def __init__(self, wrnn_dims, fc_dims, cond_channels, global_cond_channels): super().__init__() conv_channels = 128 rnn_channels = 512 self.warmup_steps = 64 self.conv0 = Conv4(1, conv_channels, global_cond_channels) self.conv1 = Conv4(conv_channels, conv_channels, global_cond_channels) self.conv2 = Conv4(conv_channels, conv_channels, global_cond_channels) self.rnn0 = RNN4(conv_channels + cond_channels, rnn_channels, self.warmup_steps, global_cond_channels) self.rnn1 = RNN4(conv_channels + rnn_channels, rnn_channels, self.warmup_steps, global_cond_channels) self.rnn2 = RNN4(conv_channels + rnn_channels, rnn_channels, self.warmup_steps, global_cond_channels) self.wavernn = WaveRNN(wrnn_dims, fc_dims, rnn_channels + global_cond_channels, 0) self.delay_c0 = 9 self.delay_c1 = self.delay_c0 + 9 * 4 self.delay_c2 = self.delay_c1 + 9 * 16 self.delay_r0 = self.delay_c2 + self.warmup_steps * 64 self.delay_r1 = self.delay_r0 + self.warmup_steps * 16 self.delay_r2 = self.delay_r1 + self.warmup_steps * 4 self.delay_wr = self.delay_r2 + self.warmup_steps cond_delay = self.delay_wr - self.delay_c2 if cond_delay % 64 != 0: raise RuntimeError(f'Overtone: bad cond delay: {cond_delay}') self.cond_pad = cond_delay // 64
class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self, quantization_channels=256, gru_channels=896, fc_channels=896, lc_channels=80, upsample_factor=(5, 5, 8), use_gru_in_upsample=True): super().__init__() self.upsample = ConvInUpsampleNetwork(upsample_scales=upsample_factor, upsample_activation="none", upsample_activation_params={}, mode="nearest", cin_channels=lc_channels, use_gru=use_gru_in_upsample) self.wavernn = WaveRNN(quantization_channels, gru_channels, fc_channels, lc_channels) def forward(self, inputs, conditions): conditions = self.upsample(conditions.transpose(1, 2)) return self.wavernn(inputs, conditions[:, 1:, :]) def after_update(self): self.wavernn.after_update() def generate(self, conditions): self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): conditions = self.upsample(conditions.transpose(1, 2)) output = self.wavernn.generate(conditions) self.train() return output
def __init__(self, rnn_dims, fc_dims, pad, upsample_factors, feat_dims, DEVICE="cuda"): super().__init__() self.n_classes = 256 self.upsample = UpsampleNetwork(feat_dims, upsample_factors, DEVICE=DEVICE) self.wavernn = WaveRNN(rnn_dims, fc_dims, feat_dims, 0, DEVICE=DEVICE) self.num_params() self.DEVICE = DEVICE
def __init__(self, quantization_channels=256, gru_channels=896, fc_channels=896, lc_channels=80, upsample_factor=(5, 5, 8), use_gru_in_upsample=True): super().__init__() self.upsample = ConvInUpsampleNetwork(upsample_scales=upsample_factor, upsample_activation="none", upsample_activation_params={}, mode="nearest", cin_channels=lc_channels, use_gru=use_gru_in_upsample) self.wavernn = WaveRNN(quantization_channels, gru_channels, fc_channels, lc_channels)
