Exemple #1
class NltkToolsStemmer(LemmatizerWrapper):
    Wraps the NltkTools stemmer. It currently uses WordnetLemmatizer,
    which is English only.

    @warning This is the original implementation as used in our English
             Wikipedia parser. No effort has been made to clean up the
             code, or to fix the hardwired indexing, etc. The data must
             be already POS tagged, and the POS field must be the last one.
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.nt = NltkTools(stem=True)

    def lemmatize(self, tokens):
        # HACK
        for sen_i, sen in enumerate(tokens):
            stemmed = self.nt.stem(((tok[0], tok[-1]) for tok in sen))
            hard_stemmed = self.nt.stem(
                (((tok[0][0].lower() + tok[0][1:] if tok[0][0].isupper()
                   and tok[0][1:].islower() else tok[0]), tok[-1])
                 for tok in sen))
            for tok_i, (tok_stemmed, tok_hard_stemmed) in enumerate(
                    zip(stemmed, hard_stemmed)):
Exemple #2
class NltkToolsStemmer(LemmatizerWrapper):
    Wraps the NltkTools stemmer. It currently uses WordnetLemmatizer,
    which is English only.

    @warning This is the original implementation as used in our English
             Wikipedia parser. No effort has been made to clean up the
             code, or to fix the hardwired indexing, etc. The data must
             be already POS tagged, and the POS field must be the last one.
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.nt = NltkTools(stem=True)

    def lemmatize(self, tokens):
        # HACK
        for sen_i, sen in enumerate(tokens):
            stemmed = self.nt.stem(((tok[0], tok[-1]) for tok in sen))
            hard_stemmed = self.nt.stem((((tok[0][0].lower() + tok[0][1:] if tok[0][0].isupper() and tok[0][1:].islower() else tok[0]), tok[-1]) for tok in sen))
            for tok_i, (tok_stemmed, tok_hard_stemmed) in enumerate(zip(stemmed, hard_stemmed)):
Exemple #3
pageSep = "%%#PAGE"
actPage = None
starter = False
for line in sys.stdin:
    l = line.strip().decode("utf-8")
    if l.startswith(pageSep):
        if actPage is not None:
        actPage = l.split(" ", 1)[1]
        starter = True
        print l.encode("utf-8").replace(" ", "\t", 1)
        print "%%#Field\tTitle"
        titleTokens = nt.word_tokenize(actPage)
        titleTokensWithPos = list(nt.pos_tag(titleTokens))
        stemmedTitleTokens = nt.stem(titleTokensWithPos)
        hardStemmedTitleTokens = list(nt.stem(((x[0][0].lower() + x[0][1:] if x[0][0].isupper() and x[0][1:].islower() else x[0]), x[1]) for x in titleTokensWithPos))
        for i, (tok, pos, stem) in enumerate(stemmedTitleTokens):
            print u"{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}".format(tok, "word", "0", pos, stem, hardStemmedTitleTokens[i][2]).encode("utf-8")
    elif starter and l.startswith("Templates:"):
            templates = l.split("\t", 1)[1]
            print u"%%#Templates\t{0}".format(templates).encode("utf-8")
        except IndexError:
    elif starter and l.startswith("REDIRECT"):
        print "%%#Redirect"
        if starter:
            print "%%#Field\tBody"