def extract_ovl_vconfigs(rank_frames,
    returns a dictionary mapping active vconfigs to segments
    does NOT include "none" channel
    vconfigs = []
    for rnkfr in rank_frames:
        trained, calib = idq.extract_timeseries_ranges(rnkfr)
        classifier = idq.extract_fap_name(rnkfr)

        vetolist = glob.glob("%s/%d_%d/ovl/ovl/*vetolist.eval" %
                             (traindir, trained[0], trained[1]))
        if len(vetolist) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "trouble finding a single vetolist file for : %s" % rnkfr)
        vetolist = vetolist[0]
        v = event.loadstringtable(vetolist)

        rankmap = {0: [(None, None, None, None, 0, 0)]}

        for line in v:
            metric_exp = float(line[ovl.vD['metric_exp']])
            if metric == 'eff/dt':
                rnk = ovl.effbydt_to_rank(metric_exp)
            elif metric == 'vsig':
                rnk = ovl.vsig_to_rank(metric_exp)
            elif metric == 'useP':
                rnk = ovl.useP_to_rank(metric_exp)
                raise ValueError("metric=%s not understood" % metric)
            if rankmap.has_key(rnk):
                    (line[ovl.vD['vchan']], float(line[ovl.vD['vthr']]),
                     float(line[ovl.vD['vwin']]), metric, metric_exp, rnk))
                rankmap[rnk] = [
                    (line[ovl.vD['vchan']], float(line[ovl.vD['vthr']]),
                     float(line[ovl.vD['vwin']]), metric, metric_exp, rnk)

        for key, value in rankmap.items():
            rankmap[key] = tuple(value)

        t, ts = idq.combine_gwf([rnkfr], [channame])
        t = t[0]
        truth = (start <= t) * (t <= end)
        t = t[truth]
        ts = ts[0][truth]
        if not len(ts):

        configs = rankmap[ts[0]]
        segStart = t[0]
        for T, TS in zip(t, ts):
            if rankmap[TS] != configs:
                vconfigs.append((configs, [segStart, T]))
                segStart = T
                configs = rankmap[TS]
        vconfigs.append((configs, [segStart, T + t[1] - t[0]]))

    configs = {}
    for vconfig, seg in vconfigs:
        if configs.has_key(vconfig):
            configs[vconfig] = [seg]
    for key, value in configs.items():
        value = event.andsegments([event.fixsegments(value), [[start, end]]])
        if event.livetime(value):
            configs[key] = event.fixsegments(value)
            raise ValueError(
                "somehow picked up a config with zero livetime...")

    return vconfigs, configs, {
        "vchan": 0,
        "vthr": 1,
        "vwin": 2,
        "metric": 3,
        "metric_exp": 4,
        "rank": 5
### extract trained, calib ranges and associate them with segments
trainD = defaultdict(list)
calibD = defaultdict(list)
for fap in faps:
    seg = idq.extract_start_stop(fap, suffix=".gwf")
    trained, calib = idq.extract_timeseries_ranges(fap)

if opts.ignore_science_segments:
    dq_name = config.get('get_science_segments', 'include')

### fix segments, extract info
jsonD = {}
for (calib_start, calib_end), segs in calibD.items():
    segs = event.fixsegments(segs)
    thisD = {'used': segs}

    ### extract livetime
    sciseg_files = glob.glob("%s/*_%d/science_segments*%s-*-*.xml.gz" %
                             (calibrationdir, calib_end, dq_name))
    if len(sciseg_files) > 1:
        raise ValueError("something odd with %s scisegs in : %s/*_%d/" %
                         (dq_name, calibrationdir, calib_end))
    elif sciseg_files:  ### len == 1
        thisD['%s livetime' % dq_name] = event.livetime(
            idq.extract_dq_segments(sciseg_files[0], dq_name)[0])
        segstart, segend = idq.extract_start_stop(sciseg_files[0],
        thisD['start'] = int(segstart)
        thisD['end'] = int(segend)
    print "gps : %.9f" % (gps)

    minwin = opts.window

    ### go find triggers
    if opts.verbose:
        print "\tdiscoverying KW triggers within [%.9f, %.9f]" % (gps - opts.window, gps + opts.window)