class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self, quantization_channels=256, gru_channels=896, fc_channels=896, lc_channels=80, lc_out_channles=80, upsample_factor=(5, 5, 8), use_lstm=True, lstm_layer=2, upsample_method='duplicate'): super().__init__() self.frame_net = FrameRateNet(lc_channels, lc_out_channles) self.upsample = UpsampleNet(input_size=lc_out_channles, output_size=lc_out_channles, upsample_factor=upsample_factor, use_lstm=use_lstm, lstm_layer=lstm_layer, upsample_method=upsample_method) self.wavernn = WaveRNN(quantization_channels, gru_channels, fc_channels, lc_channels) self.num_params() def forward(self, inputs, conditions): conditions = self.frame_net(conditions.transpose(1, 2)) conditions = self.upsample(conditions.transpose(1, 2)) return self.wavernn(inputs, conditions[:, 1:, :]) def after_update(self): self.wavernn.after_update() def generate(self, conditions): self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): conditions = self.frame_net(conditions.transpose(1, 2)) conditions = self.upsample(conditions.transpose(1, 2)) output = self.wavernn.generate(conditions) self.train() return output def num_params(self): parameters = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.parameters()) parameters = sum([ for p in parameters]) / 1_000_000 print('Trainable Parameters: %.3f million' % parameters)
def __init__(self, quantization_channels=256, gru_channels=896, fc_channels=896, lc_channels=80, lc_out_channles=80, upsample_factor=(5, 5, 8), use_lstm=True, lstm_layer=2, upsample_method='duplicate'): super().__init__() self.frame_net = FrameRateNet(lc_channels, lc_out_channles) self.upsample = UpsampleNet(input_size=lc_out_channles, output_size=lc_out_channles, upsample_factor=upsample_factor, use_lstm=use_lstm, lstm_layer=lstm_layer, upsample_method=upsample_method) self.wavernn = WaveRNN(quantization_channels, gru_channels, fc_channels, lc_channels) self.num_params()
class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self, rnn_dims, fc_dims, pad, upsample_factors, feat_dims): super().__init__() self.n_classes = 256 self.upsample = UpsampleNetwork(feat_dims, upsample_factors) self.wavernn = WaveRNN(rnn_dims, fc_dims, feat_dims, 0) self.num_params() def forward(self, x, mels): #logger.log(f'x: {x.size()} mels: {mels.size()}') cond = self.upsample(mels) #logger.log(f'cond: {cond.size()}') return self.wavernn(x, cond.transpose(1, 2), None, None, None) def after_update(self): self.wavernn.after_update() def preview_upsampling(self, mels): return self.upsample(mels) def forward_generate(self, mels, deterministic=False, use_half=False, verbose=False): n = mels.size(0) if use_half: mels = mels.half() self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): cond = self.upsample(mels) output = self.wavernn.generate(cond.transpose(1, 2), None, None, None, use_half=use_half, verbose=verbose) self.train() return output def num_params(self): parameters = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.parameters()) parameters = sum([ for p in parameters]) / 1_000_000 logger.log('Trainable Parameters: %.3f million' % parameters) def load_state_dict(self, dict): return super().load_state_dict(upgrade_state_dict(dict)) def do_train(self, paths, dataset, optimiser, epochs, batch_size, step, lr=1e-4, valid_index=[], use_half=False): if use_half: import apex optimiser = apex.fp16_utils.FP16_Optimizer(optimiser, dynamic_loss_scale=True) for p in optimiser.param_groups: p['lr'] = lr criterion = nn.NLLLoss().cuda() k = 0 saved_k = 0 print(win_length, hop_length, win_length / hop_length) for e in range(epochs): # trn_loader = DataLoader(dataset, collate_fn=lambda batch: