def test_plugin_run_with_None(self): """ The plugin's run() method fills in the _cpu_usage_points with accumulated samples after each C{monitor.step_size} period. Holes in the data (in case of error the method returns None) are handled gracefully, and are filled with averaged data. """ plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) self.monitor.add(plugin) def fake_get_cpu_usage(self): return 1.0 def fake_get_cpu_usage_none(self): return None plugin._get_cpu_usage = fake_get_cpu_usage self.reactor.advance(self.monitor.step_size) plugin._get_cpu_usage = fake_get_cpu_usage_none self.reactor.advance(self.monitor.step_size) self.assertNotEqual([], plugin._cpu_usage_points) self.assertEqual([(300, 1.0)], plugin._cpu_usage_points) # If we record values once again the "blank" period will be smoothed # over with the new points. plugin._get_cpu_usage = fake_get_cpu_usage self.reactor.advance(self.monitor.step_size) self.assertEqual([(300, 1.0), (600, 1.0), (900, 1.0)], plugin._cpu_usage_points)
def test_get_cpu_usage_file_unreadable(self): """ When the file is unreadable or somehow creates an IOError (like when it doesn't exist), the method returns None. """ self.log_helper.ignore_errors("Could not open.*") thefile = "/tmp/whatever/I/do/not/exist" plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) self.monitor.add(plugin) result = plugin._get_cpu_usage(stat_file=thefile) self.assertIs(None, result)
def test_plugin_run(self): """ The plugin's run() method fills in the _cpu_usage_points with accumulated samples after each C{monitor.step_size} period. """ plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) self.monitor.add(plugin) def fake_get_cpu_usage(self): return 1.0 plugin._get_cpu_usage = fake_get_cpu_usage self.reactor.advance(self.monitor.step_size * 2) self.assertNotEqual([], plugin._cpu_usage_points) self.assertEqual([(300, 1.0), (600, 1.0)], plugin._cpu_usage_points)
def test_get_cpu_usage_multiline_files(self): """ The C{_get_cpu_usage} method parses multiline stat files correctly. """ contents1 = "cpu 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0\nsome garbage" thefile = self._write_stat_file(contents1) plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) self.monitor.add(plugin) result = plugin._get_cpu_usage(stat_file=thefile) # The first run will return None since we don't have a previous measure # yet. self.assertIs(None, result) result = plugin._get_cpu_usage(stat_file=thefile) self.assertIs(None, result)
def test_get_cpu_usage_file_not_changed(self): """ When the stat file did not change between calls, the C{_get_cpu_usage} method returns None. """ contents1 = "cpu 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0" thefile = self._write_stat_file(contents1) plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) self.monitor.add(plugin) result = plugin._get_cpu_usage(stat_file=thefile) # The first run will return None since we don't have a previous measure # yet. self.assertIs(None, result) result = plugin._get_cpu_usage(stat_file=thefile) self.assertIs(None, result)
def test_exchange_messages(self): """ The CPU usage plugin queues message when is called. """ self.mstore.set_accepted_types(["cpu-usage"]) plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) plugin._cpu_usage_points = [(60, 1.0)] self.monitor.add(plugin) self.assertMessages(self.mstore.get_pending_messages(), [{ "type": "cpu-usage", "cpu-usages": [(60, 1.0)] }])
def test_get_cpu_usage_0_percent_usage(self): """ When two consecutive calls to C{_get_cpu_usage} show a CPU usage of 0% (all the changes are in the idle column) the method returns 0. """ contents1 = "cpu 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0" contents2 = "cpu 100 100 100 200 100 100 100 0 0 0" thefile = self._write_stat_file(contents1) thefile2 = self._write_stat_file(contents2) plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) self.monitor.add(plugin) result = plugin._get_cpu_usage(stat_file=thefile) # The first run will return None since we don't have a previous measure # yet. self.assertIs(None, result) result = plugin._get_cpu_usage(stat_file=thefile2) self.assertEqual(result, 0)
def test_get_cpu_usage_after_reboot(self): """ When the computer just rebooted, we might have a case where the previous values are larger that the current values (since the kernel counts quantums allocated since boot). In this case, the method should return None. """ contents1 = "cpu 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0" measure1 = (700, 100) measure2 = (900, 10) thefile = self._write_stat_file(contents1) plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) self.monitor.add(plugin) plugin._persist.set(LAST_MESURE_KEY, measure2) result = plugin._get_cpu_usage(stat_file=thefile) self.assertIs(None, result) self.assertEqual(measure1, plugin._persist.get(LAST_MESURE_KEY))
def test_never_exchange_empty_messages(self): """ The plugin will create a message with an empty C{cpu-usages} list when no previous data is available. If an empty message is created during exchange, it should not be queued. """ self.mstore.set_accepted_types(["cpu-usage"]) plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) self.monitor.add(plugin) self.assertEqual(len(self.mstore.get_pending_messages()), 0)
def test_no_message_if_not_accepted(self): """ Don't add any messages at all if the broker isn't currently accepting their type. """ interval = 30 plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time, interval=interval) self.monitor.add(plugin) self.reactor.advance(self.monitor.step_size * 2) self.mstore.set_accepted_types(["cpu-usage"]) self.assertMessages(list(self.mstore.get_pending_messages()), [])
def test_create_message(self): """ Calling create_message returns an expected message. """ plugin = CPUUsage(create_time=self.reactor.time) self.monitor.add(plugin) plugin._cpu_usage_points = [] message = plugin.create_message() self.assertIn("type", message) self.assertEqual(message["type"], "cpu-usage") self.assertIn("cpu-usages", message) cpu_usages = message["cpu-usages"] self.assertEqual(len(cpu_usages), 0) point = (60, 1.0) plugin._cpu_usage_points = [point] message = plugin.create_message() self.assertIn("type", message) self.assertEqual(message["type"], "cpu-usage") self.assertIn("cpu-usages", message) cpu_usages = message["cpu-usages"] self.assertEqual(len(cpu_usages), 1) self.assertEqual(point, cpu_usages[0])