Exemple #1
 def lanelet_crosses_line(self, path_lanelet):
     # check if the midline of a lanelet crosses a road marking
     for lanelet in self.lanelet_map.laneletLayer:
         if path_lanelet != lanelet and self.traffic_rules.canPass(lanelet):
             left_virtual = ('type' in lanelet.leftBound.attributes
                             and lanelet.leftBound.attributes['type']
                             == 'virtual')
             right_virtual = ('type' in lanelet.rightBound.attributes
                              and lanelet.rightBound.attributes['type']
                              == 'virtual')
             path_centerline = geometry.to2D(path_lanelet.centerline)
             right_bound = geometry.to2D(lanelet.rightBound)
             left_bound = geometry.to2D(lanelet.leftBound)
             left_intersects = (not left_virtual and geometry.intersects2d(
                 path_centerline, left_bound))
             right_intersects = (not right_virtual
                                 and geometry.intersects2d(
                                     path_centerline, right_bound))
             if path_lanelet != lanelet:
                 if left_intersects:
                     intersection_point = LaneletHelpers.intersection_point(
                         path_centerline, left_bound)
                     return lanelet, intersection_point
                 elif right_intersects:
                     intersection_point = LaneletHelpers.intersection_point(
                         path_centerline, right_bound)
                     return lanelet, intersection_point
         return None, None
def part1primitives():
    # Primitives work very similar to c++, except that the data can be accessed as properties instead of functions
    p = Point3d(getId(), 0, 0, 0)
    assert p.x == 0
    p.id = getId()
    p.attributes["key"] = "value"
    assert "key" in p.attributes
    assert p.attributes["key"] == "v"

    # the 2d/3d mechanics work too
    p2d = geometry.to2D(p)

    # all (common) geometry calculations are available as well:
    p2 = Point3d(getId(), 1, 0, 0)
    assert lanelet2.geometry.distance(p, p2) == 1
    assert lanelet2.geometry.distance(p2d, Point2d(getId(), 1, 0, 1)) == 1

    # linestrings work conceptually similar to a list (but they only accept points, of course)
    ls = LineString3d(getId(), [p, p2])
    assert ls[0] == p
    assert ls[-1] == p2
    assert p in ls
    for pt in ls:
        assert pt.y == 0

    ls_inv = ls.invert()
    assert ls_inv[0] == p2
    ls.append(Point3d(getId(), 2, 0, 0))
    del ls[2]
Exemple #3
 def heading_at(lanelet, point):
     centerline = geometry.to2D(lanelet.centerline)
     proj_point = geometry.project(centerline, point)
     dist_along = LaneletHelpers.dist_along(lanelet, proj_point)
     epsilon = 1e-4
     if geometry.length2d(lanelet) - dist_along > epsilon:
         # get a point after current point
         next_point = geometry.interpolatedPointAtDistance(
             centerline, dist_along + epsilon)
         x1 = next_point.y - proj_point.y
         x2 = next_point.x - proj_point.x
         lane_heading = np.arctan2(x1, x2)
         # get a point before current point
         prev_point = geometry.interpolatedPointAtDistance(
             centerline, dist_along - epsilon)
         x1 = proj_point.y - prev_point.y
         x2 = proj_point.x - prev_point.x
         lane_heading = np.arctan2(x1, x2)
     return lane_heading
Exemple #4
 def test_intersects_l2l(self):
         intersects2d(to2D(getLineString()), to2D(getLineString())))
Exemple #5
 def test_intersection_l2l(self):
     point_list = intersection(to2D(getLineString()), to2D(getLineString()))
     self.assertEqual(point_list[0].x, 0.0)
     self.assertEqual(point_list[0].y, 0.0)
Exemple #6
 def test_bounding_box_line(self):
     bbox = boundingBox2d(to2D(getLineString()))
     self.assertEqual(bbox.min.x, 0)
Exemple #7
 def dist_from_center(point, lanelet):
     return geometry.toArcCoordinates(geometry.to2D(lanelet.centerline),
Exemple #8
 def dist_along(lanelet, point):
     centerline = geometry.to2D(lanelet.centerline)
     return geometry.toArcCoordinates(centerline, point).length
 def vehicle_point_in_lanelet(self):
     point = project(to2D(self.lanelet.centerline), self.p2d)
     return BasicPoint3d(point.x, point.y)
Exemple #10
 def point_in_lanelet(self, lanelet, p2d):
     point = project(to2D(lanelet.centerline), p2d)
     return BasicPoint3d(point.x, point.y)