def test_with_multiple_results(self):
        def good_test(self):

        def error_test(self):
            raise Exception('I am an error')

        def fail_test(self):
            assert 1 == 2

        dut_xml = unittestResultsToXml(

        testsuites_element = dut_xml.getroot()
        testsuite_element = testsuites_element.find('testsuite')

        self.assertEqual('1', testsuite_element.attrib['failures'])
        self.assertEqual('1', testsuite_element.attrib['errors'])
        self.assertEqual('3', testsuite_element.attrib['tests'])
    def test_fail_results_serialize(self):
        xml_tree = unittestResultsToXml(
            name='fail_xml', test_results={'active_tests': FailResult()})

        # Simple sanity check - see that there's a child element called active_tests
        child_names = [chld.attrib['name'] for chld in xml_tree.getroot()]
        self.assertEqual(set(child_names), {'active_tests'})
    def test_result_with_failure(self):
        Test we have output as a result of failed test.

        The expected XML output for this test is:

          <testsuite name="run1" failures="1". . . >
            <testcase classname="TestHost" name="test_0" . . . >
              <failure message="assert 1 == 2" . . .>

        Notice there's a failure message child-element of the testcase and
        a count of failed tests.
        def test_that_fails(self):
            assert 1 == 2

        dut_xml = unittestResultsToXml(
                'run1': self.unit_test_result_factory([test_that_fails])

        testsuites_element = dut_xml.getroot()
        testsuite_element = testsuites_element.find('testsuite')
        testcase_element = testsuite_element.find('testcase')
        failure_element = testcase_element.find('failure')

        self.assertEqual('1', testsuite_element.attrib['failures'])
        self.assertIn('1 == 2', failure_element.attrib['message'])
    def test_result_with_error(self):
        Test we have output as a result of an error in a test.

        The expected XML output for this test is:

          <testsuite name="run1" errors="1". . . >
            <testcase classname="TestHost" name="test_0" . . . >
              <error message="This is an error" . . .>

        Python unittest treats exceptions other than AssertionError exceptions
        as 'errors' not failures so they get a different tag, and count.
        def test_that_errors(self):
            raise Exception('This is an error')

        dut_xml = unittestResultsToXml(
                'run1': self.unit_test_result_factory([test_that_errors])

        testsuites_element = dut_xml.getroot()
        testsuite_element = testsuites_element.find('testsuite')
        testcase_element = testsuite_element.find('testcase')
        error_element = testcase_element.find('error')

        self.assertEqual('1', testsuite_element.attrib['errors'])
        self.assertIn('This is an error', error_element.attrib['message'])
    def test_result_with_skipped_test(self):
        Test we have output as a result of a skipped test.

        The expected XML output for this test is:
          <testsuite name="run1" skipped="1". . . >
            <testcase classname="TestHost" name="test_0" . . . >
              <skipped message="My reason is foo" . . . />

        Notice the extra 'skipped' child-element of testcase.
        @unittest.skip('My reason is foo')
        def test_that_is_skipped(self):
            pass  # pragma: no cover

        dut_xml = unittestResultsToXml(
                'run1': self.unit_test_result_factory([test_that_is_skipped])

        testsuites_element = dut_xml.getroot()
        testsuite_element = testsuites_element.find('testsuite')
        testcase_element = testsuite_element.find('testcase')
        skip_element = testcase_element.find('skipped')

        self.assertEqual('1', testsuite_element.attrib['skipped'])
        self.assertEqual('My reason is foo', skip_element.attrib['message'])
    def test_result_that_ran(self):
        Test we have output as a result of a test being run.

        The expected XML output for this test is:
          <testsuite name="run1" . . . >
            <testcase classname="TestHost" name="test_0" . . . />
        # This mostly validates the test setup is good for the other tests
        dut_xml = unittestResultsToXml(
                'run1': self.unit_test_result_factory([lambda self: None])

        testsuites_element = dut_xml.getroot()
        testsuite_element = testsuites_element.find('testsuite')
        testcase_element = testsuite_element.find('testcase')

        # The bare minimum XML we require:
        self.assertEqual('0', testsuite_element.attrib['failures'])
        self.assertEqual('0', testsuite_element.attrib['errors'])
        self.assertEqual('1', testsuite_element.attrib['tests'])
        self.assertEqual('test_0', testcase_element.attrib['name'])
        # Expect a fully qualified class name
Exemple #7
    def test_fail_results_serialize(self):
        def generate_test_description(ready_fn):
            raise Exception('This should never be invoked')  # pragma: no cover

        def test_fail_always(self):
            assert False  # pragma: no cover

        def test_pass_always(self):
            pass  # pragma: no cover

        test_runs = self.source_test_loader(
            post_shutdown_tests=[test_fail_always, test_pass_always])