env.collate(0, int( win_length/hop_length), 0, batch), batch_size=batch_size, # num_workers=2, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True) trn_loader = DataLoader( dataset, collate_fn=lambda batch: env.collate(0, 16, 0, batch), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=2, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True) start = time.time() running_loss_c = 0. running_loss_f = 0. iters = len(trn_loader) for i, (mels, coarse, fine, coarse_f, fine_f) in enumerate(trn_loader): mels, coarse, fine, coarse_f, fine_f = mels.cuda( ), coarse.cuda(), fine.cuda(), coarse_f.cuda(), fine_f.cuda() coarse, fine, coarse_f, fine_f = [ t[:, hop_length:1 - hop_length] for t in [coarse, fine, coarse_f, fine_f] ] if use_half: mels = mels.half() coarse_f = coarse_f.half() fine_f = fine_f.half() x =[ coarse_f[:, :-1].unsqueeze(-1), fine_f[:, :-1].unsqueeze(-1), coarse_f[:, 1:].unsqueeze(-1) ], dim=2) p_c, p_f, _h_n = self(x, mels) loss_c = criterion(p_c.transpose(1, 2).float(), coarse[:, 1:]) loss_f = criterion(p_f.transpose(1, 2).float(), fine[:, 1:]) loss = loss_c + loss_f optimiser.zero_grad() if use_half: optimiser.backward(loss) else: loss.backward() optimiser.step() running_loss_c += loss_c.item() running_loss_f += loss_f.item() self.after_update() speed = (i + 1) / (time.time() - start) avg_loss_c = running_loss_c / (i + 1) avg_loss_f = running_loss_f / (i + 1) step += 1 k = step // 1000 logger.status( f'Epoch: {e+1}/{epochs} -- Batch: {i+1}/{iters} -- Loss: c={avg_loss_c:#.4} f={avg_loss_f:#.4} -- Speed: {speed:#.4} steps/sec -- Step: {k}k ' ) os.makedirs(paths.checkpoint_dir, exist_ok=True), paths.model_path()), step) logger.log_current_status() logger.log( f' <saved>; w[0][0] = {self.wavernn.gru.weight_ih_l0[0][0]}') if k > saved_k + 50:, paths.model_hist_path(step)) saved_k = k self.do_generate(paths, step, dataset.path, valid_index, use_half=use_half) def do_generate(self, paths, step, data_path, test_index, deterministic=False, use_half=False, verbose=False): k = step // 1000 test_mels = [np.load(f'{data_path}/mel/{id}.npy') for id in test_index] maxlen = max([x.shape[1] for x in test_mels]) aligned = [[ torch.FloatTensor(x), torch.zeros(80, maxlen - x.shape[1] + 1) ], dim=1) for x in test_mels ] print(torch.stack(aligned).size()) out = self.forward_generate(torch.stack(aligned).cuda(), deterministic, use_half=use_half, verbose=verbose) os.makedirs(paths.gen_path(), exist_ok=True) for i, id in enumerate(test_index): gt = np.load(f'{data_path}/quant/{id}.npy') gt = (gt.astype(np.float32) + 0.5) / (2**15 - 0.5) librosa.output.write_wav( f'{paths.gen_path()}/{k}k_steps_{i}_target.wav', gt, sr=sample_rate) audio = out[i][:len(gt)].cpu().numpy() librosa.output.write_wav( f'{paths.gen_path()}/{k}k_steps_{i}_generated.wav', audio, sr=sample_rate)
class Overtone(nn.Module): def __init__(self, wrnn_dims, fc_dims, cond_channels, global_cond_channels): super().