    ### figure out which files you want
    filenames = []
    coverage = []
    for gdsdir in kwgdsdirs:
        for filename in idq.get_all_files_in_range(gdsdir, gps - opts.window, gps + opts.window, pad=0, suffix=".trg"):
            seg = idq.extract_start_stop(filename, suffix=".trg")
            if not event.livetime(event.andsegments([coverage, [seg]])):
                coverage = event.fixsegments(coverage + [seg])

    ### figure out the extent of the coverage
    if len(event.include([[gps]], coverage, tcent=0)) == 0:
        if opts.force:
            if opts.verbose:
                print "no triggers found for gps : %.3f" % (gps)
            raise ValueError("no triggers found for gps : %.3f" % (gps))
    for s, e in coverage:
        if s < gps:
            if gps - s < minwin:
                minwin = gps - s
        elif e > gps:
Exemple #4
def extract_ovl_vconfigs( rank_frames, channame, traindir, start, end, metric='eff/dt' ):
    returns a dictionary mapping active vconfigs to segments
    does NOT include "none" channel
    vconfigs = []
    for rnkfr in rank_frames:
        trained, calib = idq.extract_timeseries_ranges( rnkfr )
        classifier = idq.extract_fap_name( rnkfr ) 

        vetolist = glob.glob( "%s/%d_%d/ovl/ovl/*vetolist.eval"%(traindir, trained[0], trained[1]) )        
        if len(vetolist) != 1:
            raise ValueError( "trouble finding a single vetolist file for : %s"%rnkfr )
        v = event.loadstringtable( vetolist )

        rankmap = { 0:[(None, None, None, None, 0, 0)] }

        for line in v:
            metric_exp = float(line[ovl.vD['metric_exp']])
            if metric == 'eff/dt':
                rnk = ovl.effbydt_to_rank( metric_exp )
            elif metric == 'vsig':
                rnk = ovl.vsig_to_rank( metric_exp )
            elif metric == 'useP': 
                rnk = ovl.useP_to_rank( metric_exp )
                raise ValueError("metric=%s not understood"%metric)
            if rankmap.has_key(rnk):
                rankmap[rnk].append( (line[ovl.vD['vchan']], float(line[ovl.vD['vthr']]), float(line[ovl.vD['vwin']]), metric, metric_exp, rnk ))
                rankmap[rnk] = [(line[ovl.vD['vchan']], float(line[ovl.vD['vthr']]), float(line[ovl.vD['vwin']]), metric, metric_exp, rnk )]

        for key, value in rankmap.items():
            rankmap[key] = tuple(value)

        t, ts = idq.combine_gwf( [rnkfr], [channame])
        t = t[0]
        truth = (start <= t)*(t <= end)
        t = t[truth]
        ts = ts[0][truth]
        if not len(ts):

        configs = rankmap[ts[0]]
        segStart = t[0]
        for T, TS in zip(t, ts):
            if rankmap[TS] != configs:
                vconfigs.append( (configs, [segStart, T] ) )
                segStart = T
                configs = rankmap[TS]
        vconfigs.append( (configs, [segStart, T+t[1]-t[0]] ) )

    configs = {}
    for vconfig, seg in vconfigs:
        if configs.has_key( vconfig ):
            configs[vconfig].append( seg )
            configs[vconfig] = [ seg ]
    for key, value in configs.items():
        value = event.andsegments( [event.fixsegments( value ), [[start,end]] ] )
        if event.livetime( value ):
            configs[key] = event.fixsegments( value )
            raise ValueError("somehow picked up a config with zero livetime...")