            1, len(test_runs))  # Not a parametrized launch, so only 1 run

        xml_tree = unittestResultsToXml(name='fail_xml',
                                                       message='Test Message')

        # Simple sanity check - see that there's a child element called active_tests
        child_names = [chld.attrib['name'] for chld in xml_tree.getroot()]
        self.assertEqual(set(child_names), {'active_tests'})

        # Make sure failures is non-zero, otherwise colcon test-result won't recognize this
        # as a failure
        self.assertGreater(int(xml_tree.getroot().get('failures')), 0)
    def test_multiple_test_results(self):
        xml_tree = unittestResultsToXml(name='multiple_launches',
                                            'launch_1': TR(None, True, 1),
                                            'launch_2': TR(None, True, 1),
                                            'launch_3': TR(None, True, 1),

        child_names = [chld.attrib['name'] for chld in xml_tree.getroot()]
                         {'launch_1', 'launch_2', 'launch_3'})
Exemple #9
    def test_skip_results_serialize(self):
        # This checks the case where all unit tests are skipped because of a skip
        # decorator on the generate_test_description function
        @unittest.skip('skip reason string')
        def generate_test_description(ready_fn):
            raise Exception('This should never be invoked')  # pragma: no cover

        class FakePreShutdownTests(unittest.TestCase):
            def test_fail_always(self):
                assert False  # pragma: no cover

        class FakePostShutdownTests(unittest.TestCase):
            def test_fail_always(self):
                assert False  # pragma: no cover

            def test_pass_always(self):
                pass  # pragma: no cover

        test_module = types.ModuleType('test_module')
        test_module.generate_test_description = generate_test_description
        test_module.FakePreShutdownTests = FakePreShutdownTests
        test_module.FakePostShutdownTests = FakePostShutdownTests
        test_runs = LoadTestsFromPythonModule(test_module)

            1, len(test_runs))  # Not a parametrized launch, so only 1 run

        dut_xml = unittestResultsToXml(test_results={
            SkipResult(test_run=test_runs[0], skip_reason='skip message')

        # Make sure the message got into the 'skip' element
        testsuites_element = dut_xml.getroot()
        testsuite_element = testsuites_element.find('testsuite')

        self.assertEqual('0', testsuite_element.attrib['failures'])
        self.assertEqual('0', testsuite_element.attrib['errors'])
        self.assertEqual('3', testsuite_element.attrib['skipped'])
        self.assertEqual('3', testsuite_element.attrib['tests'])

        testcases = testsuite_element.findall('testcase')
        self.assertEqual(3, len(testcases))

        for testcase_element in testcases:
            skip_element = testcase_element.find('skipped')
            self.assertEqual('skip message', skip_element.attrib['message'])
Exemple #10
    def test_skip_results_serialize(self):
        # This checks the case where all unit tests are skipped because of a skip
        # decorator on the generate_test_description function
        @unittest.skip('skip reason string')
        def generate_test_description(ready_fn):
            raise Exception('This should never be invoked')  # pragma: no cover

        def test_fail_always(self):
            assert False  # pragma: no cover

        def test_pass_always(self):
            pass  # pragma: no cover

        test_runs = self.source_test_loader(
            post_shutdown_tests=[test_fail_always, test_pass_always])

            1, len(test_runs))  # Not a parametrized launch, so only 1 run

        dut_xml = unittestResultsToXml(test_results={
            SkipResult(test_run=test_runs[0], skip_reason='skip message')

        # Make sure the message got into the 'skip' element
        testsuites_element = dut_xml.getroot()
        testsuite_element = testsuites_element.find('testsuite')

        self.assertEqual('0', testsuite_element.attrib['failures'])
        self.assertEqual('0', testsuite_element.attrib['errors'])
        self.assertEqual('3', testsuite_element.attrib['skipped'])
        self.assertEqual('3', testsuite_element.attrib['tests'])

        testcases = testsuite_element.findall('testcase')
        self.assertEqual(3, len(testcases))

        for testcase_element in testcases:
            skip_element = testcase_element.find('skipped')
            self.assertEqual('skip message', skip_element.attrib['message'])