Exemple #1
def tap_uos_net(names, vmid, config):
    uos_type = names['uos_types'][vmid]
    board_name = names['board_name']

    vm_name = launch_cfg_lib.undline_name(uos_type).lower()
    if uos_type in ("CLEARLINUX", "ANDROID", "ALIOS"):
        if board_name in ("apl-mrb", "apl-up2"):
            print('if [ ! -f "/data/{}/{}.img" ]; then'.format(
                vm_name, vm_name),
            print('  echo "no /data/{}/{}.img, exit"'.format(vm_name, vm_name),
            print("  exit", file=config)
            print("fi", file=config)
            print("", file=config)
        print("#vm-name used to generate uos-mac address", file=config)
        print("mac=$(cat /sys/class/net/e*/address)", file=config)
        print("vm_name=vm$1", file=config)
        print("mac_seed=${mac:9:8}-${vm_name}", file=config)
        print("", file=config)

    if uos_type in ("VXWORKS", "ZEPHYR", "WINDOWS", "PREEMPT-RT LINUX"):
        print("vm_name={}_vm$1".format(vm_name), file=config)

    if uos_type in ("CLEARLINUX", "ANDROID", "ALIOS"):
        if board_name in ("apl-mrb", "apl-up2"):
            print("# create a unique tap device for each VM", file=config)
            print("tap=tap_$3", file=config)
            print('tap_exist=$(ip a | grep "$tap" | awk \'{print $1}\')',
            print('if [ "$tap_exist"x != "x" ]; then', file=config)
            print('  echo "tap device existed, reuse $tap"', file=config)
            print("else", file=config)
            print("  ip tuntap add dev $tap mode tap", file=config)
            print("fi", file=config)
            print("", file=config)
            print("# if acrn-br0 exists, add VM's unique tap device under it",
            print("br_exist=$(ip a | grep acrn-br0 | awk '{print $1}')",
            print('if [ "$br_exist"x != "x" -a "$tap_exist"x = "x" ]; then',
                '  echo "acrn-br0 bridge aleady exists, adding new tap device to it..."',
            print('  ip link set "$tap" master acrn-br0', file=config)
            print('  ip link set dev "$tap" down', file=config)
            print('  ip link set dev "$tap" up', file=config)
            print("fi", file=config)
            print("", file=config)
    print("#check if the vm is running or not", file=config)
    print("vm_ps=$(pgrep -a -f acrn-dm)", file=config)
    print('result=$(echo $vm_ps | grep -w "${vm_name}")', file=config)
    print('if [[ "$result" != "" ]]; then', file=config)
    print('  echo "$vm_name is running, can\'t create twice!"', file=config)
    print("  exit", file=config)
    print("fi", file=config)
    print("", file=config)
Exemple #2
def launch_begin(names, virt_io, vmid, config):
    board_name = names['board_name']
    uos_type = names['uos_types'][vmid]

    launch_uos = launch_cfg_lib.undline_name(uos_type).lower()
    tap_network(virt_io, vmid, config)
    run_container(board_name, uos_type, config)
    print("function launch_{}()".format(launch_uos), file=config)
    print("{", file=config)
Exemple #3
def tap_uos_net(names, virt_io, vmid, config):
    uos_type = names['uos_types'][vmid]
    board_name = names['board_name']

    vm_name = launch_cfg_lib.undline_name(uos_type).lower()

    if uos_type in ("CLEARLINUX", "ANDROID", "ALIOS"):
        i = 0
        for mount_flag in launch_cfg_lib.MOUNT_FLAG_DIC[vmid]:
            if not mount_flag:
                i += 1
            blk = virt_io['block'][vmid][i]
            rootfs_img = blk.split(':')[1].strip(':')
            print('if [ ! -f "/data{}/{}" ]; then'.format(i, rootfs_img),
            print('  echo "no /data{}/{}, exit"'.format(i, rootfs_img),
            print("  exit", file=config)
            print("fi", file=config)
            print("", file=config)
            i += 1

        print("#vm-name used to generate uos-mac address", file=config)
        print("mac=$(cat /sys/class/net/e*/address)", file=config)
        print("vm_name=vm$1", file=config)
        print("mac_seed=${mac:9:8}-${vm_name}", file=config)
        print("", file=config)

    if uos_type in ("VXWORKS", "ZEPHYR", "WINDOWS", "PREEMPT-RT LINUX"):
        print("vm_name={}_vm$1".format(vm_name), file=config)

