def __init__(self,
        Initialise a continuous-wave signal simulator.

        @param gps_t0: start time of signal, in GPS seconds
        @param T: total duration of signal, in seconds
        @param wf: function which computes signal phase and amplitudes as functions of time:
            @b dphi, @b aplus, @b across = @b wf(dt), where:
                @b dt = time since reference time @b gps_tref_wf;
                @b dphi = phase of signal at time @b dt relative to reference time @b gps_tref_wf, in radians;
                @b aplus = strain amplitude of plus polarisation at time @b dt;
                @b across = strain amplitude of cross polarisation at time @b dt
        @param gps_tref_wf: reference time for signal phase, in GPS seconds
        @param dt_wf: sampling time of the function @c wf; this need only be small enough to ensure
            that @c dphi, @c aplus, and @c across are smoothly interpolated, and does not need to make
            the desired sampling frequency of the output strain time series
        @param phi_0: initial phase of the gravitational-wave signal at @b gps_t0, in radians
        @param psi: polarisation angle of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param alpha: right ascension of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param delta: declination  of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param det_name: name of the gravitational-wave detector to simulate a response for;
            e.g. @c "H1" for LIGO Hanford, @c "L1" for LIGO Livingston, @c "V1" for Virgo

        @param earth_ephem_file: name of file to load Earth ephemeris from
        @param sun_ephem_file: name of file to load Sun ephemeris from

        # store arguments
        self.__gps_t0 = gps_t0
        self.__T = T

        # parse detector name
            _, self.__det_index = lalpulsar.GetCWDetectorPrefix(det_name)
            assert (self.__det_index >= 0)
            raise ValueError("Invalid detector name det_name='%s'" % det_name)

        # load Earth and Sun ephemerides
        self.__ephemerides = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earth_ephem_file,

        # start signal time series 'T_pad_wf' before/after output strain time series
        # to add sufficient padding for maximum Doppler modulation time shifts, otherwise
        # lalpulsar.PulsarSimulateCoherentGW() will output zeros without complaint (unless
        # you run with LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL=warning)
        T_pad_wf = 2.0 * lal.AU_SI / lal.C_SI
        gps_t0_wf = gps_t0 - T_pad_wf
        N_wf = int(math.ceil(float(T + 2 * T_pad_wf) / float(dt_wf)))

        # create REAL8TimeSeries to store signal phase
        self.__phi = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("phi", gps_t0_wf, 0, dt_wf,
                                               lal.DimensionlessUnit, N_wf)

        # create REAL4TimeVectorSeries to store signal amplitudes
        # - LAL provides no creator function for this type, so must be done manually
        self.__a = lal.REAL4TimeVectorSeries() = "a+,ax"
        self.__a.epoch = gps_t0_wf
        self.__a.deltaT = dt_wf
        self.__a.f0 = 0
        self.__a.sampleUnits = lal.StrainUnit = lal.CreateREAL4VectorSequence(N_wf, 2)

        # call wf() to fill time series of signal phase and amplitudes
        dt = float(gps_t0_wf - gps_tref_wf)
        for i in xrange(0, N_wf):
            dphi, aplus, across = wf(dt)
  [i] = phi_0 + dphi
  [i][0] = aplus
  [i][1] = across
            dt += dt_wf

        # create and initialise PulsarCoherentGW struct
        self.__waveform = lalpulsar.PulsarCoherentGW()
        self.__waveform.position.system = lal.COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL
        self.__waveform.position.longitude = alpha
        self.__waveform.position.latitude = delta
        self.__waveform.psi = psi
        self.__waveform.phi = self.__phi
        self.__waveform.a = self.__a

        # create and initialise PulsarDetectorResponse struct
        self.__detector = lalpulsar.PulsarDetectorResponse() = lal.CachedDetectors[self.__det_index]
        self.__detector.ephemerides = self.__ephemerides
assert (( == 3 * c16dat).all())
c16 = c16dat
retn, c16 = lal.swig_lal_test_copyinout_COMPLEX16Vector(c16)
assert (retn)
assert ((c16 == 3 * c16dat).all())
del c16
del c16out
del c16dat
r4dat = numpy.array([[1.2, 2.3, 3.4], [4.5, 5.6, 6.7]], dtype=numpy.float32)
r8dat = numpy.array([[3.4, 4.5], [5.6, 6.7], [7.8, 8.9]], dtype=numpy.float64)
c8dat = numpy.array(numpy.vectorize(complex)(r4dat, 8 + r4dat),
c16dat = numpy.array(numpy.vectorize(complex)(r8dat, 16 + r8dat),
r4 = lal.CreateREAL4VectorSequence(r4dat.shape[0], r4dat.shape[1]) = r4dat
r4out = lal.CreateREAL4VectorSequence(r4dat.shape[0], r4dat.shape[1]) = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(r4dat), dtype=r4dat.dtype)
assert (lal.swig_lal_test_viewin_REAL4VectorSequence(r4out, r4))
assert (( == = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(r4dat), dtype=r4dat.dtype)
assert (lal.swig_lal_test_viewin_REAL4VectorSequence(r4out, r4dat))
assert (( == r4dat).all()) = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(r4dat), dtype=r4dat.dtype)
assert (lal.swig_lal_test_viewinout_REAL4VectorSequence(r4out, r4))
assert ((2 * == = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(r4dat), dtype=r4dat.dtype)
assert (lal.swig_lal_test_viewinout_REAL4VectorSequence(r4out, r4dat))
assert ((2 * == r4dat).all()) = r4dat
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, tref, tstart, Tdata, waveform, dt_wf, phi0, psi, alpha, delta, det_name,
                 earth_ephem_file="earth00-40-DE405.dat.gz", sun_ephem_file="sun00-40-DE405.dat.gz", tref_at_det=False, extra_comment=None):
        Initialise a continuous-wave signal simulator.

