def _render_pre(self): from langkit.compile_context import get_context return '{}\n{}'.format( self.unit_expr.render_pre(), render('properties/null_safety_check_ada', expr=self.unit_expr, result_var=self.prefix_var) if not get_context().no_property_checks else '')
def _render_pre(self): # Before accessing the field of a record through an access, we must # check whether this access is null in order to raise a # Property_Error in the case it is. return '{}\n{}'.format( render('properties/null_safety_check_ada', expr=self.receiver_expr, result_var=self.prefix_var), '\n'.join(arg.render_pre() for arg in self.arguments) )
def _render_pre(self): from langkit.compile_context import get_context # Before accessing the field of a record through an access, we must # check whether this access is null in order to raise a # Property_Error in the case it is. return '{}\n{}'.format( render('properties/null_safety_check_ada', expr=self.receiver_expr, result_var=self.prefix_var) if not get_context().no_property_checks else '', '\n'.join(arg.render_pre() for arg in self.arguments) )
def _render_pre(self): return render('properties/quantifier_ada', quantifier=self, ALL=Quantifier.ALL, ANY=Quantifier.ANY, Name=names.Name)
def _render_pre(self): return render('properties/map_ada', map=self, Name=names.Name)
def _render_pre(self): return render('properties/then_ada', then=self)
def _render_pre(self): return render('properties/if_ada', expr=self)
def _render_pre(self) -> str: return render("properties/find_ada", find=self)
def _render_pre(self): return render('properties/domain_ada', expr=self, sloc_info_arg=sloc_info_arg(self.abstract_expr.location))
def _render_pre(self): # Before actually downcasting an access to an AST node, add a type # check so that we raise a Property_Error if it's wrong. return render('properties/type_safety_check_ada', expr=self)
def _render_pre(self): return (super(New.NodeExpr, self)._render_pre() + render('properties/new_astnode_ada', expr=self))
def _render_pre(self): return render( 'properties/quantifier_ada', quantifier=self, ALL=Quantifier.ALL, ANY=Quantifier.ANY, Name=names.Name )