__init__() conv_channels = 128 rnn_channels = 512 self.warmup_steps = 64 self.conv0 = Conv4(1, conv_channels, global_cond_channels) self.conv1 = Conv4(conv_channels, conv_channels, global_cond_channels) self.conv2 = Conv4(conv_channels, conv_channels, global_cond_channels) self.rnn0 = RNN4(conv_channels + cond_channels, rnn_channels, self.warmup_steps, global_cond_channels) self.rnn1 = RNN4(conv_channels + rnn_channels, rnn_channels, self.warmup_steps, global_cond_channels) self.rnn2 = RNN4(conv_channels + rnn_channels, rnn_channels, self.warmup_steps, global_cond_channels) self.wavernn = WaveRNN(wrnn_dims, fc_dims, rnn_channels + global_cond_channels, 0) self.delay_c0 = 9 self.delay_c1 = self.delay_c0 + 9 * 4 self.delay_c2 = self.delay_c1 + 9 * 16 self.delay_r0 = self.delay_c2 + self.warmup_steps * 64 self.delay_r1 = self.delay_r0 + self.warmup_steps * 16 self.delay_r2 = self.delay_r1 + self.warmup_steps * 4 self.delay_wr = self.delay_r2 + self.warmup_steps cond_delay = self.delay_wr - self.delay_c2 if cond_delay % 64 != 0: raise RuntimeError(f'Overtone: bad cond delay: {cond_delay}') self.cond_pad = cond_delay // 64 def forward(self, x, cond, global_cond): n = x.size(0) x_coarse = x[:, :, :1] c0 = self.conv0(x_coarse, global_cond) c1 = self.conv1(c0, global_cond) c2 = self.conv2(c1, global_cond) r0 = self.rnn0([c2, cond]), dim=2), global_cond)[0] r1 = self.rnn1([c1[:, (self.delay_r0 - self.delay_c1) // 16:], r0], dim=2), global_cond)[0] r2 = self.rnn2([c0[:, (self.delay_r1 - self.delay_c0) // 4:], r1], dim=2), global_cond)[0] if global_cond is not None: global_cond = global_cond.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, r2.size(1), -1) cond_w =[r2, global_cond]), dim=2) p_c, p_f, _ = self.wavernn(x[:, self.delay_r2:], cond_w, None, None, None) return p_c[:, self.warmup_steps:], p_f[:, self.warmup_steps:] def generate(self, cond, global_cond, n=None, seq_len=None, verbose=False, use_half=False): start = time.time() if n is None: n = cond.size(0) if seq_len is None: seq_len = (cond.size(1) - self.cond_pad) * 64 if use_half: std_tensor = torch.tensor([]).cuda().half() else: std_tensor = torch.tensor([]).cuda() # Warmup c0 = self.conv0(std_tensor.new_zeros(n, 10, 1), global_cond).repeat(1, 10, 1) c1 = self.conv1(c0, global_cond).repeat(1, 10, 1) c2 = self.conv2(c1, global_cond) if cond is None: pad_cond = None else: pad_cond = cond[:, :self.cond_pad] #logger.log(f'pad_cond: {pad_cond.size()}') r0, h0 = self.rnn0([c2.repeat(1, 85, 1), pad_cond]), dim=2), global_cond) r1, h1 = self.rnn1([c1.repeat(1, 9, 1)[:, :84], r0], dim=2), global_cond) r2, h2 = self.rnn2([c0.repeat(1, 8, 1), r1], dim=2), global_cond) if global_cond is not None: global_cond_1 = global_cond.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, r2.size(1), -1) else: global_cond_1 = None h3 = self.wavernn(std_tensor.new_zeros(n, 64, 3),[r2, global_cond_1]), dim=2))[2] # Create cells cell0 = self.rnn0.to_cell() cell1 = self.rnn1.to_cell() cell2 = self.rnn2.to_cell() wcell = self.wavernn.to_cell() # Main loop! coarse = std_tensor.new_zeros(n, 10, 1) c_val = std_tensor.new_zeros(n) f_val = std_tensor.new_zeros(n) zero = std_tensor.new_zeros(n) output = [] for t in range(seq_len): #logger.log(f't = {t}') t0 = t % 4 ct0 = (-t) % 4 if t0 == 0: t1 = (t // 4) % 4 ct1 = ((-t) // 4) % 4 #logger.log(f'written to c0[{-ct1-1}]') c0[:, -ct1-1].copy_(self.conv0(coarse, global_cond).squeeze(1)) coarse[:, :-4].copy_(coarse[:, 4:]) if t1 == 0: t2 = (t // 16) % 4 ct2 = ((-t) // 16) % 4 #logger.log('read c0') #logger.log(f'written to c1[{-ct2-1}]') c1[:, -ct2-1].copy_(self.conv1(c0, global_cond).squeeze(1)) c0[:, :-4].copy_(c0[:, 4:]) if t2 == 0: #logger.log('read