Exemple #1
def test_find_nuclei():
    data = read_stack(home('stack.tif'))
    mask = find_nuclei(data[0][0], um_per_px=0.35)

    mask_ = read_stack(home('nuclei.tif'))

    assert (mask == mask_).all()
Exemple #2
def test_write_stack():
    data = read_stack(stack)

    saveto = tmp.next() + '.tif'

    # test compression
    for compress in (0, 1):
        save_stack(saveto, data, compress=compress)
        data_ = read_stack(saveto)

        assert hash_np(data) == hash_np(data_)

    # test data types
    for dtype in (np.bool, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.float32, np.float64):
        save_stack(saveto, data.astype(dtype))
        data_ = read_stack(saveto)
        if dtype == np.bool:
            assert data_.max() == 255
            assert data_.max() == data.astype(dtype).max()

        if dtype == np.bool:
            assert data_.dtype == np.uint8
        elif dtype == np.float64:
            assert data_.dtype == np.float32
            assert data_.dtype == dtype

        # test resolution
    # test LUTS, display_ranges

Exemple #3
def table_from_nuclei(row, index_names, source='aligned', nuclei='nuclei', channels=None,
                      features=default_features, nucleus_features=default_nucleus_features,
                      nuclei_dilation=None, data=None):
    """Build Cells DataFrame from Paths DataFrame, list of features, calibrated aligned data, and image with
    segmented nuclei.

    :param row: from Paths DataFrame, containing filenames in source and nuclei columns
    :param source: column with filename of data file, [channels, height, width]
    :param nuclei: column with filename of segmented nuclei, [height, width]
    :param channels: names of channels, used to name first column index level
    :param features: dict of functions accepting regionprops region as argument, key used to name
    second column index level
    :param nuclei_dilation: structuring element by which to dilate nuclei image before calling regionprops
    :param data: [channels, height, width] from which channel data is drawn, otherwise loaded from source
    # prefix to channel-specific features
    channels = ['channel' + str(i) for i in range(100)] if channels is None else channels

    # load nuclei file, data
    segmented = io.read_stack(config.paths.full(row[nuclei]))
    if data is None:
        data = io.read_stack(config.paths.full(row[source]))

    if nuclei_dilation is not None:
        segmented = skimage.morphology.dilation(segmented, nuclei_dilation)

    info = []

    for region in regionprops(segmented, intensity_image=segmented):
        info += [{k: v(region) for k, v in nucleus_features.items()}]

    df = pd.DataFrame(info, index=[list(x) for x in zip(*[list(row.name)] * len(info))])
    df['file'] = row[source]
    df['hash'] = [uuid.uuid4().hex for _ in range(df.shape[0])]

    df.columns = pd.MultiIndex(labels=zip(*[[0, i] for i in range(len(df.columns))]),
                               levels=[['all'], df.columns],
                               names=['channel', 'feature'])

    # add channel-specific features
    if data.ndim == 2:
        data = data[np.newaxis, :, :]

    for channel, image in zip(channels, data):
        channel_regions = regionprops(segmented, intensity_image=image)
        for name, fcn in features.items():
            df[channel, name] = [fcn(r) for r in channel_regions]

    df.index.names = index_names
    df = df.set_index(('all', 'label'), append=True)
    df.index.set_names('label', level=[('all', 'label')], inplace=True)

    return df
Exemple #4
def test_alpha_blend():
    tiles = ['tile_%d.tif' % i for i in range(4)]
    arr = [read_stack(home(t)) for t in tiles]
    translations = read_registered(home('tiles_registered.txt'))

    fused = alpha_blend(arr, translations, clip=False)
    fused_ = read_stack(home('fused.tif'))
    average_diff = np.abs(fused.astype(float) -
                          fused_.astype(float)).sum() / fused.size

    assert average_diff < 1.
Exemple #5
def test_find_cells():
    import skimage.morphology
    import lasagna.process

    data = read_stack(home('stack.tif'))
    nuclei_ = read_stack(home('nuclei.tif'))
    mask = read_stack(home('mask.tif'))

    cells = find_cells(nuclei_, mask)

    cells_ = read_stack(home('cells.tif'))

    assert (cells == cells_[-1]).all()
Exemple #6
def test_read_stack():
    data = read_stack(nuclei)
    assert hash_np(data) == -2955782303036816501

    data = read_stack(nuclei_compressed)
    assert hash_np(data) == -2955782303036816501

    data = read_stack(stack)
    assert data.shape == (3, 4, 511, 626)
    assert hash_np(data) == 4530181413177493733

    # test memory mapping, endian
    data_ = read_stack(stack, memmap=True)
    assert (data == data_).all()
Exemple #7
    def update_illumination(self):
        self.calibration = pd.DataFrame()
        channels = self.info['channels']
        for dye, files in self.files.items():
            data = np.array([io.read_stack(f) for f in files])
            for frame, channel in zip(np.median(data, axis=0), channels):
                # pandas doesn't like initializing with array-like
                self.calibration.loc[channel, dye] = 'x'
                self.calibration.loc[channel, dye] = frame

        self.calibration = self.calibration[sorted(self.calibration, key=lambda x: spectral_order.index(x))]
        self.calibration_med = self.calibration.applymap(lambda x: np.median(x))

        # subtract constant background
        # normalize to matching dye + channel
        self.calibration_norm = self.calibration_med.subtract(self.calibration_med['empty'], axis=0)
        for column in self.calibration_norm:
            if column != 'empty':
                self.calibration_norm[column] /= self.calibration_norm.loc[column, column]

