Exemple #1
)  # workaround to this error: RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

# Object used to manage the output / write functions (cf write_output file)
constant.st = StandartOutput()

# Tab containing all passwords
stdoutRes = []
modules = {}

# Define a dictionary for all modules
for category in get_categories():
    modules[category] = {}

# Add all modules to the dictionary
for module in get_modules():
    modules[module.category][module.options['dest']] = module
modules['mails']['thunderbird'] = Mozilla(
    True)  # For thunderbird (firefox and thunderbird use the same class)

def output():
    if args['output']:
        if os.path.isdir(args['output']):
            constant.folder_name = args['output']
            print '[!] Specify a directory, not a file !'

    if args['write_normal']:
        constant.output = 'txt'
# Configuration
from lazagne.config.header import Header
from lazagne.config.write_output import write_header, write_footer, print_footer, print_debug, parseJsonResultToBuffer, print_output
from lazagne.config.constant import *
from lazagne.config.manageModules import get_categories, get_modules
from lazagne.config.changePrivileges import ListSids, rev2self, impersonate_sid_long_handle

)  # workaround to this error: RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

# Tab containing all passwords
stdoutRes = []

category = get_categories()
moduleNames = get_modules()

# Define a dictionary for all modules
modules = {}
for categoryName in category:
    modules[categoryName] = {}

# Add all modules to the dictionary
for module in moduleNames:
    modules[module.category][module.options['dest']] = module
modules['mails']['thunderbird'] = Mozilla(
    True)  # For thunderbird (firefox and thunderbird use the same class)

def output():
    if args['write_normal']:
Exemple #3
from lazagne.config.header import Header
from lazagne.config.constant import *
import argparse
import time, sys, os
import logging
import shutil
import json
import getpass
import traceback
import ctypes

# Tab containing all passwords
stdoutRes = []

category = get_categories()
moduleNames = get_modules()

# Define a dictionary for all modules
modules = {}
for categoryName in category:
	modules[categoryName] = {}

# Add all modules to the dictionary
for module in moduleNames:
	modules[module.category][module.options['dest']] = module
modules['mails']['thunderbird'] = Mozilla(True) # For thunderbird (firefox and thunderbird use the same class)

def output():
	if args['write_normal']:
		constant.output = 'txt'