Exemple #1
    if keys[pygame.
            K_SPACE]:  # This is an if so you can hold spacebar and move.
        if newLaser.fired == False:
            effect = pygame.mixer.Sound('laser.wav')
                          playerRocket.rect.y + playerRocket.height // 2)

    # Creates boundaries by moving in the opposite direction, at the same speed so the rocket can't move past these points
    if playerRocket.rect.y == 105:
    if playerRocket.rect.y == 555:


    #Detect if laser hits an asteroid
    if newLaser.fired:
        asteroid_collision_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(
            newLaser, all_asteroids, False)
        for asteroid in asteroid_collision_list:
            print("Asteroid Hit!")

            if asteroid.getSymbol() == correctElement[1]:
                print("Correct answer")
                score += 1
                #Generate new question
                correctElement = (random.choice(elementList))
                print(correctElement[0], correctElement[1])
                incorrectElement1 = (random.choice(elementList))
Exemple #2
class RocketShip(Player):
    def __init__(self, FPS, x, y, sprite, spriteLaser):
        Player.__init__(self, x, y, sprite)
        self.soundLaser = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join("sounds", "laser.ogg"))
        self.leftCTRL_UP = False
        # the player can only have 1 laser active, so one 1 is every created. 
        self.laser = Laser(self.x, self.y - self.spriteCentre.height / 2, spriteLaser)
        self.score = 0
        # player will start game alive
        self.alive = True
        self.lives = 2
        # every time a screen is cleared this will be incremented. 
        # this effects how many galaxians can dive at once and the time delay between galaxians launching.
        self.level = 0
        # wait 4 seconds to reinitialise the player or decide the game is over
        self.waitTime = FPS * 4
        # this timer is only decremented once the player is NOT alive
        self.waitTimer = self.waitTime
        self.spriteLife = pygame.image.load(os.path.join("images", "rocketShipLife.png")).convert_alpha()
        self.spriteLifeRect = self.spriteLife.get_rect()
    def move(self, gal, screenWidth):
        # updates the sprite and hit rectangle
        if self.alive:
            userInput = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            if userInput[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.alive:
                self.x -= 3
            if userInput[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.alive:
                self.x += 3
            if userInput[pygame.K_LCTRL] and self.leftCTRL_UP and not self.laser.active:
                self.laser.active = True
            # stop the player moving off the screen
            self.x = limits(self.x, 0, screenWidth, self.spriteCentre.width / 2)
            # prevents auto fire
            self.leftCTRL_UP = not userInput[pygame.K_LCTRL]
            # update the laser, regardless if it is active or not
            self.laser.move(self.x, gal)
            # game is not over, return false
            return False
            self.sprite = self.spriteBlank
            if self.laser.active:
                self.laser.move(self.x, gal)
                # just keep it out of sight for now
                self.laser.sprite = self.laser.spriteBlank
            state = States()
            # wait until all galaxians are back in formation before setting the player back up
            for f in range(len(gal)):
                if not gal[f].state == state.FORMATION:
                    # the players lives might be < 0, but return false until all galaxians are back in formation
                    return False
            if self.waitTimer > 0:
                self.waitTimer -= 1
            if self.waitTimer == 0:
                self.lives -= 1
                if self.lives >= 0:
                    self.alive = True
                    self.x = screenWidth / 2
                    self.laser.x = self.x
                    self.waitTimer = self.waitTime
                    self.sprite = self.spriteStart
                    self.laser.sprite = self.laser.spriteStart
                    # player still has lives
                    return False
                    # game over now!
                    return True

    def draw(self, window, screenHeight):
        Player.draw(self, window)
        for f in range(self.lives):
            window.blit(self.spriteLife, (10 + f * (self.spriteLifeRect.width + 5), 
                                            screenHeight - self.spriteLifeRect.height))