c1') #logger.log('written to c2') c2 = self.conv2(c1, global_cond).squeeze(1) c1[:, :-4].copy_(c1[:, 4:]) #logger.log('read c2') #logger.log('written to r0') if cond is None: inp0 = c2 else: inp0 =[c2, cond[:, t // 64 + self.cond_pad]], dim=1) r0, h0 = cell0(inp0, global_cond, h0) #logger.log(f'read r0[{t2}]') #logger.log(f'written to r1') #logger.log(f'c1: {c1.size()} r0: {r0.size()}') r1, h1 = cell1([c1[:, -ct2-1], r0[:, t2]], dim=1), global_cond, h1) #logger.log(f'read r1[{t1}]') #logger.log(f'written to r2') #logger.log(f'c0: {c0.size()} r1: {r1.size()}') r2, h2 = cell2([c0[:, -ct1-1], r1[:, t1]], dim=1), global_cond, h2) #logger.log(f'read r2[{t0}]') wcond =[r2[:, t0], global_cond]), dim=1) x = torch.stack([c_val, f_val, zero], dim=1) o_c = wcell.forward_c(x, wcond, None, None, h3) c_cat = utils.nn.sample_softmax(o_c).float() c_val_new = (c_cat / 127.5 - 1.0).to(std_tensor) x = torch.stack([c_val, f_val, c_val_new], dim=1) o_f, h3 = wcell.forward_f(x, wcond, None, None, h3) f_cat = utils.nn.sample_softmax(o_f).float() f_val = (f_cat / 127.5 - 1.0).to(std_tensor) c_val = c_val_new sample = (c_cat * 256 + f_cat) / 32767.5 - 1.0 coarse[:, 6+t0].copy_(c_val.unsqueeze(1)) if verbose and t % 10000 < 100: logger.log(f'c={c_cat[0]} f={f_cat[0]} sample={sample[0]}') output.append(sample) if t % 100 == 0 : speed = int((t + 1) / (time.time() - start)) logger.status(f'{t+1}/{seq_len} -- Speed: {speed} samples/sec') return torch.stack(output, dim=1) def after_update(self): self.wavernn.after_update() def pad(self): return self.delay_wr
class Overtone(nn.Module): def __init__(self, wrnn_dims, fc_dims, cond_channels, global_cond_channels): super().__init__() conv_channels = 128 rnn_channels = 512 self.warmup_steps = 64 self.conv0 = Conv4(1, conv_channels, global_cond_channels) self.conv1 = Conv4(conv_channels, conv_channels, global_cond_channels) self.conv2 = Conv4(conv_channels, conv_channels, global_cond_channels) self.rnn0 = RNN4(conv_channels + cond_channels, rnn_channels, self.warmup_steps, global_cond_channels) self.rnn1 = RNN4(conv_channels + rnn_channels, rnn_channels, self.warmup_steps, global_cond_channels) self.rnn2 = RNN4(conv_channels + rnn_channels, rnn_channels, self.warmup_steps, global_cond_channels) self.wavernn = WaveRNN(wrnn_dims, fc_dims, rnn_channels + global_cond_channels, 0) self.delay_c0 = 9 self.delay_c1 = self.delay_c0 + 9 * 4 self.delay_c2 = self.delay_c1 + 9 * 16 self.delay_r0 = self.delay_c2 + self.warmup_steps * 64 self.delay_r1 = self.delay_r0 + self.warmup_steps * 16 self.delay_r2 = self.delay_r1 + self.warmup_steps * 4 self.delay_wr = self.delay_r2 + self.warmup_steps cond_delay = self.delay_wr - self.delay_c2 if cond_delay % 64 != 0: raise RuntimeError(f'Overtone: bad cond delay: {cond_delay}') self.cond_pad = cond_delay // 64 def forward(self, x, cond, global_cond): """ Arguments: global_cond -- speaker one-hot embedding """ n = x.size(0) x_coarse = x[:, :, :1] c0 = self.conv0(x_coarse, global_cond) c1 = self.conv1(c0, global_cond) c2 = self.conv2(c1, global_cond) r0 = self.rnn0([c2, cond]), dim=2), global_cond)[0] r1 = self.rnn1([c1[:, (self.delay_r0 - self.delay_c1) // 16:], r0], dim=2), global_cond)[0] r2 = self.rnn2([c0[:, (self.delay_r1 - self.delay_c0) // 4:], r1], dim=2), global_cond)[0] if global_cond is not None: global_cond = global_cond.