Exemple #1
 def plotkk(self):
     Make a quick-n-dirty plot of the output of the KK transform.
     if not HASPLOT: return
     _newplot(self.energy, self.f2, _larch=self._larch, label='$f_2$', xlabel='Energy (eV)', ylabel='scattering factors',
              show_legend=True, legend_loc='lr')
     _plot(self.energy, self.fpp, _larch=self._larch, label="$f''(E)$")
     _plot(self.energy, self.f1,  _larch=self._larch, label='$f_1$')
     _plot(self.energy, self.fp,  _larch=self._larch, label="$f'(E)$")
Exemple #2
 def plotkk(self):
     Make a quick-n-dirty plot of the output of the KK transform.
     if not HASPLOT: return
     _newplot(self.energy, self.f2, _larch=self._larch, label='$f_2$', xlabel='Energy (eV)', ylabel='scattering factors',
              show_legend=True, legend_loc='lr')
     _plot(self.energy, self.fpp, _larch=self._larch, label="$f''(E)$")
     _plot(self.energy, self.f1,  _larch=self._larch, label='$f_1$')
     _plot(self.energy, self.fp,  _larch=self._larch, label="$f'(E)$")
Exemple #3
    def compare(self, nnnn=1, part='feff', use_wrapper=False, _larch=None):
        Compare a feffNNNN.dat file from the testrun with the same file
        from the baseline calculation

            group.compare(N, part, use_wrapper)

        where N is the path index, part is one of
            feff    :      test the magnitude AND phase of F_eff (default)
            amp     :      test the total amplitude of the path
            phase   :      test the total phase of the path
            lam     :      test the mean free path
            caps    :      test the central atom phase shift
            red_fact:      test the reduction factor
            rep     :      test the real part of the complex wavenumber

        and use_wrapper is True if the test is to use the python interface to
        the feffpath library or False if the test is to use the feffrunner and
        the Feff executables.  (Currently, only feffrunner is working...)

        Sets self.rfactor (and self.rfactor_2).

        if self._larch is None:
            raise Warning("cannot do path comparison -- larch broken?")

        if not self.feffran:
            print_error("You have not yet run the test Feff calculation")

        if not self.available(nnnn):
            print_error("Path %d was not saved from the test Feff calculation" % nnnn)

        how     = 'wrapper' if use_wrapper else 'executables'
        nnnndat = "feff%4.4d.dat" % nnnn

        blpath = feffpath(join(self.baseline, nnnndat), _larch=self._larch)
        if use_wrapper: # make the feffNNNN.dat file on the fly
            self.sp.phase_file = join(self.testrun, 'phase.pad')
            owd = getcwd()
            n3nndat = "feff%4.4d.dat" % nnnn
            trpath = feffpath(join(self.testrun,  n3nndat), _larch=self._larch)
        else:                   # the feffNNNN.dat file was made by the monolithic feff run
            trpath = feffpath(join(self.testrun,  nnnndat), _larch=self._larch)

        if part=='feff':
            baseline_1 = getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'mag_feff') # + np.random.uniform(0,1,size=1)
            testrun_1  = getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'mag_feff')
            baseline_2 = np.sin(getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'pha_feff')) # + np.random.uniform(0,1,size=1)
            testrun_2  = np.sin(getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'pha_feff'))
            ylabel     = 'magnitude and phase'
            label      = 'magnitude'
        elif part=='amp':
            baseline_1 = getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'amp')
            testrun_1  = getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'amp')
            ylabel     = 'total amplitude'
            label      = 'amplitude'
        elif part=='phase':
            baseline_1 = np.sin(getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'pha'))
            testrun_1  = np.sin(getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'pha'))
            ylabel     = 'total phase shift'
            label      = 'phase'
        elif part=='lam':
            baseline_1 = getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'lam')
            testrun_1  = getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'lam')
            ylabel     = 'mean free path'
            label      = 'lambda'
        elif part=='phc':
            baseline_1 = getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'real_phc')
            testrun_1  = getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'real_phc')
            ylabel     = 'central atom phase shift'
            label      = 'phc'
        elif part=='red_fact':
            baseline_1 = getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'red_fact')
            testrun_1  = getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'red_fact')
            ylabel     = 'reduction factor'
            label      = 'reduction factor'
        elif part=='rep':
            baseline_1 = getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'rep')
            testrun_1  = getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'rep')
            ylabel     = 'real part of p(k)'
            label      = 'Re[p(k)]'
            if self.verbose:
                print_error("Unknown choice of parts \"%s\"\nmust be one of (feff|amp|phase|lam|phc|red_fact|rep)\nusing feff" % part)
            part       = 'feff'
            baseline_1 = getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'mag_feff')
            testrun_1  = getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'mag_feff')
            baseline_2 = np.sin(getattr(blpath._feffdat, 'pha_feff'))
            testrun_2  = np.sin(getattr(trpath._feffdat, 'pha_feff'))
            ylabel     = 'magnitude and phase'
            label      = 'magnitude'

        self.rfactor_2 = 0
        self.rfactor = sum((baseline_1 - testrun_1)**2) / sum(baseline_1**2)
        if self.verbose:
            print_warn("\nComparing %s of %s (%s) (using %s)" % (label, nnnndat, "with SCF" if self.doscf else "without SCF", how))
            print_warn("%s:  %f v %f " % (blpath, sum(baseline_1**2) ,  sum(testrun_1**2)))

        if self.verbose:
            print label + " R-factor = " + test_text("%.9g" % self.rfactor, (self.rfactor < self.epsilon))
        if part=='feff':
            self.rfactor_2 = sum((baseline_2 - testrun_2)**2) / sum(baseline_2**2)
            if self.verbose:
                print(" -- ",self.epsilon, sum((baseline_2 - testrun_2)**2),  sum(baseline_2**2))
                print "phase R-factor = " + test_text("%.9g" % self.rfactor_2, self.rfactor_2 < self.epsilon)

        if self.verbose: print ""

        if self.doplot:
            _newplot(blpath._feffdat.k, baseline_1, _larch=self._larch, label=label+' of baseline',
                     xlabel='wavenumber $\AA^{-1}$', ylabel=ylabel, title=nnnndat, show_legend=True, legend_loc='best')
            _plot   (trpath._feffdat.k, testrun_1,  _larch=self._larch, label=label+' of test run')
            if part=='feff':
                _plot(blpath._feffdat.k, np.gradient(baseline_2), _larch=self._larch, label='grad(phase of baseline)')
                _plot(trpath._feffdat.k, np.gradient(testrun_2),  _larch=self._larch, label='grad(phase of test run)')

        if use_wrapper and WRAPPER_AVAILABLE:

        if part=='feff':
            return self.rfactor < self.epsilon and self.rfactor_2 < self.epsilon
            return self.rfactor < self.epsilon