        # compute individual and average illumination correction, save to file
        self.illumination = pd.Series()
        for dye in self.calibration.columns:
            if dye != 'empty':
                data = self.calibration.loc[dye, dye]
                data = data - self.calibration.loc[dye, 'empty']
                self.illumination[dye] = data / np.percentile(data.flatten(), 99)
                self.illumination[dye] = data / data.mean()
        self.illumination_mean = self.illumination.mean()

        # dump illumination stack
        stack = np.array([self.illumination_mean] + list(self.illumination))
        luts = [io.GRAY] + [spectral_luts[dye] for dye in self.calibration.columns if dye != 'empty']
        save_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path), 'illumination_correction_%s.tif' % self.name)
        io.save_hyperstack(save_name, 10000 * stack, luts=luts)
Exemple #8
def test_subimage():
    data = read_stack(stack)

    p = 10
    data_ = subimage(data, [10, 5, 15, 30], pad=p)
    assert (data_[..., 5:] == data[..., 0:25, :40]).all()

    assert (data_ == 0).sum() == 1500
Exemple #9
def test_offset():
    data = read_stack(stack)

    offsets = [1, -1, 4, 8]
    data_ = offset(data, offsets)

    assert data.shape == data_.shape
    assert data_[1, 0, 4, 8] == data[0, 1, 0, 0]
Exemple #10
def test_feature_table():
    features = {
        lambda region: region.area,
        lambda region: region.bbox,
        lambda region: np.median(region.intensity_image[region.intensity_image
                                                        > 0]),

    data = read_stack(stack)
    mask = read_stack(nuclei)

    df = feature_table(data[0][0], mask, features)

    df_ = pd.read_pickle(home('feature_table.pkl'))
    assert (df == df_).all().all()
Exemple #11
 def update_dead_pixels(self, null_pixels=10):
     """Pick a threshold so # of background pixels above threshold is about `null_pixels`.
     self.dead_pixels = io.read_stack(self.dead_pixels_file)
     sigma_factor = np.log(self.dead_pixels.size/null_pixels)
     self.dead_pixels_std = (self.dead_pixels[self.dead_pixels < self.dead_pixels.mean()]).std()
     # empirical adjustment
     self.dead_pixels_threshold = 2.5 * sigma_factor * self.dead_pixels_std + self.dead_pixels.mean()
     self.dead_pixels_pts = np.where(self.dead_pixels > self.dead_pixels_threshold)
Exemple #12
def test_nuclei():
    io.initialize_paths('20150717', subset='20X_hyb_and_washes/',
    master = io.DIR['stacks'][0]

    test_file = io.DIR['stacks'][3]
    data = io.read_stack(test_file, master=master, memmap=False)

    process.DOWNSAMPLE = 2
    n = process.get_nuclei(data[0, 0, :, :])

    return n
Exemple #13
def test_montage():
    data = read_stack(stack)
    data = data[..., :400, :500]

    n = 100

    arr = []
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(5):
            arr += [data[:, :, i * n:i * n + n, j * n:j * n + n]]

    assert (montage(arr, shape=(4, 5)) == data).all()
Exemple #14
def test_nuclei():
    master = io.DIR['stacks'][0]

    test_file = io.DIR['stacks'][3]
    data = io.read_stack(test_file, master=master, memmap=False)

    process.DOWNSAMPLE = 2
    n = process.get_nuclei(data[0, 0, :, :])

    return n
Exemple #15
def test_pile():
    data = read_stack(stack)

    arr = []
    for n in (30, 40, 50):
        arr += [data[..., :n, :n]]

    data_ = pile(arr)

    # same tiles in vertical stack
    assert ((data_[..., :30, :30] - data_[0, ..., :30, :30]) == 0).all()

    # number of padded entries
    assert (data_ == 0).sum() == 30000
Exemple #16
def test_build_feature_table():
    features = {
        'mean': lambda region: region.intensity_image[region.image].mean(),
        lambda region: np.median(region.intensity_image[region.image]),
        'max': lambda region: region.intensity_image[region.image].max()

    index = (('round', range(1,
                             4)), ('channel', ('DAPI', 'Cy3', 'A594', 'Cy5')))

    data = read_stack(stack)
    mask = read_stack(nuclei)

    df = build_feature_table(data, mask, features, index)
    df.index.name = 'cell'

    df = df.set_index(['round', 'channel'],

    df_ = pd.read_pickle(home('build_feature_table.pkl'))

    assert (df == df_).all().all()
Exemple #17
def test_nuclei_stitch(well=(('A2',),0)):
    io.initialize_paths('20150716', subset='stitched/',

    dict_20X = defaultdict(list)
    [dict_20X[io.get_well_site(f)].append(f) for f in io.DIR['stacks'] if '20X' in f]

    test_files = dict_20X[well]
    print '(well, site) found', dict_20X.keys()
    print 'from', well, 'loading', test_files
    data = {f: io.read_stack(f, memmap=False) for f in test_files}

    offsets = process.register_images(data.values())

    C = io.compose_stacks([io.offset_stack(d, offset)
                           for d, offset in zip(data.values(), offsets)])
    return data, offsets, C
Exemple #18
def test_nuclei_stitch(well=(('A2', ), 0)):

    dict_20X = defaultdict(list)
        dict_20X[io.get_well_site(f)].append(f) for f in io.DIR['stacks']
        if '20X' in f

    test_files = dict_20X[well]
    print '(well, site) found', dict_20X.keys()
    print 'from', well, 'loading', test_files
    data = {f: io.read_stack(f, memmap=False) for f in test_files}

    offsets = process.register_images(data.values())

    C = io.compose_stacks(
        [io.offset(d, offset) for d, offset in zip(data.values(), offsets)])
    return data, offsets, C
Exemple #19
 def update_background(self):
     self.background = np.median([io.read_stack(f) for f in self.files['empty']], axis=0)