def connect_track_break(origin_states):
	    [s0, s1, s2] = origin_states
	    ### all go si -> s0
	    ### first s0
	    a1 = action(.1, [1], [s0]) ### stay
	    ### second s1
	    a1 = action(.1, [1], [s0]) ### descelerate
	    ### third s2: possible actions, descelerate, stay
	    a1 = action(.1, [1], [s0]) ### descelerate
	    origin_states = [s0, s1, s2]
	    return (origin_states, None)
Exemple #2
 def connect_track_break(origin_states):
     [s0, s1, s2] = origin_states
     ### all go si -> s0
     ### first s0
     a1 = action(.1, [1], [s0])  ### stay
     ### second s1
     a1 = action(.1, [1], [s0])  ### descelerate
     ### third s2: possible actions, descelerate, stay
     a1 = action(.1, [1], [s0])  ### descelerate
     origin_states = [s0, s1, s2]
     return (origin_states, None)
Exemple #3
 def connect_track_double(origin_states, target_states):
     [s0, s1, s2] = origin_states
     [t0, t1, t2] = target_states
     ### first s0: possible actions, stay or accelerate
     ### there are no possible actions
     ### second s1: possible actions, descelerate, stay, or accelerate
     ### there are no possible actions
     ### third s2: possible actions, descelerate, stay
     a1 = action(1, [1], [t1])  ### descelerate
     a2 = action(1, [1], [t2])  ### stay
     origin_states = [s0, s1, s2]
     target_states = [t0, t1, t2]
     return (origin_states, target_states)
	def connect_track_double(origin_states, target_states):
	    [s0, s1, s2] = origin_states
	    [t0, t1, t2] = target_states
	    ### first s0: possible actions, stay or accelerate
	    ### there are no possible actions
	    ### second s1: possible actions, descelerate, stay, or accelerate
	    ### there are no possible actions
	    ### third s2: possible actions, descelerate, stay
	    a1 = action(1, [1], [t1]) ### descelerate
	    a2 = action(1, [1], [t2]) ### stay
	    origin_states = [s0, s1, s2]
	    target_states = [t0, t1, t2]
	    return (origin_states, target_states)
Exemple #5
 def connect_track(origin_states, target_states):
     [s0, s1, s2] = origin_states
     [t0, t1, t2] = target_states
     ### first s0: possible actions, stay or accelerate
     a1 = action(1, [1], [s0])  ### stay
     a2 = action(1, [1], [t1])  ### accelerate
     ### second s1: possible actions, descelerate, stay, or accelerate
     a1 = action(1, [1], [t0])  ### descelerate
     a2 = action(1, [1], [t1])  ### stay
     a3 = action(1, [1], [t2])  ### accelerate
     ### third s2: possible actions, descelerate, stay
     a1 = action(1, [1], [t1])  ### descelerate
     origin_states = [s0, s1, s2]
     target_states = [t0, t1, t2]
     return (origin_states, target_states)
	def connect_track(origin_states, target_states):
	    [s0, s1, s2] = origin_states
	    [t0, t1, t2] = target_states
	    ### first s0: possible actions, stay or accelerate
	    a1 = action(1, [1], [s0]) ### stay
	    a2 = action(1, [1], [t1]) ### accelerate
	    ### second s1: possible actions, descelerate, stay, or accelerate
	    a1 = action(1, [1], [t0]) ### descelerate
	    a2 = action(1, [1], [t1]) ### stay
	    a3 = action(1, [1], [t2]) ### accelerate
	    ### third s2: possible actions, descelerate, stay
	    a1 = action(1, [1], [t1]) ### descelerate
	    origin_states = [s0, s1, s2]
	    target_states = [t0, t1, t2]
	    return (origin_states, target_states)
Exemple #7
def extract_track(filename, manhattan_heuristic):
	f = open(filename)

	line = f.readline()
	track = []

	while line != "":
	    line = f.readline()
	    split_line = []
	    for x in line:
		    if x != "\n":
	    if len(split_line) != 0:

	width = len(track[0])
	length = len(track)
	index_to_states = dict([])
	states_to_indexes = dict([])

	goal_indexes = []

	start_state = None

	class Grid:
		def __init__(self):
			self.grid_to_states = dict([])
			self.states_to_grid = dict([])

		def add_state(self, position_velocity, st):
			self.grid_to_states[position_velocity] = st
			self.states_to_grid[st] = position_velocity

		### direction is a vector 		
		def get_state(self, position, velocity):
			### returns the state in position (x_p, y_p) with velocity
			### returns none if no such state
			position_velocity = tuple(list(position) + list(velocity))
			if position_velocity in self.grid_to_states:						
				return self.grid_to_states[position_velocity]
				return None
		### returns the parameters of the given state
		### i.e. position (x_p, y_p) and velocity 		
		def get_state_parameters(self, st):
			return self.states_to_grid[st]
		def get_next_position(self, initial_position, velocity):
			new_x = initial_position[0] + velocity[0]
			new_y = initial_position[1] + velocity[1]
			return (new_x, new_y)

