Exemple #1
def write(tsdict, outfile, start=None, end=None,
          name='gwpy', run=0):
    """Write data to a GWF file using the LALFrame API
    if not start:
        start = list(tsdict.values())[0].xspan[0]
    if not end:
        end = list(tsdict.values())[0].xspan[1]
    duration = end - start

    # get ifos list
    detectors = 0
    for series in tsdict.values():
            idx = list(lalutils.LAL_DETECTORS.keys()).index(series.channel.ifo)
            detectors |= 1 << 2*idx
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):

    # create new frame
    frame = lalframe.FrameNew(start, duration, name, run, 0, detectors)

    for series in tsdict.values():
        # convert to LAL
        lalseries = series.to_lal()

        # find adder
        add_ = lalutils.find_typed_function(
            series.dtype, 'FrameAdd', 'TimeSeriesProcData', module=lalframe)

        # add time series to frame
        add_(frame, lalseries)

    # write frame
    lalframe.FrameWrite(frame, outfile)
Exemple #2
def write(tsdict, outfile, start=None, end=None, name='gwpy', run=0):
    """Write data to a GWF file using the LALFrame API
    if not start:
        start = tsdict.values()[0].xspan[0]
    if not end:
        end = tsdict.values()[0].xspan[1]
    duration = end - start

    # get ifos list
    detectors = 0
    for series in tsdict.values():
            idx = list(lalutils.LAL_DETECTORS.keys()).index(series.channel.ifo)
            detectors |= 2**idx
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):

    # create new frame
    frame = lalframe.FrameNew(start, duration, name, run, 0, detectors)

    for series in tsdict.values():
        # convert to LAL
        lalseries = series.to_lal()

        # find adder
        laltype = lalutils.LAL_TYPE_FROM_NUMPY[series.dtype.type]
        typestr = lalutils.LAL_TYPE_STR[laltype]
        add_ = getattr(lalframe, 'FrameAdd%sTimeSeriesProcData' % typestr)

        # add time series to frame
        add_(frame, lalseries)

    # write frame
    lalframe.FrameWrite(frame, outfile)
Exemple #3
def write_frame(location, channels, timeseries):
    """Write a list of time series to a single frame file.

    location : string
        A frame filename.  
    channels : string or list of strings
        Either a string that contains the channel name or a list of channel
        name strings.
    timeseries: TimeSeries
        A TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries, corresponding to the data to be
        written to the frame file for a given channel. 
    # check if a single channel or a list of channels
    if type(channels) is list and type(timeseries) is list:
        channels = channels
        timeseries = timeseries
        channels = [channels]
        timeseries = [timeseries]

    # check that timeseries have the same start and end time
    gps_start_times = {series.start_time for series in timeseries}
    gps_end_times = {series.end_time for series in timeseries}
    if len(gps_start_times) != 1 or len(gps_end_times) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Start and end times of TimeSeries must be identical.")

    # check that start, end time, and duration are integers
    gps_start_time = gps_start_times.pop()
    gps_end_time = gps_end_times.pop()
    duration = int(gps_end_time - gps_start_time)
    if gps_start_time % 1 or gps_end_time % 1:
        raise ValueError("Start and end times of TimeSeries must be integer seconds.")

    # create frame
    frame = lalframe.FrameNew(epoch=gps_start_time, duration=duration,
                              project='', run=1, frnum=1,

    for i,tseries in enumerate(timeseries):
        # get data type
        for seriestype in _fr_type_map.keys():
            if _fr_type_map[seriestype][1] == tseries.dtype:
                create_series_func = _fr_type_map[seriestype][2]
                create_sequence_func = _fr_type_map[seriestype][4]
                add_series_func = _fr_type_map[seriestype][5]

        # add time series to frame
        series = create_series_func(channels[i], tseries.start_time,
                       0, tseries.delta_t, lal.ADCCountUnit,
        series.data = create_sequence_func(len(tseries.numpy()))
        series.data.data = tseries.numpy()
        add_series_func(frame, series)