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, r2.size(1), -1) cond_w =[r2, global_cond]), dim=2) p_c, p_f, _ = self.wavernn(x[:, self.delay_r2:], cond_w, None, None, None) return p_c[:, self.warmup_steps:], p_f[:, self.warmup_steps:] def generate(self, cond, global_cond, n=None, seq_len=None, verbose=False, use_half=False): """ usecase #1: called from vqvae model during test generation """ start = time.time() if n is None: n = cond.size(0) if seq_len is None: seq_len = (cond.size(1) - self.cond_pad) * 64 if use_half: std_tensor = torch.tensor([]).cuda().half() else: std_tensor = torch.tensor([]).cuda() # Warmup c0 = self.conv0(std_tensor.new_zeros(n, 10, 1), global_cond).repeat(1, 10, 1) c1 = self.conv1(c0, global_cond).repeat(1, 10, 1) c2 = self.conv2(c1, global_cond) if cond is None: pad_cond = None else: pad_cond = cond[:, :self.cond_pad] r0, h0 = self.rnn0([c2.repeat(1, 85, 1), pad_cond]), dim=2), global_cond) r1, h1 = self.rnn1([c1.repeat(1, 9, 1)[:, :84], r0], dim=2), global_cond) r2, h2 = self.rnn2([c0.repeat(1, 8, 1), r1], dim=2), global_cond) if global_cond is not None: global_cond_1 = global_cond.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, r2.size(1), -1) else: global_cond_1 = None h3 = self.wavernn(std_tensor.new_zeros(n, 64, 3),[r2, global_cond_1]), dim=2))[2] # Create cells cell0 = self.rnn0.to_cell() cell1 = self.rnn1.to_cell() cell2 = self.rnn2.to_cell() wcell = self.wavernn.to_cell() # Main loop! coarse = std_tensor.new_zeros(n, 10, 1) c_val = std_tensor.new_zeros(n) f_val = std_tensor.new_zeros(n) zero = std_tensor.new_zeros(n) output = [] for t in range(seq_len): t0 = t % 4 ct0 = (-t) % 4 if t0 == 0: t1 = (t // 4) % 4 ct1 = ((-t) // 4) % 4 # Conv stride4 c0[:, -ct1-1].copy_(self.conv0(coarse, global_cond).squeeze(1)) coarse[:, :-4].copy_(coarse[:, 4:]) if t1 == 0: t2 = (t // 16) % 4 ct2 = ((-t) // 16) % 4 # Conv stride4 c1[:, -ct2-1].copy_(self.conv1(c0, global_cond).squeeze(1)) c0[:, :-4].copy_(c0[:, 4:]) if t2 == 0: # Conv stride4 c2 = self.conv2(c1, global_cond).squeeze(1) c1[:, :-4].copy_(c1[:, 4:]) if cond is None: inp0 = c2 else: # Time-slice of speech-conditioning?? inp0 =[c2, cond[:, t // 64 + self.cond_pad]], dim=1) # RNN0 manually looped here (see autoregressive h0) r0, h0 = cell0(inp0, global_cond, h0) # RNN1 manually looped here (see autoregressive h1) r1, h1 = cell1([c1[:, -ct2-1], r0[:, t2]], dim=1), global_cond, h1) # RNN2 manually looped here (see autoregressive h2) r2, h2 = cell2([c0[:, -ct1-1], r1[:, t1]], dim=1), global_cond, h2) # conditioning for WaveRNN wcond =[r2[:, t0], global_cond]), dim=1) # WaveRNN w/ dual-softmax x = torch.stack([c_val, f_val, zero], dim=1) o_c = wcell.forward_c(x, wcond, None, None, h3) c_cat = utils.nn.sample_softmax(o_c).float() c_val_new = (c_cat / 127.5 - 1.0).to(std_tensor) x = torch.stack([c_val, f_val, c_val_new], dim=1) o_f, h3 = wcell.forward_f(x, wcond, None, None, h3) f_cat = utils.nn.sample_softmax(o_f).float() f_val = (f_cat / 127.5 - 1.0).to(std_tensor) c_val = c_val_new sample = (c_cat * 256 + f_cat) / 32767.5 - 1.0 coarse[:, 6+t0].copy_(c_val.unsqueeze(1)) output.append(sample) return torch.stack(output, dim=1) def after_update(self): self.wavernn.after_update() def pad(self): return self.delay_wr