(n,n,n)