    # write frame
    lalframe.FrameWrite(frame, location)
Exemple #4
def write(
        tsdict, outfile,
        start=None, end=None,
        name='gwpy', run=0,
    """Write data to a GWF file using the LALFrame API
    if not start:
        start = list(tsdict.values())[0].xspan[0]
    if not end:
        end = list(tsdict.values())[0].xspan[1]
    duration = end - start

    # get ifos list
    detectors = 0
    _detidx = list(lalutils.LAL_DETECTORS.keys())
    for series in tsdict.values():
        ifo = getattr(series.channel, "ifo", None)
            idx = _detidx.index(ifo)
        except ValueError:  # don't worry about mismatched detectors
            detectors |= 1 << 2 * idx

    # create new frame
    frame = lalframe.FrameNew(start, duration, name, run, 0, detectors)

    for series in tsdict.values():
        # get type
        ctype = (
                type or
                getattr(series.channel, "_ctype", "proc") or

        # convert to LAL
        lalseries = series.to_lal()

        # find adder
        add_ = lalutils.find_typed_function(

        # add time series to frame
        add_(frame, lalseries)

    # write frame
    lalframe.FrameWrite(frame, outfile)
    def write_frame_files(self, fs, T_frame, comment, out_dir="."):
        Write frame files [1] containing strain time series of a continuous-wave signal.

        The strain time series is written as double-precision post-processed data (ProcData) channel named
        where <tt>&lt;detector&gt;</tt> is the 2-character detector prefix (e.g. <tt>H1</tt> for LIGO Hanford,
        <tt>L1</tt> for LIGO Livingston, <tt>V1</tt> for Virgo).

        @param fs: sampling frequency of strain time series, in Hz
        @param T_frame: length of each frame, in seconds; should divide evenly into @b T
        @param comment: frame file name comment, may only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, +, # characters

        @param out_dir: output directory to write frame files into

        @return (@b file, @b i, @b N), where:
            @b file = name of frame file just written;
            @b i = frame file index, starting from zero;
            @b N = number of frame files

        This is a Python generator function and so should be called as follows:
        S = CWSimulator(...)
        for t, h, i, N in S.write_frame_files(...):

        [1] https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T970130/public

            import lalframe
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("SWIG wrappings of LALFrame cannot be imported")

        # check for valid frame filename comment (see LIGO-T010150)
        valid_comment = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_+#]+$')
        if not valid_comment.match(comment):
            raise ValueError(
                "Frame file comment='%s' may only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, +, # characters"
                % comment)

        # generate strain time series in blocks of length 'T_frame'
        frame_h = None
        for t, h, i, N in self.get_strain_blocks(fs, T_frame):

            # create and initialise REAL8TimeSeries to write to frame files
            if frame_h is None:
                frame_h_channel = '%s:SIMCW-STRAIN' % lal.CachedDetectors[
                frame_h = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries(frame_h_channel, t, 0,
                                                    1.0 / fs,
            frame_h.epoch = t
            frame_h.data.data = h

            # create standard frame file name (see LIGO-T010150)
            frame_src = lal.CachedDetectors[
            frame_desc = 'simCW_%s' % comment
            frame_t0 = int(t.gpsSeconds)
            frame_T = int(math.ceil(float(t + T_frame)) - math.floor(float(t)))
            frame_name = '%s-%s-%u-%u.gwf' % (frame_src, frame_desc, frame_t0,
            frame_path = os.path.join(out_dir, frame_name)

            # create frame
            frame_det_bits = 2 * self.__det_index
            frame = lalframe.FrameNew(t, T_frame, "simCW", -1, i,

            # add strain time series to frame
            lalframe.FrameAddREAL8TimeSeriesProcData(frame, frame_h)

            # add history
            lalframe.FrameAddFrHistory(frame, "origin", self.__origin_str)

            # write frame
            lalframe.FrameWrite(frame, frame_path)

            # yield current file name for e.g. printing progress
            yield frame_path, i, N