Exemple #1
def draw_lane_polygon(img):
    offset_from_lane_edge = 20
    color = Lane.COLORS['region_stable']

    if not Lane.lines_exist(): return img

    # Polygon points
    p1 = [Lane.left_line.x1, Lane.left_line.y1]
    p2 = [
        Lane.left_line.get_x_coord(Lane.left_line.y2 + offset_from_lane_edge),
        Lane.left_line.y2 + offset_from_lane_edge
    p3 = [
        Lane.right_line.get_x_coord(Lane.left_line.y2 + offset_from_lane_edge),
        Lane.right_line.y2 + offset_from_lane_edge
    p4 = [Lane.right_line.x1, Lane.right_line.y1]

    polygon_points = np.array([p1, p2, p3, p4], np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2))

    if not Lane.left_line.stable or not Lane.right_line.stable:
        color = Lane.COLORS['region_unstable']

    poly_img = np.zeros_like(img)
    cv2.fillPoly(poly_img, [polygon_points], color)
    return weighted_img(img, poly_img)
Exemple #2
def draw_dashboard(img, snapshot1, snapshot2):
    # TODO: refactor this
    if not Lane.lines_exist():
        return img
    cv2.CV_FILLED = -1
    image_copy = deepcopy(img)
    cv2.rectangle(image_copy, (0, 0), (540, 175), (0, 0, 0), cv2.CV_FILLED)
    img = weighted_img(image_copy, img, α=0.3, β=0.7)
    img[20:155, 20:260, :] = snapshot1
    img[20:155, 280:520, :] = snapshot2
    return img
Exemple #3
def update_lane(segments, image):
    if segments is not None:
        left = [
            segment for segment in segments if segment.lane_line == 'left_line'
        right = [
            segment for segment in segments
            if segment.lane_line == 'right_line'
        if not Lane.lines_exist():
            Lane.left_line = Lane(left)
            Lane.right_line = Lane(right)
        Lane.update_vanishing_point(Lane.left_line, Lane.right_line)
        Lane.left_line.update_lane_line([l for l in left if l.candidate],
        Lane.right_line.update_lane_line([r for r in right if r.candidate],
Exemple #4
def image_pipeline(image):
    Main image pipeline with 3 phases:
    * Raw image preprocessing and noise filtering;
    * Lane lines state update with the information gathered in preprocessing phase;
    * Drawing updated lane lines and other objects on image.

    ### Phase 1: Image Preprocessing

    hsv_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)

    binary_mask = get_lane_lines_mask(hsv_image, [WHITE_LINES, YELLOW_LINES])

    masked_image = draw_binary_mask(binary_mask, hsv_image)

    masked_image = gaussian_blur(masked_image, 7)

    blank_image = np.zeros_like(image)

    edges_mask = canny(masked_image, 280, 360)

    if not Lane.lines_exist():
        edges_mask = region_of_interest(edges_mask, ROI_VERTICES)

    edges_image = draw_canny_edges(edges_mask, blank_image)

    segments = hough_line_transform(edges_mask, 1, math.pi / 180, 5, 5, 8)

    ### Stage 2: Lane lines state update

    # was (segments, image)
    update_lane(segments, edges_image)

    ### Stage 3: Drawing

    # Snapshot 1
    out_snap1 = np.zeros_like(image)
    out_snap1 = draw_binary_mask(binary_mask, out_snap1)
    # plt.imshow(out_snap1)
    # plt.show()
    out_snap1 = draw_filtered_lines(segments, out_snap1)
    snapshot1 = cv2.resize(deepcopy(out_snap1), (240, 135))

    # plt.imshow(out_snap1)
    # plt.imshow(snapshot1)
    # plt.show()

    # Snapshot 2
    out_snap2 = np.zeros_like(image)
    out_snap2 = draw_canny_edges(edges_mask, out_snap2)
    # plt.imshow(out_snap2)
    # plt.show()
    out_snap2 = draw_points(Lane.left_line.points, out_snap2,
    out_snap2 = draw_points(Lane.right_line.points, out_snap2,
    out_snap2 = draw_lane_polygon(out_snap2)
    snapshot2 = cv2.resize(deepcopy(out_snap2), (240, 135))

    # plt.imshow(snapshot2)
    # plt.show()

    # Augmented image
    output = deepcopy(image)
    output = draw_lane_lines([Lane.left_line, Lane.right_line],
    output = draw_dashboard(output, snapshot1, snapshot2)
    return output