    return vconfigs, configs, {"vchan":0, "vthr":1, "vwin":2, "metric":3, "metric_exp":4, "rank":5}
trigger_dict = event.loadkwm(trig_files) 
if main_channel not in trigger_dict:
    trigger_dict[main_channel] = []

if opts.verbose:
	print "Done."	

if not trigger_dict:
	print "Warning: No triggers in the input files, exiting without doing anything."

if opts.dq_segments:
	# load dq segments
	(dq_segments, covered_segments) = idq.extract_dq_segments(open(opts.dq_segments, "r"), opts.dq_segments_name)
	# sort and merge segments
	dq_segments = event.fixsegments(dq_segments)
	dq_segments = None

# construct auxmvc feature vectors
auxmvc_vectors = idq.build_auxmvc_vectors(trigger_dict, main_channel, opts.time_window, opts.signif_threshold, opts.output_file,\
  gps_start_time=gps_start_time, gps_end_time=gps_end_time, channels=opts.channels, unsafe_channels=opts.unsafe_channels,\
  science_segments = dq_segments, clean_samples_rate=opts.clean_samples_rate, filter_out_unclean=opts.filter_out_unclean,\
  max_clean_samples = opts.max_clean_samples, max_glitch_samples = opts.max_glitch_samples)
#  gps_start_time=gps_start_time, gps_end_time=gps_end_time, channels=opts.channels, unsafe_channels=opts.unsafe_channels,\
#  science_segments = dq_segments, clean_samples_rate=opts.clean_samples_rate, filter_out_unclean=opts.filter_out_unclean,\
#  max_clean_samples = opts.max_clean_samples, max_glitch_samples = opts.max_glitch_samples)

clean_samples = auxmvc_vectors[numpy.nonzero(auxmvc_vectors['i']==0)[0],:]
glitch_samples = auxmvc_vectors[numpy.nonzero(auxmvc_vectors['i']==1)[0],:]

### find time ranges of interest from patfile
if opts.verbose:
    print( "defining segments in which we need KW triggers" )
gps = idq.slim_load_datfiles(patfiles, columns=['GPS_s', 'GPS_ms'])
gps = np.array(gps['GPS_s'], dtype=float) + 1e-6*np.array(gps['GPS_ms'], dtype=float)

Ngps = len(gps)
if Ngps==0:
    raise ValueError, 'please supply at least one GPS time within : '+patfile

elif opts.verbose:
    print( "found %d times"%Ngps )

segs = event.fixsegments([[t-win, t+win] for t in gps]) ### the segments in which we need KW triggers


### look up KW trg files that intersect segs
if opts.verbose:
    print( "finding relevant kw_trgfiles" )
kw_trgfiles = []
### iterate over different configurations used in training
for kwconf, dirname in eval(config.get('general', 'kw')).items(): ### this is kinda ugly...
    if opts.verbose:
        print( "  searching for KW trgfiles corresponding to %s in %s within [%.3f, %.3f]"%(kwconf, dirname, segs[0][0], segs[-1][1]) )

    ### iterate over all trg files found in that directory
    for trgfile in idq.get_all_files_in_range(dirname, segs[0][0], segs[-1][1], pad=0, suffix='.trg'):
        ### check whether there is some overlap 
Exemple #7
    print "gps : %.9f"%(gps)

    minwin = opts.window

    ### go find triggers
    if opts.verbose:
        print "\tdiscoverying KW triggers within [%.9f, %.9f]"%(gps-opts.window, gps+opts.window)

    ### figure out which files you want
    filenames = []
    coverage = []
    for gdsdir in kwgdsdirs:
        for filename in idq.get_all_files_in_range(gdsdir, gps-opts.window, gps+opts.window, pad=0, suffix=".trg"):
            seg = idq.extract_start_stop(filename, suffix=".trg")
            if not event.livetime(event.andsegments([coverage, [seg]])):
                coverage = event.fixsegments( coverage + [seg] )
                filenames.append( filename )