        @param tref: reference time of signal phase at Solar System barycentre, in GPS seconds
            (but see @b tref_at_det)
        @param tstart: start time of signal, in GPS seconds
        @param Tdata: total duration of signal, in seconds
        @param waveform: function which computes signal phase and amplitudes as functions of time:
            @b dphi, @b aplus, @b across = @b waveform(dt), where:
                @b dt = time since reference time @b tref;
                @b dphi = phase of signal at time @b dt relative to reference time @b tref, in radians;
                @b aplus = strain amplitude of plus polarisation at time @b dt;
                @b across = strain amplitude of cross polarisation at time @b dt
        @param dt_wf: sampling time of the function @c waveform; this need only be small enough to ensure
            that @c dphi, @c aplus, and @c across are smoothly interpolated, and does not need to make
            the desired sampling frequency of the output strain time series
        @param phi0: initial phase of the gravitational-wave signal at @b tstart, in radians
        @param psi: polarisation angle of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param alpha: right ascension of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param delta: declination  of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param det_name: name of the gravitational-wave detector to simulate a response for;
            e.g. @c "H1" for LIGO Hanford, @c "L1" for LIGO Livingston, @c "V1" for Virgo
        @param earth_ephem_file: name of file to load Earth ephemeris from
        @param sun_ephem_file: name of file to load Sun ephemeris from
        @param tref_at_det: default False; if True, shift reference time @b tref so that @b dt = 0 is
            @b tref in @e detector frame instead of Solar System barycentre frame, useful if e.g. one
            wants to turn on signal only for @b dt > 0, one can use @b tref as the turn-on time
        @param extra_comment: additional text to add to comment string in frame/SFT headers
               (not filenames), e.g. for wrapper script commandlines

        self.__origin_str = "Generated by %s, %s-%s (%s)" % (__file__,, git_version.status,
        if extra_comment:
            self.__origin_str += ", "+extra_comment

        # store arguments
        self.__tstart = tstart
        self.__Tdata = Tdata

        # parse detector name
            _, self.__site_index = lalpulsar.FindCWDetector(det_name, True)
            assert(self.__site_index >= 0)
            raise ValueError("Invalid detector name det_name='%s'" % det_name)
        self.__site = lal.CachedDetectors[self.__site_index]

        # load Earth and Sun ephemerides
        self.__ephemerides = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earth_ephem_file, sun_ephem_file)

        if tref_at_det:

            # calculate barycentric delay at reference time
            bary_state = lalpulsar.EarthState()
            bary_input = lalpulsar.BarycenterInput()
            bary_emit = lalpulsar.EmissionTime()
            bary_input.tgps = tref
   = self.__site
            for i in range(0, 3):
      [i] /= lal.C_SI
            bary_input.alpha = alpha
   = delta
            bary_input.dInv = 0.0
            lalpulsar.BarycenterEarth(bary_state, bary_input.tgps, self.__ephemerides)
            lalpulsar.Barycenter(bary_emit, bary_input, bary_state)

            # adjust reference time so that dt = 0 is tref in detector frame
            tref += bary_emit.deltaT

        # start signal time series 'Tpad_wf' before/after output strain time series
        # add sufficient padding to signal for maximum Doppler modulation time shifts, otherwise
        # lalpulsar.PulsarSimulateCoherentGW() will output zeros without complaint (unless
        # you run with LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL=warning)
        Tpad_wf = 2.0 * lal.AU_SI / lal.C_SI
        tstart_wf = tstart - Tpad_wf
        Nwf = int(math.ceil(float(Tdata + 2*Tpad_wf) / float(dt_wf)))

        # create REAL8TimeSeries to store signal phase
        self.__phi = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("phi", tstart_wf, 0, dt_wf, lal.DimensionlessUnit, Nwf)

        # create REAL4TimeVectorSeries to store signal amplitudes
        # - LAL provides no creator function for this type, so must be done manually
        self.__a = lal.REAL4TimeVectorSeries() = "a+,ax"
        self.__a.epoch = tstart_wf
        self.__a.deltaT = dt_wf
        self.__a.f0 = 0
        self.__a.sampleUnits = lal.StrainUnit = lal.CreateREAL4VectorSequence(Nwf, 2)

        # call waveform() to fill time series of signal phase and amplitudes
        dt = float(tstart_wf - tref)
        for i in range(0, Nwf):
            dphi, aplus, across = waveform(dt)
  [i] = phi0 + dphi
  [i][0] = aplus
  [i][1] = across
            dt += dt_wf

        # create and initialise PulsarCoherentGW struct
        self.__wf = lalpulsar.PulsarCoherentGW()
        self.__wf.position.system = lal.COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL
        self.__wf.position.longitude = alpha
        self.__wf.position.latitude = delta
        self.__wf.psi = psi
        self.__wf.phi = self.__phi
        self.__wf.a = self.__a

        # create and initialise PulsarDetectorResponse struct
        self.__detector = lalpulsar.PulsarDetectorResponse() = self.__site
        self.__detector.ephemerides = self.__ephemerides