		### assumes a well formed state was given?
		def get_next_state(self, st, accel):
			max_speed = 2	
			grid_vals = self.get_state_parameters(st)
			position = (grid_vals[0], grid_vals[1])
			velocity = (grid_vals[2], grid_vals[3])
			x_vel_new = min(max(-max_speed,velocity[0]+accel[0]),max_speed)
			y_vel_new = min(max(-max_speed,velocity[1]+accel[1]),max_speed)		
			new_velocity = (x_vel_new , y_vel_new)
			new_position = self.get_next_position(position, velocity)
			successor = self.get_state(new_position, new_velocity)
			return successor

		### gets the last free position in the direction 
		### the state is looking at. This means, the place of colision. 
		### returns position
		def get_last_free(self, st):						
			grid_vals = self.get_state_parameters(st)
			position = (grid_vals[0], grid_vals[1])
			velocity = (grid_vals[2], grid_vals[3])
			### needs to be velocity normalized
			next_position = self.get_next_position(position, velocity)
			old_position = position			
			### while the next position is part of the grid			
			while next_position + (0,0) in self.grid_to_states:
				old_position = next_position
				next_position = self.get_next_position(next_position, velocity)
			return old_position

	grid = Grid()

	for i in range(width*length):
	    l_index = i/width
	    w_index = i - l_index*width
	    if track[l_index][w_index] != 'x':
		position_states = []
		for j in range(-2, 3): ### change this for parameters given, instead of hard coded
			for k in range(-2, 3):
				s = state()
				position_velocity = (w_index, l_index, j, k)
				grid.add_state(position_velocity, s)

		index_to_states[i] = position_states
		for st in position_states:
			states_to_indexes[st] = i
		if track[l_index][w_index] == "s":
		    start_state = position_states[0]
		if track[l_index][w_index] == "g":
		    for st in position_states:
	for x in range(width):
		for y in range(length):
			for dx in range(-2,3):
				for dy in range(-2,3):
					position = (x,y)
					velocity = (dx, dy)
					st = grid.get_state(position, velocity)

					### the state isn't a border or similar
					if st != None:
						for a1 in range(-1, 2):
							for a2 in range(-1, 2):
								accel = (a1, a2)
								successor = grid.get_next_state(st, accel)
								### the successor is well formed
								if successor != None:
									a = action(1, [1], [successor])
									### connect the states now
								### the next state is a border	
									coll_pos = grid.get_last_free(st)
									coll_state = grid.get_state(coll_pos, (0,0))
									### connect the states now
									a = action(1, [1], [coll_state])

	### object that converts the states of the track and their relations
	### into a string to output in the GUI
	class trackDisplay():
	    def __init__(self, Width, Length, Index_to_states):
		  self.print_board = [["x" for i in range(Width)] for j in range(Length)]
		  self.index_to_states = Index_to_states

	    def update(self, newstate):
		for index in self.index_to_states:
		    char = ' ' 
		    if newstate in self.index_to_states[index]:
		        char = '0'
		    self.print_board[(index/width)][index-index/width*width] = char

	    def getdisplay(self):
		toPrint = ""
		for row in self.print_board:
		    line = ""
		    for char in row:
		        line += char
		    toPrint+= line + "\n"
		return toPrint

	    def printdisplay(self):
		print self.getdisplay()

	t = trackDisplay(width, length, index_to_states)


	states = []
	for states_pack in index_to_states.values():
	    for st in states_pack:
	def get_distance_goal(index, goal_i, Width):
	    l_index = index/Width
	    w_index = index - l_index*Width
	    result = float("inf")
	    for goal_index in goal_i:
		gl_index = goal_index/Width
		gw_index = goal_index - gl_index*Width
		distance = math.fabs(gl_index-l_index) + math.fabs(gw_index-w_index)
	    	if distance < result:
			result = distance
	    return result		

	### set up the manhattan heuristic
	if manhattan_heuristic:
		for index in index_to_states:
			states_pack = index_to_states[index]
			distance = get_distance_goal(index, goal_indexes, width)
			for st in states_pack:
				st.h = distance		
		for index in index_to_states:
			states_pack = index_to_states[index]
			for st in states_pack:
				st.h = 0	
	return (states, start_state, t)
Exemple #8
for index in index_to_states:
    if index - width >= 0:
        ### if square above is in track
        if index - width in index_to_states:    
            upper_states = index_to_states[index-width]
            origin_states = index_to_states[index]                    
            r = connect_track(origin_states, upper_states)
            #index_to_states[index] = r[0]
            #index_to_states[index-width] = r[1]
        ### if square above is not in track
            ### it colided with wall, put speed zero
            a = action(1,[1], [index_to_states[index][0]])
            ############################################################################################## missing shit

    if index + width < width*length:
        ### if square below is in track
        if index+width in index_to_states:
            lower_states = index_to_states[index+width]
            origin_states = index_to_states[index]                    
            r = connect_track(origin_states, lower_states)
            #index_to_states[index] = r[0]
            #index_to_states[index-width] = r[1]

        ### if square above is not in track
            ### it colided with wall, put speed zero
            a = action(1,[1], [index_to_states[index][0]])