#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from launch_utils import launch_util local_debug = True if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == "local" else False hostfile = "config/localnodes" if local_debug else "config/clusternodes" progfile = ("cmake-build-debug" if local_debug else "debug") + "/BasicExample" params = {} env_params = ("GLOG_logtostderr=true " "GLOG_v=-1 " "GLOG_minloglevel=0 ") # use `python scripts/launch.py` to launch the distributed programs # use `python scripts/launch.py kill` to kill the distributed programs launch_util(progfile, hostfile, env_params, params, sys.argv)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from launch_utils import launch_util #hostfile = "machinefiles/local" hostfile = "machinefiles/5node" progfile = "debug/GBDTExample" params = { "hdfs_namenode": "proj10", "hdfs_namenode_port": 9000, "input": "hdfs:///jasper/kdd12", # TODO: replace by your own data } env_params = ( "GLOG_logtostderr=true " "GLOG_v=-1 " "GLOG_minloglevel=0 " # this is to enable hdfs short-circuit read (disable the warning info) # change this path accordingly when we use other cluster # the current setting is for proj5-10 "LIBHDFS3_CONF=/data/opt/course/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml") launch_util(prog_path, hostfile_path, env_params, params, sys.argv)