    ### figure out the extent of the coverage
    if len(event.include([[gps]], coverage, tcent=0)) == 0:
        if opts.force:
            if opts.verbose:
                print "no triggers found for gps : %.3f"%(gps)
            raise ValueError("no triggers found for gps : %.3f"%(gps))
    for s, e in coverage:
        if s < gps:
            if gps-s < minwin:
                minwin = gps-s
        elif e > gps:
### extract trained, calib ranges and associate them with segments
trainD = defaultdict( list )
calibD = defaultdict( list )
for fap in faps:
    seg = idq.extract_start_stop( fap, suffix=".gwf" )
    trained, calib = idq.extract_timeseries_ranges( fap )
    trainD[tuple(trained)].append( seg )
    calibD[tuple(calib)].append( seg )

if opts.ignore_science_segments:
    dq_name = config.get('get_science_segments', 'include')

### fix segments, extract info
jsonD = {}
for (calib_start, calib_end), segs in calibD.items():
    segs = event.fixsegments( segs )
    thisD = {'used':segs}

    ### extract livetime
    sciseg_files = glob.glob("%s/*_%d/science_segments*%s-*-*.xml.gz"%(calibrationdir, calib_end, dq_name))
    if len(sciseg_files) > 1:
        raise ValueError("something odd with %s scisegs in : %s/*_%d/"%(dq_name, calibrationdir, calib_end))
    elif sciseg_files: ### len == 1
        thisD['%s livetime'%dq_name] = event.livetime( idq.extract_dq_segments( sciseg_files[0], dq_name)[0] )
        segstart, segend = idq.extract_start_stop( sciseg_files[0], suffix='.xml.gz')
        thisD['start'] = int(segstart)
        thisD['end'] = int(segend)
        thisD['%s livetime'%dq_name] = None
        thisD['start'] = None
        thisD['end'] = None
Exemple #9

if opts.verbose:
    print "found %d pat files" % len(patfiles)

if opts.dq_segments:
    # load dq segments
    if opts.verbose:
        print "reading segments from %s" % opts.dq_segments

    (dq_segments, covered_segments) = \
        idq.extract_dq_segments(open(opts.dq_segments, 'r'),

    # sort and merge segments
    dq_segments = event.fixsegments(dq_segments)

    ### filter patfiles by scisegs, keep only those events with non-zero overlap with science time
    patfiles = [
        pat for pat in patfiles if event.livetime(
                [dq_segments, [idq.extract_start_stop(pat, suffix=".pat")]]))

    if opts.verbose:
        print "%d patfiles remain after taking overlap with segments" % len(

if len(patfiles) == 0:
    print 'No *.pat files found in the gps range ' \
        + str(gps_start_time) + ' - ' + str(gps_end_time)
Exemple #10
### find time ranges of interest from patfile
if opts.verbose:
    print("defining segments in which we need KW triggers")
gps = idq.slim_load_datfiles(patfiles, columns=['GPS_s', 'GPS_ms'])
gps = np.array(gps['GPS_s'],
               dtype=float) + 1e-6 * np.array(gps['GPS_ms'], dtype=float)

Ngps = len(gps)
if Ngps == 0:
    raise ValueError, 'please supply at least one GPS time within : ' + patfile

elif opts.verbose:
    print("found %d times" % Ngps)

segs = event.fixsegments([[t - win, t + win] for t in gps
                          ])  ### the segments in which we need KW triggers


### look up KW trg files that intersect segs
if opts.verbose:
    print("finding relevant kw_trgfiles")
kw_trgfiles = []
### iterate over different configurations used in training
for kwconf, dirname in eval(config.get(
        'general', 'kw')).items():  ### this is kinda ugly...
    if opts.verbose:
            "  searching for KW trgfiles corresponding to %s in %s within [%.3f, %.3f]"
            % (kwconf, dirname, segs[0][0], segs[-1][1]))