    for net in virt_io['network'][vmid]:
        if net:
            net_name = net
            if ',' in net:
                net_name = net.split(',')[0]
            print("tap_net tap_{}".format(net_name), file=config)

    print("#check if the vm is running or not", file=config)
    print("vm_ps=$(pgrep -a -f acrn-dm)", file=config)
    print('result=$(echo $vm_ps | grep -w "${vm_name}")', file=config)
    print('if [[ "$result" != "" ]]; then', file=config)
    print('  echo "$vm_name is running, can\'t create twice!"', file=config)
    print("  exit", file=config)
    print("fi", file=config)
    print("", file=config)
Exemple #4
def uos_launch(names, args, virt_io, vmid, config):

    gvt_args = args['gvt_args'][vmid]
    uos_type = names['uos_types'][vmid]
    launch_uos = launch_cfg_lib.undline_name(uos_type).lower()
    board_name = names['board_name']
    if 'nuc' in board_name:
        board_name = 'nuc'

    if uos_type == "CLEARLINUX" and board_name in ("apl-mrb", "nuc"):
        print('if [ "$1" = "-C" ];then', file=config)
        print('    if [ $(hostname) = "runc" ]; then', file=config)
        print('            echo "Already in container exit!"', file=config)
        print("            exit", file=config)
        print("    fi", file=config)
        print('    echo "runc_container"', file=config)
        print("    run_container", file=config)
        if board_name == "apl-mrb":
            print("    exit", file=config)
            print("fi", file=config)
            print("else", file=config)
            print('    launch_{} 1 "{}"'.format(launch_uos, gvt_args),
            print("fi", file=config)
        if uos_type in ("VXWORKS", "PREEMPT-RT LINUX", "ZEPHYR"):
            print("launch_{} 1".format(launch_uos), file=config)
        if uos_type in ("CLEARLINUX", "WINDOWS"):
            print('launch_{} 1 "{}"'.format(launch_uos, gvt_args), file=config)

    if is_mount_needed(virt_io, vmid):
        print("", file=config)
        print('launch_{} {} "{}" "{}" $debug'.format(launch_uos, vmid,
                                                     gvt_args, vmid),
        print("", file=config)

        i = 0
        for mount_flag in launch_cfg_lib.MOUNT_FLAG_DIC[vmid]:
            if not mount_flag:
                i += 1
            print("umount /data{}".format(i), file=config)
            i += 1
Exemple #5
def tap_uos_net(names, virt_io, vmid, config):
    uos_type = names['uos_types'][vmid]
    board_name = names['board_name']

    vm_name = launch_cfg_lib.undline_name(uos_type).lower()

    if uos_type in ("CLEARLINUX", "ANDROID", "ALIOS"):
        if board_name in ("apl-mrb", "apl-up2"):
            print('if [ ! -f "/data/{}/{}.img" ]; then'.format(
                vm_name, vm_name),
            print('  echo "no /data/{}/{}.img, exit"'.format(vm_name, vm_name),
            print("  exit", file=config)
            print("fi", file=config)
            print("", file=config)
        print("#vm-name used to generate uos-mac address", file=config)
        print("mac=$(cat /sys/class/net/e*/address)", file=config)
        print("vm_name=vm$1", file=config)
        print("mac_seed=${mac:9:8}-${vm_name}", file=config)
        print("", file=config)

    if uos_type in ("VXWORKS", "ZEPHYR", "WINDOWS", "PREEMPT-RT LINUX"):
        print("vm_name={}_vm$1".format(vm_name), file=config)

    for net in virt_io['network'][vmid]:
        if net:
            net_name = net
            if ',' in net:
                net_name = net.split(',')[0]
            print("tap_net {}".format(net_name), file=config)

    print("#check if the vm is running or not", file=config)
    print("vm_ps=$(pgrep -a -f acrn-dm)", file=config)
    print('result=$(echo $vm_ps | grep -w "${vm_name}")', file=config)
    print('if [[ "$result" != "" ]]; then', file=config)
    print('  echo "$vm_name is running, can\'t create twice!"', file=config)
    print("  exit", file=config)
    print("fi", file=config)
    print("", file=config)
Exemple #6
def launch_begin(board_name, uos_type, config):
    launch_uos = launch_cfg_lib.undline_name(uos_type).lower()
    run_container(board_name, uos_type, config)
    print("function launch_{}()".format(launch_uos), file=config)
    print("{", file=config)